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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. BOOTH'S MASSAGE AND ELECTRO - MEDICAL Treatment by] INSTITUTE, GEORGE STREET, DNUEDIN. ' [Tekphono 6M, Massage; Galvaniim, Pafadio and Static Currents, High Frequency C.,Eloci trie Lights Baths, Dry, Hot Air . Bath 3, Radiant-heat Baths (high -'ture,'luminous Rays). Dry Static Baths, Ozone, Vibration, X-Ray,Therapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, etc., etc. QUJFFERERS from Influenia, a2s bottle of npHE Influenza Epidemic.—" Lancer," the S 1 "Lancer" Influenza' Curo will give J. great Infliienza Cure, will act as an wonderful relief; speedy enre. , ' 5s effective preventive; 2s; all chemisti, 6s QYNDICATE FRUIT STORES, Jetty IT) 01 ™ SOW CHEAP SEEDS. kj ■ street—Prima Potatoes (table), Is, la 6d, , . 53 sack; Seed Potatoes, 201b box is; ■ QUTTON'S Seeds are the Finest in the BANANAS, 30 and 40 Is; Marmalade P World. ...... Oranges, 2s 6d case; Lemons; all Fruit o. • , . ■ „ i/«» . ■ .• ' WOW NOW—Sutton s Spccial Asters in 2s at low prices, delivored, ® Paris'. Ostrich Plume, Blushing TURNIPS, 2s 6d sack-Auction Sale at beauty. Giant Comet, Victoria Fireking, Syndicate Rooms, Jetty street, 2 p.m., Snowball. ■ Sitll " :day ' ■ QIDTTON'S Dwarf ■ Defiance MugniEoent REMOVAL NOTICE.-W. L. Btttler, land L 1 Marrowfat Pea, 2jft high. •and estate ; agent, has Removed to 17 BUTTON'S Seeds are from Selected Plants Manse, street. 6s TENNIS Rackets and Croquet Sots for this t GENTS EVERYWHERE ~ season just opened; good selection.. . . ' Tliomaon, Bridger, and Co. ss' ■Srs p r : .S^&ichwooHd fg- 9d; TIfI"ISS HOOPER, Dressmaker, Costimiei maier, Drcsomaking and Dresscuttuig M u er ftn j stationer, 23U George streot, DunTaught; Classes daily.—Address 55 Melville e din oi„„ street, Dunedin. . 2s -— : _—— ... , n Y OU CAN MAKB YOUR °™ Blouses, TSETURN Ca.ll Receipts dated Friday, J. Dresser, and Underwear if you .use 77, J, 0 - Set your Money tack.- Buttrick's Paper Patterns. Brown, Ewing Alf. Brown, George street: 2s ana C o. always keep. 8000 to choose from/ all ANOTHER First-olasa HAIRDRESSER 9d cach - Ne " Boofc cf Paahiona Monthly from Melbourne employed at ree ' 31ftU Hunt's Hairdressing Saloon (opposite Post w PLEASES THE WHOLE FAMILY. M '' -*- There's r.ot a jarring note when A LEX. 'THOMPSON & SONS, Manufao- "KOaK " Tea is used.'.Father, mother, and xL trnrers, 135 Princes street, have the tb ,® chi.dren all .like it wi(ibout.,exccphon. largest stock Stack Covers; lowest prices. Its a Tea, par excellence for tho home. SELLING at bedrock prices: Macintosh "jTNI'LUENZA is infectious. The "Lanoer" Suits, suitable for driving, ■ riding, Cnre'is just as phenomenally successful a motoring; Oilskin Clothing in great variety, preventive as it is a cure. ,' . 5e CALL and Inspect Stock—Horse, Cow VOU LIKE A. COAL FIRE? Covers, Stable Rugs, Buggy Rugs, nHHEN you will appreciate gocjd Coal. Leggings. Cavers Repaired at shortest notice. X Order a trial half ton of " MACItAY" BOXES of Natural Preserved. Maidenhair COAL, and seei .what solid; satiaf^ction to Is 9d and 2s 3d.-Miss 1; i?J VCS /t ' 1 ? s Bfi° a .'.P 0U lt: « Clough Georce street i, . "B 1 " 3 easily—a consideration on a cold gu, u rec - : 1 1 . morning; second, it gives, ft, fine steady " TNFLUENZA."—The "Lancer" Influenza Ileal; and thirdly, it lasts well, leaving JL Care acts with startling rapidity; a few 116 clinker.—LOVELL'S FLAT COAL doses cure; 2s; a-11 chemiste. COMPANY, 2 Vogel atreot. • , BULLION.-Aliuviai and Retorted GOLD TbON'T WAIT PURCHASED at ONE SHILLING per TILL IT IS TOO LATE i ounce above present ruling rates.—A. "H. * VERNON KING. Offices and Plant: 15 - To Seoure a.HOME on the most Lower High street, Dunedin. 3f . ... T „ ■ , „ — : " 7- : favourable terms. NOJV IS YOUR MOORE & BLAIN, Bamboo Workers, 182 nppnnnrwTw i i, George streot.-Varnished Curtain Poles, OPPORTUNITY to become a | with Fittings, from 25.3d. 19ju Member of the Np.-2 Group. CITABRETT'S Fine Mechanical Tools.-A THE UNITED STARR-BOWKETT kj choice selootion of these famous Took— rvrwr, I William Couston, ironmonger, Rattray street. ' BUILDING SOCIETY, T>.ISSTO?J'S Saws, •Stanley Planes, Mathe- r „ „ HARRY. SHRIMPTON, Secretary.son's Planes. Stocks and Dies, Drill Corner Bond and Liverpool streets. Presses, Hand Drills, Broast Drills, Levelß. HriHE COMBINED DINING AND bOBEfIT Stocks and Dies (English, Ameri- ~ j kj can, German) lor engineers, plumbers, w . -rj"™ invited to call and see our blacksmiths, cyclists; ' 2rill Presses; Hand y Designed Table, _now on view. T) T fii a OTdera taken, for tho above. W; LIZZANI, • JN'DIA Oil Stones.—Sharpest and qui&kcsi Expert Billiard Table "Manufacturer, for metal and:general,wood-workers'tools; LOWER HIGH .STREET,. DUNEDIN ft good selection.. (Next Railway Station). . ; mm New Departure Door Bell, . * Specialty. Telephone d ■ A ring; complete, with, push, 3s up; easily fitted. ' ,■ , jQJ U R PRISE' VISiT OR S. ;|p( AS Boiling Stoves, Gas Fires, Gas Fittine3, Electric Bills, Indicators, Bat- What a nuisance'they are,'but'if you keep w , (ii pl SI GE01l(ii! „ HIT]!B ' AII ; T° J *** *•?•»«*.• »i*» CX3USTON, lUttray street. 5s a lovely luncii or tea; , everybody likes it. «RHODEs"^"oo.^D jer« and Dry Clmm, from your groc . ■ ■ ficet' m lbol ° W °" y B ?'u "MAOKAY COAL" BECOMES THE FAVOTTRTTTi 1 ' ■ HAIR' Clippers, Horse Clippers; Machine TfTarrHERPWR ♦•1 r • .. Plates, Ground by Machinery; satisfac- W , iV ? R Si vc ". because it tion guaranteed.—J. JWth, Riverton. ™s such a._ combination of good quali- — — — —. ties. It is a quick lighter, ja l steady, even FRINCE ALFRED INSTITUTE, PnvaU i^ afei ;. "nd a good lister,' giving off no Hospitaj, S4l Groat King street, Dun-. °" ell sivc fumes.; These are points approciedin.—Maternity . Cases, £2 2i per vreek. % "oueewives who have to stand ovor Pali(.nts have their own rooms and their own If) 0 kitten range all morning cooking.. And medical attendant. .. ,7f "» ?n.y lis a half ton! ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH'YOUR LOVELL ' S n V^, COMPANY, J\ COMPLEXION? If not. try Milos . Sldn Food, ivhioh will speedily remove every IDjEAUTY IS DUTY.—Beautiful women all blemish, leaving the skin pure and fresh. JLP ovor the worid use Milos Skin Food, itccoinmended by the medical profession, Guaranteed cure for lines, wrinkles spots and. used by lending beauties all-over the crow's feet, all imperfections of the skin! world.—Sprosen, chemist, Octagon, Dunedin. Hundreds of unsolicited testimonials — DOES THE KITCHEN RANGE - s " ro3<!n ' chcmJsi - ,P-?^^g^£g^__3ojy GIVE you any trouble? Docs the fire [A Gam.] want continually watching and stirring Tpi. OUG LA S ' RAir Qa v : np? It won't if you burn " ILACKAY D ' AMS AY, COAL—the ideal cooking coal. ■ Most - SOLICITOR, ■ housewives are finding it a veritable "° 7 Joel's Buildings, Crawford street, boon. It sives worry, it saves time, Dunedin. it saves labour, and it costs only lis Telephone-No. Si. Mone - v to Lsnd'on Freehold Security at ""iag'T. c.."> i £ rpBIiB OOMPHmOB. money TO LEND. . INTERESTING, INSTRUCTIVE, , NEW and POPULAR. We have Money'to Lend on Here is a LIST, in alphabetical order, of ' Furnitiire T^'p 7 /' ■ "'*ti ""l Fourteen SINGERS who have visited New We Policies, Bond Zealand: —Arral,' Black, Crossley, Dani, Warrants, Freeho.ds, LeaseDolores, Foli, Jansen, Melba, Mills, Patey,' holds, etc. Bills Discounted. Pribglc, Sant:oy, Sherwin, Slapoffski. Writo Largo' or, Small Sums. down the names of the six greatest vocalists Lowest Current Rates of among these in order of merit, Three guineas interest and two guineas will be posted to the two nieresi, Competitors who send in respectively the best : *r'" and second best lists. For tho purposes of D. MOLONEY k CO. this competition, the list whioli contains the wwavptat r wom.inn names for which ths majority vote shall be HNA NCIAL and ESTATE AGENTS, deemed the best. 90 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. ' CONTDmONS TTVAVID ROBERTSON, Sign'writer, Ho"m. Post your list, accompanied ■by a receipt If Painter, Paperhanger; workmanship for 5s .or more from any Triad advertise*, or guarantead.-68 Stuart street. Telephone 1703. for any article advertised in the Triad, to Workmen insured. ' -M "■ Manager, Triad, Dunedin." Mark envelope ——: ' To CLOSE SEP- DON'T USE A SLATY COAL. . . , . V OU don't get value for vour money if '.■Associated Board Exammat'ons. , 1 you d O . Ufe " MACK AY" COAL, and Australian Allianco Co. g e t value and satisfaction. There's'neither , Ballantyne and Co -The Drapers. dllgti nor glnte w ; IH Yo , lt Mer . Bannister, S. S., Chemist. . ohant can supply you. C. and Co., Music Warehouse, — —— • , fcr*' •. iraayj**l- -" s rr asrasatasriro Art Slu<s, °' and luxuriant. Guaranteed for p emateo Si iSfck. T- ** ■ Covent Garden Co., Pure Bread. , Crust and Crust. N.Z. Carrying Co. v: ■ / Davies, George, Tailor. ' DIVIDENDS. Dawson, Stewart and Co., Jewellers. * ' ——~r~ ■ D.1.C., Drapers-and Furnishers, BB OXBURGH AMALGAMATED. MINING Dickinson. C„ Tobacconist. , -it AND SLUICING COMPANY (LTD.). Dntbie Bros., Drapers. A DIVIDEND (the 36th) of SIXPENCE Dunedin School.of Music.' Per Share has been Declared,, and is.made Dunedin Competitions Society. PAYABLE on WEDNESDAY, the. 11th Duniop Tyres. September, 1907. '. ■ Dunne, R„ Pictiire-framer, Warrants will be posted. Feltham, Tailor. JOHN DAVIE, Forrester, Dow, and Co., Sewing Machines, ■' Secretary, . etc, ' September 4, 1907. : Es Fry's Cocoa, M'Phcrson, Kemp, and Co. » • . . Gamble, H., Photo-engraver. 1 Gard'ner. Maitland, any pupil. SHAREBROKERB. Gilby's Commercial Collogc—Education. ' I Z „ Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Golden Tip Koaie Tea. • ffl L 1 G 0 .BROS., Gregg and Co., W„ Coffee, Starch, etc. STOCK & SHAREBROKERS, , tetoJK Delicious Cigars. , STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Hawtoi He^l W Remediis Ute Warehou "' INVESTMENTS A SPECIALTY; ■ Haywdrd and Garraii.- Clifton Oil Engines. ... ' 80 . Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, Australian, Tasraanian, and Auckland Hislop, John, Jeweller. .Mining Shares. Icy Kol—all .Chemists and Hairdressers, , Agents for Lemprieri Bros., Metal Merchants. Jacobs, S.. Tobacconist. CJIEVWRIGHT BROS. & CO. Kirkpatnck. S and Co K Jams. fe (George Sievwright, Member of Dim- - 7 etUa Stock Exchange), Sliarebrokers, Empire ThS™? f "r in' Buildings, Princes street. ' We: make an Lilly Bros Jewdfers active. Specialty of Investment Stocks, Shares, London Organ and Piano Co. and Debentures. J6jy Maypole Soan. - LAND TRANSFERS, ■ Mollisons Drapeis. *j Mortgages, Leases, and. all Documents . ' Jr°f£ Is i ? grap * under the Land Transfer Act proparcd Mellm s x00(l. mo . Statutory Charges, which Tange • . Mrs Millers New Cookery Book-all Book- from TEN SHILLINGS to ONE POUND 1 sellers. • . . • Now Zealand Clothing Factory. Tnr atitcy c STT'RT'MPTftN Nimmo and Blair Seed Merchants. H LICENSED LAND BROKER, orn'tc dontA—e Cor" (Ltd.) FI^ AN , CIAl ' AGENT, & SHAREBROKER, n c vgrthmhuk„„ „ , . V, V Bond and Liverpool streets, Dunedin. MM W.C-W, Sharland and Co. Write for photo cata- TJUGII MITCHELL ' & CO., Jogue. 11 Certificated Speight's Ales. ' Sharebrokers, ' Stand Out Tea, R. Wilson and Co, ' Public Accountants St. George Jams. Auditors, and Financial Agents. Symington b Coffee Essence. MEMBERS 'Dunedin Stock' Exchange. E -. . a ! l .y 'P"P i l- Inquiries Invited. Telophoiie 1236. The Militaiy Pickle—all Grocers. ' • Thomson affd Co., Cordial Manufacturers. Address' ' S o^' CoZanT' . STREET (Opposite Post Office). , Unique Millinery Store. —; — ■ Valine preparations, f .< T . .1 o j • , T ■ . Westport Coal Co.. J. Cameron agent. ~ , . Sandwich Islands widows have Wilton, G. W„ and Co (Limited)-Sydal. J?® 1 * names tattooed on Wimpenny Bros., Motor Mechanics. ' c,r tongues. AN INCREASING DEMAND FOR t^'ciumbeHain?'Pain'Mm.^it " MACKAY" COAL ' ias . 11 ° for sprains and swellings. A pieco of flannel slightly dampened with IS a proof of its superiority for household Pain Balm is superior to :i plaster for lame use. Ita cheapness, too—lis a half ton— baelc or pains in the side or chest. If also is a consideration. Give a trial order. Te'.e- relieves rheumatic pains and makes sleep phojie 317. Office, 2 Vogel street , and rest possibly For sale everywhere.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14000, 5 September 1907, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14000, 5 September 1907, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14000, 5 September 1907, Page 9