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(From Ouk Own Cobbespokdent.) LONDON, July 26. Mr .and Mrs James Brown (Duncdin) and Miss Brown have left London for tho Dublin Exhibition, via Manchester. A tour in Scotland is to follow, and ihey will bo back "in London in Septcmljcr. The trip to England via Canada and 1 New York was a very 'enjoyable one.

Mr Norman St. C. Hales (Wellington) is a. member of the University of Pennsylvania cricket, team which is 011 tour in England at tho present timo, playing the various schools. Tho team is now in Ireland,' where it lias gone to play Dublin University, etc., and afterwards the members will return to , England, competing their tour here about the beginning of August, and then returning to the United States by' the 6.5. Zeeland. For more than thrco years past Mr Hales has been a dental student of tho University of Pennsylvania, from which JlO graduated about two months ago, obtaining tho degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. Aftor a short holiday witJi his brother 011 Lake George, N.Y., lie will, in pctobcr, restimo his work at tho university, taking ji post-graduate comte and doing other special work until his return to Wellington about this timo next year. Ho intends to practice in Wellington.

Miss A. H. Barnott (Duncdin) is spending the summer term taking tuition in kindergarten'work in London, besides attending a courso on' drawing according to the Ablctt system, which is greatly in vogue in England. Since undergoing an operation in London at the beginning of tho year, Miss Barnott. feels , greatly improved in health, and she hopes on her return to New- Zealand to resume work and to bo onablcd to impart to others somo of tho knowledge gained from travelling: experiences. '

On t.ho 21st in6t. the death occurred at Lansdowne road, Holland Park, London, of Mr. John Alexander Barr, late of Duncdin, Now Zealand. His age was 51 years.

Monday was tho prize-distribution day for successful 6tudonts at tho Guildhall School of Music. In the list I notice tho liamo of ono New Zealand student—namely, Mies Audrey. Richardson (Duncdin)—who was tho reoipiont of tho Tillio gold medal. Hor natrto figures again in UlO list of principal scholarships for 1907-8, that of tho Merchant- Taylors Scholarship, value £40 por annum, which has bcon awarded to this , clever littlo violinist.

Sir John Gorst has been speaking at Cardiff at a meeting organiser! by tho Independent Labour party in tho interest of.underfed school children. Sir John said that this was ono of tho easiest and simplest of social reforms, yet nothing practical had been done. Of the .children attending the national schools of the United Kingdom ono-third suffered, not from pangs of hungor, but from insufficient- nutrition, and this was .caused by poverty, ignorance, and neglect on tho part of the parents. On national gfounds something should bo done, for, \yliat wouW become of tho British nation in the next generation if one-third of tho children grew-up weakly from insufficient nutrition, and the moro so when they found that their neighbours jycro paying great attention to it? Thcro were no starving children in Berlin, for tho Germans knew that tho strength of Germany depended upon the health of tho next, generation, amUthey took preci.ous good care to fioo that, their boys and girls were 6trong and healthy and well developed. So did Australia and Now Zealand,'and whoro, ho asked, would the poor damaged' British rising generation be ablo to compete with theso Rations? It was in tho interest. of theso children that the Independent Liberal party had brought a >bill before Parliament.

Mr G. E. Prince was in London a few daj-6 ago, iinving returned from h:u four to Ireljuid; lie went, of course, to tho Dublin Ejdiibition," and was favourably impressed with tho New Zealand' court there. At an ■oarly date lie will leave for America, sis ho intends to return to New Zealand by way of Canada ajid Vancouver, and hop'os to reach tho colonv about the beginning of November. From the bowling point of' view, Mr Prince considers that the New Zealand team did very well. Out of the 22, mutches played, 13 went to their credit and nijio to tho crodit of their various opponents! It was unfortunato that" the season should havo lx*n'so into, for most of tjioir ga-mos had to bo played on, sodden turf, if not in actual, rain: and this was, of oourse, considerably against their chances of success. But all through the tour, was a thoroughly onjoyablo one, and everywhere tho utmost hospitality was met with. Mr Prince lias had somo.private games at. Clio Crystal PaJaeo with Dr W. G. Grace.

Mr Charles Carter, of New Zealand, is ;no'w taking somo of the leading tenor parts in tho present season of opera in English upon which tho Moody-Manners Company has embarked at tho Lyric Theatre. His first appearaiico was in tho part of "Lohengrin," and on Saturday ho appeared in "Pagliacci." In each case ho met with a very favourablo reception.

A wedding of Now- Zealand interest, has lately-'been eolcmiiisecl-in Louden—namely, on July 10, Miss Agnos Helen lforsburgh, oldest daughter: of Mr James' Horsburgh, formerly,of Dunodin, was married to' Mr Thomas Georgo Wayjndn. The ceremony took placo-at St. Luko's Church, Stroud Green, N. .

Ik the class, lists just issued by the oxnminers'' m natural'scionco 'in tho Final Honour Schobl at Oxford the namo of •Mr P. \V.' Robertson, M.A.. of Victoria College University, Now Zealand, appears among 11105.0 of students who have distinguished themselves in clxss I, Mr Robertson is ono of the _ Now Zealand Rhodes scholars, and ho is in rosidoneo at Trinity College.

Mr and Mrs Charles Burnby (Goro) will probably stay in England for a year or two. They are now . visiting relatives in Essex.

For more than hvo years 1 past Dr Harold W. Williams, son of "the Rev. W. J. 'Williams, of New Zealand, Img been officiating in St. Petersburg as correspondent to tho Manchester Guardian, and ho is now in England on a short holiday visit. It will lxi remembered that some years ago Dr Williams obtained tho degree of Doctor of Philosophy, for which he studied in Germany, and that subsequently ho did a good deal of special press work abroad., I hoar that Dr Williams is now collaborating with a Russian journalist in writing a history of tho Russian revolutionary movement.

Tho Coriuthic is a- fairly full 6hip thia time. She sailed from London yesterday, commanded by Captain H. I\ David, and with Dr E. N. Fere as medical officer ore bonrd. In tho third class there aro no forcer than 388 passengers. Thoso in the saloon aro: —Major H. D. Tuson, Dr 11. P. Pipkcrill,- Mrs Pickerill and eon (bound for Duucdin), Mrs ,AV. M. Stonhouse, Mr arid Mm-E. Beaumont and the Misses P. and M. Beaumont, Mr and Mrs E. C. Brown, Mr ajid Mrs 11. Raper, Miss Raper and, Master Raper, Mr and Mrs H. F. Thomas, Mr and Mrs C. Arlnvriglit. Mr and Mrs F. 801 l and two sons, Mr and Mrs ,T. Gordon, tho Misses Gordon (3|. and Master Gordon, Mr and Mrs'J, C. Grinliwr, Mr and Mrs 11, <T. Ileal. Mr and Mrs T. Hocy, Mr and Mrs W. 11. M'Garrv. tho Misses M'Garry (2), and Mrtrfer M'Garry, My and Mrs F, Plumpton, Mr and Mrs H, S. Smith and family (3), Mr awl Mrs R. Wilson, Mrs Hargreaves, Mrs F,. E. Moate, Mrs E. B. Warner, Mrs J. M. Rain, Mrs T. Dow and two sons, Mrs A. Liiirie, Mrs H. Pennine. Mrs Widdop and Miss Widdop, tho Misses Ambler, Atkinson, R. E. Chapman, N. Cullenann,_ F. Fletcher. E, Lame, K, Lowish. A. Matthews. A. ami R. M. Robinson, Messrs K- P. Nimmo. Y. Perez and son, F. C. R. Price. L. Shcelde(oii, C. Wells, ,T. 0. Clark. C. G. Clarke. A. W. Evles. f!. Farcric. F. File, IT. .T. Greenwood.' H. Holm, G. S. Isaacson. A. 'P. •Tones. F. 0. Kidson. B. .T. Lamb, E. R. • Inncostcr, .T. Love. T. M'Clintoek, F. 0. Mappin, .1. Riley, F. D Robi neon, f!. V. j Rock-wood. .T, Roots, 0. Tcudtill, T. Wodcwood. H.' "\V"IIs. M. H. Yoini", «n'l D. T. [Young, alsp Masters AY. and 0. Bellamy.

_ To-day a very lengthy list finds publication of candidates who, hiving passed the required examinations and conformed to the by-laws, liave just been admitted Members of the Royal College of Surgeons. In this list I notice tho names of Mr Andrew John Crawford, Now Zealand University and Middlesex Hospital, and Mr Ivan Stuart Wilson, Now Zealand University.

Tho Very Rev. the Dean of Duncdin and Mrs Fitchctt arc continuing to visit friends in various parts of tho country. Dean Ktchett liU3 toon requested by Bishop Montgomery, secretary of the &.P.G., to preach several sermons on bolialf of that society during t.ho coming month of Octobor, and lias consented to do so. The Dean has decided to remain in the Mother Country until tho end of the current year at any rate. Ho is feeling (and looking) remarkably well at the prcsenti time, and hia health evidently has' been greatly "benefited by his holiday trip.

Mr John Fuller, jun., is just bringing to a close his business mission to this- country, and' he tells me that from that poipt of viow he 'has every reason-to feel satisfied, bo,having realised his intention of advertising widely the theatrical firm which he represents and having laid the foundation for future development. Accompanied by .-.Mrs Fuller, lie will sail from Southampton in. tho middle of next week bv (lie s.s. Adriatio, for New York. Ho will spend six wests in America— three weeks in New York, one week in Chicago, and a fortnight in San Francisco. Then ho will go on to Japan, China, and Australia, reaohing.New Zealand about December.

Tho name of .Mr H. Darling (Oamaru) appeals in various, class-cxaminations in connection with University College Hospital which have recently keen held. In therapeutics ho has. soenred first. . class second certificate;, in obstetrics also first class second certificate. . He has secured fjio l'uke Medal for Practical Pathology, prox. ; aeccwit, and he occupies third place in t.ho Fillitor Exhibition for Pathology.

The closing exhibition and' distribution of prizes in connection with George Watson's Ladies' College. Edinbursrii, took place this week. •To .'Miss Anna P. Davidson (Duncdin, N.Z.) was awarded the prize for Seripture Knowledge pro-entod bv Mr Alexander L. Wallace. Among tho list of presentations to tho • foundation, entitling the 'holders to free education for session 1907-1908 ajid an allowance of £15. £10, £7 10s, or £5,1 notice the name of Miss Anna P. Davidson, of Now Zealand, for students under 16 years of age. and tho name of Miss Dorothv G. Darideon, of Now Zealand, for students under 18 yoais of age,,

Latest callors at the London office of the Now Zealand Government havo included the following from Otatro:— Mr Plate (Port Chalmers). Dr W. M. Smith (Dimedin), Mr W. 0. M'Kollar- (Duncdin), Mr S. K. 0. Skeet (Dunodin).

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14000, 5 September 1907, Page 2

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PERSONAL NOTES FROM LONDON Otago Daily Times, Issue 14000, 5 September 1907, Page 2

PERSONAL NOTES FROM LONDON Otago Daily Times, Issue 14000, 5 September 1907, Page 2