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PHASES OF THE MOON, . ■:* SEPTEMBER. ; New Moon," 1 ... .... 8 8.34 a.m. ♦ First Quarter' ... 15 , 3.10 p.m. |ii r "Kail Moon. ... ... 22 9.4 a.m. j : Quarter « ... 29 11.7 p.m. 'y Apogco 3 7.0 a.m., > Perigee • • 19 4.0 a.m. Sun rises 50t5.5.38. " ,TIIE weather. P'i, >' ' September.'4.-8 a.m.: Calm; overcast. 1 Noon:; Wind, N.E.j-fine Ito overcast. 5 frfj';,;. p.m..Wind;; overcast. , 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.mi .' .„ 29.4- '29.3- 29.3 .V';' 1 ' ';i,Tliorrtiomoter ... ... .4L ',51' . 50' I'y FORECAST.—Mr Paiilin .telephoned as p;!f;- . folliyvs at 10,15 last evening:—" All stations 'K-.. aro warned of .- hea.vy .weather, and also , thunder and: lightning Jo 'tho northward £<s'.* of 44dog, and heavy gales to the'south-east jI.V,/-. ' , . eouth-west -southward of 'the' aboro ■ . dogreo. All stcamore coming to Now Zealand'from. Melbourilo and Sydney will meofc .with unusually lieavy weather." j, WEATHER REPORTS, >. (Per Uhitkd Press AssociAtioh.) '' WELLINGTON, .September-4. t Tho following, aro tho reports of the 1 woithdr at 5 p.m. :— • \ - .Manukau Heads.—Wind W.N.W,; fresh; l»r 29 54, thor. 65; otoudy; bar lumpy. Now Plymouth.—Wind W,; fresh; liar. {■■4 29.34, thor. 54; fine; era. roogh. r Castlcpoint.—Wind N.E.; breeze; iar. ;T- . 29.30, thor- 57,; cloudy: sea heavy. ' ;V:1.: ■ ■ Wellington.—Wind N.W.;'fresh; barV- , < 29 27, ther. 54; gloomy. ) ; ; > . . Wostport.—Wind W.; light; bar, 29.21, v thor 55; gloomy; sea considerable. V2.#•. Kaikourtu—Calm; bar. 29.24, thor.'.'so; A fino, sra cotuidorablo. , - . Bluff—Wind S.E.; light; bar. 29.27; . fino; sea smooth.: ... ■ Southdriy galea, with cold 1 wcathor 'and r rising baromotor, are probablo in all parts )i;. of tho country, ahd, generally, with rain. Snow 19 'on. high country in tho South '. : Island.—R; A. Edwin.; HIGH WATER. ' ■>vSoptember 5— .' . " a.m. p.m. At Taiaroa, Heads ... 1.0 1.25 .At.Port Chalmers ... ... 1.40 2,5 .At Duncdin ... 2.25 2.50j AKIUVAL. ' Rakiura,; b.s., 81 tons, Marks, from Waikawa Keith Ramsay, agent. J -DEPARTURES. ■) InxcrcartfillJ':s.s„ 123 tons, Gillies, for i.i j ; . . Invoreargill.' ,'J. "Bcadlo, jun., agent. ', Rolls, for-Syd-■J •.: ■■■, ■> nejr, via; Cook Strait. . U.S.S. Co., agents. Passorigcrs: ' For Lyttoltoh—Mis3 Vicltormnn For Wellington—Misses Mackerras,' w:Edmonds, Kellv, Roid, itesdamca W. E. Roynolds and child,.Milli Bagley. and child, •4 v .v • M'Ara, JJeid, Messrs' R. 1 Cuddio, J.cF. ihtf iA .'Scott; ;Captain Worrall. For Sydney—Misa : Mickcrras. • , * > « ' ' EXPECrED ARRIVALS. s Calcutta.—Waihom, duo about ! . 15. u';':;'; '■ ' ,]?rom Liverpool.—Olwron, barquontirio, ■< tailed Juno 14. > I 1 Tiom Sydney (via Auckland).—Miowera, ■-. - September 8. . [!. '.• .From Sydnoy (via Wellington).—Waikare, i;t',.. fsoptonibor 7. -'c Ifrom Molbourno (via Bluff).—Warrimoo, |£; 'Scptfember 10. ,■ , «om Auckland,—Talune, September 5. [ii ' PROJECTED DEPARTURES, s '.l >. ' .'Eor Sytbioy (via Cook Strait).—Miowera., Sor-tembcr 11. For Jlelbourne.—Waikaro, September 8. . • '.For Auckland.—Taluno, Soptember 6. • TO ARRIVE. . AT AUCKI.AMD, , ■ICish, loft Now York July 10.. Maori, ■ left 'London August 6., • Ilallamshire, loft Now York August .5. Mimiro, • left Now York August 5. Oriana, 'left New York; August 23. Morayshire, loft London. August 27. . ■ . i.-.'t'l .<T WEt.tINOTOK. ( , ' Corinthio, duo about Soptember 10. Nairrishiro, loft Liverpool July • 27, duo v Octdbor 3.' Whakarua, left London August t-, 2. Ruapchu, loft London August 10; duo about September 24. Arawa, duo October '0. INiwaru, loft London August 30. . .1 AT LlimiON. !i t AVhakotaue, left London August 6. ' Whttkarua, loft London August 1. -W . AT TOOT pHAIUBRS. Sussex, duo September 10. Devon, duo September 13. > • . TO DEPART. FROM WELLINGTON, Athonio, Sopitombor 12, ' HOMEWARD BOUND. l'ongariro, loft Woltington August 2. R'akaio, ■ left Auckland August . 10. i : lonic, left Wellington August 15. Li•i dralema, loft Auokland, September 1. , Orarl, left Woliington Septombor 1. Papanui, left Wellington September 4.

SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, September 4. — Sailed: Taviimi, for Suva; Hauroto, for Rarotonga. ■RUSSELL, September 4.—Arrived: Encounter, H.M.8., from Auckland. ;■■ i WFJiLINGTON, Soptomber 4,—Arrived: Waikaro,' from Sydnoy. Passengers: For . Lyttolton—Messrs Newman, James, Contar, ■ Meares, Graham, Woeks, Hicks, Bayiey, Mesdamos Meares, Bunn, Geo and infant, JMalir and child, .Weeks, M'Rac, Bonningion, Hioks, Bayiey, Misses Galfanoy; i steerage—Messrs Lemotto, Milter, Hogan, •is . Houso, Tiffle„liowis, Holman, Mair, Ronnie, Sing, ( Lutasi Campboll, Mason, Misses Meanoy, Doig,? IW. Dimedin: Saloofl— Messrs Dent, Rev. Dr Nisbet," Williams, Crlllifea,, Mesdam'oß/ Deht, Meiklo, Willings and ; infant; stoorage—Messrs Preseott, Baltor, Turner, Nolan, Ross, Wilson, Uufflo, MiKca- Sccloy.-—Sailed: Melvillo Island, for Newcastle.—-Sailed: 8 p.m., Mararoa, for Lyttoltoii. Passongora: Misses Elmalioi' 1 Konnedy, Rouse, Nb&lo, Jurv> Mcsd&fnee Coxton, Roy, Allison and child, Millar Jury, Messrs Watson, Oaxton, Roy, Wood' Perryman (2),. Paterson,. Rogers, . Ball,' 1 Ewen, Brown, Armstrong, Paris, Armitaco v Ellison (2).. • LYTTELTON, September 4.—Arrived:.' , ' Slorm, ;from Qainaru. Sailed: 3 p.m.', ■ Taluno, for Dunedin, Passenger: Mr o! Nowton. Sailed: 3.55 p.m., Corinna,. for ' 'Wellington J 3.40 p.m., Athonio, for' Gisborub; Oatiopus, for Wcstport; Koonya, for Wcstport; Toroa, for Wellington;. BotornaJiana, for Wellington; Victoria, for Wellington, Napier, Gisborno, and Aitck- - r land. - BLUFF, September 4.—Arrived: Day- :. - ton Grange, from % Dunodin.—Sailed: To Atuiu, for Port Chalmers. % FREMANTLE, Soptembor ■ 4.—Anrived: Victoria, from London. Passengers for Now Zealand—Mr and Mrs Marshall, Mr and ; Mrs Traso, Mr and Mrs Aldreiit and two . • children, Messrs Reeve, Lawrence, Volq, 1 and Freeman. ,

: ' BYDNEY, Soptombor 4.—Arrivod: Wai- '■■■ bom, fro6i Calcutta,—Sailed:' 2.45 p.m., Zealandia. for Auckland MELBOURNE, Scptomber 4,—Sailed: AVarrimob, for 'Bluff.

The direct steamers. ,

AUCKLAND, September 4.—Arrived: Indratfhiri, from Now York and Australia. - WELLINGTON, September 4.-Sailcd: PttTwnui, for J/ondon. Tho Indradovi nnd tho Fifeahirb axrwed at London front Now Zealand on Tuesday.'

Theßaklura arrived yesterday from Wailcawa,;'ahd sails again at noon to-morrow for luvorcargill and. Rivorton. 1 v. :■ , 'Tho liivcrcargill sailed yesterday after-, noon for Inyercargill. Captain Rolls reports that tho Monowai passed tlie>Rimu on' Sunday, on routo for Hobart. , "TTho' Monovfai sailed yesterday afternoon -Sydnoy, via Cook Strait. The British Oanal Commission xecontly Miisidered evidcnco given in favour <Jf a ship canal, practically along ■ tho routo of tho present Forth and Clyde Canal. Tho proposal involves an estimated expenditure of seven millions sterling. .. ' The' signal letters \VPHL havo just been ' alloited' to tho Komata by tlio Registrar.- • ' \ general of British shipping. It was recently arinounocd in tlie Houso of Ix>fds.that v tho pyrolechnio Morso eodo . of signalling is to bo discontinued in tho British,, navy,, and tho Boarxl of Trado.will not impose this modo; ol signalling-upon . ' cahdidates, for. masters arid mates': certi- . ftcafes. .. The barquo Salamanca, 1197 tons, has . h-cen chartered to load a'cargo of tiles at Marseilles for Sydney, LyUolton, and Dun- ■■■■■■ edm. .... 1 -Tlio Talune is duo this forenoon from ■ . • Auckland, via East Coast ports, and sails at 3 n.m. to-morrow on tho return trip. The To Anau is expected to arrive tin's forenoon from tho West Coast, via Bluff, and will 6ail again this • evening or tomorrow moriiing for Oaniaru.. Tho Moura is tluo about noon to-morrow ' , from' Westport.., Sho sails., on Tuesday next ' for Auckland, via East Coast ports, and on arrival 'at Auckland will tranship her Sydney passengers atid cargo to tho Mokoia and rotufn to Duncdin via coastal ports. Mr Edwin Dalby, a young New Zcalander, not yet 25 years.old, has just distinquired himself tjiq 2s?rd

of Trade examination in London for " extra master for both sail and steam."

Tho cargo steamer Melbourne, after completing discharge at Oamaru, is to proceed to Kaipara to load timber for Melbourne.' A Liverpool paper states that the steam dredger Duiker, with her crew of 32 men under. Mr H. 0> Lyons and Mr White, haa returned to Capetown, having been unsuccessful in an attempt to recover the treasure supposed to bo on board tho East Indiaman Grosvenor, which was wrecked near Port St.' Johns in 1782. Rough weather interfered with the operations, and tho Duikor herself narrowly escaped 1059 on two occasions. '

In tho French Budget for 1907 the subventions to tho merchant navy (bounties to shipbuilding and navigation) • amount to £1.626,800, as compared with £1,441,200 in 1906, and £1,274,000 in 1905. The bounties to shipbuilding, by reason of the law of April 19,. 1906, havo risen from £101,200 in. 1906 to. £306,800 in 1907. Theso bounties are fixed at 145 francs (£5 16s) per ton for etoamors, and 95 francs (£3 16s) per ton for iron or steel sailing ships, decreasing annually, after 10 years' standing, at 100 franca per ton for steamers and 65 francs per ton for sailing (ships. Tho connection between stormy weather and tho appearance of <1 comot is not quito clear, nevertheless Captain Ta-ylor, of t.h'o barquentinq Iris, says that during tho wholo_ of hie 45 years at sea lie has never experienced such tempestuous weather as .prevailed during his recent voyage from Tasmania to Port Piric, which occupied 33 days. ' Gales blew from the north-north-west and north-west most of tho time. Ho sheltered for about, a week under Hunter Island, on tho Tasmanian coast, and was' in companv with Iho Wild Wave, which sailed seven days before him. Thoy loft Hunter Island together, but ho lost sight of .tho Wild r Wavo when off King Island.' Ho made Capo Willoughby on August 5, arid stood in, and sighted tho Pages/after four days' running, but could not got through. On the fifth day ho got into Antechambor Bay, and. stopped there until tho following Tuesday, during which timo a galo blew from the north-west. Captain Tnylor says he has had. enough of oomets, as during tho one in 1882 ho experienced nearly as bad weather. . ,'

, Tho, command of (ho Antarctic, exploring .auxiliary steamer Nimrod has been entrusted to Captain Rupert England, who has had provious 'experience in similar exploration, work., Tho chief otficor is Mr John K. Davis, who served his apprenticeship on the ship Celtic'Cliief,'of Liverpool.- and later served •ns second mate of tlio Shaw-Savill clipper Weetland, and was ono of tlio officers of Messrs Dovitt ahd Moorp's- fonr-maated training-barquo Port Jacksrin, which ■ recently, visited Australia. Mr Mnckintooh, the second officor of the Niinrotl, ■ has. of late years, been in tho employ iof tho P. and 0. Company, and served his apprcntiocshin in the main-ekyeail-yard ships Cromdalo and Mount Stewart. ' /

Through the oversight of a foreman the North-Gorman Llovtl liner Kaiecr Wilholm 11, ono of tho flnost vossels in tho Gorman passengor service, and holder of a Transatlantic speed record, sank at her moorings'in Bromcn Harbour on July 20, while coaling. It was at first rumoured that the occurronco was an act of revenge 011 tho |>art.of seamen on strike, but subsequent investigation showed that there was no foundation for tho supposition. The listing lof . tlio. vessel camo with sensational suddenness , about .10 o'clock at, night. Without warnings of any kin'd the Jiugo ship began to lean heavily to port, -and within'a few minutes sho lay flat on her side, with tho wator pouring in torrents through .tho coal-doors and portholes into tho trunkera and tho boiler. a.nd engino rooms.. After tho first confusion had- subsided tlio steam pumps wore set to work, and the wator was kept from reaching the cabins and saloo'nG. It appears that the foreman in charge of tho coal-stowing did not perceive that the ship was not properly, trimmed,. because' as she was partially aground she kopt her equilibrium until ,sho hogain to refloat with tho risinp tide, when sho suddenly leaned over until hundreds of tons of wator. had rushed into her. Tho Kaiser Wilholm II is a twin-screw steamer of 19.361 tons. Sho was built, in 1902 at the Vulcan Works, Stettin, and is registered at the port of Bremen. Sho boat,the Atlantic record last August, when sho covered tho distanco between Now York and Plymouth in 5d 12hr 40min. Tlio mishap recalls a similar accidont to tho Orient liner Orotava at Tilbury in Decomber, 1896. ;

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14000, 5 September 1907, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14000, 5 September 1907, Page 6

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14000, 5 September 1907, Page 6