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AMUSEMENTS. 3- : ! 1 — ' a- WILLIAM GREEN, HAYDN WOOD, )Z WILLIAM GREEN, HAYDN WOOD, | id fipgUnd's FoKmpst Tenor, ""The New PngMuni"- p i« '" p S ■ . HIS MAJESTY'S. - I 19 '* ' THIS EVENING; Ir. I ' ALB A N I k, 9, I s WITH THE MOST NOTABLI-. ;F.RT COMPANY EVER VISITING 1 ;; K. .. .JALAND, , a. as Prices: 6s, 4s, 23. Plan at tlw Drosden, D»y -Sa?e at Jacobs's. rs - 1 id MILDRED JONES, Mr THEODORE FLINT, Conductor. MYRTLE MEGGY', is MILDRED JONES, MYRTLE MEGGY, k, The Favourite Contralto. Brilliant Solo Pianiste. id ' 1 ■ SITUATIONS Y/ANTEP. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS, 'i;fJOMPH!E»T », Palcotok, CASH ADVERTISBHENTS „.d.r lb» i„J----i: Cn-sst is.r c ,rS'pS" s qt.rn.Tte.Mte., "i, ***»£"££ jr g!»£ IiffARRIED Man (w(th small family) wants Sixteen _ Words, and ■ not exceeding IM. SITUATION; 20 years'oxperience farm Twenty-eight Words, One Shilling; or and station.—Address Handy, Henley P.O. ' or One Week, ss. If orders come by letter n Tirrn-TDn —T 7, 77\ T u musl bo understood that double these ww Person), raUs Trill,bo charged unices accompanied I>7 SITUATION as housekeeper one or cash. Amusements, Meetings, Shows, and _ two gentlemen.—-Address 11., Times Office, Similar Announcements. are NCi inserted gj Dmifldin. . 4s in this column at cheap rates, but must be )', -V-OUNG Lady with -knowledge of book- p3id lor at ° rdinarT BCltle ' is 1 keeping desires EMPLOYMENT iricon- WANTED (Immediately), Good Sccondlv ieotioiiers shop or tea looms,-Address Isabel VV hand American WRITING DESK.[e • RmG3 Office. h Address Canada, care Times Office. 5e HAIRDRESSER - First-class Gents' WANTED (Immediately), Financial ASHand seeks ENGAGEMENT; English YV SI3TANCE introduce "Cure for Sea- - and colonial cxperience.-D. 11. Pullen, sieknesa"; has been thoroughly tested-P 1- Timaru. 4s Chief Post Office. ' 5s c ; "POSITION as Ladyhelp.good family, where LEASE, 8-roomed HOUSE i servant or washerwoman kept; VV few acres Land; neighbourhood Mos- - «;oroughly domesticated; Dunedin.-Theta, giel; convenient railway. station.-Ewing, ), Times Office. 4a Fras&r, and Co. , gg iE WANTED to BUY! FERRET.—Stato / WOWIEv- V v price, sex, and where seen Ferret, S ' — Times Office. „ 5s 1, T>UNE'DIN CITY CORPORATION DE- : c. 3-J BENTURES FOR SALE. ' to RENT, 2or 3-roomed COTh It TAGE in the country, with few acres " TENDERS are invited for . tho PUR- , nt rcnt must be low.-Particulars W. CHASE of the following Debentures of £100 M •^? IC3 Office. 5s is n ivs«(, • ~ ~ . ~ "OTANTED, WIOP, with rooms attached, _ Four Debentures issued by the. Dunedin VV town or suburb; weekly rent or lease— 0 City Loan) Waiting Answers. Times Office. 5s . due. Ist March, 1922. bearing interest ; », at £4 10s per centum per annum, Second-hand 8 fo 12, horsepayable half-yearly on Ist March and * * P owcr i g ENGINE; state price.— Ist September. P., Owaka. 4s 5 ' W' A S D 'l^ m ?; l f* rao - 8 ,' r ri : brarin s interest at £5 per centum pc .(•»«*•« !««) & S. " ' annum, payable half-yearly, on Ist M and Co., Wannato. , 3 s m May and Ist November. .TjtrANTED to BUY or RENT, Small j Tenders will bo received for the whole VV BOARDING-HOUSE, going concern; I otttie above Debentures, or any one or more suburb.—Address Urgent, Po't Office of them. Waima'te. • .is b. " Each Tender must be accompanied by a ~r T — marked cheque for £5 per centum of the- COTTAGE (clean, plain) for - amount of the tender. -»- six weeks at Christmas; seaside or I' Should any Tender be accepted, the purchase bush.—Reply Box 230, Dunedin. 43 i. money (less deposit) must be paid within wta-mtoti t mnw u u, —ninr n t. Seven .Days from the date of acceptance. ' W ANTED J ADOPT Healthy CHILD . . The current half-year's -interest wi'l be , * »»Pectabl6 family; kindnessr good • ■ apportioned as at the date o! compWion ot i l ,™ 10 °S? red s' l ,rerau,m rcquired.-Leana, ' s the purchase. ' /' Times Office. ' Tenders must be addressed " Administrator 'jr e WATSON kCO (LTirrrTTi* t„ " s MoWlfe!Wu. «t r ono f h EN6INE ' ? MONDY STEPHENS propeller and reversing gear; . a.most new, ig Princes street, Dunedin, Solicitors for tjjlOß SALE—One 4 h.p. Marshall Portable 3 s . Administrator. ENGINE, steam pressure 1001b; only ~ — . worked six months.—Particulars .from J, E. , 'TENDERS 'Watson and Co. (Limited), Invercargill.' hniWWDPD'S "I -W,--"-'- j .., ... L ■ .riIENDERS invited for Carpoiter's Work to li mSNDERS Wi-i be received «"4 J>.m. -1 Alterations and Additions; labour only. MONDAY,, Sopiomber 9, for the Apply 21 Bath street is CONSTRUCTION of a TENNIS COURT and ~ FIVES COURT at Selwyn Collegiate School] HTIENDERS invited for Brickwork to Alterau Castle street., ~ • tion9 and Additions;, labour and r - BASIL B. Hooper, a;r;l.B.a; scaffolding.-Apply 21 Bath street. •! • • Architect, LENDERS invited for Plumbing Work'to - ,J '§' N 'D _ ,E : -- -. .R •. s.- Alterations and Additions; 'labour and j -*• Material.—Apply 21 Bath street. 55 ; , any Tenders are invited for tlio PURCHASE' ' - q 0n zEon Co. Nt ctc " amountin S W ANTED KNOTO-''Sto» Cloili 1 He- . • (more or less). The Stock is quite newer (regietered) famous staint new, laying all boon purohascd during this remover; no water required; Is boitlo all _ year, bt-ock lists and conditions of sale can grocers. ■ ' c s be seen oil application to Mr J&mos Shears " —■■ • ?. n reiu ' ses > Timaru, or to my Office' to PURCHASE Bacon PIGS; j Dowlmg street, Dunedin. ' ** highest price given. — Irvine aad lo Tenders, , accompanied by a deposit of ten Sanson, Dunedin g m my Office until Noon*of MONDAY^gf"^s e p- '! St. Andrew . teinber, ISO 7 ' bep Engineers and Tool Makers,le Tlie highest or any tender not necessarily ■ Mapl ' iner y ° ur s P^y. n accepted. 'ORESSURE Gauges repaired: Lead-nail Dunedin i H ' ® TATHAM > Trustee. Moulding Machines, Sheet Metal. Dies n Dunedin, 31st August, 1907. 2 s eto TelepUe 1808. ' AERATED WATER AND CORDIAL WANTED KNOWN-That Bergamini Tend' CT . USI —P, ! 0B SALE ' W and . Reid (opposite Leviatlm Si E°ing roncorn oAfc BUSINES^bpLANT 1 ' '* STOCIC-IN-t'bade 1 of A 'SSOBTMENT of Marblo and Granite iLtssraL"--* * *»• , U!S W™?r a r '■ ""• k ?tau--13 fw v up to I 2 o'clock noon of SATUR- a see ' aT 5® lssort " : 7th September, 1907, at the offices mont BERGAMINI & REID'S. iu P - I mJ'ttXwne^ 01 W A NTED KNOWN-Lawn Mower, Re- -- inspected at the premises, street Port ul 1 and Sharpened; Duplicates Is Chalmers; or at the offices of tho Un,W blacksmiths, corner Vogel " signed.—RElD & BUNDLE, Solicitors 10 "" d JerTo ' 3 streets ' 9 , °' vcr Battra y street, Dunedin. 31au Mr A NTED-Jewellcry Salo Prices: Ribbon umAI ER I nOIT Mm v -n Guards £1, Baok Combs 6s, Band -1 0 U N T Y. Rmg3 lis Gd, Gold Brooches 5s Gd, Links ss, k TENDERS will he received at ib» rv„„. i Vatcllc3 5 ° 9 . Bangles £1; inspect our - Offices, Mosgiol, till 5 p.m on THURSDA'/ I » eW Presents.—Himmel, 99 George « 6th September/for the folioiring WORI£S-_ -1— ' "au U hVOry 500 T ° ns Meta1 ' outlaln W ANTED KNOWN-Lawn Mowers SharNo 89 —Sunnk' Tm.'ir m J,, penc<1 > Set ' He P aire(l ! Duplicates kept. y v 0" q ft ' W» v , T , Schlaadt Bros., Cumberland street. 20au d 9p.~pehverjr 100 Yards Metal, North' — — !, Taieri. Tyiss LOGAN, Typist, 5' and 6 Stock la 91.—Supply anJ Delivery 300 Yards Exchange (telephone 126),, Sole Agent s -c Burnside. Bar-Lock Typewriter and Supplies. ~ , specifications with ■ — a COUSTON, "W o ™' SOAP is expressly prepared for u ""*ll County Engineer, Mosgiel. .., ladies subject lo Hair Growth; invalu- ~ -j.r, - r ~ T ~ ~ " ~ able for delicate skins; delightfully perl" -Ao. J. AIV li K &C O, fumed; get a trial, tablet; Is, posted anyn ENGINEERS where.—Hendy, hair specialist, Dunedin. 1> W CRAWFORD STREET, 150YAL Bar-Lock TYPEWRMR used by r _. i JLl ' 1118 King, H.R.H. the ; a Telephone . No. 2108. Prinoo of Wales, " 9tmL B i rit ilJs, igel A atin ° , 'rris Excellency the Governor, both Houses ), p Ammonia, Chloride of JO. 0 f parliament, Hansard Staff, all " GjTvnneV' aT^MunJorf" Pumps.' < If ver ' ll P e " t Court, of Justice, Belt-driven nnd Electric " Blaclanan Fans." T EADING- Legal Firms, Corporations, and 'National" Suction Gas Producer Plants Business Housos. Only full Keyboard (Gold Medal at the ' Derby" trials). Machine, with perfect, visible writing, aud Brown and May's Oil and Steam Engines. /-N-rnr-o-w t ± i 1 i ' Dairy Appliances. Stone Crushing Machinery fek interchangeable Carnages, 10m to "Atlas" Boiler Preservative. Gas Engine V, 27in » to ( li foolscap machine. Oils, Gauges, Indicators, Thermometers. spacer, bi-chrome ribbon, etc, _ Engineers' Stores and Ships' Furnishings. BAR-LOCKS used by Lever Bros., a . and Specifications on Application. p o3t 01BCe ' 3 °° GCMI ' >I Mttf —* *4 i: :■ 1 " = mOBLER'S Swiss Milk CHOCOLATE; odd ; MT..1..T1.M. 1 T AND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES "S. 011 ' 8 ' Nathaniel Seed, 36 Vogel street, , L ' Dunedin. 22ap s NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the nnYPEWRITER.—Carbons, Ribbons, Papers It Several Parcels of LAND hereinafter described A and Sundries for every make of machine 13 rU* T brou ? bt " n " er t!li! provisions Typewriter Headquarters, 10 Rattrav street of The Land Transter Act, 1835," and its r~ — Amendments, unless caveat be lodged for. /THEN Monthly Payments of 10s -will Purs bidding the same within One Month from chase a good MACHlNE.—Typewriter it the Publication hereof in the Gazette:—' Headquarters, 10 Rattray street. 14au !' DAVID EDWARD THEOMIN and TTOME STTTDY n j - ■ ST7 s ? f s '!? ! '- FAE ??, Hi !S- H „. t d™S r KJt J-J i . ssfasaiTjsJrft: is 4735. BOYER Removed 61 Stuart street JOHN RElD.—Section 68, Block XXIV, (opposite St. Paul's). Superfluous > City of Dunedin. Occupied by 5, airs Hales Permanently Removed by ?• Ernest George Timms and Applicant.* ■^l cc troly3is. 23my - ' No ' ' 1786 - TYPEWRITERS, Duplicators, PW • , " , , -*- graphs Repaired; ring up 1830.—The it Diagrams may be inspected at this Office. Typewriter Exchange, 29 Bond street is Dated this 2nd day of September, 1907, at- ; : , tho Lands Registry Office, Dunedin. Ti/jTARKLESS Electrolysis for the removal TO TOVTWTrq o{ Superfluous - Hairs and Moles; 1" , c 1 , guaranteed painless, permanent, and markI® oS Dlstnck Lana Registrar. lcss.-Miss Culling, 40 High street. Tele--1? g ' ■— phone 1248. , 22ju 's A CROWN OF GLORY-A beautiful head TJLOCK LIGHT.—Nono genuine unless v tr gloriously luxuriant hair. Milos 13 stamped "Slock"; all plumbers, and at >s Hair Food will speedily ensure this ranch- 29 Bond street, , Telephona 1830. 22mv " soilglit-afrer treasure. Guaranteed for scurf :— ! 3 yid dandruff, premature greyness, scanty, and "OEN-AND-INK ILLUSTRATING- Taught ™ lln g. bair.—Spxosen, chejaist, Octagon, J., ky Mail. Send for illustrated pros- ,. .fijUKUIBi 30jy P®tuei«ftoriwn ,-SfhofX 1Q s?tt;ay, street.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14000, 5 September 1907, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14000, 5 September 1907, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 14000, 5 September 1907, Page 1