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. AMUBEMENTS. ■ WILLIAM GREEN, .'' HAYDN WOOD v WILLUM GREEN, - , . . . , Kn WOOD," [ Ejgl&ndi Foremost Tenor, . " VTht New P.geaini,'* '■ I .'[. HIS MAJESTY'S. . . ■:• h . ■ ■ ■ , ■ . " ,'"'.".•. i' ' , .' TO-NIGHT, AND TO-MORROW ONLY, :.■•■; Albany' ; . WITH THE MOST NOTABLE CONCERT COMPANY EVER VISITING ; ' ■" " . NEW ZEALAND. * "innvi Prices':- 6s, 4s, 2s, ,'Plan at the JDicEden, Day. Ss.c'at'Jacohi'a ; MILDRED JONES, : ' MYRTLE MEGGY . MILDRED JONES, - • MYRTLE MEGGY Tho.Favourrte CoutraHo. ■ SnUiant Solo Piamste,

'! MIBOELLANEOUS WANTS. • CASH ADVERTISEUENTS under this held-. ing; not exceeding Sixteen Words ■wo insaHed ' for SIXPENCE per • insertion; or'; in- One Week, 2s , ■ 6d; over Sixteen-.Words,- and not exceeding • Twenty-eight Words, One Shilling; or for One Week, ss, If orders come by letter it must be understood ■■ that double these rates will bo charged unless accompanied by cash. Amusem'onts, Meetings, Shows, and Simi'ar Announcements are NOi inserted, in this.cojumn at cheap rates, but.aust be paid for./at ordinary scale, / WANTED,, Second-hand 6 to 12 horsepower,, good ENGINE; , state price — M. P., Owaka, ' . ! j s PURCHASER Waiting Good •Grocery ■. BUSINESS; north - end preferred; cash buyer.-Geerm, -Hally, and Co,, auctioneers. ■ ~• 4 S WANTED KNOWN-"Star" Cloth Renewer (registered) famous . stainremover; no water required; Is bottle, all grocers. " ..,. * 4s WAOT ( ED. (Immediately), .Financial ASSISTANCE introduce " Cure for Seasickness";' has been thoroughly tested.—P..' C.P.0.. .',, ' . - . ■ ■ • 4s WANTED to PURCHASE, Pony, Trap, y.y/.nnd Harness; : must be sound; etate price and where seen.-T-Pony, Times Office. ■ WANTED,- Six Wgallon IRON TAMS, sound.—Apply (etuting price) tG, S. Meredith, and Co., Waimate. WANTED- to'BUY or RENT, Small BOARDING-HOUSE, going concern; suburb.—Address .-'. Urgent, Post - Office, Waimate. .-' ' 3 S FURNISHED COTTAGE (clean, plain) for . six. weeks at Christmas; seaside or\ bush.—Reply Box 230, Dunedin. , 4s WANTED' to ADOPT Healthy CHILD,' . . respectable, family; kindness; good home offered; premium required,—Leana, Times Office. .' ' ' . 8s WANTED, STONE-CRUSHER and SCREEN, corivplote; capacity, price, whero it can' be inspected.—Metal, Times V ' . ': 31au :%: E. , & CO. (LIMITED), H ,tft vorcaigdll, have, for SALE—One 10'h.p. Blackstorie OIL ENGINE, complete, with propeller, and, reversing gear; almost'new.. ■"IJIOR.SAL'E-One h.p'. Marshall Portable' •«- -ENGINE,, steam -pressure lOOlb; only worked six months.--Particu':Ms from J E -wjafaon-and Co : (Limited), Invercargill,/ "-• WANTED KNOWN-Lawn~iowers Repaired and Sharpened; Duplicates kept—Mansons, blacksmiths, 'corner Vo»el and Jervois streets: ' ' ' 2tou W'ANI'ED-Jeweller)- Sale Prices:' Ribbon Guards il, Back Combs 6a, Band Rings Us-fid, Gold Eroocfcs 5s 6d, Links 5s Gold Watches 50s, Banglea JBlj inspect our' new Wedding Presents.-Himmel, 09 George g l "* . , 16au W" ANTED K'NOWN-Lawn Mowers Sharpened, Set, Repaired; Duplicates kept. street. , ■ 20au MISS LOGAN, Typist, 5 and 6 Stock .. Exchange (telophone 126), Sole Agent Bar-Lock , Typewriter and Supplies. .WANTED', ELECTRO-PLATIN6; old »T Ware Re-plated equal to new, at MorTieons Electro-plating Works, Moray place. - TSTANTED-Spoon's, Forks, Cructa, etcT. guaranteed equal to Moray place. "'ffiff 0 ?' , SOAPi ' expressly prepared for ' Iti ladies subject to.Hair Growth; invaluable for. delicate skins; delightfully perfumed;, get a trial tablet; Is, posted any-. waerc-Hendy, hair specialist, Dunodin. EOYAL Bar-Lock TYPEWRITER used by his Majesty--tho King, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, '■ HIS Excellency the -Governor, both Houses of Parliament, Hansard Staff, all Government Departments, Courts of Justice, LEADING Legal Firms, Corporations, and •Business Houses. Only full Keyboard Machine, with)perfect, visible writing, and 'CJEV-EN Interchangeable Carriages, ioin tc27in, to fit, ordinary foolscap machine. Back spacer, bi-chrome ribbon, etc. K(\fi BAIJ-LOCKS used by Lever Bros., u\J\J over Boo'in War Office, 300 General Post Office, London. ( (SOLE Agent for.Otago for Bar-Lock Type- '*-»_ writer and Supplies, . Miss LOGAN, typist, Stock Exchange. Telephone 126. nnOBLER'S Swiss Milk CHOCOLATE; o ad ■ A piicjd^lines.reduced; now obtainable in 3d, Id, 2d, -3d, 6d,.15, and 2s isizes.-Wholo-sale agents, Nathaniel Reed,' 36 Vogol street, punedin, j&p mYP£WRITER;-Carbonß, Ribbons, Papers -JL. and Sundries for every make of machine lypewnter Headqumterg, 10 Rattray street. rriEN Monthly .Payments of 10s will PurX chase a good MACHINE.-Typewriter Headquarters, 10 Rattray street. iW TJOME StUDY-250 different Courses~o A A select jfrpm. Send for free .prospectus. American School,. Rattray street. 3jy Ti/TISS BOYER Removed Gl Stu«t street' !«." (opposite ■ St. Paul's). Superfluous Hairs-and Males Permanently Removed by Electrolyais. . . ' Wm > fpYPEWRITERS, Duplicatoiß, Phono-JL.-graphs-Repaired; ring up IS3o.—The Typewriter Exchange, 29 Bond street. MARKLESS Electrolysis for the lemova', of Superfluous Hairs and Moles; guaranteed painless, permanent, and mark-Icsß.-Miss Culling, 40 High street. Telephone 1248. .. 22ju BLOCK 'LIGHT.—None genuino unless stamped "Block"; all plumbers, and at 29 Bond, street. Telephone 1830. . 22my pEN-AND-INK ILLUSTRATING Taught A Uy Mail.... Send for illustrated pros-pectus.-Canadian School, 10 Ra-ttray street. STOCKTAKING SALE OF SECOND- ' HAND TYPEWRITERS. Second-hand Typewriters at Very Low Prices , to clear. Every.Machine Guaranteed Good Order. Easy Terms of Payment if desired. TYPEWRITER 'HEADQUARTERS. 10 RATTRAY STREET. 14au :'-' ' PUBLIC COMPANIES. ORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE , - SOCIETY. INSURANCES- EFFECTED AT LOWEST .CURRENT RATES. ' LOSSES from-Fire and Lighting Covered Claims Settled with Promptitude and, : Liberality. Agents for Otago: THE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES, ESTATE , AND-AGENCY:COMPANY OF HEW Vv ZEALAND (LIMITED), " '. .'Rattray street, Dunedin. CREME DE BEAUTE.-Beauty Becret of ' the Turkish harem; unsurpassed ■ for the. complexion. Eau de Beaute, specially prepare-Vfor.greasy, skins. Used and reoomfended by Madame Blanche Arral and leading Octfgcn. Dun-

;, SITUATIONS VACANT. >~ K ' T -;• ED, THOROUGHLY COMPETENT LINOTYPE OPERATOR, For Otago Daily Times, Piece work, Permanent situation, . Apply to THE MANAGER, WANTED (Immediately), Bodice and' Skirt. HANDS.-Apply to Miss r Gil- , lespie .(Mrs Dreaver's), George street, 4s WANTED (lor Inveroargill)~Mcr.igent LAD, with a few years', experience at printing' business,—Apply to-day (stating wages required) to Lyon and Co., printers, Invercargill. ' ' ; 4s WANTED immediately), First-class Trouser or Vest HAND; goo* machinist.—Thomson and Beattie, Gore. WANTED, Young GIRL, fake care of two childron,—Apply 111- George sheet. ' SITUATIONS WANTED. ' CASH ADVERTISEMENTS under this heal ing not exceeding Sixteen Woids are inserted for SIXPENCE per-insertion; or forgone Week, 2s Od; over.Sixteen Words and not exceeding Twenty-eight Words, One Shilling; 'or for One Week, ss. If orders como by letter it must be understood (bat doable these' rates' will be charged unless accompanied by cash. WANTED, an Agent's or Canvasser's POSITION at once by thoroughly experienced man.—Address Perseverance, Times Office. 3s M,RS DARROCH. (Telephone 2148) has • Waiting Engagements Competent Housemaid or'Housemaid-Laundress; excel- ■ lent-references; town. 4s . QKENIE, Bond street-, has Good Reliable K) , : Shepherds waiting; good dogs; high or low country; urgent. . 4s /COMPETENT Bread, Pastrycook,'" end \J Ornaroenter (10 .jears' experience), wants SITUATION; town .or country.Compotent, ' Office. 2s MARRIED'Man (with small family) wants SITUATION; 20 years' experience farm. : and station.—Address Handy, Henley P.O. ' I fJEKTIPTOATED Engine-driver seeks ENv - V GA6EMBNT; 10 years' experience; do ■•■ own repairs; highest references. - Piston Times. Office. ( ..-,,,, 09hi} ■O'ESPECTABLE -'lAD" (19). '"' '.Sμ' WORK in'-iron yard or'bond.—Address Bend, Times Office. ':'■ ' ' '3s WANTED, by Dressmaker (experienced), . ENGAGEMENTS by day. ,or' Dress- '• making at, iiomc.—Ray,'Times Office. •' 4s "■ MISS CONNER (opposite Criterion) has Waiting -. Engagement—Good . Housekeeper; first-nla-ss references; town or country. WANTED (by Respectable Person)' '; SITUATION as .housekeeper one or two gentlemen.—Address M., Times Office, Dimedin. ' . . 4 5 ■VTOUNG- Lady with knowledge of. book■J. keeping desiresEMPLOYMENT in confectioner's shop or lea- rooms.—Address Isabel ' .G., Times Office. " ' ' h ■ SITUATION Wanted to take'charge of - small electric plant; da'own repairs; highest references-Address Electric,. Times : Office. 29 au TTAIRDRESSER. - First-class . Gents'. , JO. Hand seeks-ENGAGEMENT; English and colonial experience:—D. H. Pullen, ' Timaru. . ' ■ ' 4s YOUNG Lady, seeks APPOINTMENT as i JL attendant in dentist's "or doctor's 'rooms.—Address Ella, Times Office. 4s \ "jfoOSITION as Ladyhelp good family, where 'JL servant or washerwoman kept; " thoroughly domesticated; Dunedin.—Theta - Times Office. .. 4 a - YOUNG Man (Good Milked wishes SITU A- ''; TION on dairy farm; state wflges.-J. 8., Timos office. • '4s WANTED, SITUATION as housekeeper : or general; two in'family; in town; - thoroughly competent; references.—D. L., i C.P.O._ 4 5 1 MRS DICK, 24 Moray place—Experienced Butcher. Waiting Engagement—Mar- I Tied Couple (station), Nureegirls (12s), House- < maids. 4« \ ■ r— - . — . ( TENDERS j QTAGO EDUCATION: BOARD, j TENDERS will be received till i p.m. on ' MONDAY, tho , IGth September, for the \ REMOVAL of the GYMNASIUM and . JANITOR'S COTTAGE and the ERECTION I of a BUILDING for the Training College at the Union Street School, ' Plans, etc., to be seen at this Office, . j , : P. G. PRYDE, '■•'■'■ , Secretary. 1 Education Office, August 24, 1907. .... \ : ■ . j TpOE SALE BY> TENDER,' - The ' ] HAVELOCK DREDGE AN© CLAIM AND j WATER RACE. f The pontoons are of'kauri and hardwood;" } boiler,. 16 h.p.; engine, 12 h.p.; buckets, " i cubic feet; electric light plant. The ' Dredge, which has always beon kept in first- [ class, repair, is in splendid working order, 1 and capable of dredging to a depth of 21ft. : Tenders will bo received by the Under- j signed up to 6 o'clock p.m. on SATURDAY, : l-lth September, marked " Tender" outside, J and accompanied by cheque for'£lo per cent. J of the amount of tender. The highest or I any tender not necessarily accepted, ' For further particulars apply to ' f H. M'ARA, ' 23,1,1 Secretary, Waitahuna. W THE WORLD'S BEST TIMBER H ' In Ground or Water will Last a, Century. : ihis Famous Timber may be used for any purpose, but is specially suitable for Fenc- -'- ing Building Plates, Piles, Studs and- 1 Joists, Bridge Beams, Piles. Planking, Deck- -1 ing, Wood Paving, <etc. Prices within reach of everyone. Write for list. • I MILLARS' JARRAH CO., :opp. .Wharf.\ SLATING, all branches; repairs promptly iterated competent workmen.—Henry F. Moss, timber merchant, Liverpool street. Telephone 305. ■ '■' Ijy n -A' BATH' : ' '-THAT ' BRACES UP, A Warm Bath to which has been added a ~i tablespdonfulof COLMAN'S MUSTARD has * a wonderfully reviving effect on limbs and ' weary heads. ' I W: "»«'■'• .cJ-*«.iiiea. mm- e

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13999, 4 September 1907, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13999, 4 September 1907, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13999, 4 September 1907, Page 1