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BEPIEMBKB, Now Moon ... .. -_. 8, 8.34 a.m. First Quarter •„. 15 3,10 p.m. ■Full Moon ... ~. -.., 22 9.4 a.m. Last Quarter ... ■_ ... 29 11.7 p.m. Apogc'o ' ... ... 3 7.0 a.ra. Perigee . ... . ..' 19 4.0 THE WEATHER. ' ■ Soptembo: 3.-8 a.m.:. Calm; Ono to overcast. Noon: Calm; overcast. 5 p.m.: Calm; 'overcast. 8 ».m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer ... .". ..;• 29.7' ' 29,0 Z9.5 Thormomotor 45 49 48 FORECAST.-Mr Paulin. telephoned at 10 o'clock last night:—"E.N.E. to S.E. wind, and ram showers." ' ' WEATHER REPORTS, ' (Per United Pbess Association.)' ' ' WELLINGTON, September 3. Tho following, aro tho roporte of • tho weather at 5 p.m. :— ' • r Manukau 'Heads. - Wind W.N.W., breeze, bar. 23.79, ther. S3; cloudy; bar ? smooth. ..••■■'■ .

New Plymouth.—Wind W., light; bar. 1 29 54, ther. 55; Cne; eca emooth. Castlepoint—Wind N.W., breeze'; bar. 2155, ther. 57; cloiwly; eea hoavj. Wcllington.-Wind N.N.W., fresh; bar. 2953, ther. 55; fine. Wos'port.-Wind W., breeze; bar. 29.57, ther. 65; fine; sen modorato swoll." Kaikoura.—Calm; hat. 29.47, ther. C2; fine; eea moderate. ' ■ , t Bluff.-Wind S.E., light; bar.' 29.48, ) thor.'sli foggj-. Wind westerly heavy gale; tides moderate, tea raodorate;. rain probable; glass fall —R. A. 'Edwin, "v 1 HIGHWATER. Seplonibor I—-, , a.m. p.m. At Taiaroa. Heads ... ... — 0.45 A. Port Chjdmera ; 0.40 1.25 At Dunedia 2,10

ARRIVALS: Jimaru, dredfec, 211 tons, Spence, from Timaru. Storm,, s,s., 185. ions,. Wood, from Tiwaru. Invorcargill, s.s., 123 tons, Gillies, from. Timaru.; .'■•.', Mcnotrai, ,5.5.,. 2136. tons, lloUs, from' Melbourne, . vja ' Hobart and the BlufF. Passengers: Missce■ Noylor, Sister Ernes-' tine,""] tayes, Burton (2), : Mesdamcs Suthor- ' land, Duncan, Du(loit, Hade, O'Callaghan . children, Messrs Oablo, Anderson ( Dent, M'Domald, Hade. O'Callaghan, Mill, Fanner, Captain Crawford; and 10 in tho steerage. . ' ' DEPARTURES. ivaramoa,' e.s., 3555 tons, Holmes, for' Lyttcllon, , Mortgage Company, ajonls '■ '..•'■. Kotuna, 2927 tons, Loe, for Sydney. Tin nbuU, Martin; and Co., agents. Victoria, ,1870 tons, Waller, for Sydney, via Auckland Noill and Co., aeento Poaiengc're: For Lyttolfon—Mr B'ridgcmaa. For Wollbgton—Miss Coles, Messrs .Steele, , Barber, Hill. For Napier —Mr Kettle. For Auckland—Misses Pjitorson (2), ; Paisley, Cooper, Mrs Robincon and threo obildron* Messrs Wileon, Crocorabe, Willrrceon, Paesmo're, Hinton. For Sydney--<Mr Jones) and Q?ght in tho eteoragc. '. • : , 3tor(n, fl.s., 186 Wood, for northern. . ports Taploy and Co., agents. , Drayton Grange, s.e., 6958 tone, Muri : ' son, for tho Bluff. Turnbull, Martin, and Co., agents. '.I •EXPECTED' ARRIVALS. "\, 1 % From .Calcutta.— Waihpro, doe about September 15. ■ '. . lfroin Liverpool.i-Oberon, baiquentine, sailed J\me U. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Miowora, September 8. From Sydney (via Wellington).—Waikaro, Soptombor 7. ' From Melboumo (via Bluff).—Warrimoo, September id. ' From Auokland.—Taluno, September 5. PHOJECTED DEPARTURES. For f ydney (via Cook Strait).—Monowoi, Scptcm}«r-4. - ■ ■ I'of llolbourno.—Waikare, Soptctnbor 8. For Auckland.—TaiuTie, September 6. TO. ARRIVE. . . AT. AUOSUND. Indraghtri, left New York Jano 28. lush, loft Now York July 10. Maori, loft London August 6. Hallamshiro, left Now York August 5. Mimiro, left New York August 5. Onana, left New York August 23.' Morayehiro, left London Aupi6t 27, ''.- ■•' AT WELUNGION. Cormthic, duo ..about September 10. Nairn'ihirOi left Liverpool July 27, duo Octobor 3. Whakarua, left London Auguat 2. ltuapohu, left London August 10; diie about September 24',''iiitiwa, duo October 9. Niwarujjleft London August 30. HI .LYTTBt/rON. Whnkfttane, left ' London" August 6. Wbubirua, left London August 1. : ',': AT POM. CHA&jftllS. S»ss.K, September, 10. Devon, due Soptombor 13. , ' ; TO DEPART. ■■ • ' FROM WEttTHGTON. Papt-nui, Septombor 1. Athenio, Soptembcr 12. ~•.'"..' ■ ■.. ' ' ' ! '■ i. HQMEWARD BOUND. Fifeihire, left Auckland (for-West of England), July 11. Indradevi, loft Welliugtoh July 16. Tongariro, left Wellington Auguat 2. Rakaia, loft Auckland 'August 10. lonic, left Wellington August 15. Indraloma, left Auckland' September 1. Orari, loft Wellington Soptembor, 1, '


AUOKLAND,i . September,. 3.-Atrived: Inglowood, barque, from Durban;'North-orii-.OJiicf, barque, from Newcastle.

■TiVELLINGTON, Soptembor 3.-Sailod: 8 p.m., Rotomahana, for Lyttolton. Pμaonworj: Miss Hislop, Mesdames Dicksoij," Morrison, Darling, Captain Lascollcs, Messrs Dickson, Bridge, Davis, Ripley.Pcarce, Morrison, Barclay) Armitagc, Han- , sard,. Lamb, .Androwe, Lauronson, M:H.R., ' Brown.—Sailed: 5, p.m., Tolunb for Lyttelton • and Dunedin; , Passengers: For LjHtclSon—Dr Hcndry, Mrs Hondry. For Dmiodin—Miss Brown. WESTPOBT, Soptornbor 3,-Arrivcd: ■Moura, from Dunedin. LYTTJSLTON, September 3.-Arrived: Kapiti, from : Piiponga.—Sailed: Kapiti, for \Vollington , yid Patca; Miiraroa, for iWellinffton. •• •>'..''

OAMARU, Septombor l-Arrived: 8.30, Coririna, from Dunedin; 7.45 p.m., Storm, from. Port Chahnow.

BLUFF, September ■" 3,-ATrive.d: To Annii, from Groyinouth. . ' SYDNEY, Septembor 3.-Atrivcd: 3 p.m., Wimmcra, from Wellington. MELBOURNE, September 3. — Sa-ilod : Tug Canterbury,, for Lyttolton.


AUCKLAND, Soptembor 3.-Arrived: Hampton, from Now York, via Australia. WELLINGTON, September 3—Thp New Zealand Shipmng i Company's 'steamer Papqnui, whioli sails for London froin Wc|!ington to-morrow, .has booked tho following passengers:—First saloon: From Wolljiigton-Mcsdames M'Kay an<V Howe, McssM S. M'Kay, 0. Eboreon. Second Biiloon:. From' Wellington— Miss M. Shopfiord, Mrs P. H. Shephord, Mr E. She >• herd, ajid Master Shephord. From Auokland—Miss Evans, From Christchurch-

Miss M. Aitkon, Mrs Aitken, Messrs L. Aitkon, H. M. B. Tatlow. From Duncdin—Messrs L. Mackeraey, E. Oallaglisui, W! A. Johnston. A. P. Burton, A. N. Wnkdipld, E. Silk, J. Richmond. Captain Ranson; From. Invorcargill—Mr G. J. MackiJider. Steerage: From Wellington *—Misi !L Bamford. From Auokland-r McssH.J. Kent and A. Starificld. From Chrislcliuroh—Mrs Davidson, Mcesrs Win. Borrio, .J. Patchett, 1 Benjamin M'Lonnari, From Dunodin—M«esrs J, Parker and H. Moycn. From Napier—Mr 15. l'>om Gisboruo—Mr C. Sacks. From Westport—Mr- J. Nelson. From Nelson— \ Wears R. Dow and J. Seominj. From Timnni—Mr W. Gildorslone.

s . ■■ • IMPORTS.

. Per : Monowai, from Molbourno:' 170 ohwts tea, 58 cases Kirilinos, 30 sacks .coffee, 5 drums clover seed, 300 bags sugar, •- 660 do rice, quantity pie iron, 59 incite tin, 125 cases preserved traits, 50 bumllos slates, 21 balce flook,\SO boxce ginger, 675 ...'casos fruit, largo quantity eundri&s and transiiipiriontß ex Mongolia, Ormuz, Kivcrina, Solingcn,'Borge<lorf, and Uinta.

Thp Storm arrived at. 9 a.m. yesterday from northern ports, and sailed again at 1 p.m. for the- north, Tho Timaru suction dredgo arrived at Port Chalmers at 1 a.m. yesterday from Timaru. and was docked at -8 a,m. for overhaul before etartihg work 'in ; Otago Harbour under charter to the Qtago Harbour Board.

Cnptain Brophy, lato pf tho, Corinna, transferred to the Kittawa up north recently, relieving Captain Burgess, who rcturnod to Dunedin. . It if announced tliat the now out through the Bouldor Bank, which forma. Nolsou Ilai'bour, hw boon ooinpletrd, and it is stated that os.«pon ae -a'Vlitllq dredging

has been done inside the harbour the port will be easily navigable for ocean steamers. Tho Nippon Yueen Kaisha (Japan Mail Steamship Company) has lately paid ft dividend.and bonu3 at tho rate of 12 per cent, pot- annum. The. company's fleet agfogivtes 226,976 tons gross, against 283,299 tons a" year ago. 'Tho .following, regulation under , "tho Sydney Harbour Trust Act, 190'J," is gazetted:- 1 -" Every artificial light used on any •■vessel in fho port shall be -securely enclosed and in charge of a trustworthy person. The master of tho vessel shall be responsible tor tho obsorvanco oE thi3 .regulation."

Tho Invercargill arrived at Port Chalmers at 2.30 p.m. yesterday, and loaded transhipments e:t Drayton Grange at tho Botfen pier, after whioh shq steamed up to town, preparatory to ■ sailing to-day for Invorcargill. There y/ae a general oleararico dE'vcssdls out of tbo harbour yesterday, mostly 'steamers;'.of big tonnage. Tho ~Katuna ■,'sailed from* Dunedin. at 6.55 a.m. in ballast for Sydney, follo.wcd in tho afterrtoort by the Victoria., bound for the eamo destipation'; via Auckland and intermediate ports. The' Karamca completed hor djscliarge at" .Port Chalmers-yesterday. forenoon, land sailed at noon for Lytteltbn,'j' followed , a. little later by tho Drayton Grange, which sailed at 1.30 p.m. for Australian jiorte, via Bluff. , ; Captain Holmee has been .placed in commandof tho Union Company'e new tug Tcrawhiti. which recently arrived from,, Homo. > A_ highly satisfactory test of tho vessel's salvage'and fire pumps was mado at Wellington ori Friday, tjie sin hoso throwing a jot; of water 200 ft. Hor special salvage boiler and .gear are on the way out from Homo. '.'•■■. ;-:

' Mr'H. F. Woolf, who lately'pa'saed his examination ai second officer, has joined tho Mokoia as fourth. Mr K. Livingstone, , .lato chief officer oE the Mocraki, left that vessel in Sydney to proceed to, Hobart for orders.- , Jlr Doorly is acting: chief officer of the Mooraki, and Mr D. Mncdonald is acting second officer of that vessel. Mr J. F. Smith, lato of tlw British India Company's (iorvice, has jpined the Moeraki as third. ■■Mγ E. Harris,, late'chief clficer of tho Tat-awora, has transferred to tho Whangapq .in a similar capaoity. Tho Monowai arrived?at. Port Chalmers from Melbourne, via Bliiff,' and borthed «t t.ho, GeorgOy ttrcet pier at 6.45 p.m. yesterday. , . ■'.. She' left 'Melboumo at 10. a.m. on Wednesday last n and arrived at Hobart at 2 a.m. on Friday, sailing again at noon same day, for Bluff, whore she arrived at 3 p;m. oh Monday. She left Bluff at 7 yesterdaj 'for Port Chalmers, arriving .as above.: Ex'porienced strong to moderate', winds and modorato swell thrqugbut tlie voyage. Owjng to her lato arrival last evening tho ; Monowai was unablo to como to town, and will consequently sail from Port this after--noori for Sydney, via Cook Strait. Captain Riclmrd Kolynack, who previously served as -chief mate of- tho "Loch" liiior Loch Bccom, is now in ehargo of that vessel, which left London for Melbourne a fortnight ago. His wedeccssor, Captain William Martin, has finally retired from tho Eoa, aftor a successful career of about 50 years, of which period he pßssctl 40 years as master in various ships, including t.ho Edeiiidale, Iho Lord Civile, tho CltiD llanald (afterwards renamed Loch Rannoch), tho .Benvonue, tbo Ben Vorlich. tho Ben Onkohan, the loch Laiig, and the Looh Broomi On ono voyage thq Bsn Cruachan mado tho run to Melbourne from the Clvdo in (A days, a feat of which Captain Martin. ir«s naturally exceedingly 'proud. ".-.'■ , ' . ' An exchange records tho' invention of a valtfablo a«i to na\-igatore during thick .■weatlibr.. When tho horizon is obscured (as is frequently bho caso on the Now Zealand coast) tho navigator is unable to obtain reliable observations, for latitude and longitude, even though tho sun, moon,'and stars aro'. visible. It also often happens that whan tho natural liori&on 1% apparently defined, tho atinospherio conditions render it unreliable by reason of displacement. V Commander Campbell.. Hepworth, C.8., E.N.R.. JlaTino Superintendent of the Meteorological Office, has invented a vew simple attachment for the, sexUnt, which enables an observer under such conditions to obtain Uio altitude of a iwawnly body, which will never bo out more than eurht minutes of aro.,

Tho total capacity of tho sea-going vessels'which arrived at Hamburg in tho first half of thk you' (says an exchango) was R.I>O6.'OOD tons, which is an inerraso of 252.000 tons Tvhen compared \riUi_ tho corresponding period of 1906. This is tv much smaller increase than occurred in tho first half of each of tho three previous years— jiamelv.-4St.doo in 1906,' 315.000 in 1905, Mid 342,000 in 1904. . ' ._ • Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipn'infr. for 1907-8 says that the tonnajo of tho world .now amounts to 39:438,917 tons,, as compared /with 37,554,017 tone a. j car., ngo, 36,000,893 tons two years ago. 34,789,1F9 tons , - lhroo years ago, and 25.907,451 tons lO'vcars.agb. Tho steam tonnage in the past 12 months lias inoreasod from 31.74t.90t tons to 33.969.811 ton 3, n.n'9 tho sailing ship tonntigo has ilcereasod from.-5,800,113 tons to 5,469.100 tons. Ton years ago fcho sail total was 7,300;839 tons. , . ' Although tho, London underwriting market is admittedly largo (says (in exchange), ihc brokers of tho Canard Lino havo found somo diffioulty in eoniDletinsr the, insurances of the Mauritania and Lrai-.ta-nia., Umler the builders' policies (he Lu«itama wns insured for £1.500,000. to cover' Hip risk of trials; eto., although tlio ..original.' polioies I'm cadi atoam'er wore £1.250,050. On tho Ounard fleet policies tho hoate iiro valued' at £800.000 each, and additional amounts aro placed on what is culled "total loss, tut including ROnoral and salvago oharccs.! The amount placed in this way was- £400,000 jo caoh steamer. This is. now I'ein? increased, to £500,000, and one result of 'such or.ormous lilies being placed ;s that tho rate ■ Rots'stiffer, and whereas liners of .normal values could easily he covorci? at. 21s per cent, for 12 months against total loas only, tho. rates of theso etenthcrs are now over 25s per. cent,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13999, 4 September 1907, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13999, 4 September 1907, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13999, 4 September 1907, Page 4