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AMUSEMENTS. ■ WILLIAM- GRE'EN, .' HAYDN WOOD, : WILLIAM GREEN, * HAYDN WOOD, 1_ . Eogl^d's'Foremost Tenor. ••• "The New PjgoginL"' ! • HIS MAJESTY'S. I . ' I •/ TO-MORROW AND THURSDAY-ONLY, •' /' lALB A N I 1 ' WITH THE MOST NOTABLE CONCERT COMPANY' EVER VISITING , NEW ZEALAND. '• • r Prioes: 6s, 4s, Plan at tho Dresdon. Day Sails at Jaoobu's. ' f MILDRED JONES, - . ' ' MYRTLE MEGGY, 1 MILDRED JONES, • MYRTLE MEGGY, The Favourite Contralto. - Brilliant Solo Pianiste.

jarinianx. cjoio i'lamsto. . •• TENDEns ' ••' . ' rjl' &■'. I .cO V N TY. TENDERS will be received at the County Offices, Mosgiel, till 5, p.m. on THURSDAY sth September, for the following WORKS' — 500 Tons Metal, Outram . Riding. ' No. ,B&.—Supply 500-Tons Metal. ■ No. 90.—Delivery 100 Yards Metal," North Taieri.. No. 91.—Supply wyi Delivery 300 Yards , Ashes. Blirnside. . Specifications with , B. B. COUSTON, HOau County Engineer, Mosgiel. J AS. J. NIV E N & C O. ~ ENGINEERS, , 47 CRA|WFORD STREET. Telephone No. 2108. Linde British Refrigerating Machinery. Standard Anhydrous Ammonia. Chloride of .Calcium. Compressor Oils. ' "Gywnno'a" and "llumford" Pumps, Belt-driven and ; Electric Blackman Fans." " National" Suction Gas Producer Plants (Gold Modal at the ' Derby" trials). Brown and MayV; Oil and Steam Engines. Dairy Appliances. Stone Crushing Machinery. "Atlas" Boiler Preservative. Gas Engine Oils, Gauges,' Indicators, Thermometers. Engineers' Stores and Ships' Furnishings, Prices and Specifications on Application, QLATiNG, all branches; repairs promptly lO dsecuted competent workmen.—Henry F. Moss, timber merchant, Liverpool strwt. Telephone 300. ■ ljy TO LET. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS under this heading not excectnnpr Sixteen Words are inserted, for SIXPENCE per insertion; or for One Week. 2s 6d; over Sixteen Words snd not exceeding Twenty-eight Words, Ona Shilling; -or for One Week, sb. If orders come by letter it milst be understood that double these rates will ba charged unless accompanied by cash. TO LET, Furnished Two-Storey HOUSE; every convenience; cheap for term; penny section.—Address Owner, Box 257. TO LET. a large FRONT ROOM; every possible convenience; piano; 4s Ed; private home; references.—Delta,' Times Office. .• 3s TO LET, Two-roomed COTTAGE; boiler; tubs; large, yard; Venetians- verandah'; fireplaceb; Bs.—'Town, Times Office. !■ TO LET (at Evansdalo); G-roomed HOUSE. • ■ or Four > Rooms, with use of kitchen.— Jfe Shepherd. • ,3b TO LET, 8-roomcd HOUSE; every convenience.—Apply 42 Forth street. WANTED, to LET, CRITERION, PalmerVt ■ ston, for a . term; low rent; good tenant;; no. ingoing.—Mrs Cameron. 1 30au TO LET, 8-ioomed .HOUSE. Maclaggan street; all■ conveniences; 16s per week. Sieywright and Jaines, High street. . 28au STORAGE (large), with facilities for handling heavy goods; Cumberland and St. Andrew streets—Middloton and Co. TO LET (Cheap), Two Largo ROOMS, suitable for sample or storerooms.—Th« Mutual Stores, Limited. Gap TO LET, OFFICES, conveniently situated, Apply Crust and Crust, 3 Manse strcet, EOSLYN.— We have HOUSES of 'everj description to LET;' cheap rents.Waiiher, auctioneer, Roslyn. Telephone. FFI C E 1 LOWER, HIGH STREET. To. LET, with immediate. possession, SUITE of FOUR, ROOMS in Daily Times Company's, Bujlding, Lower High street. These Rooms are well finished and lighted, and the rental is very moderate. Apply to THE MANAGER, Gmy ' Otago' Daily Times. ' GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATIONS. ,J N BANKRUPTCY. ESTATE OF W. J. IMRIE, Blacksmith, , Ontraru. TENDERS are invited, returnable to the Undersigned up to Noon of MONDAY, 9th September, for the GOODWILL of the BUSINESS of the above Bankrnpt, together with the Shop, Machinery, Tools, Fittings, and Stock, as a going ooncem. This business has been carried on successfully for the last 30 years by the late George Rutherford, and is the best appointed country blacksmith's shop in the South Island. For full particulars, stock lists, etc., apply at the premises, Outram; or to Messrs Paterson and Barr, Vogel street, Dunedin; or tc Messrs John Edmond, Princes street, 1 Dunedin; or to the Undorsignod. C. C. GRAHAM, Official Assignee. Dunedin, August 29, 1907. 30au £AND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Several Parcels of LAND hereinafter described will be brought under the provisions of "The Land Transfer Act, 1885," and it< Amendments, unless caveat be lodged forbidding the same within One Month from the Publication hereof in the Gazette:— DAVID EDWARD THEOMIN and GRANT PRESTON FARQUHAIt.Pfttt, of Section 17, Sawyers' Bay District. Occupied by Applicants. No 4785. JOHN RElD.—Section 68, Block XXIV, City of Dunedin. Occupied by .' Ernest Goorge Timms and Applicant. No. 4788. Diagrams may be inspected at this Office. Dated this 2nd day of September, 1907, at the Lands Registry Office, Dunedin. W. WYINKS, 3s District Land Registrar, THE PUBLIC' TRUST OFFICE CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1894."—1n the .ESTATE of JOHN LOVE BEOWN, oi JOHN BROWN, of Dunedin, Fitter, Deceased. All Creditors and other Persons having Claims against the above Estate are Hereby Required to Send to the District Agent of the Public Trustee, at Dunedia, on or befoa-e the 26th day of OCTOBER, 1907, Full Particulars thereof in v/riting, with a Statement of iheit Accounts and the Nature of the Securities (if any)- held by them. And Notice Is Hereby Given that in defiuii thereof they will be Excluded from the Distribution of the above Estate about to be made under Section 47 of the above Act. ' All Moneys' Payable to the above Estate may be lodged to the crcdit of the Public Trustee's Account at any Postal Monej-order Ofncc, oi Paid to F. H. MORICE, Esq., Bistricl Agent of the Public Trustee, Dunedin.—J W. POYNTON, Public Trustee. Public Trust Office, Wellington, 30th August, 1907 A CROWN OF GLORI'—A beautiful head >..8. of gloriously luxuriant hair. Mi!os Hair Food will speedily ensure this much-sought-after treasure. Guaranteed for Bcur! and dandruff, premature greyncss, scanty, and | falling hwr.-Sprcwn, chemist, Octagon Dunedin. jpjj

'• f BIfiiATI,gHVWANTED. , '' ' ANTED (by Young POSITION coiinlry store; experience, references; i can do books.—Books, Times Office. 3s TfiAIRST-CLASS Baker and Wedding Cake- ' Jr maker wants SITUATION.—Address 1 Pastry, Times Office. 3s • ■yoUNG Lady wishes SITUATION as J- housemaid "or waitress; assist b;!T.— 1 Marie, Times 3s THOROUGHLY Capable Man seeks POSITION groom, travelling stallion; seven • years' experience; exceptional references. — I Brew, Stafford street. 3s ' DWUATION Wanted to take charge of smoll eleotric plojit; (la own repairs; highest references.—Address Elcctric, Times J Office. ■ 29au YOUTH (18) wants to LEARN BAKING; X able drive out.—Address (stating wages) Trustworthy Times Office. 28au I MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS under this head* ing not exceeding Sixteen .'Words are inserted for SIXPENCE per. insertion; or. for One Weok,. 2s 6d; oyer [ Siitean Words, and not exceeding [ Twenty-eight Words, One Shilling; or for One Week, 6s. If orders come by letter ; it must be understood that double thaw rates will be charged unless accompanied b7 i wsh. Amusoments, Meetings, Shows, and Simi'ar Announcements are jfG£ inserted » in this column at cheap iates,'bu\ mnst be paid for at ordinary scale. : WANTED, Six 200-gallou IRON TANKS^ ' * ' sound.—Apply (stating price) G. S. Meredith and Co., Waimate. 3s WANTED to BUY or RENT, Small BOARDING-HOUSE, going concern; suburb.—Address Urgent, Post Office, Wflimate. S B WANTED to BUY, with Eix or eight boarders; send pari ticulais at once.—Address Money, - Timos ■ Office. ' 3a WANTED, Small Furnished COTTAGE*, or-Two Good Furnished Rooms; good locality.—M„ M.,, Times Office. 3s •. to ADOPT Healthy 'CHILD, *» ' respectable family; - kindness; goad home offered; premium required.—Leana. ' 'J'" lß3 Office:' ' 3s WANTED,- Good Second-hand ' BEDKOOM SUlTE.—Particulars and price I', to Suite, Timos Office. . ' W A ? TF '? - and. ... J,''SCREEN, complete; capaoity price, 1 ™ Ie '} l Wll ''hi! . inspected —Mclil, Times , oto - ; 31au , 'E. ■ WATSON '& CO. (LIMITED), U r Wvercargill, have for SALE-One 10 h.ti. [ Blaokstono OIL ENGINE, complete, with p propeller and reversing gear; a'most new. One i h.p. Marshall Portable j . ENGINE, steam pressure 1001b; only ' tit j 6 mon ths.—Particulars from J E i Watson and Co. (Limited), Invorcaigill. > ■ WANTED 1 H paired and Sharpened; Duplicates 3 kept.—Mansons, blacksmiths, corner Yogel • and Jervois streets. HOLLY BERRIES Wanted,—State price and quantity to Ilex, Times Office. ' ' I VV ANTED ~ Je,7e,Icr r Sa,a Prices: Ribbon I J." Guards £1, Back Combs 6s, Band . Rings lis 63, Gold Brooches 5s 6d, Links ss, J Gold Watches 50s, Bangles'£l; inspect our new Wedding Presents.—Himmel, 99 George ; strcet ' : 16aii MADAME ELVINO, Scientific Characterreader, Wonderful Psyoliic Tests; cau- , fruited by thoußnnds.-2 Chapman's Terrace, Stuart street. 28 m WANTED KNOWN—Lawn Mowers Sharpened, Set, Repaired; Duplicates kept. Schlaadt Bros., Cumberland streot. « 20au MISS LOGAN, Typist, 5 and 6 Stock Exchange (telephone 126), Solo Agent Bar-Lock Typewriter and Supplies. "WOTOL" SOAP is expressly prepared foiI ii , ladies object to Hair Growth; invalul able for delicate skins;' delightfully perfumed; get. a trial tablet; le, posted anyr whore.—Hendy, hair specialist. Dunedin. SECOND-HAND SACKS ■ Wanted in any quantity.—Apply A. Moritzson and Co. WANTED to,PURCHASE Bacon HGs" ; highest price given.—lrvine and Stevenson, Dunedin, 8 m WILSON. 3c WILSON, 32 St. Andrew street', Engineers and' Tool Makers.— Fine Machinery pur specially. "PRESSURE Gauges repaired; Lead-nail .-*• Moulding Machines, Sheet Metal, Dies, ' oto Telophone 1808. 4ap : WANTED KNOWN—That Bergamini I ' t and Reid (opposite Leviathan Hotel) . have 'just landed a Largo and Varied A SSORTMENT of Marble and Granite -tS. Headstonos and Monuments at prices I which cannot bo beaten. WANTED— Thoso in search of Monuments fo call and see the large assorti ment at BERGAMINI' & REID'S. llap TOBLER'S Swiss Milk CHOCOLATE; odd priced lines reduced; now obtainable in T Jd, Jd, 2d, 3d, 6d, Is, and 2s sizes.—Wliole- : salo agents, Nathaniel Reed, 36 Vogel street, 1 Dunedin. 22ap TYPEWRITER. —Carbops,gibbons, Papers and Sundries for every make of machine. Typewriter Headquarters, 10 Rattray street. TEN Monthly Payments of 10s will Purchase a .good MACHlNE.—Typewriter 3 Headquarters, 10 Rattray street. lJau HOME STUDY—2SO different Courses to _ select from. Send for free prospectus, American School. Rattray street. 3jy "7MTISS BOYER Removed 61 Stuart Btreet •f'-f (opposite St. Paul's). Superfluous Hairs and Moles Permanently Removed by ! Electrolysis S3my § TYPEWRITERS, Duplicator?, Phono's. graphs Repaired; ring -up 1830.—lire ' Typewriter Exchange, 29 Bond street. MARKLESS Electrolysis for the removal of Superfluous Hairs and Moles; i guaranteed painless, permanent, and mft'rki less.—Miss Culling, 40 High itreet. Tele- ; phone 1218, 22ju BLOCK LIGHT.—None, genuine unless stamped " Block "; all plumbers, rnd <it | 29 Bond street. Telephone 1830. 22my PEN-AND-INK ILLUSTRATING Taught' hy Mail. Send for illustrated prosj pectus.—Canadian School, 10. Rattray street. PERSONAL. PARTY who took Parcel addressed Inveicargill. Express Saturday night please ; LEAVE at' Left Luggage Offioe, Railway Station, save iurther trouble. as • TTNCLAIMED MONEY AND PROPERTI'.—NEXT- , U, OF-KIN AKD HEIRS WAHTiSD—Doojlas. ! Register to Neit-oMCin, Helrj-at-Law, Legatees, etc., ' advertised for since 1700. Tile most reliable book ol the kind ever published; 470 pates. Price 2a Od; ; Postige Cd, On »le by WHIXCOUBB & TOMBS, ' bocksellers, Christchurch, Wellington, and Dunedin; or direct from DOUGAL & CO, Claims to Chaowry Punds, Legacits, Ses dues, etc., in all parts e! the World investigated and carried through.—Uougal k •?. 1

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13998, 3 September 1907, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13998, 3 September 1907, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13998, 3 September 1907, Page 1