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AUGUST. tart Quarter 1 1.56 p.m. Now Moon 9 6.6, p . m . Fiiet Quarter 17 8.36 a.m. Full Moon 24 11,45 p.m. Apogee I 6 6.0 p.m. rorigee 22 7,P a.m.' Sun rises to-day 6.40, sets 5.34. -. THE WEATHER. Septombor 2.—8 a.m.: Wind N.E.; overcast and thick. Noon: Wind N.E.; fino to overcast and thick. 5 p.m.: Wind N.E,; weather thick. 8 Bum. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer 29.9 29.8 29.8 Thermometer. ... 46 65 : .63 , FORECAST.—Mr Paul in telephoned at 8.45 last night:—"E.N.E. to S.B. winds; rain showers." WEATHER REPORTS. (P*r United Press Association.) ■ WELLINGTON, Septombcr 2. The following aro tho weather reports at 6 p.m.:— • jlanukau Heads.—Wind W.S.W., breeze; bar. 29,78, ther, 54gloomy; bar smooth. New I'lyrnouth.—Wind S.W., light; bar. 29.63, tlier. 54; fine; sea. smooth.

Castlepoint.—Wind S.W., light; bar. 29.70, ther. 56; cloudy: sea moderate. Wellington.—Wind S.S.E., breeze; bar. 20.63, ther. 60: light rain. Wostport—Wind', W.S.W., broezc; bar. 29.67, thev. L 5; fino; «a moderate cwell. •; Jfaikom'a.—Wind S.W.. light; bar. 29.75, i ' ther. 50; rain; sea smooth. Moderate to strong northerly winds: tides nnd sea moderate; glass fall.—Pv. A. Edwin. : I ■ ' HIGH WATER.

September 3— a.m. p.m. At, Taiaroa Heads' 11.19 11.56 At Port Chalmers 11.59 — At Punedin — 0.45

DEPARTURE. Corinna, e.s., 812 tons, Lindsay, for Onchunga, via way ports. Union Steam ■ . Ship Company, agento. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From Calcutta.—Waihora, duo about September 16. Front Liverpool.—Oberon, barquentine, sailed June 14. '• From' Sydney (via Auckland).—Miowcra, September 8. From Sydney (via Wellington).—Waikaro, Sopte'mbor 7. Fronv. Melbourno (via. Bluff).—Monowai, Septombcr 3. From Auckland.—Talune, Scptembor 5. ' PROJECTED DEPARTURES.

Tor Sydney (via Cook Strait).—Monowai, Soptembor 4. ' ' For Sydney (via Auckland).—Victoria, September 3. For Moltaurno.—Waikarc, September 3. lor Auckland—Talnne, September 6. TO ARIUVE. .'f • AT AUCKLAND. Indrajjhiri anil Hampton, left Now York ■ .Tuno 28. Kish, left Now York July 10. Maori, left London August 6. Hallawshire, loft .Nojv York August 5.. _ Mirniro, loft Now York August 5. Oriana, loft Now York August 23. Morayshire, left : . London August 27. AT WEi.LINfiTON. Corinthio, duo about September 10. Nairnshire, loft Liverpool July 27, duo Ootobor 3. Whakarua, loft London August 1 2. Ruapehu, loft London Auguit 10; due 1. nbout September 24. Arcuva, du» October 1,/' 9. , Niwaru, left London August 30. AT LVTTO.TON. !' \Vhakatano, loft London August 6. Whakarua, left London August 1. ! AT TORT CHALUERS. Sussex, duo Soptembor 10. Devon, due September 13. TO DEPART. FROM WELLINGTON. . Papanyi, Soptembor 4. Athonic, SopternI : , bor 12,

HOMEWARD BOUND. Fifeshire, left Auckland (for West of England), July 11. Indradovi, left Wellington July 16. Tongnriro, loft Wellington August 2. Rakaia, loft Auckland August „ 10. lonic, left Wellington August IS. Indraloma, left Auckland September . 1. Orari, loft Wellington September 1.


AUCKLAND, September 2.—Arrived: ' Wairuna, from Fiji.—Sailed: Mokoia, for Sydney. KAIPARA, Sbptember 2.—Arrived: Huia, auxiliary achooncr, from Lyttelton. WELLINGTON, September 2.—Sailed: 8 p.m.,. Ma-'.aroa, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Missos Anderson, Barckow, Stroller, Jtoaehe, Brandon, Tozor, Sherwood, ]souoh, Fraser, Gill, Denny, Barclay, Spencor, IJartwoll, Flomming, Blytli, Stevens, Hall, j. Lacoj, Mesdamos Somerset, Clifford. Wadnotigii, Sluice, Messrs Gray| Ladd, Mcnziea, Pederson, Strain, Gardner, Massive,• Fuller, Shepperd, Smith, Savifle, Guille, Stridor, FAmcis; Hungott. O'Donnell, Myers, Sherwood, Roberts. LYTTELTON, September 2.—Arrived: 4.5 p.m., Canopus, from Vcstport.— Sailed: 4.30 p.m., Melbourne, for Oaniani. TIMARU, September 2.—Sailed: 5,30 p.m., Storm, {or Dunedin; Tiniaru, <lredg», for Dunedin. BLUFF, September 2.—Arrived: MonnVi'ni, from Molbourno. Fasscngera:. Sistor Ernestine, Mis=es Haves, - Burton, Naylor, Mcsjlnmes Sutherland, Duncan, Divdoit, Hanlo, Mossrs Cable. Anderson, Dent, A [ill, M'Donald. Harde, Fannin, Captain Crawford. Sailed: 5 p.m., Mnhcno, for Hobnit—To sail:' 9 p.m., Monowai, for Dunedin. ,1 , SUVA. Sonlember 2.—Sailed: Manuka; • NEWCASTLE, September 2.-Sailed: liazeJ Craitf, for Gisbome. SYDNKY, Scptomber 2.—H.M.SI Cambrian .Bailed on Saturday. Tho flagship sails on Thursday for Oolomuo to pick up reliof crews.


AUCKLAND, Scptombor 2.—Arrived: Vakiuiui, from London. , Tho Ruapchu, which left Plymouth on August 10 for Wellington, ..continued' her voyage from Capetown last Saturday. Tito Tjimuru suction, drodjro left Timaru yestorday forenoon for Port Chalmers iindor tho command of Captain Spenco. Sho will probably mako Port early this morning, Tho Corinna complotod hor loading at Dunedin yesterday afternoon, and sailed for northern ports. Tho dredge Timaru passed Otogo Heads inward at midnight. , Tho Siorin is expected to arrivo from northorn ports to-morrow foronoon. Tho Homeward Bailinß of tho P&panui has been further delayed until to-morrow, •when sho Icavca Wellington for London, instead of to-day, as previously announced. Tho Monowai, from Melbourne, via ' Bluff, is duo jt Dunedin about noon to-day, Sho fails for Sydney to-morrow at ?■ p.m. from Dunedin. Tho To Anau, having beon dolaycd on tho coast, will not arrive hero before tomorrow evening or Thursday movninir. Tho Wanaka is to leave Suva on Thurs- ' day for Auckland with a cargo of sugar, after which sho proceeds to southern ports. The Rakiura is duo to-morrow rooming wi(h a cargo of timber from Waikawa, nnd sails again on Friday for Invcrcargill and Riverton. Tho Aymerio left Nowcaetlo on Thursday with a. cargo of coal for Wellington and Lyttoltcm. Tho Aparima left Auckland on Sunday mo mine for. Sydney. Sho sails thcnco for l''iii with ;i cargo of coal. Tho .Ttomata is at prcecnt en routo for. Fromantle. whoro sho will dischargO i a cargo of Wcstport coal for tho Australian squadron.' ' Tho Union Company's steamer Komata, is to proceed from Fremantlc to Bunbury" to load' a oargo of jarrah for Auckland and Dunedin. Flags were half-masted at Dunedin wharf and also at tho Port Chalmers signal station yesterday as a tributo of respect to ;ho memory of tho lato Mr G. B. Monson. Mr C. H. Hughes, who has latterly had oJinrgo of tho Union Company's branch office at. Suva, ia to tako chargo of the Auckland branch pro torn., relieving Mr A, B. J. Irvine, who proceeds on a trip to Raro'tonga and Tahiti. JTho Now Zealand Shipping Gazette 6fato9 vlint tho Nora Niven is at prcsont trawling between Napier and Mercury Island. Her present charter expires on Thursday next, and it is understood that tho Government is considerinc tho advisability of chartering the trawler for a furilier period. 'Whilst m Auckland w<itore this trip the Govormnent steamer Hinomoa will bo engased in placing a new iron beacon in the Kawau passage. Tho steel Rtoamer Highland Laddie, 3750 tons gross, has been 6old by the Nelson Line (Ltd.). Liverpool, to t.lio Adelaide Steamship Company. Sho has boon tens m«l Lammcroo. and a few d«.vs ago loft on. a vcrogo to Awtralia. Sho carries about 6500 tons deadweight, having been built, and engined by Messrs Besrdmoro and Co., Glasgow, in 195, with eaiginf* 23in, Pd, and 62is by 48ip stroke.

Mr Edward KnewstubV commenocd duty yesterday as dockmastor and foreman carpenter of Iho X'ort Chalmers dock, eonse(luoat upon tho recent roarrangemont of tno -dock ntdlf. The now appointment does away with tho dudl. control which has hitherto existed.

It is rejjorted from Sydney fliat Captain Pago has been^ appointed to the command of the Nairnshiro. It will bo remembered that Captain Pago was chicf officor of tho vessel when Captain Olson died during Iho last , voyage Home,' and assumed command during-tho remainder of tho voyage. The ICaramea is expected to sail for Lytihlton about noon 10-day. After coin- : ploting ' her discharge at New Zealand ports sho is, to load , at Australian ports, and will probably proceed to London, via Natal. _ She loaded tho following cargo whilst in port:—lSO bales wool and sheepskins, 203 drams glycerine, 10 bales rabbitskiris, 237 bugs tin clippings, 26 bales flax, 137 bags scneelito Cargo dischargo has been somewhat retardoa on the Katuna owing to a scarcity of wharf labour, consequently (he vessel n* una,bio to got away yesterday as originally intended. Sbo is to sail this morning early for Sjylnoy and Newcastle. Vory thick wcathor has prevailed in the vicinity of Taiatca Heads during, the pa3t couplo of days, necessitating almost continuous use of tho detonating fog signals. Captain Worrall states that lie heard the signals when about live miles oIT on Sunday morning, the signals materially assisting him in bringing tho Victoria in safely. The fog hung more or less heavily about the' Heads all day yesterday, tho fog signals being kept going throughout tho day. The petrol motor boat, is steadily enlarging its sphere of usefulness in colonial waters. . According to the Melbourne Argus:—A motor boat is being built locally for U6O in Hebron's Bay by tho Victorian Sea Pilot's Company. Tho vessel, which was designed by Pilot Press, looks a hand6omo model. Sho will bo launched probably in a week's time. Sho is built of only,the brat materials, her planking being kauri, her timbcre blackwood, while tho 6teni, stern-post, and keel are of jarrah. All latest improvements have been installed, including a brass rudder _ fitted insido the stern-post, and she will bo stoerod from amidships d.v wheel. In the midihip section a 12J b.p. d.c. 'Frisco Standard engine has been installed, and tliia is proteotod by a whalebael; construction. A fine roomy cabin is to bo placed aft, and when finished _ the little vessol should prove an acquisition to the fleet in tho bay. '"Her dimensions are:—Length, over all, 30ft 9in; length water line, 29ft 9in; 'boam, Bft 9in; depth, 4ft 6in; while she.draws sft 6in aft and lffc Bin forward. The U.S. and A. Line steamer Hampton, from Now York, is expected to_ leave Sydney this week for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttclton, and Port Chalmers. It is re.])oi'tctl that during her run across the Southern Ocean a fire broke out in her bunkers, and I hat sho put into Capetown about tho 18th lilt., but fortunately sho cscapcd' damage. It is also reported that tho vessel encountered heavy woatner and sustained ?omo slight, damage to her boats and dock fittings. Tho New Zealand shipping Company are the local agents for the Hampton, wiiich is now duo at Auckland. Accord. to local advices the steamer Kasemho, '1658 tons, has been fixed to load for Vancouver in place of tho Bucenianr, and will leave New Zealand towards tho end of September. The Knacmbe, which nrrivod at Sydney last week, is a now steamer, this being her maiden voyage. She was launched at Glasgow a few montjis a"o and is commanded bv Captain Anderson. . Mr Cioary, of Lyttclton, is, second cntriiicei' of tho Kazembe. The Government training ship Amoluiva will be brought, alongside ono of tho wharves at Wellington this week for tho I purpose of having a steam windlass placed on board. Stwm will be Bunphed from tho main boilers. It is expcctcd thai, when tho vessel has returned to her moorings another batch of boys who are adopt tho em. as a callinc will be dralU I on board. Tho health of the prceejrf> «o."• pn.ny continues satisfactory, and Captain Hooper expresses himself pleased with the tshaviour of tho lads.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13998, 3 September 1907, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13998, 3 September 1907, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13998, 3 September 1907, Page 4