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AMUSEMENTS. Jfis MAJESTY'S THEATRE. .WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 and 5. . First Nsw Zealand Appearance of the Great ALBA N I With a Largo Company of Distinguished Artistes. Prices: 6s, 4s, and 2s, ; Plan at tho Dresden. < Day Sale at .Jacobs's, Tobacconist. .

TENDERS QTAGO • EDUCATION . BOARD. TENDERS will bo received till 4 p.m. on MONDAY, the 16th September, for. Abe REMOVAL • of. ; the GYMNASIUM ind JANITOR'S COTTAGE and the ERECTION of a BUILDING for the Training College at • the Union Street School. Pliwib, etc., to bo seen at this Office. , P. G. PRYDE, Education Officej August 2-1, 1907. ■ e ' al3 ' , • ' 'J?- ;E N. D E R J ™^ ,SSIGJiI:D ESTATE of ALLEN & ' SIMMONS, of Tima'ru, Outfitters. -lenders aro invited for the, PURCHASE , t Si etc., amounting ! to £560. (more' or less). The. Stock is quite ' new, having all been purchased during this . year. Stock lists and conditions of sale ran 1 be seen on application to Mr James Shears, : on the Premises, Timaru, or to my Office Dowling street, Duncdin. , .' < Tenders accompanied by' 'a, deposit' of ten per oerit. (10 per cent.), will bo received at. my Office until J,oon of MONDAY, 9th Senterabcr, 1907. " ; accepted' B ' 18 - 5 ' Cr My not aeceSßaii, y J ■ CHAS. H. STATHAM, Trustee.' g Duncdin, 31st August, 1907. 2s v A bhat^tSl¥~and - cordial c nil', SUSMh-SS FOR SALE. -r, i lenders are invited for the Purchase as a J frSffrfSv of bu SINESS, PUNT! h aad STOCK-IN-TRADE of - 3, S ' ,% Alteon, Aerated Water Mann- ] TmS I 66 •1 roßt ' F ° xt Chalmers, (accompanied with a deposit of 10 J per 02111, of the amount tendered) will be Iva v Ve ?i up ' lo °' ol °ck noon of SATUR- 1 if 'h TT° j September, 1907, at the offices }■ of .he Undersipo-i. Conditions of sale and. a list of JfjichiEery, Plant, etc., may be 1 inspected- at . the premises. ..George street, Pert J Chalmers; . or. at, tie offices of the Under- '1, signed.—llElD .& BUNDLE, Solicitors, 10 - •bower Rattray street, Duncdin. ■ Siau 1 "FT • , "'A • • .it •' R. *■~» A' H W WORLD'S BEST TIMBER v" _ will.'Last, a Century. 1 luis iamous Timber may be.iised for any purpose, but' is .specially suitable for Fenc- « ing, Building Plates. Piles, studs and - JdJSt^_J3ndge'Beams, Piles. Planking, Decklug, Wood Paving, etc. Prices within reach * > , of. everyone. Write for list. w MILLARS' JARRAH CO.. Opp. Wharf. - npENDERS invited till 30th September for -ft. Cutting. a Ditch 20 ohains in length. The lowest or any tender not necessarily°ac- Z ccpted.—Apply R. Challis, or Smith Bros., | °' vaka - ' ' . ' ■ ' 31au * CJLATING, all branches; repairs promptly dsecuted competent /workmen. —Henry Z P. Moss, timber merchant, Liverpool street. I Telephone 305, ' ljy , TO LET. | CASH ADVERTISEMENTS under this head- »t ing not exoeeenng Sixteen Words are in- ,1 sorted for SIXPENCE per insertion; or j for One Week. 2s Gd; over Sixteen Words , and not exceeding Twenty-eight Words, One 3 Shilling; or for One "Week, ss. If orders ir come by miut be understood that '1 double these rates will be charged unless — accompanied by oash. 3 r -.LET .(for Term), 8 -roomed HOUSE; j£ ftll conveniences; with J-acift 1 ground j *"* the residence of the late J. J. Pryor, Ander- "ft eoh's Bay.—Apply Pryor slid Co., 38 Bond ■" ■ ' 31au B TO LET, 8-rooinod HOUSE; every con- C vemence.—Apply 42 Forth street. WANTED to LET, CRITERION, Palmer- n ston, for' ,ft term; low rent good tenant ; 110 ingoing.—Mia Cameron. 30au to TO LET, S-roomed HOUSE, Maclaggan street; all conveniences; 16s per week. Sievvmglit and Jamas, High street. 28au STORA&B (large), ' witli facilities for — ■ handling heavy goods; Cumberland and ~Ej St. Androw streets,—Middleton and Co. JL TO LET, Largo Front Bed-Sitting ROOM; no ■b. and c.; permanent preferred.—67 ~ Pretoria . terrace, York pilace. 27au (WOBS, iROpMS, STUDIO with' exyr celJent light, adjoining our offices; low iet rentg. "W. and T, H. Keid, 27 Rattray street. mo LET (Cheap), Two Largo ROOMS, suitJL ablo for sample or storerooms.—The rr Mutnal Stores, Limited. 6ap J[ TO LET, OFFICES, conveniently situated. Apply Crust and Cnist, 3 Haase street. EOSLYN.-Wo have HOUSES of every description to LET) oheap rents.— Washer, auctioneer. Ro3lyn. Telephone. C& 0 F, "p I C i a , thc LOWER HI&H STREET. To LET, with immediate possession, SUITE of FOUR ROOMS in Daily Times Company's Building, Lower High street. J Hiese Rooms are vrell finished and lighted, in and the rental is very moderate. Apply to . THE MANAGER 1 > m J Otago Daily Times. W( PUBLIC NOTICES. V BATH THAT BRACES UP. A Warm Bath to which has been, added a so ], ttblespoonful of COLMAN'S 'MUSTARD has bor - wcndorfu'.ly reviving effeot on limbs and ?oary. heads. . p t makes a new "man" of the tired man. P I C K - M E" - U" P. To keep you well and strong in the cold „ feather there's nothing like EX OX'(St: J n ioorge .Pure Beet Extract). It is nourish- P« ng, tasty, and easily digested—the very hing for invalids and children. jnEA FIT FOR A QUEENi is "KOZIE" 1 Tea. For flavour, bright colour, and p trength it's just perfect. No. 2 at is 8d is lie lost value in, tea we've ever seen, W 5' J ACOB & CO.'a PRIZE v.T • MEDAL DUBLIN BISCUITS, The Favourite Biscuit of London Society. T , resh ; .ots arriving regularly. For Afternoon il-r .eas they cannot be surpassed. Inquire for. _ fiem of your Grocer or Pastrycook, -^ J .' Wholesale Agents: C. W. WHITE k CO., . 9 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN. It TNFLUENZA."—The "Lancer" Influenza ® x . .Cure acts with startling rapidity; a few 31 oses cure; 2s; all chemists. 23au 50111 SaOTES ON RURAL TOPICS, by Agricola, rK T Weekly in the Otago Witness, dealing X "5 subjects, of iflt««st to forms H , chci

SITUATIONS WANTED. (SITUATION Wanted to take charge of y small cloctrio plant; .da own repairs; highest references.—Address Electric, Times offl «' ' 29an XTOUTH (18) wants to LEAEN BAKINGJL able drivo .out.-Addrcss - (stating wages) Trustworthy Times Office. 28 aI j "DREWER,—Thoroughly Competent AJ wants SITUATION; English and 12 StcwS, Salisbury street, * cn< • 27au WANTED, i POSITION by experienced » ' . <lrosainakca - with references.-Address Dressmaker, Times Office. 27aii MISOELLfINEPUS V/ANTS, . CASH ADVERTISEMENTS under this W ing not exceeding Sixteen Words are inserted for SIXPENCE per insertion; or for One Week, 2s 6d; over Sixteen Words, and not exceeding Twenty-eight Words, One Shilling; or for One Week, ss. If orders come by letter ll m " s .' be understood that double these rates will be charged unless accompanied by i cash. Amusements, Meetings, Shows, and | Simitar Announcements are inserted • m this colnmn at cheap rates,-but 'must be paid for at ordinary scale, -A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO ACQUIRE A VALUABLE MiACHI. 1 NERY AGENCY. j WANTED, AN ENGINEER, SALESMAN or FIRM to TAKE OVER for Otago and(or) Southland Districts an Agency for an English Manufacturer of Gas Engines and Gas Producer Plants, Motor Waggons, Steam Engines, etc., on a- Commission basis. Must energetic and have good connection, and ab'o to make aiies. Will be we!! supported with competitive prices and easy terms for payment. Address (stating qualifications) to LONDON, ciiro ■j, Ilott's. 'Advertising Agency, Wel-luigton. ~2 s 1000' Gocd Second-.' hana BRICKS.—Price'and whore seen to .Bricks; Times Ofiice. , • . . 2 S PURCHASE, Up-to-date * » , HOUSE, Musselburgh (Main road preferred), for, oash.-S. W., Times Office. W'ANTOD, STONE-CRUSHER SCREEN, complete; capacity, price . where it can! be inspected.—Metal, Times 31au ■M-ADAME WHITE, Phrenologist, O'ahXYJL voyante, Advises as to Abilities Business, Speculations, etc.-235 George street. KNOWN—Lawn Mowers ,Re- ; P alrcd Md Sharpened; Duplicates Kept.—Mansons, blacksmiths, corner Voeel ' and Jervois streets.. 1 TJOLLY BERRIES Wanted.-State price : "tnd quantity to Ilex, Times Office. WANTED, Fireproof SAFE.-State prlw | _' * Md. made measurement to Safe, P O Mllt0 "' Van ANTED—Jewellery Sale Prioes: Ribbon Guards £1, Back Combs 6s, Band Rings lis 6d, Gold Brooches 5s Gd, Links 5s Gold Watchcs 50s, Bangles £1; inspect our new Wedding Presents.—Himmel; 99 Geor«e stre< * 16au ji/TADAME ELVINO, Scientific Character- ' Wonderful Psychic Tests; cansuited by thousands.—2 Chapman's Terrace, 1 otuart street. 28au 1 WANTED ICNOWN-Lawn Mowers Shar- i 0 il- ?. « ' Bt ' Duplicates kept. ' achlaadt Bros., Cumberland street. 20au v Tl/TISS LOGAN, Typist, 5 and 6 Stock " „ T Exchange (telephone 126), Sole Agent , Bar-Lock Typewriter and Supplies. ! W"ANTED to BUY, Gents' CLOTHING ' (tailor-made, new or secmid-hand), any f quantity; highest. price given; • bona fide - innouncement. Also, Portmanteaus, etc.— .( HKenzie, Arcade, Dunedin; and South' Dun- > • 2- S S ? AP , is preparod for T ,f J . subject to Hair Growth; invalu- • 'bio for delicate skhiß; delightfully per- I umed; get a trial tablet; Is, posted aiy- " mero.—Hendy, hair, specialiat. Dunedin. \ TnOBLER'S Swiss Milk CHOCOLATE; odd ri T , J pn A ed 1 j ne3 rtduc<!£l '> obtainable in ; ld ' 3J . od, Is, and 2s sizes.—Whole- ' ale agents, Nathaniel Reed, 36 Vogel street, 3unedln - ° 22ap TIY'PEWRITER.— Carbons, Ribbons, Papers r ™, d Sundries for every make of machine. - typewriter Headquarters, 10 Rattray street. ] TON Monthly Payments of 10s will Purf. chaso a good JIACHLNE.-Typewriter - icadquartors, 10 Rattray street. i4 sn / rrOME STUDY—2SO different Courses to , A . "lect from. Send for free prospectus mencan School, Rattray street.' 3jy l/TISS BOYER Removed 61 Stuart street s r ai * e , Snperfluou.t C lairs and Moles Permanently Removed by T fo^ 0 '? 813 - ' 23my a , TYPEWRITERS, Duplicators, Phonographs Repaired; rinf up 1830.—The ypewriter Exchange, 29 Bond street. . 6r l/TARKLESS Electrolysis for the removal = -'■a- ot Superfluous Hairs and Moles; uaranteed painless, permanent, and mark- - jss.—Miss Culling, 40 High street.' Tele- f h °"° 22ju X fJLOCK LIGHT.—Nono genuino unless st<imped " Block "; all and At ta ) Bond street. Telephone 1830. 23my a 3EN-AND-INK ILLUSTRATING Tanght «( Mail.. 'Send for illustrated prosJctus. Canadian School, 10 Rattray street, PERSONAL. j i/jTATRIMONIAL.—Refined Person wishes' ' CORRESPOND with Christian man mddle-aged), view mntrimorij'. — Clyde w< aversham P.O. oj G< j|ADE IN A MINUTE. Tliere's nothing quicker to make than ni cup of STEVENSON'S COFFEE i SSENCE; it's delioioiis too, and cheaper sti ian any other. Ask ' your grocer for W" STEVENSON'S." A MILO, the most perfect woman of tne age, and the sensation of London, says: 1 1 have much pleasure in giving MY VERY n XCLUSIVE Testimonial for lfilo 3 Skin ll ood. It 33 the best I have over used. I' ju n > honestly recommend it.'/ —Sprosen, temist, Octagon, Dunedin. 30jy "TEA _ THAT'S" ALWAYS FRESH.— "KOZIE" Tea comes to us in regular 77 d - frequent shipments. Hence buyers get 111 th? purest and freshest 'condition, and rc.ish it immensely. You buy it and try \TAGO V/ITNESS.—New Stories. A large * Iwcliog Ifettcr.' Riw yit

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13997, 2 September 1907, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13997, 2 September 1907, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13997, 2 September 1907, Page 1