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AtJtttJRT. Last Quarter; .. 1 1.56 p.m. Niw Moon 9 6.6 p.m. Tifbt Quarter 17 8.36 a.m, Full Moon 24 11.45 p.m. ■ApogCo 6 5.0 p.m. r«igeo 22 7.P a.m. Sun risc 3 to-day 6.42, eot 9 5.33. THE WEATHER. '' August 31.-8 a.m.: Wind N.E.j fine. Noon,: Calm; fine. 5 p.m.: Wind N.E.: overcast. 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer 29.9 29.9 29,9 Thermometer 48 50 50 September 1.-8 a.m,: Wind N.E.; rain. Noon: Wind N.E.; rain. 5 p.m.: Wind N,E.; showery and overcast _ - 8 a.m, Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer. ... .. 29.9 29.9 29.9 Thermometer 46 49 49 FORECAST.—Mr Paulin telephoned at 8.15 Inst night:—"E.N.E. to S.E. winds, and rain showers." HIGH WATER. September 2- a.m. ' p.m. At laiaroa Heads ... 9.53 10.37' At Port Chalmors 10.30 11.17 At yunedin U.llj 11.59 ARRIVALS. August 31;Katuna, s.s., 2927 tons, Lee, from New York, via Australian and northern New Zealand ports. Turnbull, Martin, and Co.. ajjenta, •September 1. Moeraki, s.s., 2714 tons, Worrall, from •Wollhigtori. U.S.B. Co., agents. Victoria, s.s.. 1870 tons, Waller, from Sydnoy, via Auckland. Noill and Co., agenk • Passengors: Mesdames Herbert, Harrington and child, Mellon and two children, Young, Murrane, Miles and child, Bfiltndtt, Misses Jones, Field, Jacobs, Harty, Oliver, M'Konzio, Bennett, Stewart, Messrs Hesoott, Harrington, D. 9. Watson, Hall, J. 11. Callan,' Young, E. Murrane, Miles, Captain M'Dougall; and 21 in tho steerage.

DEPARTURES. . August 31. Mararoa, s.s., 1331 tons, Manning, for ■Wellington.

September 1. ' Maliono, t.s.s. Neville, for Melbourne. TJ.8.8. Co., agents. I'assongcra: For tho Bluff-"-Mosdalfies Sutherland, Currio, Mr Curric. For Hobart—Miss L. Smith, Mm Smith, Messrs Lyall, Spear. For Moibourno — Misses Matlieson (2), Neville, Campbell (2), Roberts, Conston, Brown, dlesdamca jfatheson, M'Kinnon and child, M'Noil, Young, Gredcr, Messrs Smyth, M'KiiUion, Young, Grodor; inul eight in the steerage. Motira, 8.9., 1027 tons, Hntcliings, for Wc.stport. U.S.S. Co., agents. Kaituna, s.s.. 1214 tons, Evans, for Wcstport. U. 5.3. Co., agents, EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From Calcutta.—Waihora, due about Soptembcr 15. IfOtn Livorpool.-Oberon, barquenfcino, ■ailed June 14. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Miowora, September 8. • From Sydney (via Wellington).— : Waikaro, September 7. ■ From Melboumo (via Bluff).—Monowai, September 3. From Auokland.—Talune, Soptomber 5. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Cook Strait).—Monowai, Soptembcr 4. For Sydney (via Auckland).—Victoria, ' Utoptember 3. For Melbourne.—Waikaro, September 8. For Auckland.—Talune, September 6, TO ARRIVE. AT AUCKLAND. Indraghiri and Hampton, left Now York Juno 28. Wakanui, loft London Juno 30. Kisli, loft Now York July 10. Maori, , loft London August 6. Hallamshire, loft Now York August 5. _ Mimiro, loft , New York August 5. Orinna, left Now York August 23. Morayshire, loft London August 27. AT WELLINGTON. Corinlhio, duo about Sfl|rtomber 10. Nairnshire, left Liverpool July 27, duo October 3. Whakarua, left London' August 2. Ruapehu, left London August 10; duo about September 24. Arawa, due October & 9/ Niwaru, loft London August 30, AT LYTTBLTON. Whakatane, loft London August 6. Whakarua, left London August 1. AT POUT CHALMERS. Sussex, duo September 10. Devon, due September 13. /

TO DEPART. ?KOU WELLINGTON. Papanui, September 3. Athcnic, Soploni' bcr 12,


Fifcshiro, left Auckland (for West of England), July 11. Indradovi, left Wellington July 16. ' Tongariro, left Wellington August 2. Eakaia, left Auckland August 10. lonio, loft Wellington August 15. "indralohia, left Auckland September 1. Owri, left Wellington September 1.


Par "Victoria, from Sydney: 1020 bags and 150 cnilts sugar, 57 eases syrup, 27 casks calf food, 29 drttms paint, 100 bags lime, 153 sacks grass seed, 37 cases canned goods, 32 do lard, 10 do matches, 5 bales Backing, 15 casks and 40 boxes soap, 10.casks.Soda, 5 oases bacon, 25 do ogg preservative, 63 do jarti, 10 do jellies, 8 do tobacco and cigarottcs, 235 boxc« butter, 500 sacks mnnilrO, 39 pieces kauri limber, 258 hardwood sleepers, 38 do girders, 15 boxes tomatoes, 7 bales leather, 4- steel joists, 5 eases Castor oil, 1 horse, and a large quantity (tniptj returns and sundries; also transhipments cx Turakina, from London.


AUCKLAND, August 31. — Arrived: Uauroto, from the Pacific; Bucehtaur, from Vancouver; Mokoia, from the south; Miowera, from Sydney; Taviuni, from Westport; Ysabol, three-masted schooner, from Tongii.—Sailed: Aparitta, for Syclnoy; Talune, for the south. KAIPARA, September I,—Sailed: Brisbane, for Melbourne; Enncrdalo, for Sydney. . WELLINGTON, September I.—Arrived, 5.10 t>.m.: Maraxoa, from Port Chalmers. WESTPORT, September I.—Arrived, 5.30 a.m.: Whan gape, from Port Chalmers. Sailed, Komata. (or Fromantle.

LYTTELTON, September I.—Arrived: Tarawera, from Port Chalmers; 12.5 p.m., Rotomahana, from Wellington.—Sailed: 10,?5 a.m., Storm, for Timani. SYDNEY, August 3i.-Sai!od: 3 p.m., Waikare, for Wellington, MELBOURNE, August 31.-Arr.ivcd: •Khiapoi, from Kaipttra; Warrimoo, from Bluff.


' AUCKLAND, August 31.-Arrived: Devon, from Liverpool.—September 1.Sitilod: Indralema, for London. WELLINGTON, September l.—Sailed: Orari, for London.

LONDON, August 30.—Arrived: Gothio, from Wellington.—Sailed: Niwani, for Wellington.

Tho Mooraki was floated out of dock nt Lyttclton on Saturday, and arrived at Port Chalmers yesterday morning, where eho will remain for a ootiplo of weeks or so to uhdorgo her periodical overhaul. "the Kaituna and Moura. sailed from Port Cltslmers yc4tdfday morning for West-port. Tho Drayton Grange has boon working lato shifts at Port Chalmers in order to get prompt despatch, and is expected to sail nboitt noon to-morrow for Bluff, and thenco to Australian ports to complete her Homeward lciading. Tho Karamea is expected to complete her discharge at Port Olialinors to-morrow forenoon, and will enil at noon for Lyttclton and Wellington to complete her discharge; She proceeds from tho latter jiort to . Australia under charter to load for tho IJnitqd Kingdom. Tlio Mararoa sailed from Port. Chalmers tt 3.30 p.m. on Saturday for Wcllirig'ton, under the command of Captain Manning, arid will resume her regular running in tho Lvttcltori-Wolliiisctdn ferry service forthwith. Her deck officers are .Mr .T. A. Wallace, chief; Mr A. E. Cain, second; and Mr W. Lindsay, thiftl.

Tlio Malieno, having completed lier periodical overhaul on Saturday, sailed from Port Ohatiricre yesterday afternoon for Melbourne. via tlio Bluff. Haviiiß failed to catch tho morning tide, she did not como up to town, a 9 previously arranged, but remained at Port, and sailed as above. At Iho present timo only vessels drawin? 27ft of water are permitted to pass through tho Sues Canal, but dredging operations now in progress will, it is exnecM." permit the passwo of vessels drawinir 28ft at tho beginning of next year. Whan Iho canal was first owned the maximiliri draught allowed wis 24ft Tin. . The Victoria, from Sydney; via Auck J land and Bast Coast ports, arrived at Dunrs'liii at. 8 a.m. yesterday. She left Sydney on August 21, and met with heavy weather and liljtli acaft before teaching Auckland; theride moderate to fine weather down the coast. Tho Victoria sails to-omrrow after:-

Boon for Sydney, via Auckland and intermediate ports. Captain Ransomc, who brought the Terawhiti ■ out from Homo, is to return to England by tho Papanui next week. Captain Holmes, of tho Natono, will, it is expected, succeed to tho command of the Terawhiti.

A Sydney exchange says that while the U.S. and A. Company's steamer Hampton Was making hor pa6sago across tho Southern Ocean a firo broke out in tho bunkers and she put into Capetown about tho 18th ult., but fortunately escaped damage. Hie Hampton left Sydney yesterday for Wellington, via Auckland. The Shaw, SaviJl, and Albion Company's steamer Athenio is to leave Lyttclton on Wednesday next for Gisborne, and will proceed from tho latter port on September 7 to. Wellington. She is due at tho latter port about September 9, and will sail on tho 12th for London.

Referring to tho wreckage washed up on tho beach at; Waihi last Saturday, a special message to the Auckland Herald says:—"Tho principal picco was upwards of 30ft in length, and the presence of a porthole and a piece of piping, such as is used iir a lavatory, pointed to tho wreckage being' from some small steamer. There was, however, nothing by which it oould bo identified, and no vessel has so far been reported as missing from theso park" The Wairau bar is still giving trouble (complains the Marlborough Herald), and conviction is doeponing that the sooner tho harbour board is in existence the bettor. Tho present pafsago is vory restricted, aJid, excepting tho Waihi, tho river steamere have lately found it to be altogothcr unnogotiable. The Waihi, too, was blocked inaido for a week, ojhl eventually she had to return to the wharf to lighten her load so that she could got. across. A cut has been mado through tho boulder bank on a direct line, and the next fresh in tho river is being awaited to drive a channel through, but in view of tho recent dry weather,, this contingency ic a matter of great uncertainly, Mistakes will happen at times in iho best-regulated shipping news, but the following paragraph by the Sydney correspondent of the Shipping Gazette of July 19 will doubtless bo interesting to local shipping people:—"Amongst the'victims of tho 'recent gales on tho Now Zealand coast was tho ship Glenlui, which put into Duncdin in distress. Sho was from Knipara, timber-laden. Sho bogan: her voyago on May 23, and two days later ran into heavy weather. Hugo waves broko on board, carrying away part of tho deck cargo of timber, and as tho galo showed no oigr.s of abating, the rest of tho deck cargo was oast adrift voluntarily, to ensuro the safely of -tho vessel and all concerned. Altogether about 100,000 ft. of timbor were lost. When * tho weather moderated anil somo repairs had been elt'eclcd iho resumed her voyage, arriving safely at Sydney." At present (says the Sydney Commercial News of August 20) there arc no railing vossels on tho loading berth at New York for Australian ports, and our AmcricaJi correspondent stat,e3 that the scarcity of sailing, vessels is becoming greater each year, and thnfc it is almost impossible to charter them for any long voyago lo carry general cargo from New' York. The fact that l sailing vessels are being replaced _ by steamers baa been noticed for somo time past, but- it is not iikely that much cargo would be despatched in sailing vessels even if they were available, tflien such an oxocllent fleet of new cargo steamers as those running at prosent under the auspices of tho United Tyecr, tho American and Australian, and the U.S. and A.S.S. Luies are ongaged in the trade between Now York and Australia and the freight on cargo shipped by tJiem is carried at suoli rates ae now prevail. ■ Tho new Bucknall cargo steamer Katuna arrived at Duncdin on Saturday morning, and berthed at tho Victoria wharf, where she' yill • complete tho discharge of hor American cargo. Iler passage from Now York- was uneventful, and during tho voyage tho vessol proved equal to a speed of 11 and 12 knots per' hour. Sho is officered •by Europeans, and carries a Lascar crew. Tho KatUna is a line typo of tho modern cargo-carrier, being able to carry nearly. 9000 tons on a moderate draught, and is fitted with all the up-to-date appliances for tho handling of cargo. It is somo considerable time (says the Sydnoy Commercial News of August 20) since such a fleet of vessels was under charter to load coal at Newcastle as at present, but it is probable the, shipowners are attracted by tho high rato of freight which is prevailing just now. Wo have drawn up a summary of the destinations of the vessels that arc to carry coal, and it is' interesting to note tho extensive market for tho northern prodilct. Forty ships, sixty-sight barques, and four steamers are taking coal for various West Coast porte San Francisco will come next, with eight ships, 17 steamers, eight barques, four barquentines. and one 6chooner. Then Portland (0.), with six ships and one barque. Six steamers are to proceed to Manila, wbile two ships and three steamers aro for Honolulu., At present a steamer, a barque, and a ship arc under ordore to proceed to Valparaiso: for Alaska, ono steamer; another for tho Philippines, and a third for FisagUe aro also fixed; two barques are chartered for Mexico, and one cacli for the Hawaiian Islands, Sjlavery and Mazatlan. Two ships for Chili are also reported, and a shin and barquo aro going to Coquinibo. And now we name tho last. port. Callao, which will be tho destination of three ships and two barques.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13997, 2 September 1907, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13997, 2 September 1907, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13997, 2 September 1907, Page 4