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Analysts say tlmL butter is the most nutritious article of diet, and that bacon comes noxt. Tho sale of British eggs and poultry 'increased in 1906 by £1,500,000 over tho sales of 1898. King c-ulfeo for breakfast, in a cup of 1 good size, makes hubby good-tempered and healthy anil wise The cost of the lirst British ironclad was r £400,000, or about a. quarter that of the 1 latest type. There arc over 50 morning papers in , Paris, and a score or so ot afternoon and j evonin'g sliced. All stylish men appreciate the suits which our cutter produces from 4 guineas cach; i they arc. the smartest and cheapest in Dim- - ©din.—Herbert, Hayncj, and Co. (Ltd.)..., Women, because they cat so much less, o only pay half-rates in the more old- !, fashioned l of Sweden's hotels. ; In Japan kissing never ocsurs except l>e- ; hyecn husband and wife. Mothers never kiss their children. Frank H. Blakeiey, surgeon dentist, 174 . Princes street South (over Kilroy and Sutherland's). Telephone 1483.... Sheep-lifting is said to bo becoming „ rather prevalent in the Clutha district at , present (says the Leader). Inuring tho ' last week a drover missed five from a flock of 366 which were in a paddock at Inchd,. clutha. An Epidcmio of Influenza,, is raging in Ji Dunedin. Our Influenia Remedy 16 a ■t positive preventive or cure: priw 3» Od. •. J. Waters, chemist, 20 Princes etroet,.. Madame Albani was tho first resipieii ot the Order of Merit for Axt, Seiorjie, <u*? s ; Literature, instituted by Kins Edward ' about three yeare ago. A duck- belonging to a Napier resident E has taken to laying eggs tho shells of r. which arc of a deep chooolote, almost black, ly colour on tho outside. Apart from their a, strange colour the eggs aro normal. What, still coughing? No need to: Uneoda Cough Syrup stops tho worst ooughs promptly. Spleinlid remedy f<a chronic coughs of old BWife Pharmatgu,

Charges of murder in 1906, according to a ■■Government return -rcccntly. issued, - wero brought against 111 persons in England and Wales. Of the male prisoners 18, and of the femalo prisoners four, wero sentenced to ; death. Book your dates now for Brown-Ewing'3 "Vacuum Carpet Cleaner." It makes spring clean inn; a pleasure.... The contractors for the first portion of the underground drainage schemo at made a start with the work this week. In Abyssinia it is considered a crimo to smoke. 'i'lio law forbidding tobacco was at first intended to prevent priests . from smoking in church; but it was iaken too literally, and nowadays even forcignors have to bo careful not to bo seen smoking, Just arrived, "Photographic Year Book and Amateurs' Guide, 1907-1G03." I'rice Is 3d, by post Is 9d,—H. L. Sproscn, chcmiet, Octagon, Dunodiu.... Charles Ciaydon, who died the other day at Pound Farm Cottage, Rayne, Essex, at t-ho ago of 94, never know the delights ' of moving into a new house." Ho was )xjni, lived, «ud <liecl in the amc thatched cottngo, and nover gave his landlord any trouble all t.ho time. Bcforo putting yourself to unnecessary inconvenicnee and buetlo in rushing to Dunedin with yonr money try D. Christie, and Co., Mosgiel, who aro oifering exceptional value in all departments during August.... . ' t ' An interesting spccimcn of limestono rock, taken from a cutting at l'ohui, Ilawkc's Bay, lias ten shown to t-ho Hawko's Bay Herald. It contains six sharks' teeth of various sizes, in a vory fine state of petrifaction. Tho speeimon was taken from tho c.O.tre of a largo stone, and indicates that at some distant date the land must Have been immersed. Do it to-day. Visit the annual winter sale and mako your money-earn more. It's tho greatest bargain sale extant. Dome ajid test it. Write for cataloguo.—Tho Mutual Stores, Ltd., Princes street.... A new system of dealing with inebriates by indeterminate sentences came into force in Now South Wales last week. Tlireo persons who were brought before the Water Police Court, charged with being inebriates, wero accordingly sent to Darlinghurst, where a wing will be reserved for the system. Medical supervision will form an important faotor in the treatment. A lady once .remarked, "If I cannot find tho floorcloths I want hero there is no uso looking further." She found it and was pleased So will anyone bo who requires floor coverings of any kind aJid buys it here.—Cheyno and Co., Mosgiel.... 1 .It was for William Green, the Allxuii j • tenor, that Willeby, tho New Zealand j compcecx, wrote his " Crossing tho bar," tho •' two being- fast friends. " Crossing the bar" j is "featured" on the present Albani tiiur, and will bo eung here by Sladame Albani ' herself. ' * Flaxmillers should inspcct Crnsbio'a i patent stripper before purchasing elsewhere. Latest improvements givo more fibro than others.—Burt (Ltd.), Stuart street.... . Tho Mayor of New Plymouth stated at a meeting that the- Health Department was instituting inquiries concerning the case of infectious disease recently brought under tho council's notice. In this case, it was alleged, the hedding used had been sold by public auction without being disinfeotcd. There was a probability that proceedings would bo taken against the person or persons implicated. For Children's Hacking Cough at night Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Is 6d Jt 2^6d. Very high priccs arc lieing paid 'for original manuscripts of famous poems just now. Tho other day the manuscript of Tennyson's well-known poem " The Brook " was sold for £300. It consisted of eight pages. The original manuscript of Pope's " Essay on Man was sold for £895. , Thomson and Co., Moray place, opposite First Church, have the largest and cheapest stock or headstones, ctc., in Dunedin to select from. Telephone 2236 The biggest cannon-ball ever inado weighed 26001b, and was manufactured at the Krupp works, for. the Government. of tho Czar.' The gun from which this projectile was fired is also the largest in the world, and is placed in (he fortifications of Cronstadt. This gun has a rango of twelve miles, and it has been estimated that eaeli shot costs £300, On account of stocktaking, all goods will be further reduccd for this week at Dallas and Watt's, George 6treet.... The great armadillo has the greatest number of teeth. Whereas the normal number of teeth is 32, this animal has from 92 to 100; 24 to 26 on each side of the upper jaw, and 22 to 1A in eaeh. sido of tho lower jaw—all molars. Next to the great armadillo in this respect, comes tho anteater of Western Australia, with 52 teeth.

Ye cannamak a silk purse oot o' a coo's lug, but it is really wonderful what brainy men can do out of unpromising materials. This is apropos of the alterations now nearing- completion at T. Ross's shop in Princes street. ■ All are cordially invited to inspoot tho alterations, when wo shall show under tho full flobd of the clectrio light a grand lot 'of blouses,' glovca, coate, hosiery, umbrellas, laeo and silk goods at special alteration prices.—T. Boss, direct importer, 130 Princes street.... A. northern owner' who had 2000, sheep on turnips at Carterhope had an unfortunate loss the other day. The sheep were being shifted on to a new "break," and raced down lull at tho bottom of . which was a small creek. Some of tho leaders fell, and when blocked by those in front the rear of the mob made a. bridge of thefli. When tho stampede was over (says the CitiLlm Leader) and the place cleared it was found that £5 sheep had been killed. They wero owes and were worth £100. _ . A report from Germany credits acctyieno aj being used in 75,000 private installations of that country, and also in 1M town lijrliting plants. Tho population of these towns ranges from 1000 to £000 inhabitants. It is also interesting to know that the coming Polar expedition have lxwglit a complete acctylcnc outfit for their use in tho Far South. This is owing to tho acetylene used by Captain Scott in his previous expedition proving 6uch an immense success. Any information, re acctylcnc, the cheapest and liest light obtainable in tho colony, can be furnished by the New Zealand Acetylene Gas Company (Ltd.), Dunedin.... Retail butchers at Asliburton have recently complained of a practice which they allego .obtains of selling at auction in Ashburtos! carcases of meat classed as rejects from th( Faitfield Freezing Works. Tho Borough Council baa inquired into thrf matter and .has received an assurance the managing director of the Cantcrburf ' Frozen Meat Company that the" freezing companies will shortly consider (he que* tion of tho disposal of rejects. Travellers through the goldficlds aro (fays the Mount Benger Mail) remarking upon the wisdom of the early minora in the district in keeping to ,lho river, and allowing fruitgrowing to make such progress along tho flats and hillsides. Many districts havo not the orchards to rely upon for the upkeep of Iradc, and with the diminution of mining there is a corresponding slackness. This district is fortunate in having ono industry growing as the other is dying. A truly charming selection of really highclass footwear for ladies ltas just been opened up at Cookham House. The goods are from tho great American firm of Goodrich. and aro mado with a daintiness of outline and a. delicacy of finish which is simply delightful. Wo. select the following for mention in ladies' shoes:—Fins glace kid, patent toes, leather-lined, with the new large cyolits for hcing and th< fashionable broad laces, 19s 6d; neat glace, patent leather, Louis heels, 255; " Langtry in glace, large ribbon tic bow, 16s 6d; patent calf leather, Langtry shape, ribbon bow, Louis liec!, 22s Dd. Something' special: The new "Champagno" glace kid, Urpc oyollta, broad brown silk laces, very choicc. *22s 6tl. —Cookham House, the depot for high-grado footwear, Princes street...*

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13996, 31 August 1907, Page 16

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OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13996, 31 August 1907, Page 16

OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13996, 31 August 1907, Page 16