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The regular meeting of the Otago Hnr-. hour Board, held yesterday, was attended by Messrs J. 1\ Mac'lterras (chairman), J. Robin T. Ross, W. Beloher, J. Watson, G. B. Bullook, E. P. Duthie, W. Barclay, and the Hon. T. Fergus. lIKANOIAL. Tho bank book, laid upon tho 'table, showed a credit balance of £13,379 10e 10d, a proportion of which, it was understood, had to bo sent away. It was ako mentioned that the sum gave tho board a matter of £10,000 it could spend.' HAILWAY STBAIOHTEKISB OrEIUTIOm Tho General Manager New Zealand Railways wrote with referonco to tho proposed deviation of the lino at Kavensboiirne, and stated that tho land proposed to be handed ovor to tho hoard amounted to about seven 'and a-half acres, whilo tho land to be obtained from the, board occupied about fivo and a-half acres. The details might be subject to slight modification, but the plan forwarded would no doubt enable a definite arrangement to ho come to, and he would bo glad it the beard could sco its way to proceed with the balance of the reclamation at an early date. . . Mr Barclay: This is.exactly what wo want. I move—"That the engineer bo authorised to proceed ot once with tho necessary reclamation." Mr Duthio said the department had not agreed k> immediately proceed witn the straightening of the line. The reclamation would run into a sum of some £1400. Mr Barclay said the department had taken tho initiative, and ho lwlieved it wanted to hnvo the lino straightened without loss of time. Mr Ross said that in connection with tho seven and a-half acres, part of this originally belonged to the Borough of West Harbour. Tho board .was really getting more than it was entitled to. Tho Engineer said it would only be neccaspry to reclaim a strip in order tliat tho line might bo straightened. The question of tho recl.itns.tion of tho whole block might well staml over, but he thought this portion should bo proceeded with. Mr Bullcck: Will it bo possible to go on reclaiming; onco tho iino is laid? Tho Engineer: Reclamation could be carried on from tho land (side. An amendment by Mr Duthio referring the matter to the ensginoer for a report was carried, the motion being lost. A .rUOTBST 11T TENANTS. James Small and , a number of other residents of the locality wrote drawing (ho board's attention to 'llu> carrying-on oi the husincss of at- ono/ of the board's sections at Iho foot of Albany street, notwithstanding that the two extensions granted to tho proprietor had expired some timo ago. During tho past fortnight his operations had been carried on inoro vigorously than at any previous time, and Iho nuisance in consequence was more offensive than over. Tho board's tenants in the vicinity claimed tho protection of the which it was entitled to offord them under their leases. The Seoretary read a letter addressed to tho Perpetual Trustees and Agency Company, m whioh it was notified that operations at the works must be discontinued, otherwise the board would be compelled to comnienco proceedings in Iho Supremo Court to obtain an injunction. The Secretary said ho had ehqjvn the proprietor a section on the Anderson's Bay road, opposite the gasworks, and this would bo raised in order to meet his requirements as soon a3 particulars were available as to how much ground ho wanted. The objection at present war, that it was too low. Mr Rose: Was not a section taken down near tho cetnent works? The Secretary: The roads are not formed there, and that locality would not bo suitable. It was resolved to inform Mr Small us o tho contents of the letter forwarded to h? company. ror.TOHEUO whajif. S. Hinkley, clerk Peninsula Rood Board, ■roto calling attention to tho dangerous ■nd inadequate condition of the Portobello vharf. Tho busy season was now cominp; ■in, and it wae hoped that, something would i>o done to improve matters.—Referred to ■■Vorks Committee to act. •ITARO HABBpim ilOAHl) HJU'OWKIUXfi BILL. Mondy and Stephens, solicitors, wrote ■dating that tho time for advertising the deposit of the Olago Harbour Board Bill had expired, and they had forwarded the bill to the Clerk of the House on August 26. They had written to tho Hon. J.' A. Millar stating thnt in view of tho fact that an attempt might be made to allocate tho loan they thought it would be desirable that an opportunity should be given tho board to produce evidence before the Local Bills Committee. The Minister, had been askod to advise them of tho date the bill would como before tho committee.— Tho Hon. .1. A. Millar wrote to Uio board at a later date stating that ho would do all in his power to have tho measure passed through ilie Hous?.— Received. KXGINEKR's REroBT. The Engineer (Mr .T. Blair Mason) submitted tho following supplementary report in addition to that published:—" I bring under the notico of the board the necessity of nn efficient system of "lighting . tho steamers' bcein, and more especially the Jetty street and cross wharves. Work at "night at tho wharves in the discharging of coal and loading and unloading of tho intercolonial .I'.camcrs is carried on nt present under (treat disadvantage for want of adequate lights. In order to make the necessary improvements I would recommend that four 'Kxeollo' , flamo are lamps, each of 2000 candle-power, bo installed, ono on tho Rattray street wharf near flic board's office, ono about tho centre of tho cress wharf, and one on tho edge of the roadway, Jetty street. Tho estimated coat of sueli installation is £95."- ' • Tho report was adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE'S P.EPORT. Tho Finance Committee reported:—" (1) In tho matter of the claim of J. W. Swift and Co. for £24- Is Bd, refund of pilotage and port charges paid on account of s.s. Indradevi, claimed under by-law 85, your eommittoo recommends that the refund be [••rallied, but that it be under.stccd that, in future, applications for the suspension of the ordinary charges must be made before payment of such charges; and that the bylaw bo amplified by amendment in 6uch manner as to remove any misapprehension. (2) In the matter of. tho request of the D.T.C. for a rebate of harbour improvement rate on 84 bundles of coir fibre, ex Eleist, it is recommended that tho rebate bo not granted, but coir fibre in future be charged C 3 per ton; (3) Vo recommend accounts amounting to £3559 fo lid for payment."— Adopted. GENERAL. Six applications wero received for the position of pilot at Port Chalmers.—Re forred to the Officers and Servants' Committos.

Mr G. Simpson was appointed the board's valuer in place of Mr John Davic, retired.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13995, 30 August 1907, Page 2

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OTAGO HARBOUR BOARD Otago Daily Times, Issue 13995, 30 August 1907, Page 2

OTAGO HARBOUR BOARD Otago Daily Times, Issue 13995, 30 August 1907, Page 2