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r AUGUST. WitQneto* - .... 1 1.56 p.m. New Moon „ ... _ 9 - 6 .6 p . m , Suet Quarter ... ..< „17 .Ub a.m. Full Moon, ... _ ... 24- 11.45 p.m. Apogee ... _. 6 5.0 p.m. P ™«ee ;• 22 W ». m . Bun rises to-day 6.18, sets 5.28. ' THE WEATHER. Wind S.W.; fma 5 p.m.; Wind N.W • ime. ' t, . 8 a -m. Noon.' 5 p.m. Barometer _. _ 29.6 29.5 29.4 Thormometer « 55 • 53 HIGH WATER. Au S us M°- am. nm At Taiaroa Heads ... 74 725 At Port Chalmers .„ "\ 744 ■%$ At Dunedin .- 8.29 6\50

ARRIVALS. Kahuna, s.s.; 1246 tons. Evans, from New. caatlo, via the Bluff. U.S.S. Co., agents. ' Urayton Grango, s.e,, 6958 tons, Murison, from Liverpool, via Australian and Northern New Zcaknd ports. Tumbnll, •Martin, and Co., astents. Corinna, s.s., 812 tons, Lindsay, from Oamaru. Co., agents. ffOREOAST.-Mr Paulin telephoned at 9.W last night:--Squally N.W. to S.W. winds and cold rain showers." WEATHER REPORTS. , (Per Ukited Press Association) _ WELLINGTON, August 29. Tlie following are tho weather reports at 5,:Mamiliau Heads.—Wind N.W., brocze; bar. 30.02. ther. 57; overcast; bar smooth. Now Plymouth.—Wind N,, fr«h; bar. 29.88, ther. 55; gloomy; sea considerable. Castlcpoint.—Wind N.W., breeze; bar. 29.80, ihcr. 59; cloudy; sea moderate. Wellington.—Wind N.N.W., strong; bat 29.81, ther. 57; ohowery. Woslport—Wind W., light; bar. 29.79, thor. 55; showery; sea considers Mo. Kaikoura.—Wind N.E., light; bar. 29.57, ihor. 58; fine; sea- moderate. Uluff.-Wind N.W., fresh; bar. 29.30, thfir. 47; showery. Northerly strong winds to n. Rale; glass fall; tides ocood; «a heavy on coast; rain probable,—ll. A, Edwis. DEPARTURES. Poherun, s.s., 749 tons, Todd, for tho West Coast. U.S.S. Co., agents. Whangft]», 5.6,, 1901 tons, Maxwell, for Wcstport. U.S.S. Co., agontu. SXPEOTED ARRIVALS. From Calcutta.—Wnihora, duo about September 15. From Liverpool.—Oberon, barquentine, eai led Juno 14. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Victoria, September 1. Prom Sydney (via Wellington).—Mocraki, August, 31. ■ From Molbounio (via. Bluff).—Monowai, September 3. From Auckland.—Moura, August 30. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Cook Strait).—ifonowai, September 4. For Sydney (via . Auckland).—Victoria, September 3. For Melbourne.—Ma-heno, September 1. For Auckland.—Tarawcra, August 30. TO ARRIVE. AT AUCKLAND. Indraflhiri and Plampton, loft Now York •luno 28. Wakanui, left London June 30. Devon, left Liverpool June 29,du0 September 12. Kish, left Mow York Jnly 10. Maori, left London August 6. Halbmehirc, left Now York August 5. Mimiro. loft New York August 5. Oriatm, loft New York August 23. Arawa, loft London August 27. Morayshiro, loft London Augurt 27. AT WEM.IKCTOX. Corinthie, duo about Soptombor 10. Noirnshire, loft Livedo! July 2,7, due October 3. Whakama, loft London August 2. Ruapehu, loft London August 10; due about September 24. AT I.VWELTON, Whakatano, loft London August 6. Whak'ATUa, left London August 1. AT TORT CUADKBRB. Sussoi, due September 10. Devon, duo September K. TO DEPART. PtlOM WELLINGTON, Papnnui,' September 3. ' HOMEWARD BOUND. Fifeshiro, loft Auckland (for -West of England),! July 11. Indradovi. loft Wellington July 16. Gothic, loft Wellington July 18. Tongariro, loft Wellington August 2. Ra-kaia, loft Auckland August 10. lonic, left Wellington August 15.


AUCKLAND. August 29.—Arrived: Jndraloma, from Gisbornc; Tnhinc, from the south. WELLINGTON, August 29.—Sailed: 8 p.m., Rotomahana, for Lyttelton. PasBongors: Missc3 Fryer (2), Ferguson, Oull, Heath, 'Wliitchousc, Giles, Mesdauies Burr, Dwan, Biirrcll nn<l infant, Gale, Scales, liov. Mr Jsitt, Messrs Scott, Ireland, Forsytli, Porry, Piper, Thompson, Lewis, Hack, Shrimpton, Earknr, Strang, Webb, Tcdd, Gray, Cowpcr, Hobbs, Major Hume, Rev. Mr Thomson. LYTTULTON, August 29.-Airivcd: 4.30 p.m., Kini, from Greymoutli. Sailed: Morning Liglit, schooner, for Nelson; Falcon, schooner, for Havelock; 4.50 p.m., Oanopus, for Westport. Sailed: Mourni for Dunedin. Paesefigcrs: Mrs and Mies Smith, Messrs Sinclair Thomson and son, Nixon, Roberta. Boyd.—Sailed: Patccnn, for Wellington; Wiinmora, for Wellington and Sydney. OAJtAUU, Autrufit 29,-Arrived: 9 p.m., Pohernn. from Port Chalmers. INYEROARGILL, August 29.-Arrived: 5 p.m., Invorcargill, from Dunedin. SYDNEY. August 29.—Arrived: Pcndlo Hill, from Mercury Bay. NEWCASTLE. August 29.-Sailcd: Inca, for Auckland: xMcxa, for Wanganui.

Tho Government Shipping Office advises, for the benefit, of mariners, that the Jackson's Head light is at present oxtinpiiehed., The deficiency will bo remedied as speedily us possible. The Victoria h <lne on Sunday forenoon, and sails again on Tuesday for Sydney, via. tho usuul ix>rt«. Tho Mararoa leaves Port CliaJjners tolnorrow afternoon for Wollinjton direct, and tho Mahono comes up to town preparatory to calling on Sunday afternoon for MelIxmrno, from Port Chalmers. TJio Union Company hoe received adviico that tlw new steamer Waihorn, from Calcutta lo Now Zealand, passed Thursday Island on Tuesday last, and signalled " All Wflll." After completinff dischargo of hor cargo ot Port Chalmers yesterday, tho Whaiigapo sailed in the evening for Westport. The Karamca. proceeds to Port Chalmers early this morninjr to discharge a quantity of railway material. Tho Oorinna ia duo this cvoning from Tima-rn, and sails ojain on Monday afternoon for Oiimani. Tho Tara-wera steamed up from Port Chalinors yesterday afternoon, and will sail this aftonioon for' Auckland, via tho usual East Coast ports. Tho Poherua eailed yesterday afternoon for Westport and Grcymouth, via, the usual intermediate ports. At tho launch of the oil-tank steamer Iroquois by Messrs Hatlaml awl Wolff, Bolfast, at' tho end of Juno, Mr A. M. Carlisle etatcxl that on necount of the action of the- Belfast. Harbour Board his firm would never iuereaso tho acreage of tho yard at Belfast. Any other work they had to do would go to the Clyde, Tho following regulation under "The Sydney Harbour Trust Act, 1900," w Every artificial light used on any vessel in tho port shall bo securely enclosed and in oluirgo of a trustworthy jwrsoii. Tho mister of fcho vessol shall bo responsible for tho observance of this regulation." Tho British barque Dunoarn, with 1,300,000 ft of red wood, arrived at Sydnoy recently from Eureka (British Columbia). During a sovoro gale a Large portion of tho red wood planks which woro stacked on tho <l«ck became loosened and were mislicd overboard, The timber w> swept about thedeck, aixl tho crow had some narrow escapes from being injured by the floating planks. Tho Tysor Company's now twin-screw steamer Norehana is expected to leave London in November for Australian nnd Now Zealand porta. Tho Nereliana is a sister chip to tho Whakarua, now on her maiden voyage out. Mr H. Noy, second engineer on Dredge 222, is to transfer pro tem to a similar position on the new bucket dredge, relieving Mr Honry, who comes to Dunedin with tho suction dredge, now under charter to the Olago Harbour Bo&vd.

As Iho result of stiokniß on a roof near Suva recently, a general has boon declared on tho ISucentaur's cwgo, and a depwii of % per cent, of tho vnluo ot Ilio goals will bo oollcobcd from tho consignees. Tho steamer Suseej:, from Glasgow and L-vorscol, arrived at A-ncUaß<} on. Sato-

day ovoninjr, after a verj- good Captain Robertson is slill in command, with Mr Griffiths ae chief engineer, the other officers being tho same as when the steamer visited' Auckland on her last voyage. The steamer left Glasgow on Juno 29 and experienced fine weather acroee the Bay. of. Biscay and strong south-oast winds to tho- Capo of Good Hope, which was rounded or. tho evening of July 26. Strong winds and galos then prevailed to Tasmania, mostly from between north-west and west, followed by strong nxst-south-west winds,- increasing: to a moderate gale in tho Tasrnan Sea, with a very high sea, lasting until arrival. Tho Drajton Grange, from West of Ensland, via Aiutmlian and northern New Zealand porta, arrived at Port Chalmvs yesterday morning, and berthed at tho George street pier, where .sho will comploto tho discJiargc of lior Home cargo boforo prooeoding to Bluff and Australian ports to complete her homeward loading for Wat of England ports. Tho steamer left Liverpool on .Tune 2, and called at Capetown, which port was left on June 26. Generally, Dno weather prevailed to Capotown, .but across tho Southern Ocean tho steamer had to contend agninst continuous strong head golce and seas, which lasted until Melbourno was reached on July 21. On discharge, the steamer called at Sydney, and left that port for Auckland on the afternoon of July 27. After leaving Sydney tho Drayton Grange met some heavy weather before reaching Auckland. An easterly Kalo, sprang up, with high, confused sea. When off Throe Kings some heavy seas canto on board, but fortunately no d&mtura resulted. Captain Murison states that whilst in Auckland thn haromotcr recorded high readings, whilst tho weather was wet find boisterous, On coming south ho found tlio conditions reversed—a low barometer and fine weather. Tho Kaituna, from Newcastle, via. Staff, (lrrivcd at Dunedin yesterday forenora, and berthed at the Jetty street wharf, where «>ho will <li«ohar?o lier coal cargo. After completing her discharge at Port Chalmers, she sails to-morrow for vVestport. Whilst midway between Newcastle and Bluff tho Kaituna, encountered a terrific sea, which continued throughout tho wholo of lost Thursday. Whilst descending from tho fcridjo to the deck Mr T. W. It. Hood was washed. ovorlx>ard by a huge wave, just about dusk, and was never aeon again. Ho wa3 wearing oilskin* and gum boote at the time, and probably sank almost at once. 1 Captain Evans had tho steamer brought round, and lifebuoys woro at once thrown overboard, whilst a sharp lookout was kept bv all hands; but after cruising about tho spot until tlnrkncss sot in the search had to be abandoned, tho quest boing almost hopcles3 i from tho outset, owing to the high sea, rapidly approaching darkness, and also from the fact that the unfortunate officer was heavily oncumbered with oilskins and sea boots.

According to a report concerning the Japanese shipbuilding industry at Kobe, by t.ho United States Consul, the now foundry of tho Kawasaki dockyard will produce steel by the Siemens-Martin system, and tho capacity of one charge will be 10 tone. They also mako their own gas, by which tho oro is heated. In the building is one 20-ton and one 5-ton electric crane, and they will put in ono more of each kind. Tho machinery is run by electricity. Thev can row mako stool ingots and castings of any shape, and will put in next year a largo hydraulic press of about 2000 tons pressure, when they will ho able to manufacture any kind 0! stool. Tho Kawnaaki yard is now building- somo 27 new vessels, including passenpor steamers, gun, and for]xx!o boats, a number of the war craft being for tho Chinese and the Siamese Governments. The Mitsii Bishi Dockyard Co.. the main js'.ant of which is lit Nagasaki, and which now Iww a flouting dock of TOO tons capaoity at this port for tho repair of vessels, intends still further to extend its plant hero, and will immediately commenco the building of a new floating dock of l?. 000 tons displacement. This new dock will ne 500 ft long, with a breadth of 100 ft outside. 80ft inside, 'and will bo finished in Miuch. 1908. It aJfio intends to manufacture steel for shipbuilding and other purposes, imtl is now negotiating: for MlO purchase of tho Kobe Steel Works.—Shipping- Gazette.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13995, 30 August 1907, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13995, 30 August 1907, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13995, 30 August 1907, Page 4