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KAITUNA CLUB. The annual meeting of the Kaituna Bowling Club was held in tho pavilion at tho club's ground last evening. Air Alex. Thompson (president) occupud the, and thero was a good gathering of members.

Tho Chairman congratulated the club on holding its annual meeting under favourable conditions. The reiiort (anvady 'published) and balance sheet were very satisfactory. The green had been closed a littlo earlior than usual, but during tho year tho members hatl more play off it than during any previous year. The balance 6heet was very satisfactory from tho point of view that a good many important improvements had been carried out during tho year. Invduded in the improvements wero the new pavilion—(applau--e)---iu which they n:id met that evening. The alterations to the building had cost about £370, and between £130 and £140 had been expended on ho rosowing of tho green. Tho green gavo promise of being in a first-class condition for the coming season. In inter-club matches the Kaituna Club had been as successful .16 formerly in carrying off prizes, and had been beaten by oidy two clubs. Tho points scored were 1423, again6t 1193. He trusted that all the noticcs of motion on tlio order paper for tho evening would be carried unanimously, ius thoy wero all proposed in tho interests of tho club. Ifa proposed tho adoption of the renorfc and balance Hicet.

The motion was seconded by Mr J. A. Haalett ami carried.Prizes were distributed as. follows: — Championship, Mr H. Smeaton. with Mr T. Sneddon as runner-up; Rinks—Messrs T. Lambournc, J. Stevenson, J. F. Bailey, T, Sanders (s); president's prize—Mr F, Smith, with Mr A. Baillic eeqond; Doubles—Messrs J. G. Patterson and 11. Sme.-vton (s) 1, Messrs K. E. Taylor and J. F. Bailey (s) 2; vice-president's prize (handicap)—Mr W. M'llwriclt 1. Mr \Y. Blr-okwood 2; rolts' prize. Mr J. F. Officers for tho year were elected as follows President, Mr C. R. Smith; vicepresident, Mr J. 0. Stephens; 6eoretary, Mr J. Stono (rc-clcctedi; treasurer, Mr .T, F. Bailey; Match Committee—Mr F. Smith; delegates to the Now Zealand Bowling Association, Messrs C. R. Smith and .7. Stone; General Committee—Messrs Forrester, J. A, Haslett, C. T. Paterson, F. Smith, C. J. Payne, and H. Smoaton; auditor, Mr P. Barr. It was resolved that the annual social of the club bo held at as early a date as possible. It was decided to suspend the operation of rule 7 during the currency of tho guarantee to tho hank.

The retiring and incoming presidents paid a deserved compliment to the secretary for his services, and a similar compliment w.16 nftid to Mr Haslett. the rotirinir tr<?a c n for his services during three years. Tho president-elect, also thanked Mr Lamboumo on behalf of tho club for the assistance ho had given tho club in connection with the building of tho pavilion. The following motions wero adopted: — (1) No member shall be at liberty 1o enter for any club tie unless he shnll have paid his subscription; f2) no member shall bo at liberty to play in any club tie until his entry money therefor shall have been paid. That the Match Committee shall not choono any member whose subscription is unpaid to represent the club in any club match. That rule 23 bo altered to give effect to the following resolution:—"lf any member shall make default in payment, of his subscription_ for a period of one calendar month after written notice from the treasurer that the subscription of such member is in arrear, the committee may by resolution expel such members from membership. That all disputes of whatever nature between members taking part in iclub ties shall be referred to and determined by the Match Committee if present; and if such committee be not present, to the president or vicc-presi-dent in that order, if present; and if none nf such officials bo present, thou to such members of the committee as shall 1« present when such dispute shall srise; and if no member of the committee be present, then by some member to be mutually agreed on. That no member who shall have played for more than two yours shall be eligible to play for the oolts 1 prize. That it be a recommendation to the committee that for the season 1907-8 the only games plnved be rinks, doubles, and tho colts' match.

That tennis members be considered as tenants of tho club, and that, tho committee l>e asked to make the necessary arrangements in regard to tho rental of the tennis courts.

It was also decided to .rppoint "coaches" to look after and instruct now players, and Messrs H. Sincaton, T. Sneddon, and J. Sanders wore appointed to thin office. The committer was instructed to direct club's delegates how to vote in regard to notices of motion coming before the Now Zealand Bowling Association.


The following are the principal clauses in, thj animal report of the Dunedip Bawling, .Tennis, and Fives Company:—

In presenting illeir first annual report your directors wish to congratulate members* on tlie successful change in the constitution. During last year the freehold of the property was acquired, and the club merged into a limited liability company. All details in connection with the change have been carried through with complete success, and while tlio continuance of the bowling green has been secured for all time, the members hold as an asset a valuable city freehold. There are 107 shareholders on the register, holding 437 shares.

The balance at credit is £46 17s 9d, and your directors recommend that a dividend of 5 per oont. be paid to shareholders. Tho outstanding debentures—92 in number,—being a liability of tho Bowling Club, were taken over by the newly-formed company, and during' tho year were paid off, with accrued' interest. This payment and the expense in oonnoction with the flotation of the confpany have very materially lessened our profit for the period. Tho following directors retire; Messrs 1), M'Pliersou, F, Peake, and Win. Thomson; and of this number Mr P. Peake alone seeks re-election.

Owing to the continuance of dry weather thtougbont the whole season, members were able to tako the fullest advantage of tho bowling gTeen, and as a result the turf towards the close showed signs of wear, the grass disappearing entirely at the ends of some of the rinks. Notwithstanding this, the green was in excellent condition for play, and visitors spoko of it as one of the very best in the colony. At present, our membership stands at HI full members, 1G honorary members, and llirco_ life members. This is the utmost capacity of our green. Several members are retiring at the end of the ycaT, and the vacancies' wilt be open for new members. The payment of tho annual subscription is a question that has engaged tho attention of your directors more frequently than should be necessary, At present all subscriptions are now paid, but in several cases members had to be waited on more than once |>efore payment was made. In a club such as this the payment of tho annual subscription should Im the first duty of members. Our regulations allow fully two months' grace, but "that is by no means sufficient for several. The directors are of opinion that any member who is persistently negloctful in tlie payment of his 'subscription should bo called upon to resign. This has never yet boon done but it may be necessary. Tho work entailed in beating up the laggards each year is not at all pleasing.

With two exceptions our club kept al! its engagements during the season, and in theso instances the appointed dates did not suit the North-East Valley and Otago Clubs. We received visits from Phcenix, Lawrence, Milton, Stirling, and Gore Clubs, and .we paid visits to Paimorston, Stirling, and Kaitangata. Two rinks of New South Wales bowlers also played a game against two rinks of our members. The club played 11 matches, winning eight and Ifiiiflg tfe Tte fetaws

figures show tho results:-Dunedin 74 v. i'aieri 89; Dunedin 170 v. St. Kilda 125; Dunedin 133 v. Kaituna 179; Dunedin 138 v. Caledonian 143; Dunedin 72 v. St. Clair 47; Dunedin 83 v. Outram 7'2; Dunedin 133 v. Coversham 96; Dunodin 192 v. Roslyn 132; Dunedin 110 v. Balmacewen 55; Dunedin 152 v. Port Chilmors 107;. Dunedin 137 v. Green Island 92.

Tho customary prizes wore offered at. the commencement of tho season, and your directors record, with considerable pleasure, that less difficult, was experienced this year in getting tho various ties played off than formerly. In no case wero the rounds behind time, and in many eases members met thoir engagements ahead of the specified time, Thia disposition on tho part of competitors to carry through their engagements promptly is a sure index of the wral spirit of 'bowling. We doubt if ever a single appeal wis made to tho Match Committee to take action. Your directors trust this satisfactory condition will continue.

'Die list of winners of club.prizes is:— Champion Singles, llr TV. Paget . Galo; runner-up. Captain S. V. Trask. Handicap Singles. Mr W. S. Young; runner-up, Mr W. M'Larcn. Subscription Doubles—Messrs P, Walker nad W. A. Murray, 1-, Messrs W. Goodlet and John AVhite, 2. Rink Match— Messrs Jame3 Rodger, J. li. Glover, W. A. Durie, Thos. Neill (s). The club was represented at the various tournaments held during tho season, but our representatives wero only moderately successful. Several of our members wont to Australia with the "All White" combination, and worthily upheld their reputation as bowlers. At tho Australian championship meeting our worthy clubmato (Mr William M'Laren) distinguished himself, and brought honour to the club by winning the Single-handed Championship of Australia. Last year Mr Andrew Mowat, cue of the most loyal supporters the club has had, was entertained by memlxira, and presented 1 with an oil-punting of himself. The occasion was a memorable one, many of the oldest members being present to testify to the high esteem in which Mr Mowat is held by bowlers generally. Tho painting now adorns tho club's pavilion. It is with regret that wo havo to record the death of twtf of our oldest members—James Leighlon and Ilonry Dodds. At no period of tho club's history has it emollod &o many promising beginners as it did last season. An examination of the prizo lis; shows that more than one has already secucd a placo among the vrimiors. The marked enthusiasm of this year's colts is worthy of more than passing notico. and all that is wanted to make rtwJly good bowlers of them is the direction and the assistance of tho moro experienced players. In sorno quarters it, lias been openly stated that tho oldest members cf our clubs havo been in tho pa?t very tardy in recognising merit in the younger members, and in a club with a very largo membership this is always upt to occur. This season's colts, however, stand no chance of being overlooked. Thoy havo forced thomselves into prominence by sheer excellenco of thoir play, and it will be a matter of surprise if next season's tournament rinks do not include several of this year's beginners. Tho groen was closed on April 22, fully six- weeks earlior than Ikis been tho custom. This was considered necessary on account of the turf having worn much in places owing to tho continued drought. All defoets havo now been remedied, and next season's green should bo better in every respect than the good green we have had this season. Your dirootors fully appreciate the extra attention b?stowed on tho green by William Lowe (our green keepor) during tho unusually dry summer.

Iu conclusion, your directors point with satisfaction to what they oonsidor has boon a most successful year. The property lias been bought, the membership is at a, maximurii, the financial position i 3 solid, and the bpwling green has never been in better condition. Generally, tlio affairs of tho company no in a, highly satisfactory state, and it is a gouuino ploasuro to your directors to bo ablo to report so favourably at the close of the first year's operations of tho company.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13941, 28 June 1907, Page 8

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BOWLING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13941, 28 June 1907, Page 8

BOWLING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13941, 28 June 1907, Page 8