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Tho Mayor-elect (Mr John London) will be installed on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The councillors huvc already been sworn in.

In viow of the prominence given lo the question of immigration by (he Premiers' Conference, it, may be interesting lo rptote the advertisement insertod in the British newspapers by tho High Comnii aioner in London. It reads: ."Tho Settlors' Ideal Home, Now Zealand,—Arrangements have been mado wilh tho Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, tho New Zealand Shipping Company, and the Federal Steam Navigation Company for reduced fares for second and third class passengers. At tlio present rato passages are limited to farmers, agricultural labourers, shepherds, woodcut tors, and men alilo to milk cows and manage live slock, who, if approved, tako £25 with them. Domestic (women) servants will be granted passages at the reduced rales subject to (heir taking with them not less than £2. For application forms and further information nppl} lo the High Commissioner for New Zealand, 13 Victoria street, London, or the agents in tho United Kingdom of tho above shipping companies." Canada's invitation i« in these terms: "Canada.— -Iho cry for unskilled labour greater than ever. Splendid opportunities for heallhy men and women, Briluin's newesl and greatest colony. One hundred and sixlv acres free. Got your oivn farm; quit paying rents; happy homes; healthy, bracing climate; under tho old (lag; cheap fares; comfortable and speedy travel. Work found on farms for experienced 'or inexperienced men, for domestic servants, for navvies, carters, and all willing workers. For map 3, pamphlets, full information, and directions apply Bruce Walker, Assistant Superintendent, Canadian Emigration, 11-12 Charing Cross, London S.W., or to John Webster, 35-37 St. Enoch square, Glasgow

lho aftermath of tlio Exhibition was very manifest in Duncdiii yesterday, lorry after lorry pnssing up Rattray street, from tho wharf conveying returning exhibits from tho great fair.

Another move has been started ill the Cily Council to fix the hour of meeting of committees for tliu evening. It hns also been suggested that tho duties of eomo of tlio committees should be amalgamated, 60 instead of eight committees there should bo only five. At Wednesday night's meeting, when tho committees aro to be set up, more may lie beard of tho proposals. Somo misapprehension is likely to arise over tho slatoment that lias been made publio to tho effect that tho Municipal Corpora lions Act mako.i no provision for taking tho names of householders oft' the roll. Whilo it is true that tho act itself makes no such provision, the elision of names is provided for in the regulations, which authorise the striking off'of tho mimes of householders who do not vote. Nevertheless, it is apparent that somo belter means must; bo taken of compiling tlio municipal rolls. A "householder" may bo enrolled, and leave the district or die, or bccomo disqualified in some other way, and tho retention of the name till after an oleclion holds out a direct opportunity of personation. Contrary to tho common belief, (hero is an efficient means of protection against doublo voting. From every ballot Imx a copy of the marked roll is reserved for olfic-o use. All these rolls aro brought to bear upon an official single copy, so tha.t the use of more votes than lho elector is entitled to can bo at oncc detected.

Dr Ogston has just, returned from a visit to' lioxburgh, via Lawrence. There wero persistent allegations of tho existence of typhoid in tho railway camps on the new railway, and tlio Health Officer surmised that tho causo was the condition of tho water in tlio creek from which the supplies wero drawn. lie |>oint£d out that tho remedy lay in boiling tho water before use, and this was impressed on the residents and officials. Another object of Dr Ogston's visit, was to enlist the interest of borough and county officials in the fumigation of dwellings in which infeolious diseases have occurred, and Mr Gladstone, tho inspector, has been despatched inland lo impart tlio necessary instructions.

Tlio supposed Rubens was displayed yesterday in the window of lieges Music Repository. It is to bo taken to London for identification. Tlio subject is "Tlio Judgment of Paris." Tlio mythological story has it that at tlio nuptials of I'clous and Thetis, tho goddess of Discord, who was not invited, showed her displeasure by throwing among- tho assembly a golden apple, bearing tho inscription "Dotur pulchriori" ("Let it bo given to -the fairer "). All tho goddesses present- immediately claimed tho prize, but tho gods admitted their inability to decide, and handed over tho invidious task to Paris, then a shepherd on Mount Ida. Tho contestants .dwindled down to three— Juno, Minerva, and Venus. Juno promised the judge a kingdom, Minerva military glory, and Venus the fairest woman in the world for a wife. Tho applo was awarded to Venus, and the picture represents Paris in tho act of handing it to her. If Iho picture is really an original Rubens its value will bo very great; but. as "The Judgment" wits a favourite eubjcct, there being fully 20 in existence, it may happen jlmt. even connoisseurs will have some didiculty in deciding the point.

Mis Honor Mr Jusiieo Williams will' return to Dunedin on Friday, and will hold a nitting in Bankruptcy on Monday, May 6. A special meeting of the Drainage Board which was convened for last evening was adjourned until to-night for want of. a ' quorum. Tho sweated industries exhibit, at tho Town Ilall attracted no less than 6800 victors last week. Ono thousand six hundred and forty persons signed the book. Yesterday the exhibit was viewed by upwards of a thousand visitors. Tho exhibit will remain open for at- leasl another fortnight, to that thoso who have not- yet. had an opportunity of seeing it and taking its moral lessons to heart may pay a. cull.

A Homo export, in company with Messrs Geddcs ami Hopkins, returned to Dunedin yesterday after having inspected tlio wrecked barque Marguerite Mirabaud with » view of deciding the possibility of refloating her. As the vessel now lies on a safe sandy beach we understand that the prospect of re-lloatiiig tier is considered good. Some delay Iras 'been experienced in getting out tlio cargo, about, half of it. having been landed on the beach, which is strewn with a miscellaneous assortment, and as soon as salvage operations are concluded an at tempt will be made to refloat the hull. On the other hand, several authorities have declared most emphatically that the vessel "is there to stay." A .somewhat painful accident, happened to Mr Laurenson. creamery manager at. Dunbaek, on Sunday evening. When he was bringing in his horse from the paddock to attend to it for the night the animal kicked out. striking him on the l>ael; of tlio hand, fracturing and dislocating the bones and making ;tn ugly wound. Mr L;mroiisoii'.s injuries were attended to bi l)r llislop, of P:ilmorston. Some time will probably elapse before the injured hand is thoroughly better.

The Rev. \V. I.amb continued his Gospel mission at the Hanover Street Baptist Church hut night, and tool: as the theme of bis address the parable of the Pharisee aud iho yublicau (St. Luko xviii, 10-14).

The men wont inlo the temple, not to hear a'sermon, Iml lo pray. Prayer was the contact of the heart with God, and coulil lie offered anywhere. 'J'he (rue arid nccepted suppliant, was the tax-gatherer, who prayed. "God, lie merciful lome, a sinner." His prayer was directed to God, frotn Whom alone pardon could come. 11, was a ple,i for mercy, which lie most needed, nnd which all alike need. Thero was no salvation opart from the confession of .sin. Tlio best men had felt, most keenly tlio enormity of sin. The light, of God's holiness, licforo which they Wvcd, made their sin eland out in appalling clearness until they abhorred their sinfulness? The prayer was intensely persona I. The publican, felt that, ho alone slood before the only God; so all .needed to realise their individual responsibility before God. The liieicy of God always'-met the penitent, with pardon and acceptance. The publican left the temple justified and forgiven, whilo the self-complacent Pharisee left it unpaulcned and unblost. No sooner was the prayer offered than forgiveness was granted. Solos were rendered by Miss Burl, and JJr Arthur Cooke. Bible-read-ings will bo given to-day and to-morrow at 3, and Gospel addresses will bo delivered both evenings at 8. The mission will then close. On these last two services special thank-offerings will be taken up towards tlio expenses <?f the mission. Mr Lamb begins his last mission in New Zealand at Cnvcrslinm next Sunday prior to his journey to England.

Ihe first of a series of winter lectures inaugurated by the committee of tho Dunclin Athenaeum will he given in (lie Victoria Hall to-night. The lecturer -will bo l)r lienhani, Professor of Biology in the Olngo University, who will deal with the various uses of colour lo animals in their natural surroundings, and with the theories that have been put. forward lo explain the origin of the colouration. The lecture will bo illustrated by numerous lantern slides, many of which are coloured.

" Elizabeth," milliner, 42 Prinrps street over Braithwaite's). Autumn models, ready-to-wear hats in felt and straw; hats renoVAI t ' liew ve " 3 i collar supports.

lon days' final dissolution :;a!c now oij at Daillaa and Walt's, 08 and 62 George street. Ke tog to direct special attention to (ho now Tanya of boys' Shamrock suit.? which we have opened. They aro very up-to-date, and he prices range from 13s Gd tc ais.-ilollisons JjUI...

Tourists desiring nfementos of Sew Zealand will find it to their advantage to inspect the magnificent selection of articles in "cmiine groonslonu displayed at G. and T. Young's, SS Princes street.

potcncy-of the "Lancer" cure in cases oi Influenza is most remarkable. It seems to net :iko a charm ill tho quickness with which it gives relief! "Lancer" Influenza Cure, 2s. All chemists'.—Advt.

./"'I Clufdmn's Hacking Cough at- night Hoods Great Peppermint Cure. Is6d&2s6d. ■w^V'i 0 JJlCK''—The most reiiablo Watchmaker and Joweller. opposite Cotlee Palace, Moray plnce, Duneuiii. Charger strictly moderate.—Advt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13890, 30 April 1907, Page 5

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 13890, 30 April 1907, Page 5

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 13890, 30 April 1907, Page 5