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Daily Times Office, Saturday, April 27.


jßujinp.—Demand 7s fid per cent. discount; 30 days, 12s 6d nor conl. discount; 60 days, 17s Cxi per cent, discount; 90 days, 27s 6d per cent, discount Selling.—Demand 10s per cent, premium; 30 days,. 5s per cent, premium; 60 days, par; 90 days, par. Tolcgrapliiu Transfers to London.—l7s 6d per cent, premium, plus eablo charges. Deposits.—Bank of Australasia, fixed for 12 or 24 month?, 3 per cent, por annum. Other banto, fixed for six inonlhs, 2 per cent, per suinuin; 12 months, 3 per cent, per annum; 24 months, per conl, per '.nnum. Thero is no change in the local money

market, conditions being unaltered. Business generally in on the <|niot f,id< and in the abGcncc ot any important ma) kot fluctuations orders are eonlincd lo 'v actual requirements, tlioro' being no induconjonl to speculate. i'," BRGAUBTCFFii. Tlioro lias been considerably more dis- ■ . position on tho part ot local millers to ; ouy_ owing to a growing, conviction f that prices will advance; but tho, _cxtcnt of business , is limited

by the small offerings. Millers aro .eager: buyers of all prime milling tamnlra at s:> 3Jd nnil 3s Id 011 1 nirk 3 . 'northern stations, but holdera arc nuking up to 3s 4i<l, and aro not. too anxious to sell oven at. this rate. Wheat. is well held, and now that tlio millera are .definitely in the market a further riso in pnice inav bo anticipated. > There is almost a famine in chick wheat, and merchants have difficulty in scraping together enough to fill orders. The price ban advanced, and northern merchants arc • asking from 3s 4J<l to 3s sd, f.0.b., s.i., for good wholo fowl feed. For (lie small lines offering locally tlio samo rates ato being . ashed ox store. There i 9 110 clmngo in the flottr market, and tlio Now Zealand Flourmillers' Association's tariff remains as follows:—Saclis, £8 15s per ton; 100's, £9 ss; 50's, £0

■ 10s; 25'?, £9 15s. The shipping price ;... •'■' stands at £8 10s per ton f.o.b. The Aus- .' tralinn market dominates local prices, and anv upward movement in Australian flour would bo (lie signal for a vise in prico i... /here.

Nominally, tho oat market, is firmer, but • j the nbsencc of demand, especially from Iho north, makes, merchants apathetic. Offeri'however, ate not large, and llie outlook is for steady prices. Much depends upon Australia. It is reported that Algerians nrn landing in Auckland at from 2s 7d to 2s Bd duty paid, and if theso aro imported in any quantities it must affect •'. j tho Now Zealand market. Latest advices, however, report the week's export for New Zealand as 62 bags. Tlio •" fiO.b., B,i._. price has been advanced to 23 • 71d, and in sotno cases 2s 8d is asked for, '.-■ .but without business. Oatmeal is still quoted at £14 per ton. and tho ]ifico of pearl barley is unchanged at £14 103 to £15. • PRODUCE JIAUKET.

Owing'to heavier deliveries tho potato / market hna cased, and primo table tubers aro quoted at from £4 to £4 10s per ton. It is unlikely that prices will declino further, and holders aro storing rather than sacrifice their stocks. Melbourne advices : report 833 kvrs on tho water for New Zealand, but what quantity is coming to this market is not fitated. Tho. .butter market, in without change. Dairy is quoted at B<d lo 9<l, milled Sd 'to , lOd, 'and separator at o|d to lOd. First- ' firadc factory is (moled as follows:---Prints, . 113 d booked and'llid cash; hulk, llid. Cheese.—Factory mediums, 6£d per lb; 'Aharon, loaf, 6id por lb; medium, M. Eggs keep firm, and tho quotation is now 2s'per dozen for fresh, Is 3d for .chillcd, and Is 2Jd to Is 3d for preserved, I'oiiltty.—ln' benvy supnlv And limited demand, liens arc quoted, at 1b to 2s : por pair Is fid to 2s Bd per pair; ducklings, 2s to 2s 9d ner pair; geofe, 3s; turkeys—liens 5d por lb, gobblers 7£d per Pigs are in brisk dnniind, both baconere . .and porkoM boinr? miotcd at sd. I),icon 1 is v .'Mario at BJd to BJd, and ham at Bd. - Chaff conlinuo.s easy, and £5/por (on is , , tho top prico for extra prime oaten sheaf. am: and stout. (Duty; 2s per gallon, or 4s per dozen.) . Tho following prices will bo maintained for,tho undermentioned brands of alo and stout, and under no circumstances will theso ■ rates bo departed from, and, Furthor, ' nothing under five cases is to bo sold at tin m-liond price, aiid no mixed five-cafe lots tro to bo sold at a livo-ease price:— Five- Leaser case Quon--1 • > Lois. titics. Bead's nle, quarts 13/8 '■ 13,'G ' Head's nle, pints — e/G ;Head's .stout, quarts .. .. 13/0 13/3 Hold's stout, pints — 8/3 Following is the agents' list of prices for other brands, tho quotations being for ordinary lots per dozen quarts, all duty paid: —Alo; Porter's Bull Dog, 12s 6d; Foster's, 12s; Tennant's, 12s, Slout: Porter's Bull Dog, 12s to 12s (xl; Burke's, 12s 6d to 12s 9d; -Hall's Boar's Head, 12s; Foster's, lis j 9d; Tennant's, lis 6d to 12s; Tennant's laser beer, 7s 6d for pints ami lis Gd for <]uarts. Johnson's stout- (in quarts), which has been out of tho market for some time, is arriving in the Titania., now due. It has been tariffed as follows:—Five eases, ' 12s;, lesser quantities, 12s Gil. • lUfifilXO.

. (Woolpacks and Cornsacks: Free.) Tbo Calcutta market maintains a vcrv high level, tho latest quotations for woolpacks ranging from 2s 10;Jd to 2s lljd, c.i.f. and c.' for lH's. As merchants will shortly have lo plaoe their orders for shipment by tho July steamer, there is ovory, probability of) extremely high prices ranging this season.' Cornsacks arc going into consumption locally at 7s 6d, but Iho latest- c.i.f. and e. quotation is 7s 9d. CANIIMS.

(Duty: 'Manufactured in British dominions, Id per lb; foreign candles, per lb.) Candles aro ill seasonable demand. Tho Burmese Candle Company advises an ad-, vauce'of j,d per lb on nil itn lunkes of ■caiidlcs. Tim revised iairlt now stands: — Burmese 'decorated eiindles. 7-jd in 10-box lots; 7Jd for fivo lioxes; and BJd for lesser, quantities. .Plain ami fluted, SJd for 16oz G's, oud 6J|I for self.litting ami , t'his tariff is 'Subject to tho mnnl discount. The local m/innfacturers' tariff stands as follows:— Gold Medal and Exhibition, Gd; Mining and Standard, 61d; Composites (plaiii and fliiled) and ■ Mnmict, sjd; Ducal Paraffin ' I'.nd Superior Wax Parnflih, sld; Brilliants, sid; Adamants, sd; Prise Medal, Ulcclricß, aiid Rockets, 43d. These rates ire subject, to a sliding scale of discount, according to ouantily ptirelmsed. Ogstou's Aberdeen candles are selling at Gd to 6id. Price's brands aro selling at the followiug rates:—For London Sjierms, 64d. (duty paid), and London Wax and Paraffins at 6d. OKItKXT. |Duiy. Manufactured in British dominions, 2s per Kirrcl; foreign cement, 4s per barrel.) '■Hie cement market has hardened, and prices hlyo firmed for parcols. The re- . vised tariff now stands:—Under 20 cask lots, 14s 6d; 20 to 93 cask-lots, 14s; 100cask lots aiid over. 13s 6d. r DltlKn FRUITS, (Dilty: Currants and raisins, Id per lb: figs, nuts, shell almonds, evaporated apples, prunes, and dales, 2d por lb; Jordan almonds, 3d per lb; Sicily Abiionds, free.) . . Recent advices from San Frnnoisco go to show that matters from a business poiiit view have improved very little, if any, since Iho recent, cafnstronhe, and that in all probability tho extreme difficulty which was oxperieliced last year in implementing orders will again be repeated. Consequently Californian nackore anil their ngehls are urging' Mew Zealand buyers to place thoir orders before the opening of the new season, so ns to minimis* disappo.intmeiik And'to add to other difficulties this, year there will lie tho uncer-

tniiily of fiviprlits owine to the discontimitiiice of tlio San Francisco mail service. 'flic oxpectcd consignment of Mildura sultanas is at rcngtli to hand, and they arc going into.consumption at s|d for ordinary quality.. 'Packet sultanas ave very sciu-cc, : and Smyrna packets arc firm at. '7.=. Current quotations aro as follow Now date- 8s tn 8s 6:1 in cartons, and at 4Jd to 43in biilk: figs, ill layers 6{d to 63d; in bags, sjd: in small boxes. 10oz, 4s 6d120z to 14oz, 5s 6(1; sultanas-—avcrsgo quality, 53d: eelocted, 6d: in cartons, 7s; currants, 4jd 1 to 4Jd, according to quality anil sample; carton currants, 5s 3<l; pnuifj. SJ(I to-5Jd. ntcordintr to eiro of fruit; cartons. 7s 6(1; demos, 4M fo sd; muscatels-Malaga, la Id to Is 2tl iii troys, ami Is to lis 'id in boxes; Califortiiaii, 51b trays, 10(1; 101b bags, 9{.(1; Sicily almonds.' Is 2d. For canned fruits current quotations ate as follow:-

Second ' Water Standards. Standards. Apricots .. .. 9/ !),'9 10/3 Pears 8(9 l)/9 10/ I'ecclies .. .. 8/9 9/G 10/ Evaporated apples arc quoted at Bid in bulk and 9s in packets. Evaporated pencil??. 9d to 9}d. I>'or pinOapplcs the current quotation is' '4s 9d to fe, according to qllatitiiy. 'I'as"MllkJi jack apples arrive.

I (Duty: Dried, pickled, or salted, 30s per I owfc; pafrto, 20 ,pcr cont. ad valorem; jjottod find preserved—British 2d per lb, foreign 3d per lb.) • Owimr to a Ikitl fishing season a confiiderablc advance Jias ""'taken place in iiio prico of sardines, and, according to recent nd vices, the market; at Home is rising I'flpidlj. A further advanco. has boon established in the prico of herrings, live cause is said ki be the very heavy orders aJready booked to moot flio ContirKMitnl demand, which is likely fo tux to-the utmost Ihe canning capacity of the principal factories. London packers are now indicating the prico .for the new season's herrings, "ho cost will ho again high, equivalent to an advanco of 3d per dozen on last season's rates. A consignment of Skipper sardines, which has l:<?on out of llw niarkol, is on hoard the Wa imate. There is a Rood demand for fir,h of oil kinds.- Morton's .hori'inffa_ nro quoted at 6? for fresh, 7s 3d for herrings in tomato, and 7a 6d for kippered herrings. Current quotations for nro as follow: —Plats. 10s 6d; falls, 9s 6(11 half-flats, 6? 3d for ' bra win. Oilier quotation* are:— Codfish, 5Jd in 21b blocks and s£d in strips. Sardines—Albert quarters, 7s 3d to 7.-, 6d; Albert halves, 10fj 3d io 10s 6dj good quality halves 6s' and 6s 6d, and quarters 3s 6d to 4s; Skipper sardines, bnlfs. 10s; quarters 5s 6d : smoked sardines, 9s for halves and 5s for quarters; white herrings, 21s for 2-100's and 30s to 32s for two-dozens; red herrings, 20s for 2-200's, 17s for one-dozens. Findon haddocks arid bloaters aro quoted at 9s Gd mid 8s 6d respectively. Hay's new season's' ling fish is quoted at 6d. IIKTALS. (Duty; Galvanised iron, £2 per ton; fencing wire and barbed wire, free; ironplain, blaok sheet, rod, l>olt, bar, and plate, not produced in British dominions, 20 per cent, ad valorem.) . There is a tendency lo easiness in a number of heavy lines and indications point to the top of Iho market haviYig been reached for the present. Current quotations aro as follow:—Bar iron, £11 10s for 10-ton lots, up to £12 10s for smaller quantities. • Shoeing bars: lil! 11, £15 10s; Netlicrton's £H \os; and .ordinary brands, £12 10s. Hoop iron, 156 for black and 25s for galvanised. For wire nails Ibo basis prico is £17. Fencing wire. £il for under one ton. and £10 for parcels. Galvanised wire, £12 10s, anfl for parcels £12. Ingot tin 2s for colonial and 2s 4<l for Lainb and Flag, ftnrbod wire. 14s Gd to 15s; lead sliest, 28s; galvanised wire netting, £25 10s per ton for 35 x ljj x 17 gauge: thiecmilo lots, £25; G.C. iron, £23, Orb 10s extra., with usual concessions for 10-ton lots. Steel plate, £12 to £13 10s, steel angles £12 to £13. Galvanised iron, plain, 24s lo 25s—with the usual concession of Is per cwt less for lOcwt lots. Pig iron, £5 15g to £6 per lon. Tinplatcs in very short supply, firm, 18s. Tee bars, £13 10s. Pig lead, 245.

(Duty: Kerosene, free; other oils, 6d per gallon!) The local agents for tlio Colonial Oil Company (Messrs Bates, Siec, and Co.) liavo received instructions to quote kerosene to arrive ox.Tomoana, duo at the end of the month, as follows:—White Roso 10|d, Ten Uo9o B£d, and turpentine 4s 3d per gallon; all ex wharf. Quotations ex warehouse are unaltered as follow:—Kerosene, White lloso 10?, Tea Hose BJd, benzine Is Id to 1b 2d; naphtha and motor spirit, Is 4d to Is sd; gasoline, Is lOd to Is 11<1; turps, 4s 4d. The Invornry. now at., Wellington, brings supplies of naphtha, and motor spirit, but no ex wharf quotations have yet been fixed. The prico of linseed oil is firm at 3s 6d for raw and' 3s Pd for boiled. Castor oil is quoted at 3s lOd for halfeases and 4s for drums, oilmen's stores, eto.

Latest London advices report a 25 per ocnt. advance in the prico of lentils, and! tho price is now 22(1. Tho market for bicarbonate of soda is reported very firm. Milkmaid milk is in very short supply locally. A reduction of 2s per ease is announced in tho prico of pumiccino. , A now lino jUst plaeod on the market is R-eekitt's " Brassa," a • metal polish said to ho of excellent qtmlity, as befits tlio reputation of the firm introducing tho same. It is quoted at 7s 3d. A now line has been placed on tho market in tho slia'po of Cooper's fluid disinfectant, which is quoted at 27s in 20oz bottles, and at 10s in 6oz bottles. . Tho prico of crystallised gijiger has been fixed at 7J»I net. A now line of checso in jars, packed in Mataura, has just l>een introduced locally. This is "Taylor's Old Port Cheese," which is\]uoted at 15s, and is said to lie an improvement on -tho imported -article. Alterations ara announced in.tho price of Hurray's milk. Tho tariff for Highlander is now 20s, a. reduction of 6d; Cowslip is quoted at 18s 6(1, an advanoo of Is. Cream of tartar, 95 por- cent., Morton's, Is Id. Morton'? castor oil is quoled at 4s 6d for soz, bottles and 65 6d for lOoz bottles. Dcssicated cocor.llut, s£d for oliests, 5Jd for lessor quantities; and 6Jd for packols. Tlio quotalions for matches iiow stand Plaid, vestas, 3s 6d to 3s 9d; Pell's 250's, 16s 3d to 16s6d; and Bell's Royal, 8s 9d to 9s. Flag tomato sauce, 7s. New season's lieinp seed, 255; new season's canary seed, 255. For pumiccino Iho tariff now stands Five eases 9s, ono lo four cases, 10s. Tho various brands of »>c|3t polish are quoted as follows:— Nugget,, small 3s 6d; large, 6s Gd; two-in-one, 46 9d; Court-: Small-3s 6d, large 6s 6d; Record: Small 3s 6d, large 6s Sd; Everett's 6s 6d to & 9d for largo, 3s 6d to 3s 9d for small; Abbey 5s Bd lo 6s 3d' for large; -Shi-net 3s 3d and 3s 6d; Jlurbur 2s 3d, 4s, and 6s. Brunner Mondo carbonate. of soda is qtlofcd at 12s Gd. Forco food, 22s Hnrieot beans, 21s and English peas 19s. Packet, hops, Is 6i1.. Sadler's mustard! 4s 9d for-quarters, Bs 3d for halves, and 16s 6d for lib tins. Patcrson's cdnlp coffee, 12s. The 'ollowihg tariff has ljeen fixed for Brown mid l'olson's and Brown's cornflours: —Brown and Poison's and Brown' 6 maize: 15 boxes, 23d; 5 boxes, 2Jd; 1 to 5 boxes, 3d: Brown arid Co.'s Patent, 3Jd; Brown and 1 Poison's Indian, 5Jd. Harvest Qiieen cornflour is selling at 2Jd to 3d. Tartaric Scid —powdered, Is sd; crystals, Is sd. Milkmaid milk, 6s 6d. Colmnli's starch, to s!d. NeaveV food. 10s to 10s 3d. Keillor's marnwlade-illl) 7s 6d, 21b 13s 9d. Robertson's Golden Shred marmalade—lib It Gd, 21b 13s Gd. Crosse and Blabkv.-eU'a marmalwle—lib jars 8s 3d, 21b jars 14s Gd, lib tins 6s 9d. Lucca oil—O. arid 8.. 265; Morton's, 245. Day and Martin's blacking, 3s 3d to 3fl 6d. Morton's capers, 5s 6d; curry, 5s fid; salad oil, 5s 3d arid 8s 6d. ' iiHthbricks, Is 9<l to 2s. Quaker onts, 235. _ Vermicelli and macaroni— Rinoldi's (in lib cartons), .4d per lb; Italian (in 41b boxes), 4®d. Cloves, ls,6d. Whiting, 5s 3d. The, tariff for Fry's cocoa is as_ follows:—Homoeopathic, for 10 box®. Is Sjd, and for lesser quantities, Is 4d; concentrated, 3s 2d; and soluble, Is 4d. The tariff Tor Symington's coffee essence is as follows:— Five-case.lots 12s 3d. one-case lots 12s 6d. Woods's pepparininfc ciirc, 13s 6d per dozen for small and 22s 6d for large. French beans iii tins-lib Ss, 21b 8s 9d. Mcllor's satico-5 cases 12s, 1 case 12s 3d; lesser quantities, 12« 6d. HICK, ' (Duly free.) Japan rice is easier at £16 10s. New Patna, to arrive, is very hisli in prico. SAGO AND ;i"AVIOb,I. >, (Duty; Free.) The continual firming of the 6agb and tapioca market is tlio cause of much comment. The local quotation is now firm at 25s for sago and 25s 6d for tapioca. i SAI.T. (Duly: Free.) A small khlpmciit of Black Horse coarse salt will be landed at tlio end of the inoiifh, anil will come to a . very baro market. We append the selling tariff arranged as between the wholesale and retail houses for Otilgo and Southland: — Black HorSe Salt; . Fliie. CoarEe. 5-fon lotj per ton .. .. 82/ ... 72/ 1-ton lots, p?r lon .... So/ .. 75/ LessSr quantities, per cwt. -1/6 .. •!/ Literjibol Liverpobl ' Coatse Fiue and and Pig Coarse. Castle Fine, Per Ton. , Per Ton. 10-ton lots .. .. 60/ ~ ~ 70/ 5-ton lots .. .. G2/ .. .. 72/ 1-ton lots .. 65/ .. .. 75/ PerCwt, PerCwt. LeSser quantities 3/9 J/3 Parcels liiay bo iriiide tip of mixed lots. Theso prices rilay be reduced by 2s per toil when salt is delivered direct from the wharf, and they include eai-tage to anypoint \Vithin limledm or suburbs. The Salt Colnpaily has undertaken not to, slijiply aiiy wholesale flrrii which does not abide by a tariff agreed upoit by the majbrity. It ' s . also understood that the imports of Liverpool salt will be kept Witllin a certain limit, so that proportionate quantities of. Liverpool and Adelaide inay be sold in the colony.

SUGAR. (Duty: jd per lb.) Tho Colonial Sugar Company's tariff stands as follows.—Finest, whites (No. I and In), £15 7s 6d per ton ill bond for five-toil parcels. £15 10s per ton iii bond for three-ton parcels, and £20 15s per ton tliitv l'aid for smaller quantities; No. 2 is qiiotcd at 10s per ton lower tlian the ahove rates— viz., £20 5s per tbn duty paid; ilhd broweni' crystal* 10s per ton higher—viz.. S2l 5s per ton, duty paid. Tho Colonial Sugar Conipitnj- hils advited merchants of its decisioii to disallow tho usual rebate on stocks of sugar held in store at tiio time wbsn ;v reduction in priec takes placc.

(Duty: Yellow soap, 5s per owt; fancy soaps, 25 per cent., nd valorem.) The local manufacturers' tariff stands as follows: —Lnundrino. Elaine, and Blue Mottled, £24; Prize Pole, Prize Medal, and Golden Dawn, £22; Laundry, £21; Milling and Four Crown, £20; Three Heart, £19; Threo Crown No. 1, £15; Household, £15; Three Crown No. 2, £15; Magic, 17s 6d; A'ietory, 14s; 1.X.1,., 12s. . Swan floating soap is selling at 14s per box, 'The price of Lever's dry eoap is lis 6d for 10-box lots and lis 8d for lesser quantities. Lever Bros.' Tim, lis for single eases (threo 'dozen) and 10s 9d for five-case lots. Lever Bros.' coal tar and glycerine soap, 5s per box of one dozen tablets, or at, 4s 6d as part of 10 boxes; skin fibap at 10s per box of 36 tablets, and Ye Goode Brown Windsor at Ss 6d ]>er Ik>x of 72 tablets; Lever's Divan soap, 7s 6d for 10-case lots, and 8a for lessor quantities; Lever's oatmeal soap, 5s 6d for 10-case lots and 5s 9d for Ipsser quantities. The price of Syriliglit, soap has advanced, and it is now quoted at 21a Gd. t SI'IMTS. (Duty i Bulb, 16s per gallon; proof, bottled, 16s pei- gallon.] The following prices will bo maintained for the undermentioned brands of spirits, and under no circumstances will these rates be departed from, and, further, nothing under five eases is to be sold at an iu-bond price, and no mixed five-caso lots aro to bo sold at a fivc-case price: —

Five-case Lesser Lots. Quantities. lieiinessy's X brandy '.. H7/G . 67/0 Hennessy's X)tX brandy 50/1) S9/0 Denis Mounio brandy .. .13/il C2/G Wolfe'3 schnapps .. .. 24/0 54/0 J.D.K.Z. 2gal Goileva .. 10/6 '40/0 J.D.K.Z. 3gal Geneva .. 14/0 57/6 J.D.K.Z. 4gal Geneva .. IG/0 , 75/0 Sir H, Burnett's Old Tom gin — 50/0 Brandy tariffs have boon arranged as follow:—Boomerang—lo ea-ses, 21s; five cases, 225; lessor quantities, 55s duty paid. Bisquit du Bouelic—lo eaies, 225; five ca6es, 22s 6(1; one case, 55s duty paid. The following tariff for Otago and Southland lias boon arranged by the supplying firm.— Gilboy's dry gin—l rase, 45s duty paid; 5 cases, 115s in bond; and 10 cases, 14s in bond. Haig and Haig 3'Star whisky is quoted at 20s for 5-case lots and 48s for lessor quantities. The whisky tariff stands lVs follows:—Ten eases, 20s in bond; five cases, 21s in bond; and lesser quantities 50s duty paid. The brands included in this arrangement, are Dewar's Special, Usher's 0.V.G., White Horse, D.G.L., Walk-or'a WAY., Gaelic, Old Smuggler, and Buchanan's House of Commons. Tlio prico of Crawford's whisky now stands: Far'five caso lots, 23s in bond; lesser quantities, 52s duty paid. Watson's' No. 10 Old Scotch whisky is quoted' at 20s in 10-cac-o lote in bond, 21s in five-case, lots in bond, and 50s for lesser quantities, duty paid. Walker's Red Collar spcciat whisky is quoted at 55s per caso. Buchanan's ' Black and White whisky' is in demand at 555. As an index to market values wo quote tlio following agents' list: — Brandies: kartell's, 363, to Sfs per case. Whiskies: Thorn and Cameron's Old Highland, 7s to 7s 6d per gallon; Brown's 4 Crown, 7s to 7s 6d per gallon; Lochiel, 7s 6d per gallonßen MaoDhui, 7s per gallon. Ca?a whiskies: TJshor'o Special Reserve, 22s 6d; Sanderson's, 20s; Dunvillo's, 17s 6d; Burke's 15s. Genevas: Key—two gallons 8s 6d, threo gallons lis 6d, four gallons. 13d 6tl; Gilbey's schnapps, 15s to 15s 6d; Lomo'n Hart's rum, 4s to 4s 3d per gallon* Lamb's Imperial rum, 3s 6d to 4s 6d per gallon; Lamb's Golden Grove rum, 63 to 6s 3di The manufacturers have fixed the prico of Silverstream schnapps at 48s per ease.

TEA. (Duty: Free.)

. An average busiitfss is passing in tea, being mainly confined to the standard packet blonds.

TOBACCO. (Duty: 3s 6d per lb.)

Tho British Empire Trading Company is placing some new tobaccos on the market in 2oz decorated tins—viz., AVelcomo Nugget, Luc.v Ilinton, Diadem, aiid Victory. The following turiff lias licon fixed for distributors:—Welcomc Nugget, 3b lOd; Lucy Hinton, 3s 6d; Victory and Diadem, 3s 3d—all in bond. Tho tatifT of tho British-Australasian Tobacco Company stands aa follows ;—

Loss than Five One One one Cases, Case. Box. Box.

Havelock— Dark ping .. 1/8& 1/9 1/10 1/101 Aromatic plug .. 1/11 1/11 2/1 2/3 Havelock.—Dark, 2oz and -loz tins, hinged lids, from 3/ to 3/3. < ' Havolock.—Mixture, 2oz and doz tins, hinged lids, from 3/ to 3/3. Havelock.—Mixture, 2oz nir-tigbtt tins, from 3/3 to 3/6. i Juno tolwceo:—Five cases, Is 4d; one case, Is sd; one box, Is 6d; lessor quantities, Is 6Jd. In the future .Tuno tobacco will bo put up in eight-to-llic-pound ro<ls, blocks, ami pockct pieccs, instead of 7£-to-the-pound as formerly and blocks. The T. C. Williams's tariff stands as follows: — Ono Lesser Cbss Box QnanBrand. Lots. Iftts. tities. Viotory (aromntic) .. 1/U 2/1 5/9 Diadem 1/U 2/1 5/9 Nosegay 1/U 2/1 5/9 Koyn-1 Colours .. 1/U 2/1 fi/9 Golden Eagle .. .. 1/U . 2/1 519 Lucy Hinton .. .. 2/1 2/3 5/U Huby .. .. .. 2/6 2/7 G/3 Welcome Nugget „ 2/0 2/7 G/3 The T. C. Williams Company Golden Eagle—Ciit Gold Bars—is quoted at 6s 9ct for 2oz tins. Royal Salute tobacco, light and dark, in 2oz tins, is quoted at 3s 3d por lb in bond. Current quotniions for other brands are as follow:—Derby, Is Bd'to Is 3d; Harlequin, l s 3£d per case lots, Is 4Jd for box lots; 5s duty paid for lesser quantities. Derby mild tobacco, in 2oz tins, is quoted at Gs Bd, duty paid. First Water—Aromatic, ls 9d to 2s; Triumph (dark), ls 2d to ls 4d. Wiiitc Rose tobacco—Caso .lots, 2s 2d; box lots, 2s 4d. Bed Funnel tobacco is -quoted as follows: — >

Darlt Light Black, Aromatic. Aromatic, Five cases .. 1/6 1/7$ l/ 9£ Ort'B e?.so .. .. 1/7. l/B~' 1/10 Lesser quantities 1/8 1/0 2/

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13889, 29 April 1907, Page 2 (Supplement)

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COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13889, 29 April 1907, Page 2 (Supplement)

COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13889, 29 April 1907, Page 2 (Supplement)