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The total cordage required for a first-rate man-of-war weighs about 80 tons. The President of the tiny Republic of Andorra, receives a salary cf only £'3 a year. ■ The gross amount paid to- the ruling powers of flic world is estimated at £16,000,000 yearly. ' Otago Rowing Association's smoke concert takes place at (lie Masonio Hall, Saturday ev«nyig. Presentation of cups. Items by, among others, Messrs J. Jrtgo, P. James, I l '. V. Blandford, J. Salter, J. Swan. Usual refreshments.... The first real snap of frost of the season occurred at flawaru on Wednesday night (says the Mail); and tomatoes, French beans, and other tender garden plants suffered a good deal. Ireland lias 2,830,000 aciaw of bogknd— that is, one-seventh of the surface of the whole island. Best English hot-water bottles, steam valve and best rubber, 6s 6d, 8s 6d, 9s 6d,' 10s 6d each. Send stamps or postal r;ote.— H. L. Sp rose ii. chemist, Duncdin.... The largest salmon on record was a Russian fish, which Von Siebald declares to have weighed 931b, The most valuablo fisheries belong to the United States, Great Britain,'and Canada, in tlic order named, Wo draw attention to the grand collection of tweeds and suitings from which the cutter at Herbert, Hayucs, and Co. (Ltd.), Duncdin, is making stylish suits.... Twenty male and 13 female patients from tho Soacliff Mental Hospital visited the Exhibition this week. An Invercarpill visitor to the Exhibition is reported to have bad lim pockets picked of £14 when leaving tho building the other nigait. Cold weather 13 apnroachinff, and you will require a. gas fire in •office and home. We can suit you in design and pricc inspection invited.—A. and T. Hurt (Ltd.)' Stuart street.... / ' Trial by jury in England dates from the reign of Et.helrcd I. In Spain there was r.o trial by jury until 18S9. Tho most active volcano in existence is Sangay, in Ecuador, south-west of Quito. Explosions occur usually four times, in the hour; 267 explosions havo been counted in an hour. Frank H. lilakeiev. surgeon d.ntint 174 Prinees street South . (over Kilrov ' &nd Suthsrla-nd'ul. Telephone 1483.... Mr K Wood, of Omata, six miles from New Plymouth, has a flock of 120 Angora goats, and is well satisfied with them. Tho Peats are doing good work in breaking down blackberry, eating the bramble in preference to grass. The largest and most, recherche selection of suitings on view at Ansell and Co.'s, Octagon. Fred Smith, jnn., cutter.... A.byssinia. is far ahead of Europe in the matter of woman's rights. The house and all its contents belong to tho wife, and if the husband offends her she turns him out until he is fully repentant and makes amends. Brown, Ewing's colonial blankets, 19s 6d pair (double-bed size), are a marvel of value.... Tho death is announced of Mr Louis Hume, who, in the carlv seventies, was the proprietor of the Southland Club Hotel, Invercargill, and in later years of another hotel near Duncdin. Mr Hume passed away at .the advanced age of 78. For Children's Hacking Cough at nizht W r ood6' Great PeoprrmintCure. Is 6d & 2s 6d. Recently a. man of 76 years of ago anplied to the chairman ol the Wellington Conciliation Board for a permit to work as an undcr-ratc grocer's assistant. Mr O'Rogan referred the aired applicant to the Grooers' Union, which body has decided to grant the desired permit.

. Major-general Evelyn Coningham, who lor JO years hold a command in tins Indian arinj died lately at Brighton, England, "a father and three" brothers all attained flic-rank of general in the Indian army. I lie ear that \ K would bo buried 'alive • I?"n w ."°™ rd Gilliat . of Honington » ,•'. arw-icksiiiro, and in his will ho Ij directed that a doctor should piorco his 3 heart with some sharp instrument, sufficient 4 ■pj';,™ 31 " 0 lf !t ,la<l "ft already taken Martin's Famous Hair Promoter.-Ladies nnd this one of the _ best hair dressings extent It kills the microscopic hair cater, e drnl • thus prevents baldness, restores erer s 'air to its natural tint, and is not a dye; ~ Marshall's Pharmacy.... ' Drinking the king drink-Kin? coffee.... ■ For a bet, of,1& Henry Parish, of Frinco. ton, Maine (U.S.A.), undertook to court , 'million pens and place them in. tliro i > nl-in tlf' I > k h,m I ' ol,r wccks - Til ) man with whom ho made the liot tcol; another four weeks to prove that they wcrn counted corrccl-ly. t The Maoris predict. a severe and lengthy 1 winter. ,&ce our window for best quality ' t hot-warer. hags, foot-warmers, from 2s 6d.—. ! ri\l a ' CIS ' clwniist, 20 Princes street.... carekssiKss of a joiner, in leaving" a pot of glno near the poultry run of Ocorgo Westcrman, of Bloomfidd, Nov Joreoy, resulted j„ his fowls mistaking it for a new breakfast food and getting tW teak. stuck together. It took a day to unstiek them with hot water. . Your ■ winter costurao will reqm'ro the ' grhco and elegant fit, which make ours . so noticeable if you desire -to bo fashionably t ''k-ssU. These essential qualifications, Lombined with moderato iiavo ' ™ r OUr v '' orkl ' ooms golden opinions. Choj'ne and Co., Moagicl and Law- • rence..,. , . What must be regarded as rather uniquo . in the matter of growing potatoes wis mentioned to us tho other day by Mr James > Cunningham, of Rivomide Farm, near ::r X f' Ura ', Fr ? m 't P ,ot of ground, in , which ho has already taken ono crop of potatoes, another crop has made its appear- • ance, and the slalks are now in flower "with 1 > evt-ry probability of,producing a second lot , of vegetables.-Alexandra Horald ' , ® c ' ore visiting the Exhibition, you will r t muc h smarter in ono of ,our now , jackets. A beautiful range to choose from in tweed or caraclc. In millinery wo have ; sonio very choice modek • Come* and seo • , srl Co -' importdra " ere ' Recently tho Acting Prime Minister ro- , coned from ftew Zcaiar.ders resident in 1 yueenslaiK.l, for presentation to Mrs Sed--1 don, a morocco-bound portfolio containing 5 on one; sido an. etched copy of tho lato Mr faeddon s likqness on satin,' the. work of a Lrabane artist, and on the other side also printed on satin, a'poem bv George Asscr- Evans, ■ a Queensland poet. Tho memorial has boon- sent to Mrs Scddon. • i J lO ? ISOn aIK ' Co., Moray place, have just landed, ex Oswestry Grange, a largo shipment of square and other granite nionuInspection invited.... An incident which is worth mentioning ■ as showing a kindly spirit and thought- . fulness in school children, occurred dunng . the visit of some .40 pupils belonging to the Lawrence District High. School, to tho . Exhibition. One of the little.ones had' . the misfortune to give a half-sovereign instead'of .a sixpence to one of the sido . shows. Rathor than allow this to spoil . the boys visit, the other, children elubtxid . together and, subscribing 3d each, made . up the loss sustained. • Tho depot for real hand-miido iVlnltcse lace collars and scarfs, at, lowest • caslr price -Dorothy ■ Millinery Salon, 1+ . High street.... • ,J -\ C Herald says that farmers • in the Goraldine district arc complaining • of a disease which seems to be playing considerable havoc wilb their turnip . crops. The leaves first* turn sickly and die . on, and on examination it is found that, Jlio root has become rotten. Tho disease . has made considerable ravages throughout' the district during 'the last week or so. i and tho dry weather prevailing of lato ■ has apparently helped it to spread. It is lo be hoped that the advent of moro seasonable weather will keep the pest in check. Rape has also been alTccted with a blight which seonis to ent holes through : the leaves until they are all destroyed. The new coats iust to band are tho [ prettiest we have opened for many a day, i .reaching from below tlie knee'to th'o liottom of the dress, and _ made from rainproof ; tweeds in pretty check stripe and fancy t mixtures. They are beautifully finished, and, being tailor-made, they fit like a ■ glove and give a styiish and ladylike appear- . ance to tho wearer. The prices this year i are extremely moderate, running from 15a 6d, 17s Gd. 19s 6d, 21s, 255, and 29s to 455, and are well worth careful consideration of every lady contemplating buying a new , , coat at T. Boss's, direct importer, 130 ' ; Princes street.... ' A somewhat peculiar.state of affaire arose [ at thq Newcastle (N.S.\Y.) Police Court recently in connection with the prosecution . of a. , number of persons who wore .charged ; v/ifch being found drinking in the railway refreshment rooms on tho Sunday previous, , In tl» first, case called the defendant pleaded • guilty and was fined 1& and ccote, with [ the alternative of a brief term in gaol. In (he second oaeo the defendant did not L appear, and a similar "penalty was inflicted . in his absence.. Mr \V. Sparke appeared for tho third defendant, and argued that > under the clause of tho Licensing Act dealing with railway refreshment rooms no offence had been disclosed. The magis- . tratc upheld the contention and dismissed , the case. Amidst a. splendid selection of such highclass footwear aa is displayed at Cookham , House it is almost invidious to single out , any special lines for mention. Keith, Rostock, and Snow arc represented by their , best goods, together with thojvcli-knowii 1 " Waukeezie" brand. However, three r lines in men' 6 bools tearing the worldrenowricd English trade-mark: "Bectivc" j soem particularly attractive. A Balmoral in chrome calf, leather lined, very trim, at '. 21s; a most stylish boot in glace kid, with new mod. toes, at 22s 6d; and an excep- ' tionallv stylish boot in box calf, with 3 English butt soles, at 2J.; 6d, all merit 5 inspection by men who like "good things" in quality and appearance. Cookham , Houso, depot for high-grado footwear, ' Princes street.... j The Kaikoura whalers, says tho Star, ] intend proeecutinc the whale-catching' industry this coming season with greater I vigour tlian heretofore. Arrangements j have lieen made through Mr F. H. Flower for the purchase of a muzzlo-loading bomb i gun for killing whales, and immediately i the gun arrives, which is expected thn 0 month, operations will be commenced at } South Bav. 'By tho moans of this gun 1 whales, immediately on being harpooned, will !>c shot, thus saving the long and l trying ordeal of being towed several miles , out and having the heavy "pull" back. Then should the harnoon miss, a liomb will e '*> fired at the whale, each hit killing rl instantaneously. f Drinking the king drink-King coffee....

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13876, 13 April 1907, Page 16

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OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13876, 13 April 1907, Page 16

OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13876, 13 April 1907, Page 16