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After Rheumatic Fever ' Chronic Rheumatism Deadly Internal Tumor Seven Paints in a Day Mrs Devrell, Newcastle Cured Br Williams' Pink Pills. "' Mrs Dcvroll, you've only got ono hope—yon must have an operation..' That's what every- dock)!' that saw rnc said when I had an internal growth. "What with that and the chronic Rheumatism that I .had after' Rheuuia.tie Fever,'. 'my life wis a burden to me tor; close' on thirty years.' Then Mrs Player, who lives .down in Wolfo street, persuaded me to take Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and I firmk believ<j they saved my iife," said Mrs Devrell, of Hunter street West, Newcastle, whoso husband is tlie manager of Connack's Cooperage in that city. "For iiome years after wo eamo out from England 1 was healthy enough," Mra Devrell added. " But when I was only a young woman I had a very had attack of Rheumatic Fever. I had three more bouts after that, and the last wrecked my whole constitution. For years and years I suffered agonies with »Rheumatism. 1 was bo crippled with it that often I couldn't turn in bed. When I did manage to get up it was more than I could do to dress myself. Most of my time I was : ji sheer agony. I had to keep the blind in my room down, for I couldn't bear the light. Tho agony in my eyes and head was more than I.could stand. I used tohold my temples' hard with both hands to try and ease the throbbing. The water simply poured out of my eyes. Sometimes the pain made 111 c blind for hours—often it was so great that I fainted dead away. "The Rheumatism was dreadful enough ill, itself, but as I began to got on a bit :n years there was worse in store for me. A growth began to form in lny inside. Tho first warning I had was a sickly feeling for all tho world as if something was crawling abont inside me. It made 1110 feel deadly faint all tho time. Then I lost every trace of appetite, and fell away,, till I was nothing but a hag of bones. You could almost sec through me. My face got ghastly white—some days it looked perfectly livid. Our house was all on one . flat, but I was so weak that I couldn't oven walk from room to room. If I tried to I would fall, and often gave myself a nasty bruise or cnt. lliis mark on iny temple was caused by one of these falls, and I suppose I'll carry flirt to my grave. Half my time I couldn't get up at. all. "When I tell you that out of four years I spent fifty-sbven weeks in hod, you will' see what a miserable invalid I was.

IMr DevrcU had cuilod in one dootor after another to sec what they could do for me. I aupiiosc I liavo had fivo or six altogether. Tho.v all said the same thing —'Mrs Dovrell, there's only one thing fur it,: wo must operate.' Time and again they told me that., hut I always said 'No.' The thought, of the knife wa-s worse than D«ath to me. I said that, oven for tlm sake of my husband and children I couldn't go through with it. The doctors' treatment gave me no relief, and neither did. all the bottles of mcdieinc that I tocb If I had all the money I spcrit-then I'd bo a rich' woman to-day. At last ilio tumour burst, and all that I'd been through bofovc , was -nothing lo what I suffered then. It was nothing out of tho common for me to faint- Six or seven times a day. My nerves were shattered, and I was a pitiful sight to cce. I never thought that there was-any hope for ma in this world.

"Then one day I picked up a little pamphlet, about Ui* Williams' Pink Pills, and read'of the wondoiful euro of Mrs Louisa Player, of Wolfe street, in my own city," added Mrs Dcvroll. "I wrote and told licr about my case, and asked her to call on mc. Tho ;good soul canic. at once, and told mc all the ins and outs of licr case, arid what, wonders the pills had dono for her. Before she left that day she .had persuaded mc to try (hein. I (jot sonio from Mr Flclehcr, the chemist, but it wasn't till-after the fourth or fifth box that I felt much the better for them. My appetite picked up, and my facc lost tho bloodless look and pot a more natural colour. T even put on a little flesh, so I knew the pills were doinc me a lot of Rood. The racking licadaches loft mc. anil I didn't feel like the same woman. By tho time I had finished the fifteenth box my blood wa* in real good order again. I Wasn't a bit in dread of falling, and I felt so strong on my feet that I wasn't afraid to walk all down Hunter street from here to Wolfe street to see Mrs Player. I wont stoadil.v on with tho pills all tho same, pcttinp; a fresh supply from Hawkins's st-ore when I wanted them. After the thirty-second box I didn't need another dose. I hadn't a. pain or an ache' in my hody. After nearly thirty years of pain and suffering I was absolutely'cured. We often say. Mrs Player and I, that, you couldn't find two lietter advertisements in all Australia for Dr Williams' Pink Pills." Dr Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood—nothing more. But, of course., you must, get the genuine Dr Williams' Pink Pills, made by the Dv Williams' Medicine Co.. Wellington. Sent bv mail from this address, or sold by all chemists and storekeepers at 3s a box. six boxes 16s 6d. Write for hints as to diet, ctc.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13875, 12 April 1907, Page 2

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THIRTY YEAR'S PAIN. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13875, 12 April 1907, Page 2

THIRTY YEAR'S PAIN. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13875, 12 April 1907, Page 2