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. The Arbitration Court lias delivered ■'. its judgment in the cases of the cngiiic-drivore and Mo felt hatters, which .were hoard in Dimcdin last month. Both awards are published in another column, as is also the award mado' by tlio court in connection with the- tailorcsscs' case, Tho sittings of tlio congress of the Now Zealand BrancJi of tho British Medical Association woro continued yesterday, the proceedings not biiiig open to tho press. Tho afternoon was spent in recreation on tho golf links, and in the evening tho .president (Dr Barnett) and Sirs Barnett gave an "at homo" to tho members of the association in tho Victoria Hall. This morning the annual meeting of tbo branch will bo held. Tho principal business of the afternoon will bo an inspection of the fish hatchery at Portobollo, and in tho evening tho congress will bo brought to a conclusion by tho annual dinner! at Fernhill Chib. Tho majority o£ tho -visiting •dootors have accepted the invitation of tho Now Zealand* Government to visit Lake Wakatipu, ami leavo Duncdin on Saturday morning for Queonstown. Tho ordinary meeting of the DnneuAn Ocean Beach Domain Board 1 was hold last evening;. present—Messrs J. 11. Hancock (chairman), F. Anderson, O. Hodges, J. Arklc, and H. Crust. Tho bank , book showed a. credit, balance of £305 9s sd. Accounts amounting to £172 2s 4d wero passed [or payment. The Secretary (Mr Jacobs) intimated that Messrs Hancock, Crust, and Green wero the retiring members this year. 'Mr Hodges expressed his appreciation of tho services rendered to tho hoard by Mr Hancock while he ; had been a monibe. , , mid hoped ho would bo returned. Other members endorsed Mr Hodges's remarks. -. Mr William King, who will be a, candidate for tho mayoralty of North-East-Volley at tho forthcoming election, held his first meeting last evening in his committee- rooms at Glcnroy. There was a good attendance of ratepayers, and Mr W. M. Roberts was voted to tho chair. Mr King briefly addressed those present concerning his aims in connection with the •work of tho borough, after which a strong working committee was sot up, and arrangements woro mado for thoroughly canvassing tho borough and placing tho namo o.f every elector on the roli. • A meeting of shareholders in tho United Starr-Bowkett Society was held last evening for the purpose of disposing of two appropriations of £500 each. Mr John Gray presided, and there was a good attenda.nce. In tho ballot for tho free appropriation cluster 189, held by one shareholder residing in Duncdin, was drawn. Tho other appropriation was disposed of by sale, and realised a premium of £25 per cent. A circular has been sent to the Mayors of all towns in the colony inviting subscriptions for a Seddon memorial. In its appeal the committee eays that it is confident there will be no difficulty in securing a sum sufficient to erect » monument which will bo worthy of the occasion, and form a fitting tribute- to tho great statesman whoso memory is still fresh in the minds of tlio people of N'gw Zealand. Tho movement, it is pointed out, is to be a national one, and tho committee lias no doubt that peonle in all parts of tho colony will loud their assistance in futheranco of so worthy an object. The Mayor oi Dunedin (Mr (J. Lawrence) has received a circular, and the subscript ion lists are now open to intending subscribers at tho town clerk's office. His Worship requests us io mention that subscription list forms will bo handed to any person who is desirous of aetivoly pursuing tho cause. A man named William M'DonaM, alias Thomas Connolly, alias Smith, was arrested in town yesterday on a charge of the theft at Ot.inomomo, near Baldutha, on February 11, of goods to the value of £1 10s 6d, the property o! James Reid..

A man named William H'DonaM, alias Thomas Connolly, alias Smith, was arrested in town yesterday on <i charge of the theft nt Ot.inomoino, near Bnldutha, on February 11, of goods to the valuo of £1 10i 6d, the property o! James Reid..

Tho City Firo Brigade received'«, roll Shortly aflcr 2 o'clock this morning under circumstances which, when they were fully known, worn highly amusing. A reflection in tho top story of . tho four-storey building now 'in course of tonsfriiction at the comer of High Vid Dowling streets led to t.ho conclusion that a fire had broken out, and tho alarm was given with all possible speed. Tho brigade, on turning out, proceeded to the Terminus Hotel, but was speedily informed of tho sceno of Hie supposed outbreak. Whan the firemen had reached tho lopmost storey of tho high building they found a live certainly, but it was one flint was being looked after by a man who was preparing pitch or tar for use on tho roof of the building. At tho City Police Court yesterday, Wore Mr 11. Y. Widdoweon, S.M., "William Hamilton was ordered to pay 2s cab biro for drunkenness at (ho Railway Station, and Alfred Olscn, for commit I ing n miisnnco in Clydo street on Hie night of tho 6th mst., was convicted and discharged. David Rowe, who gave his ago as 21 years, and who hail 12 previous convictions against him, pleaded "Guilty" to drunkenness and lo the nso of obscene language, and also pleaded "Rnilly" to several onnrges of procuring liquor and entering hotels during the currency of a prohibition Order against him. .Station-sergeant King stated that accused on two occasions m«l very filthy language, and that ho had only l)ecn three week's out of gaol. A further charge of staling SI, Iho property of Chnshiia Pearco, was laid against him, but os another person, not yet. arrested, was implicated in tho matter, the police asked, for a remand until the 12lh insl, The remand asked for was granted, and tho fixing of (ho pcna.ll.iea for tho other offences was held over until Iho samo date. Ernest George Dudley, an infant, was committed to tlio Industrial School, to he brought up In tho Presbyterian form of religion. An interesting present has been sent to his Majesty .tho King from Christohurch. It is a paroel of books dealing entirely with Aow Zealand subjects, produced entirely l>y New Zealand Jnbour, written mostly by Jjw Zealand authors, and published by Messrs Whitcombo and Tombs, a New Zealand firm. Tho works represented in tho parcel are:-"Tho Life and Work of Richard .lolrn Seddon," by Mr .1. Drummond, F.Tj.B.; " Tho Animals or New Zealand," by tho late Captain Ilutton, 0.5., and Mr Drummoml; "The Plants of New Zealand," by >Mr R. M. Laing, B.Sc. and Miss K. Blackwcll; and " Emerald Hours in New Zealand," hy "Alys Lovrth," an Kngliaii authoress. In a. lotter addressed to his Majesty, Messrs CWhilcombo and Tombs briefly refer to tho "great Imperialist and humanist," and to what lie did for New Zealand and tho Empire, and they say:-"It is hoped that tho simple story of lira life's work will servo as an example, to bo followed throughout your Majesty's vast dominions, and to this end w> humbly ask your Majesty's acceptances of tho copy which accompanies thie letter." The other works nro sent with tho object of "bringing under your Majesty's notice the strides which havo taken place, cvon ill this outpost of oivitisalion, in the scienceand art of printing ami bookbinding." The Jotter also states that tho artisans employed iii tho printing and binding of tho works have, with a few exceptions, been trained in the firm's own printing houses. All the books havo been specially hound in full calf, with gold raised bands, and disclose very rich, dainty, and aTtiotic workmanship. Tho parcel hag been sent through Lord Elgin, Secretary of Stale'for tho Colonics, to whom the publishers jive a brief sketch of their career since they Iregan by publishing somo elementary eehool hooks 25 years ago. Tho Government Poultry Expert (Mr D. D. Hyde) has just, returned to Wellington from « Iliree weeks' visit lo the Auckland district. Mutters aro very busy there, ho reports, and 14 men are at work at the Auckland depot—grading, plucking, and packing. As lo eggs, Mr Hyde states that tho ellcct of placing them in cool siore ami passing them out as required has l>cen to ket'p up tho prico in such n way that a fur moro regular average is maintained than under the old system. Roughly speaking, there aro about 70,000 dozen of egga ill cool store at Auckland, not including many thousand dozens of eggs which have been graded and ehipped already to various parts of tho rolony The official report is, further, the poultry business is on Iho up-grado in Dunwlin and Chrislchurch. and that busiuess-'liko developments nre under way in Wellington. On the whole, Mr Hyde regard.! the. local and export trade as entirely satisfactory. People nre, he nays, beginning to go into it in a business-like way, which augurs well for its prosperity.; Meanwhile, Mr Hyde has in hand Iho issuing of a new and revised edition of Iho pamphlet "Poultry and y-Sge for Market. Export," tho (irst edition of which (15,000) was published at the sml bf 1905, and has been exhausted. The auxiliary schooner Iluia. which has been engaged in tho work of securing the treasure which wont down in Iho Elingamite, off the Three. Kings, returned to Heleusvillo on Saturday (o refit and tcprovision. The weallier has been very bad during tho past month for prosecuting tho work, a heavy swell prevailing most of tho time. Tho diver was only able to work for a fouplo of days, but, during that time managed lo obtain somo moro of the treasure. As scon as the work of refitting Bud reprovisioniug has been finished, the lluia will return to tho Three Kings again. Cnptain D. M'Kcnw, fho master of (he vessel, and his crew aro in very good spirits, and are in great hopes of securing oho balance of tho treasure, provided tho weather proves favourable. Another interesting military device has toeii invented by an Australian soldier. Tiieutenant Mcdhurst, of llio Tasmania!! Corps of Signallers, is tho happy man, and his dovico is a compact field' telephone ipparatus weighing about 51b, and so contrived lliat it can bo attached to any Wray telephone-lino and worked effect ivoly over a distance of 500 miles. The apparatus Js entirely new, and opens up a fresh field of development in telephony in war. Lieutenant Modlmrsl; ivas taken in hand at the end of last year by Major-general lload, who handed him over to Lieiileiiant-eolonei l'arncss, iho Dircclor of Engineering, w j, 0 suggested various improvements to the 'lasIranian signaller. Since these improvements too suggested various gentlemen have interested themselves in the invention, end last month Lieutenant Medhurst sailed for England with letters of introduction to the Wai Office officials, who havo und«rlokeii have iho apparatus thoroughly •osled. i'hc Commonwealth Government has already undertaken to purchase several K'ls if fho War Office tests prove (ho suit wilily of the invention for war purposes. Tho City Council invites tenders for (ho Wtehwe o 300 debentures ol am eel be m> ,', ,m , , 1,( : r lo .»» anlhorwcd in eonnoctio, wi a ho Waipcn Fall., hydraulic power *chei» Hie loan, which will bear interest Z the r"To MnrehTS'""'- 1,,1 "" ,, *"' M »l«™ « An early exhibition of our now autumn millinery will bo miklo in onr millinery show loom tins week: inspection invited—Molli sons Limited.—Advi. [ourish desiriug mementos of N" ew Zealand inn find a i<, their advantage to inspect th o '"""'"ficent wtcelioa of arfele, in gcmii e Krrwlono d-.nplcjcu at a. and T. Youhr'j S8 1 rinces street, ' ~]' is qi'ilftnio that Dallas and Watt nr; Sf-oTul." • utio !! SJ,0 ' a,ld tbt tlleir dissolution pncti, will surprise you.-Advt If you ro m the dark-dreary, dull an-1 depressed, nil you require is something that will restore activity to the liver and stomach 1.0.:.% s Wi ; h «»" will restore health, Wno is Peter DicxJ-Tho most relillb! , TWtchmaW wd opposi t« mt9 Paa«, Moray plnce, Dun«din. Charge, •trictly moaoratc-Adrt.

WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS lratMully etiiuuUtee without exciting,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13846, 8 March 1907, Page 4

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 13846, 8 March 1907, Page 4

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 13846, 8 March 1907, Page 4