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-1 — ■ ■ I--1 A. HAI.LIXC.KH- WINS THE ; (jl-lA.MPIOX.SHIP. j (Per Uxited Pitsss AssociAnoil.) TItHNTHAM, March 0. , Lovely weaihei- prevailed for tho concluding day of the shooting Tho wind was a little tricky in the morning, but in the afternoon tlw weather was simply perfect. There was a fair sprinkling of the- public 1 to see ihe final shoot for the belt, among thn-e present being the Hon W HailJones (Acting Prime MiuUtr-r). Hon. Jt. ~ M'Xab (Acting Defence Minister), and tho I Hon. James Carroll (Xalive .Minister). The Karori Itiflo Club won ihe Colonial l; Ammunition Conipanv's Cup, the scoros t heing: — Karori Hide Club (liiflcmpu Marshal!, t Turner, lloihler, Eull'oril, Letver, Francis, and Ifallidny). XG ]9 T Engineer (Cliristcliure'ii), X'l i:l Engineers (Wellington). £l .. ~ ]:i ' Vietoria tiitles (Auckland), £1 .... i:j l Taramdti liitles, X'l .. m . Wellington City Itiile Battalion 12 Vanganui .I'iHes ~ .. ]2 Palmerslon Xorth liitles .. .. j-2 • Tiir.aru liilles n 1 Opuki K'itlo Club ~ ]i ' (iisbnriie I'.illes ~ ,s r Orepulii Rilles (j j The is I lie prize-lift for Ihe r Cover Slatcli, which consisted of seven shots ; from behind shelter at a stationary target . (hea<l and shoulders), the exposure of fir; target being four seconds at each time. All competitors who made five hits and over j shared in Ihe prixo money, 12s 6d each going to the makers of possibles, IDs 6d cacli to -those who matte six hits, and 8s 6d ' per man to I he modest makers of fives. The , prizes totalled £02 iu vaiue. Tho following aro the details:— ' Seven Hits.—Love, Haif. Simpson, Walker, - Ifiiigstono, Seott, Lewes, I'arquliarson, lieere, 1 Wcdgcwuod, Barnes, Bradley, Welch. Chiug, ! AVilkie, Yeo. ]-jva:is, Hulbert, AVit-kens, > JJ'Hattio, Knight. 1 Six Hits.—lPXaiiglit. Wood, Dimean, Lester, A. J. Jackson, Duley, Dnmimond, Sandford. Xcwtb, Thorpe, M'J.eav, Potter, Jfoslem, li. ,1. King, M'Mnrray, ,Stan(litlgc, L-indsay. Frank, Mills, Perry, E. Perrin, Mariin, Eo'eyn. G. IJ. .Speck, P. Jack, Handley, ]'. Vennell, Hammond, Hill, J, Cox, Wallace, Melville, Bennett, CI. Vennell, "Whiting, Dcwiir, Mantle, It. If. Johnston, Labour. Fivo Hits.—Wakelin, Munro, Morrison, Uottoii. Carter, Lester, M'Connell, W. Cox, King, l'loitsnnts, H. C. Jones, Pearson, . Stephenson, Palmers, Stewart, l'crrett, Capslick, il'Cardle. Pellow, ]!cimie, C. E. Itollard, 0. Stephenson, Earltrop, Salmon, Jolly, Maussen, E. S. Vennell, AVliite, Jleid. Tayior, Barllon, James, Euiler, C. Craw, W. 11. T, Crimp, Ciovernlcck, "W. E. Jackson. M'Coriniek. Creensill. I*. I'aiidell, Scott, Harding, Kebbell, Thompson, IJoou, X. L. Willoughhy, Wallace, Paton, Pickering, Atkinson, J, It. A\ilsoli, Law. Euschl, Xeedham, Groves, Fittall, iveniplcm, Marsh, liutlien, Irvine. In tho ]?'.ipid-firing eontcst tho wiimers wereWangantiL liitles, 20 hits, fa; Christctnirch Xo. 1 Engineers and Orcpnki Eitles (equal), 22 liils each, i'l 10s; AVellington Xo. 1 -Battalion, 10 hits; Tanmnki Kifles, ]2 hits. The Hapid-firing Match; 10 shots at 000 ■ yards, resulted as follows:—"Wellington First Battalion, 2!) hits, .to; Christchnreh No. 1 ! Engineers, 28 hits, £;{; Wangaimi Rifles. 27 hits; furanaki fiiiics, 20 hits; Orenuki Eitles, 17 hits. wa.s a big entry for tho snapshooting match, ill which seven shots at 300 yards wero fired at a target exposed for four seconds par shot, tho marksmen ! being- prono on the mounds. Tlio list, of prizo-takers was again lengthy, and the prizes per hit worked out exactly as in Ihe Cover Match. Tho details aro as follow: — Seven Hits.—M'Xaug'it, Hcaley, Rait, J. A. Pearson, J. L. Turner. Xewick. V. Cripp, White, Yi'. E. Jackson, Mos'.en, 1!. J. King. Kenning, Evans. Henry. Six Hits.—A. R. Ayson, F. Franklin, Simpson, Marsh, Duley, Diuinmor.d, Sergeant Lacey, Murphy. Capstick, Lines, SamHonl. Salmon, Sears, Taylor, Thorpe, W. J. Crimp! Dowsett, Soper. Kohinson, Kutic], M'ilurray, Farqnliarson, Ilalliday. Dewar, Harding, Wi'lton, R. Jtoid, Boon. Cooner, Thomas, C. J Hollard. W. M'Kende, Jack, C. Hyde, Hammond, Cos, ColleU, W. Buschl, Ci. W. Ten3icl!. Five Hits.—Woods, Purnell, Speedy, Balfour, Carter, AY. A. Snnlh, \V, y. Mavcnzi, H. C. Jor.cs, Stephenson, Buschl, Perrett, liober'son, Peters, Humphreys, W. 11. Jackson (sen.), Jkingav, Ma'ussen Xewth. Reid»r, Wilhvood. J. Turnbuil. Jl'Leav' liaji-itov,-. .lames M'Lean, Potter, Xorris, XTitrtin. M'Mnrray. C.ovcrnlock, .1. Camp.ron, Clyde, A. Crimp, Kcmpion, M'ttcltie, Preston, "Whiting, Irvine, Johnston, "Whiteman (sen.). Barnes. Bradley. l[-.u-lin, Wilkie, C. Speck, Egan, 1!. Craw. Harrison.' Henderson, Hulbert, Kennard. Handley, li. A'ennell, Thompson, Kemp, Lower, Knight, Melville! "\Valson. Thorn was a .vocoiml llapid Competition at the 600 yards range, 10 shots, at a figure target. Magazines were used, and I lie team had lo get aft all its shols during a 60 soconds' exposure of the target. Wc!lir.gion Ist. Battalion won the event with 29 hit?. Tile following was the order of merit-;— Wellington First Battalion. 23 hits, £3; Christchurch Xo. 1 Engineers, 2S hits, £3; AVangamti Rifles, 27 hits; Taranalu Rifles, 00 hits; Orepuki Rifles, 17 hits. A new feature of this year's programme is a. grand aggregate event, in which prizes to the total value of £65 wcro sot apart fo r tho men making the highest aggregato in- . tlio live championship malchcs and four scrvico matches. A special jn-ize of c leaser rifle is also olfcred to the hiohcsl on this list. Mosleu and Duncan will therefore havo to fire oil' for the rifle. The following is Iho prize list: — W. Moslen (Auckland), il ].0s 47!) Coloiir-sc-rgi. AV. Duncan tDennisten) ... .170 Treoper'S. Marenzi (Eketahuna), £"! 473 Private W. Cox (Auckland), ej; ,J7Q Rifleman W. Baliinger (Pctone), £2.., .. 4GB Colour-scrgt. Higgins (Timaru), £-2 .. .. 463 Sergt. AV. Druminoiul 'Dannevii-ke), i2 .. 4G7 Kifleman If. ,T. King f.Opaki), f-2 .. 407 Rifleman J. Wilkie (Upper Hull), A'2 .. 4(57 Rifleman Mascliold (l'icton), £3 ,IGG Private J. 11. Purnell (Watiganui), £2 .. .|(i( Corporal A. A. Aysou (Muriliiku). £2 .. 401 Sergeant Erank (Xelsoi:), £2 .. 463 Rilleiuau A. S. Ballinger (Pe'one), £2 .. 4Gi! Sergeant A. Mills (Dunedin), f2 .. .. 4G2 Private T. Cooper (Palmersion X.), £2 .. 4G2 Rifleman A. R. Martin (Flag Swamp), ,£2 4r>o Private-.!. Pearson (Timarn), £2 .. .. 453 I'lllennm J. Kyle (Linton), £2 .. .. .. 4315 Captain M'Xauglit (Wanganui), £2 .. .. 45G Corpora! Breingau (Gisborne), £2 .. .. 455 Sergeant Harrison (Wnnganni), ,C2 .. .. .1-15 Sergeant Xcedhnni (Palmerslon X.), £2 .. 452 Rifleman J. 11. Franklin (Weber), £2 .. 452 Private It. C. Jones (Wellington), £2 .. 452 Rifleman C. Craw (Cboriton), £U . .. dji Itillcniau J. W. Milroy (Xdlson), m' 432 Trooper H. J." Kiplon (Franklin), £2 .. 4*51 Colour-sergt. Iladfield (Blc'itlieim), £2 .. 451 "TEAMS MATCH. 200, 300,' and GOO yards; seven shots at each range. Waimea Rii-les. . . ! ' • . 1 " -5 ; i ■ - 1

, r . 103 Hie other teams were:-Dannevirke, .163; -V>. 1 Company Engineers, Chrislclnireh. .160: Karon .No. l, (GO; Linton liiflc Club,' 430; Weber Kifle Club, .153: Xclsoii Bille Cub 4*J: retoiie Wile Club, 151: Hawkc's Bay •Mounted. .1511; Green Island Hides, 479Clinton Bifle Club, .147; Blenheim Bides 440; Tarauaki Killes. 115; Opak! Mine Club Sn '2. Ml; Waipawa liiiles. 4!!9; Tewharau Bifle dub. 43!); Upper Butt Bifle Club, 439Timaru Bines. -!:!S; Karori Hide Club Xo. * Mil; City Bille?, "\Vellin«loii. 432; Victoria Btllcs, 4)2; (lisborne Killes, 430; Post am! Toltijrapli Corns. We:li!i s lon, 429: Iv.ono Bille Cuib. 420: I'almerslou Bides, 425 • Taranaki Guards. -120; Upper Hutt Bifle Club Ao. •_', 415; Qneeustown Killes, 408: Karon Kiiie Club Xo. 3, 401; Wlittktitaki, The best individual scores were:-Chin" (\\ anneal. ]ti:>: I'mnell (Wanganui). Duley (Dannevirke). 1)9: W. KweM (W'aimca) W; K. Franklin (Weber), !)!i; Milrov (.Nelson). 9i, Lreinsan (Gisborne), US;. Till', CIIAMi'IOXSniP. 'I lie. championship was robbed of considerable intent, as j, v;li g onOT ll v boI'weil that Arthur Ballinsjcr. who had in ISSS and 1397 won (ho belt, and who bold the load, was capable of lioltlinn liis own, ami so il. proved. The weather conditions wore wrl'i'cr. l)iiuoa,n bad ti tike of lad luck in the mulch. He on 40, unci bad it shot to pi. and it loaUcd as'if lie. would shako ui) the leader, but he, sot off ilie larger villi bis last shot, winding up with 40. Btllinjer. strangely enough, bad also 40 to lib credit, ivi'lii a shot to go, ami he got-

almost over tho target, the sliot being in Ilio outer ring: and high. AVhen his shot, had gone it was apparent no one «lso who was down could catch Ballinger, and tho triplo winner of the holt, was heralded with popularity. Ayson and Mascfiekl, who were well up. got oft' the target, t : ho former in one shot, and the latter in two, and thus extinguished their chances. ■> The rcsul{> was as follows: — NEW ZEALAND. CHAMPIONSHIP. Fifty prizes, value £20;!, as under: First, champion belt, gold medal, and £30; second, silver star and 123; third, £20; fourth, £12; eight of i' 3 each; 35 of £2 each.

Drunnnond,. Brcingan, and Cameron tied with 43 ill this Tajige for the Rifle Challenge. Cup, ami in the shoot off J)nmimorul won, with Cameron second and Breingan third. The scores were:—Drunmiond, 21; Cameron, 17; Brcingan, 13. Ninety tlmusaiul rounds of ainmimitioii wore fired during; the nicotine;, and not a single complaint has been registered. The prizes wore presented this aftornoon. ' r '-> Hon WUI-.Jonos Aciing-Primo Minister), (lie Hon. ]\. M'.N'ab (an old competitor at these gatherings), ii.nd the Hon. .fames Carroll spoke, Mr Hall-Jones promised every assistance, to rifle shooting', and said that she colony would l:o represented at the meeting v.ith the Knglishmen in Australia, Mr Carroll said tlio colony ought to he represented at Bisiey each year, and lie hoped it would ho so. The advertisement was of jirca-'y value io the colony. Arfhur Ballingcr, the winner of tlio'belt, and Druminond, \rlio was third, are both Bisloy _ representatives, and their shooting deeds in the. colony arc too well known Io bj repeated. Duncan, the runner-up, is not a- new shot.

Chins Bufdil ilvdo .. J." Unsold White .. 200 yds. .",1 31 33 :u 23 590 yds. 32 ■31 31 28 GOO yds. Tl 34 —100 32- OS 23— 92 2S- 30 32- SS AVaxc.uti Jim 8. 4GS I'unioll Harmon Urummoml .12 29 33 31 32 - 09 HI — 03 27 — 92 Mnndlev Scott '.. 31 28 28 27 — 90 28 - 90 Winslndo Cameron 11 vile .. King .. llomlry Or.u r X D. c l. .12 33 28 33 30 31 2S 401 32 - % 29-93 30 — 02 28 - 91 29 - 90

"a ' * ' i £• £ A A. Ballingor (Pclono Rifle Chi )).. 42 — 401 D D uncaii (Demiiston) .. .. rumiuond (Dannevirke) .. 40 - J53 .. 43 — -I5L Mills (Dmiedin) ..' .. .. Hadliekl (Blenheim) ., .. .. .IS-417 .. US — 150 Hooper (Palii'ierslon) .. .. W. Ballingor (Petone) .. .. .. ;ia — no .. :io - -iio Breingan (Gisbojme) .. .. .. 43 — 41G .. 43 — 44G Uarcim- (Eltelalmna) .. .. .. 82 — 445 .. 3G — 411 .. 38 — d'H King (Opaki) .. -11 -411 WilluB (L')-.psr Hull) .. .. .. -10-441 A. Ayson (Muriliiku) .. .. .. ill -411 Milrov (Xelson) ' ..' „ .. .. -!2 — 413 Willnnghby (Gladstone) .. 3S — 442 ikselicld (Sounds) .. ill) - .139 Purneil (Wanganui) .. ,. .. 3,1 —437 .. 29 — 43G .. ill — 435 AVinslade (Opaki) .. :i!) t- 435 Hydo (Opaki) - .. 215 - -131 Kemp (Chrislchureli) .. ,. .. 42-431 .. 33 — m Collclt (Waipav/a) .. 42 — 429 ftanlc (Xelson) .. 21 — 427 M'.N'augiit (Wanganui) .. .. Martin (Waikcuaiti) .. .. ~".. 20 — 427 W. Specko (Huiroa) ., ,. .. .33 - 427 Kimpkm (Franklin) ,, ,. .. 38 - 427 .. 39 — 42G Brighling (Maslerion) .. ,. ... 35 - 42G J. Franklvn (Weber) .. ., .. 37 — 42G .. 27 - 423 ll'Donalcl (Dunedin) .. .. .. 34 — 424 Harrison (Wai.ganui) .. .. .. 84 — 424 C. S. Erycc (Kaitaugato) .. 84-423 M'Leod (Hastings) V'ickens (Wellington) .. .. .. 3".— 423 .. 32 - 422 1!. Hopkins Ctfaipawa) .. .. .. IS — 421 Hawlborno (Petone) .. .. .. 21 — 418 C. Craw (Chorlton) .. .. .. 23-41S .. 31—416 Herroio (Chrislchurcli) ., ., .. 28-417 TomUlcson (Wairoa) .. .. ..•■'29 —410 V. Cox (Auckland) .. 12-415 Skolley (Wellington) ,, ,. .. Ill-405 W. Crimp (Green Island) .. 5 — 393

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13845, 7 March 1907, Page 8

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TRENTHAM RIFLE MEETING Otago Daily Times, Issue 13845, 7 March 1907, Page 8

TRENTHAM RIFLE MEETING Otago Daily Times, Issue 13845, 7 March 1907, Page 8