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I KAVF.XSBOURXE ASSOCIATION B CLUE. i Tho first annual racelin.? of tlio Ravens. e bourne Association Football Club was held e last evening. Mr H. H. Jlollcr (president] r occupied tho chair, and there was a lar.^t 1 attendance of members. 0 The Chairman said ho was pleased to see such a largo attendanco of members, and 3 ho welcomed Messrs Kmslic and Sound? | (members of tlio executive), who were ■' amongst the visitors. Ho congratulated tho club upon the success achieved (luring tho past, season, and also upon tho gentlewanly conduct of members both on and off the field. Ifo did not think when the 3 elub stoj'icd thai, there was room for two football clubs in Uiivensbourne, but lie 5 was pleased to lind that he bad been mistaken in that, vespeet.—(Applause.) Tho following- report was presented by tho committee:— 1 Tho promoters of the Ravensboitrne Association Football Club lmvo every reason to bo proud of their opening season, not only from a financial standpoint, but as regards tlio 1 positions of the respective teams in matches. Our membership being somewhat limited, wo ■ could enter only two teams (Second ami Third Grade). The First Eleven played 17 matches, i winning 5, losing 8, and drawing 4. Number of points for 42, against 41. Tho Second 1 Eleven's record was oven above that of -their seniors, playing one round only of 13 games, winning 5, losing C, and drawing 2. Points tor -15, against 45. Tlio club was most fortunate in securing the free use of the reclaimed ground, which was found to bo in i a very ragged condition, but many willing hands soon converted 1 the playing area into , a playable condition, although'the roughness , and heavy going wero a source ot criticism i from visiting teams. At tho close of the season two medals wero , presented by tho president for the best all- , round player in each team, and, a ballot having been taken, Messrs John Connor and ; Alexander Cameron wero selected for tho honour. Tlio financial position was very , factory, showing a credit balance of £1 4s 6d. i Tho report and balance sheet wcro adopted. Tlio election of officers for the ensuin" year resulted as follows :-P.rcsidont, Mill. K Moilcr (re-elected); vice-presidents— •Messrs I'. (J. Cray, T. Ross, and K. Jamieson; secretary and treasurer. Mr Bert Page; committcc-Messra IT. Crawley, J. Connor, C. Cairne.y, and .T. Donaldson; audito.-. Mr F. Cray: delegato to associa-r-n'V. Crawley; practice captain, Mr J. Connor. The Chaiiman stated that, tho services of Mr Harrison had been placed at their disposal as coach for a few weeks, and ho urged members to avail themselves of tho opportunity to learn soino of tho finer points of tho game. Mr Emslio (ohairman o? executive) congratulated tho club on tho progress made during Iho first season, and also upon tho personnel of the members and officebearers. Ho regretted that the associa--lion was not yet in a position io invite a (irst-class team from England, but trusted that such would bo accomplished cro long. 110 reviewed the position now occupied bv Association football in Otago, and outlined a schcmo which had been proposed for the purpose of acquiring a suitable ground ill Dunedin. Mr Sotindy (secrelarv of the executive) endorsed Mr Emslie's remarks, and at the both o'entlemcn were accorded a hearty vote of thanlts for their attendance. SOUTHERN RUGBY CLUB. The following report will be presented to members of the Southern Rugby Football Club at tho annual meeting.:— " Your committeo, in presenting the twentythird annual report, has to congratulate members on the continued prosperity"of the club. Tho positions attained by the jjifl'erent teams wore very creditable, as will be shown by the records below:—First Fifteen — Matches played, 5; lost, G; drawn, I;—points for, 55; points against, 59. Second Fifteen— Matches played, 13; won, 5; lost, 4; drawn, 4;— points for. 59; points against, 5:1. Third Fifteen—Matches played, 12; won, 9; lost, 1; drawn, 2;— points for, 150; points against, 31. Fourth Filloen—Matches played, 12; won, 10; lost, 1; drawn, I;—points for, GO; points against, 17. Wednesday Fifteen—Matches played, 8; won, 2; lost, 0; drawn, o;—points for, 33; points against, 4!). Your committee has much pleasure in congratulating (he Fourth Fifteen on winning the flag for its , grade, and also congratulates the Third Fifteen on being runners-up for the Third Grade Flag, being only 1 point behind the winning team. We are sorry to say that the Wednesday team did not come up to expectations, having great difficulty in keeping its engagements owing to players failing. j.o put in an appearance, and we would recommend to the incoming committee that if -more interest is not shown this season that this team be discontinued. The membership roll is still in a flourishing condition, there being '200 members thereon. The annual match with tlio Albion Club, Christchurch, was played at Cbristchurch oil Easter Saturday, and wo suffered defeat by 13 points to nil. The club's finances are in a very satisfactory condition, as will be shown by the balance sheet. Your club was represented in interprovincialmatclies by A. Chambers, S. Ca,?ey, M. Casey, A. Eckhold, and L. Edwards, and in the interisland matcK bj b. Cast} 'flic, nbovs players acquitted themselves with crcdit. A reception was tendered by the club to w Casey on his return from Britain with tlio Kew Zealand team, and a most cnjoyablo evening wag spent. Mr Casey boing enthusiastically received, as were also tlio other f)tago members of the ' All-Black' team who wero present. Tho Forbury School Gymnasium was again engaged for training purposes, and was well utilised, particularly by tho Junior players, tlio Third and Fourth Fifte?iis having full musters every training night. Without strict attention to coaching and training no team can expect to gain success on the playing field. During the year the club had the services of Mr K. Richardson as coach, who -was very untiring in bis duties, and his services proved very beneficial to the club. The thanks of the club are duo to the Referees' Association for the splendid services rendered by its members; to tho 0.11. F.U. for its capable management of tho game; to the Accident Insurance Fund Committee; to Mr J. Downes for rendering first aid to injured players; to tho Forbury School Committeo for the use of gymnasium; and also to Mr 11. T. Leyden for the use of room for committee meetings."

OTAGO FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. Tho following is the report to be presented the annual goneral meeting of the Ot&go Football Association on March 26:— Your committee, in presenting ilio seventeenth annual report of the association, feels that it can confidently congratulate the clubs on tile completion of a season that has been in every respect one of the most' successful in the history of the Association game in Otago. The general play compared favourably with that of any previous year. The association now consists of 11 club.!, having 8 senior, 10 junior, and 11 Third Grade teams, whilst 25 school teams—playing in three grades—adopt the "Soccer" game. Premiership.—Eight teams entered for this competition, which was won by tho Northern Club. This club played most consistenly throughout the season, and well-deserved the coveted honour. Tile Kaitangata Club, the runners-up, and 1 last year's winners, is also to bo complimented on tho fine exhibition of the game it gave throughout tho year. Tho winners played 14 matches, winning 11, drawing 1, losing 2; while tho runners-up played 11, winning 9, drawing 2, losing 3. Charity Banner—The final for the Bajiner was played off. Tho Northern proved the winners, the score being 4 to nil.' The net proceeds of tho match were handed to (he Patients and Prisoners' Aid Society. Junior Cup.—Ten teams entered for this competition. The Maori I-lill team was the winner, playing 17 matches, winning 15, drawing 1, and losing 1; while the Mornington A team was runner-up, playing IS matches, winning 14, drawing 2, and losing 2. Third Grade.—Fourteen teams entered for this competition, which was very keenly contested. Tho winners proved to be the 'Maori Hill team, with an unbeaten record, having played 13 matches, and won them all. Five-a-sido Tournament.—These competitions iasl year attracted a larger number of entries than v on any previous year. The following were the results: Senior Five-a-sitle, Wakari; Junior Five-a-sidc, Morninglon No. 2; Third Grade, Maori Hill. 11l view- of the, fact that there is a feeling amongst a number of tho players that these competitions servo no useful object, tho incoming committee might consider the idea of abolishing them in favour of some other form of competition. Wednesday Football.—Wednesday competitions took a new lease oi life last- year, ami were keenly contested throughout the season. Four clubs took part, and four rounds were played, the winners being the Southern. A five-a-side was also played, in which the Boslyii Club was the victor. A representative Wednesday team paid a. visit to l'imaru, and was defeated by the local players. Timaru, towards the end of the season, played a rotuni match in Dunedin, when the Otago players turned the tables, winning by a narrow margin. Foreign Matches.—Your committee ispleased to notice the number of matches played last season with outside clubs and associations. Au Otago team visited Timaru last Easter, anil won by 5 goals to 1. A team was sent to Invercargill, and won rather easily. A visit was received from the Canterbury Association towards the end of tho year. Tlie match resulted in favour of Otago by 2 goals to 1. A Third Grade representative team received a team from Kaitangata, and won by G to 3. A return match was played later in Kaitangata, ending in a draw—2 goats each. Deport "of O.F.A. Schools' Committee.— i Tho number of entries for the 11-a-side competitions was in all 25 teams, and the entries 1 bring so large, your Schools' Committee I <

thought it advisable to divide tlio teams into three grades. Seven teams took part in the First Grade, which was won by Boys' High School ,A team with 12 matches 12 won, 78 goals for, olid 2 against. Christian Brothers A team ran into second plaes, winning 10 out of 32 games played, and, while registering 37 goals, they had only 3 goals scored against them. Ten teams took part in the Second Grade compotition, which was won by Jforth-East Valley School, who plaved 10 games, winning H, losing I,'and drawing 1 gamo, and putting up the big score of 92 goals for and 7 against. Green Island was tho runner-up in this grade, with the' rccord of 15 matelie3 played, 11 won, and 4 drawn. The Third Grade schools' cup and medals wore competed for by, eight teams, and were won by the team from-Musselburgh, with 11 matches won and 2 drawn out. of 13 games played. They scored 41 goals, and only had 1 registered against them: Forbury B team and Albany Street tied for second place in this grade. Five-a-sidctournaments wero rnn for each grade, and were keenly contested by tho boys. In these games the Boys' High .School -team was again tho winner in the First Grade, as also: were the North-East Valley in -tho Second, Grade, while in the Third Grade tho Albany Street was adjudged winner. Referees' Club.—Hie thanks of tho spectators and players alike aro duo to those gentlemen forming this club, and they deserve great credit for the efficient anil tactful manner in which they discharged their arduous duties throughout the season. Your committeo would urge ex-players to join the above club, and thus strengthen its ranks, and at the same time help to improve the gamo materially, and give young players moro confidence. Mr J. C. Cameron (the lion, secretary of this club) is deserving of tho association's thanks for the amount of work bo put iu during the season in tho interests of the game. Now Grounds.—The association has bcon fortunate in securing a very fine ground at Raveusboume, handy to the station and in every respeet suitable for its purpose. Your committeo is pleased to report that tho Grounds Committee has been successful in securing tho freehold of a new ground at Mussolburg-h, comprising three and a-quarler acres at a, moderate cost, payable in easy annual instalments. It is proposed to float a small company amongst Association players and supporters to provido tee purchase money and also sufficient to provide for improvement of tho ground. Xcw Clubs.—Your committee is pleased to hoar that tho Maori Hill Club intends entering a nemor team this year. The Central will also, in all probability, play seniors, while there is some talk of two new clubs enterinj the Association ranks. Sub-association.—lt ■is very gratifying to notice tho strides the game is making in other centres. During last year Southland was admitted as a sub-association, having some four or five competing clubs. This centre has also successfully introduced tho game into tho schools. . Great crcdit is duo to Mr G. Uren for his efforts in bringin" the above state of things about. . ° Committee Meetings—Thirty committee meetings were held during the year. The following ja the attendance roll:—Chairman 28, hon. secretary 27, Northern 27, Raveusboume 25, Milton 24, Momington 21, Volunteers 21, altari 20, Telegraph 18, Invercorgil' IS, lioslyn 16, Green -Island 15, Southern. 15, Maori Hill 11, treasurer 10, Kaitangata 5. No report of the transactions of the O.F.A. for the past year would not be complete without an expression of appreciation of the excellent services rendered by tho secretary, Mr W. Hamilton-Irvine, and his co-secretary, Mr W. Sonndy. To the efficient and businesslike organisation of these gentlemen is duo to a very great extent the present flourishing condition of Association football in Otago. Notices of motion.—Moved by Mr F. Ussher, seconded by Mr W. Sinclair:-" That rtile 21 be amended by adding the following clause 'That each player shall pay to the O.F.U. through his club, on registration, an annual fee of Is, and until the registration fee has been paid a player shall not be eligible to ■ play in grade matches.' " Moved by Mr Davidson, seconded by Mr F.'Ussher: "That in view of the money boing' subscribed by the publio for the purpose of effecting imprnvemrnts to the various football areas, it is now time that part of the proceeds fromi the Carnival, amounting to not -less than iGO, be spent this season on improvements to the llornington ground."

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13845, 7 March 1907, Page 10

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FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13845, 7 March 1907, Page 10

FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13845, 7 March 1907, Page 10