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NORTH-EAST VALLEY. Tho ordinary meeting of the North-East Valley Borough Council was held last evening; present—The Mayor (Mr Campbell), Cra W. King, Farquharsdn, Green, Bolting, Anderson, llowatt, and Evans. At a special mooting, lield previous to the commencement of tho ordinary business, it wag resolved on the motion of Cr Evans that the following streets be declared public streets pursuant to the provisions of sections 233 and 334 of "Tho Municipal Corporations Act, 1900 '-namely: Allen street, Milton street, Crown street, Catr street, Franco street Kin" Mward street, Orbell street, H'Glashan street, Fca street, and Normanby street.

CORRESPONDENCE. The Secretary of tho Dunedin Drainngo and Sewerage Board wrote slating that tho board had decided to give effect to the Finance Committee s recommendation to exempt from rating for a period of one year the whole of the outer drainage area in the Borough of North-East Valley as defined for the present ycar.-i-Received.

Tie Town Clerk, Dunedin, wrote stating that his council agreed to the proposal that tho agreement for water supply ho for 21 ycars.-Keceived.

A QUESTION OP HATIXO. Cr Evans moved, in the absence of Cv Macaaidrow-"That pursuant to the provisions of section 17 of ' The Local Bodies Loans Act, 1301, tho Controller and Auditor-general bo asked to approve of the special rate of ii in tho pound made as security for tho special loan of £5000 issued on January 1, 130-5, bein" reduced to a special rato of Jth of a penny m tho pound on the capital value."—Or King seconded tho motion.-Iu reply to Cr Grcsn tho lown .Clerk stated that the loan of iSOCO referred io foil due in 1901 and when it matured money was borrowed to pay it off — Or Gree-n covlended that the council had no power to collect the proposed rate without Pitting the .matter bofcro the ratepayers. ■The rate had teen levied, but it had never boon colleotftd, and the propyl contained in resolution aimed at collecting the rato under tho authority of fl, o Auditor-general It was an nltempt to do.someihing under th e protection of (ho Auditoi-general, which Iho council was not game to do itself.— Mv Arnold (treasurer) explained that the spiviul rato struck in respect of the XSKKW loan was fid in the pound, which, upon (ho adoption of the system of ratine; on unimnroved value, became a rato of Jd in the pound on the' capital value of property. The rate made in respect of the last £5000 loan was -Id in tho pound, which would be equal to » rate of jd in tho pound on the capital value of property "f S .ii (o ~ 2la H ev , Bl,num s ''°uld be paid out of the general fund, which had tho effect of making hud bear tbe whole burden. In order o achieve this ifc 13 now proposed to make tho first rato id ana the second Jd, thus easing the general revenue by £275 per annum and leaving property (house property) still paying tho present rate of gd. The consent of tho Auditor-general was asked to this course being sdonted.-Cr King understood that the rate was put on at a- time when tho council was compelled to do so to protect ho bondholders. TJnder the unimproved value too laml was unduly taxed, and the motion proposed to givo some relief to the laudJ«o fw-Cr Botthig: The effect of the'motion wU be to tax buiidings, and it is not just to those who have erected so many buildin-s in the borough-The Mayor: Under the ™fe 1 take it it mil not be any more than at present on household property, and land will be relieved, as we are getting more money under ho present condition, than we are Llittl t°.-fho motion on being put, was carried. Crs Green and Farquhurson voting against

DEPORTS. llie Works Committee's report stated among other matters, that the. second year o tho surface work contract would expire in 'March, mid a sub-cominitteo had bee appointed to inspect all Ihe roads prior -o that time. -Iho road to the scenic reserve was making satisfactory progress, imd the once on Calder and John streets waa not being proceeded with. Kcpairs had boon ordered to Selwyn bridge, and concrete Verbs in b.onroy wero recommended as soon as £50 was in hand. The committee recommended Hie council to entrust fho carryin" out of the water reticulation works in connection with the £9000 special water loau to the borough engineer, Mr Theodore Arnold, in accordance with his plane <md report, and to authorise and empower him to obtain any assistance, clerical or otherwise, that he may need to enablo him to devote sufficient time to the extra work that will be placed upon him. so that fho scheme may be carried out within his estimate of co.=t. which estimatehad been endorsed by Mr W. J. Ilall M.I.C.E.—Cr Green moved, and Cr Fnrquharson seconded, tho deletion of iho clauso enlrnsting to the borough engineer the water reticulation works in connection with the £9000 special water loan.—This amendment wag lost, and it was resolved, on the motion ot Cr Anderson, that the clause be amended by including the. mayor and the chairmin

of the- Works and Finance Committees to act with tho borough engineer, and that if a consulting engineer was required to assist ill the carrying out of the work that iho appointment of such on officer be approved by Ihe council;—A letter from "\V. J. Ila'l, C.E., offering his services in connection with ■Ibo samo matter, was read and received.— The report wns adopted as amended.

Tho Finance Committfc's report stated (lie accounts to 1» us follows;— District fun'l account (dr.), £607 lQs 8d; drainage rate trust account (cr.), £29 Ms 4d. The treasurer recommended that bjforo raising the special water loan of 59000 Iho. terms of the necessary agreement between the borough and (ho City Council of Dunedin should be definitely fixed. Tho treasurer further recommended that the sum of f!W be paid over to tlia Sinking Fund Commissioners, being lper cent, on the special loan of i9OOO, and also the sum of £50, being 1 per cent, on special loaiii of i'oOOfl. Accounts for payment, were- recommended to the amount of £25G IGa. The committee reported that the Controller- and Auditor-general's consent had him given to •the council reducing the special j.ite from gd in the pound for one year from March 31 ncxl to }d in tho pound. The 'committee recommended that the council decline io dona-to a sum to tho funds of -the Otego League. It was also recommended' that the solicitors be instructed to proparo an agreement between tho borough and the City Corporation ro wator supply, and submit same io a special meeting of the council.— Adopted.

The Inspector reported on tbe cost of giving effect to tho lequest of Messrs Owen and olhors to kerb Mid channel tho footpath opposito their respective properties on the northern side of King Edward street and estimated the value of the work aoked for at f27.—The report wns referred- to tho Works Committee for consideration. ELECTMC LIGHTING OP BOROUGH. Cr Green complained that correspondence had been received from ilie city town c'.erk in regard to electrio lighting of the borough which had not been placed before the council, and he moved—"That nil communications to tho Mayor, town clerk, nnd council on the matter be submitted to tho next meeting of the council."-Cr Farquharson seconded tne motion, which provoked a lengthy discussion, and was ultimately negatived. PORT CHALMERS. The usual fortnightly meeting of the Port Chalmers Borough Council, held last evening, was attended by his Worship the Mayor (Air Isaac Stevenson), Crs Cable, Morgan. Brandham, Macpherson, Edgar, M'Donald, Mavrson, Shanks, and Barker.

CORRESPONDENCE. Vim. Gibl> asked ta bo allowed tlie lisa of a room in the old municipal buildings, in Ciiirio street, for a further term of three months at a rental of £2 10a.—Referred to Keservcs Committee, with power to act. P. G. Cray forwarded a request fov permission to address the council on matters connected with the Dock Trust, and stated, inter aim, that a. departure from tho conditions of tho contract was suggested on tho part of tho contractors, and whilst under tho circumstances ho deemed it advisable to do so, he wished to have an opportunity of explaining the position more fully by a personal iutorview.—Granted' accordingly. REPORTS. Tho Finance Committee reported that the total receipts since last meeting amounted to £93 14s sd, and account amounting to £191 3s 7d were recommended for payment. The committee further recommended that £3 Us, being the balance c<f unauthorised expenditure account, be voted to the Firo Brigade, towards defraying expenses in connection with the forthcoming demonstration at Christchurch. The estimated income for the ensuing year, ending 31st March, 1908, was given as £1851 14s Id, including- £928 14s Id for general rate 3. £300 for water rates, £1360 for shipping and special water supply, £200 for licenses, £833 for rents, etc. 'iho estimated expenditure for the same period was set down at a similar amount, including £1825 for interest on loans for water, sanitation, and new building, and £257 as the council's present share of guarantee towards construction of new dock. It was further recommended that Mr F. G. Cray bo appointed assessor for the borough at the next Assessment Court sitting.—Cγ jfawson, in moving the adoption of the report, referred to tho item for the dock guarantee, and explained, that it was included in the estimates as a possible item of expenditure. It did not necessarily follow that the council was committed to pay it, hut that point would be settled later.—Cr Morgan congratulated the council upon the financial position- as represented by the estimates. He said he thought that oven if called upon for the full amount of its guarantee, tho council could carry on without levying a. special rate.—Report adopted.

The Works Coinmitteo reported that the principal work during the past fortnight had been done at the reservoir, where the men hud been constantly at work.—Adopted.

The Sanitary Committee made reference to a house-to-house- visit recently made at Mansford Town by tho health, inspector. The inspection revealed n number of insanitary drains and conveniences, also other details, which were being rectified, and several occupiers had received notice to abate various nuisances complained of.—Adopted.

The Lighting Committee reported having invcrfigated the lighting of tlie municipal buildings. It was found that the Dock Trust office and the clerk of the court's office were connected to the council's meter, consequently tho lighting of the offices referred to hud been charged to the council. Meanwhile tho connections had been cut off.—Adopted. GENERAL. In connection with the question of establishing an infectious diseases hospital, Ct H'Donald suggested that the present build-' ings at Quaraivtino Island be used for the purpose indicated, and said he felt sure they could be modified or altered to meet tho requirements of an infectious disoa-ses hospital for the Otago district He moved that Mr John Mill, tho council's representative on the Charitable Aid Board, be asked to attend next meeting of the- council in order to discuss the position.—Carried.

Mr F. G. Cray, who was in attendance, explained, matters in connection with the transactions of the Otago Dock Trust, during tho post year, and was accorded a- hearty vote of thanks. Crs Edgar and Morgan spoke in highly appreciative terms of tho work done by Mr Craig since his appointment.

NOTICE OF MOTION. Cr Shanks gave notice tbat he would move at next meeting that a general rate of Is 3d in Hie pound for sanitation bo levied for the ensuing year, in terms of the act, as in the preceding year.

GREEN ISLAND. Tho monthly meeting of the Green Island Borough Council was held last night, and was attended by the Mayor (Mr W. Geddes), and Crs Miller, AVilson, Highct, and Kano, while apologies were received from Crs J. Geddes, Love, ami Jenkins. A letter was received from tho Health Officer intimating that his assistant had discovered several nuisances in Shnnd street, and requesting that they bo remedied. A circular from the Health Officer re allowing dirty water to ram on the street was referred to the clerk. A. return of all persons receiving charitable aid was read and approved. A circular was received from tho Department. of Public Health asking what skp3 had been taken to coinbnt the appearance of plague in the district, and tho clerk reported that lie had mads a- house-to-house inspection, and issued instructions to householders to keep everything in a thoroughly clean state about their premises, Several accounts were passed for payment. Notice of motion was given that the rates for the ensuing year bo the same as previously. A draft copy of the proposed Taieri County Council Drainage Bill was received, aifd it was agreed tbat each councillor peruse it before next meeting.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13837, 26 February 1907, Page 3

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BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETINGS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13837, 26 February 1907, Page 3

BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETINGS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13837, 26 February 1907, Page 3