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PORT CHALMERS, FrtAaßs or thr Moon. FEBRUARY. ' Last qUailer ... 6 0.22 jimh. , New moon 13 5.13 a.m. tpiarler 20 4.5 p.m. Full ntooh ... 28 5.53 p.m. Perigee 10 7.0 p.m. .Apogee. ... 1 22 1.0 p.m. Stlti fifes 6.43, sets 7.0. THE WEATHER, February 23.-8 a.m.: .Wind S.fc.; weather dull. -NoQij: Wind S.R.;. \roather dull. 5 p.m.: Wind; wither (lull. 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer 29.8 29.8 29.8, Thermometer; •■'. ... 51 67' • '55; '. Februilty 24.-8 a.m.: Wiiid 5.F..; .'weather (inc. .Noon: Wiiid. S:E.; weather line. 5 p.m.: Wind S.K.; wcalher lino to dull. j Barometer 30.0 29.9 , 29.9 . Thermometer '... 61. 78 73 lIIGII WA'L'ER. February 25—- , ri.m. p.m. At Taiaroi Heads ... ... 0.45 1.15 At. Port. Chalmers 1.25 - 1.55 At Dunedin ;. ... 2.10. 2.40 • • AIIIUVATiS. Febt'Uary 23. , Monowai, f.s., .2137 tons, Morrisby, from Sydney, via Wvllington and Lyltelton. .J. Mills', 1 , agent. P.lsse'lißers: MiKses Wiliiiiiiis (2); Biirgcss, TjC(lgi.'j Ta.vlbr, Doris, Taylor,. Bittrjv t Aii'dantes Williaihsoii, • , tOuglitj King,' Reed, Talbot anil two children, Atessrs Williamson, Cantell, Quinn, Lodge, Fleming (2), Iteed, Baillie, Siiiith, Talbot, ■ Wilcox, King, MaefarJdiio (2), Captains Wood, 'lunizie, M'Dougall, Cromarty, Di's Stewart, Pokon, Jl'Donakl; aild 28 in Uto. steerage,. Stol'lii, s.s., 185 tons, Woods, from 'Akaroa, Tapley and Co., agents. ' February 24. . • , Invcrcargill, s.s., 123 tons, billies, from Waikawn. J. Beadle, jun., ageni. Jlokoia, s.s., 2153 (oris, Smith, from Sydney, via Auckland. J. Millsr-agents Passengers: Misses Sattmler.s, Davies, DenJiolni,,.Cotter, Wyinlcs, Aston, Sinter, Black (2J; Brbiiiian, Frasc'r; SlcsddtriM Saunders, (illnier, Cotter, Deiihollu, Pago niid child, 1 Simpsoli and infant, Lewis and child, Lane, M'Knight, Blaclc, Swift, Messrs Bonnie, Scoft,, Caradus, Pountttey, Cotter, Ilij, Denhol in,_ Bernard, Page, Lane, Baleh, Braitliwaite, ; Hancocks, Dcveitend, Dbvb, Alexander, Rankin, llorsfall,. Black, Sivitt, Hatton and child, Shanks, Dtirilojij anil 13 : in tho.steerage. /■ ItOiaihond, s.s., 462 tons, Penington, frdm West[ibrt. ,T. Mills, acent. DKPARTDRES, 'I ' February 24. Monowai, 5.5.,'2137 ton's, Morrisby, for- . Melbouriie;- vii tho Bluff. .T. Mills, agent. Passengers: For the Bluff—Mrs Norris and two children, Mr Norris. For llobart— Misses .Prentis,,. Murray,. Mesdame.s Pike, Litiicj Bin'nie,. preiitis, Afessrs Pike, Lane, Bitmtfi... For Milbodtiie—Mlises ji'C'ulloeh, Smitli, Walker, Buchanan, Gabriel, Nelson, Connley, .'Denllolrrl, Brown, Coolby, McsdamM'.JCfldwles; Howe, de Laiitour, Dcnhain, Walker, Knight, Melcalf, Burford, Ayr,- Ileyett, Ijightbonrne,,,-Messrs" Dickj •Hill; James; / BafiliisteV, Billoti;fcolioj;;. Ayr,; Shkrjie, luifcivifa, do Ltitiloii'r; Donham,. Smith, Cumming, Whitcombc, Orr; Yco. • ! s.s.. 185 tons. Wood, for Lyttelton. Tapley and Co., agents. • ' EXPECTED' AitRIVALS. Frain Marseilles.—.lngoborg, nailed January 15 Ko'rn Liverpool.—Titania, barquo, loft December It). Fr6m Sydney (via Auckland).—Victoria, Mnrch 3. From Melbourne.—Jlaheno, February 26. From Sydney (via Wellington).—Wurrin:oo, March 2. ' Ifrom Surprise Island.—lreno. barque. From Auckland..— U'aikare, Februiiry 28. , PUD.TEDI'ED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland).—Jlokoin, February, -26. For Sydney (via Cook Sltrail).—ifdhciio, February 28. For. 'Melbourno (via Bluff).—Warrimoo, March 3. For No?- Plymouth.--Corinna, Jlarch 3. l'or An'clclaiid.—Waikarc, March 1. .AlOviiiENTS OF OOEAN-GbING . / , STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. At Auckland.—Devon, left London Deceniber 11. .tolin Ilardie, left New York January' 4. Bloemfonlein. left New York December 15. Onawa. left London January "'7 Ayrshire, from Liverpool; due about March 15. Aloraysliiro, duo about. Atarcli 28. :M,imini, due. about March 29. Tomoana mid Invernn, left New«Yurk February 15. At Wellington.—Star 'of New Zealand, left London February 15. , Turakina, left Lbiidon January 25, ~ At Lyttelton — Invcrclyde. left Now York December 6. lonic, left London January 11. At Port Chalmers.—lCaramea, left-Lon-doti January 6. Surrey,, duo February 27. Tti fo.UIT. From Auckland.—Kr.maia. February 27. 'From (iisborne.—Rangatira, February 28 From • Wellington.—lndralcma, Marc]} 2. .Torigariro, March 14. Gothic, February'2B. lonici March 28. Ffom Port Chalmers.—Toltoiimru, February 26. lIONEWARD BOUKD. Piikeha, left Auckland December 2. Niivaru, left Wellington December 22. Port Den icon, left ,'Wellington January 1. Port Augusta,.left Wellington January 10. Aotea, left Wellington J.'imrarv 12. Kaipa'ra, left Wellington Jannary 13. Ruapehu, left, Lyttelton January 18. Sussex, left Jij'ttelton for Bristol January 23. Star, of Japan, left Wellington January .27. Mainari, left. Wollihglbn January 31. Waiw'era, left Wellington February 3., Orari, left Wei: i lington February' 6. Pathaii, : left, Napier 8. Slav of Australia, left Wellington February 101 Wh'akrttane, ■ left Lyttelton February 11. Rinmtaka, left Wellington February 14. IMPORTS. •Per Monowai, from Sydney: 20 bags salt, 390 caecs fruit, 16 bags melons, 150 do bottles, 46 ingots tin, 30 pkgs machinery, 10 bags ' riiits, • 6 cases silk, 15 barrels oil, 39 drums paint, 220 bags rice; 41 mats riee, 130 .pieces timber. 3 cases buttons, 16 rolls lead, 80 chests tea, 6 caseS ceilings, 100 bales heriip, 400 bags oilcake, 30 sacks tongues, 35 hogsheads pulps, 14 bales liopsy 14'Mies b'Scbi't,- 70 do' jfirii, aifd sundries ami transhipments ex Yawata Jlaru, Gabo, Empire, Ohingtu.


AUCKLAND, February -23.—Arrived: 10.30 a.m., Iris, cablo sfoamear, Iroiri Norfolk Island.- —Sailed: Waikare, for the south. Passenger for Dunedin,: Mr Kelly. Ecb--uai-y 24.—Arrived: 2, Victoria, from Sydney; Winimcra., from tlio soulh; James Craig, barque, from Newcastle.I—-Sailed:1 —-Sailed: Northern Chief, barque, for Kaipara; Edward, brig, .for Hobart. • EAST OAl'i; iVbrtuiry 24.—T1i0 Waikaro passed south at 7.30 a.m.

NAPIER, February 23.—Arrived: 3 p.m., Kato Tathani, barque, from' Newcastle.

LYTTELTON, February' 23.—Arriyod 7.20 a.m., Talune, from Dunedin. ...

BLUFF, February 23.-rArriv<id: Wan Ska, from Auckland.

SYDNEY, Februarv 25.-S<iil6d:, 5.25 p.m., WarrimoD. for Wellington.

MELBOURNE, February 24.—Arrived Hiverina, from (ho liiult'.

TMf) BHtF.GT STEAMERS. . MONTR VIDEO. February 22,-Arrived Rnkiiia, from Wellington. ,i

The.Rosamond arrived nt Port Chalmers shortly before noon yesterday with 712 tons of West port coal for tho Tokomaru. She left Westport nt 4 p.m. on tho 21st, and had a # fine-weather passage throughout. The Storm arrived al noon on. Saturday from Akaroa, and sailed again at daylight yesterday for Tivttcllan. The Tokomaru is expected to finish loading cargo by iiocu to-morrow, after which she sails foi- London direct. TV* Shaw-Savill liner Karamea. from Glasgow. Liverpool, and London direct, is expected to put in an appearance at Port Chalmers to-morrow. After being eleared in sho proceed;! Up lo Dunedlit to discharge. She is commanded bv Captain liurbil-lfolmes, Ii.N.R , late uf the Tokomam. The Inverearsjill arrived al Dunoclin shortly Molt* midnight tin Saturday wiih 60,GG0ft of IniilxT from Wnikawa. After discharging sho sails again to-morrow afternoon for Invereargill. The Shaw-Savill Company's new steamer Arawa is expected to leave London about, (he end of this week for New Zealand. Although Auckland has been given as her first port of call, (here is roasoli to brlit've she will follow in the wake of iho Karamen, mid make Port Chalmers her first port The i)ilri|iie Onvx was lowed dow.n to Port Chalmers early on Saturday morning, and 'went lilto dock for turvev. Captain Robertson 6uccecded in Retting a • pccond iiplo from Lyttclton on Saturday,

and expects, to, get the Eunice started on lie r voyage to Ilokitika to-day if the wind proves favourable. Tlib Mokoia arrived olf the Heads about 9 yestfirilny frtliit Sydney, via Atlek. land, and after wailing about ail liotlr for the tide steamed up .to town, bc.ttliing at Hie toiigiio wharf at 11.45. Sliij loft Sydney oii. Febniin-.v IS, and Auckland on the 19tii, calling ot Ihc usual ports on route, experiencing Inbdet-aie to line weather throughout. She sails fl'blii Dtttiedin at 3 p.hi. to-morrow for Sydney, via Auckland. I'lio Monoivai, from Bjdiiey, via Cook .Strait, arrived at I'oH Chalmers at 8 a.m, bit Sftttiril'tv, and after discharging a ;.qimntitj' of cai'.sb steamed up to town at 11; a.m., after boat (trill lmd been carried out in a very lirbmpt. and efficient maimer. She left Sydney at i p.m. on the 16th, •and' oxperioficed line, clear, weather and sinocilll wail t'i itiiival at \Vfrllliigibii at 2 p.m. on Ihe 20t_lr, left, on the, 21sl, calling at Lyttelton oil hoi- way down'. T.he Monowai steamed llowli lo Port at noon .yesterday, and sailed in the oyeniiig for MelhbiirJle, via Ihe'Bluff: At. New Plyrfioufch on Wednesday last, notwithstanding somewhat heavy weal her, the t/fijoii C.'tiittpuh.y's .(■toitiiier Tarawera, of over 2000 tons burdeii. was successfully berthed at the wharf. This is the largest ybssol evur berthed there. She landed 2000 sheep, cult got it way again fdr Oamaru. M is Understood Hist t'upiam ij. Smith, lute of. the Waimate, is in charge of the, Now Zealand Shipping Company's iteiv ritfaniei' ("ipaiva, tlito. tti Auckland on tlib 23rd inst. Jt is staled that Captain J, ■f: t'aiiierbii, Info chief officer of (lid 'j'lirakina, is in command of the Wainrale, The second baltle.-ship of the Dreadnought typo'for 'the. British nitvy was laid down .on December 3 al. Porismftutli. It is reported that she will lie a little larger lhan the first; Dreadnought, and that sho will carry 50-ca.libre 12in guns,, though no official information on the subject has U-en pnblishcj. The third Dreadnought baa been laid don'n at. Devonport, ar.d will he known as the Tomei-aire. A fbiirtli vessel will be built hv Messrs Armstrong, Whitworth, and Co. In the meantime, it seems to he tlxy fact. that, the firm of Sehiehntl lias not yet received t.hp order for ono of the Herman Dreadnoughts. Two of those vessels .tire to be laid down shortly under the 19C6 progrcitnmo for tho ICaiser's navy, and two under the 1907 programme Jater in the year. The new Gerinan estimates show that tho size of tho German armoured chasers has ligain bfceii considerably increased,, since the cost of, each ship, has been raised front' £1,375,000 to £1,800.(100.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13836, 25 February 1907, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13836, 25 February 1907, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13836, 25 February 1907, Page 4