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* V! . THE ANNUAL SHOW. J. . (I The annual show under the auspices of ] c lie Balclutha Horticultural and Industrial \1 Exhibit Society was opened yesterday (li ifternoon, when, notwithstanding the some- 2. vliat gcnoral .falling-oIT that has been Y sperienced in the rearing of (lio more 1 lolicato. floral specimens owing to the D scceclingly hot weather, • thcro was a. dia- - ilay that reflected great credit on the local « lortioulturists, and amply repaid them 2. or the evident care they have bestowed » in their' plants and flowers. There was J l satisfactory entry in most of tho depart- " nents. The judging was expeditiously arried out, and the arrangement of the ixhibits was in the best of taste. Alto;ether the promoters may feel gratified it tho successful issue of their efforts. ], ['he show was open again in tho evening, v: ind will be continued to-day. 2. There was a noticeable falling-off in the ntries of pot plants, which were perhaps J iot*'quite so good as last year, with the narked exception of begonias in the open lasses, in which Mr C. E. Naish was tho J mly exhibitor. The zonale roses, the It .spnragus, and several of the foliage plants ti fore also distinctly creditable, and it was t' egrottablo that there was not more com- J' ictition. An exhibit that attracted a e ;reat deal of attention was Mv Naish'e 1< ollection of plants, which jncluudcd. '^ ,mong other specimens, an admirable and ° rell-arranged display of begonias, lilies, JJ .nd cut flowers. In tho out flower section tho cactus "; lahlias exhibited by Mr Naish in the open lasses were exceptionally good, and con- r idercd as fine'as any that have over j icen seen at a Olutha eUbw. Sweet peas, ~ isually a beautiful show, were not so <• uunerous as usual, but' nevertheless the j lasses contained many strong blooms, j, Jladioli wore not so well represented as j n former years, but the specimens on j xhibition wero pre-eminent for quality, loses and carnations suffered by comlarison with those on view in former years, ["he judge, Mr' Cousins, considered the • xhibition a oreditablo. one, taking into oneideration the effect the continued dry feather has had on tho plants. The society can boast an excellent dis- . day of fruit this year. Tho exhibition ius probably the finest over seen in the ■, [isirict. A uniformly excellent sliow of .pples calls for special mention. Plums, _ ;oosebervies, and all tho small fruits were f the finest quality in their respective ] lasses. Another great- feature of the how was tho oven display of vegetables of ] 11 kinds. There was a magnificent disilay of potatoes, the judge expressing Hie ; pinion that Mr Naish's collective exhibit ,-as the finest he had ever seen. Through- " ut the- entire section uniformity of quality ;as noticeable, and Mr J. D. Willocks is 1 eserving' of the highest praise for his fine ntries of peas, onions, and beetroot. The i ompetilion for school children was most iicccssful. It is the intention of the aeicty to continue tho class next year, ' nd judging by the interest displyaed by ho young gardeners when they were re- . eased from school in the afternoon the lass will not want for lack of support on . heir part. There was also a good dislay of dairy produce and cooking,' and he industrial and fine art and juvenile ection were all accorded a good share of latronage. The competitive floral designs .•ere most attractive,, and the decorated ables on tho stage gave the a siting that, reflected credit on tho ladie6 esponsibte for thoir exquisite arrangement. Following is the prizo list:— GREENHOUSE PLANTS IN POTS. Amateuk. Judge: Mr S. Cousins (St. Kilda). Fuchsias, double, varieties (ono entry)— ame3 NaugHie 1. Fuchsias, single, varieties ono entry)—G. H. Ried 1. Petunias, singlo, arieties (three cnfries)-W. M. Allan 1, Mrs V. Boyd 2. Petunias, double, varieties (one ■ntry)—AV. M. Allan 1. Specimen plant three entries)—Mts C. E. Naish. 1, Miss iramo 2. Geranium, ivyleaf, varieties (one ntry)—James Naugktic 2. Caotus, varieties lwo" ontries)-Mrs Butler 1, Mrs AV._ Boyd 2. iactus, collection of four varieties (ono , n try)—Mrs Butler 1. Begonias, double, überous-rooted, varieties (one entry)— Mrs G. ircok 1. Greenhouse plants, collection of ix varieties (ono entry)— Mrs G. Brook 1. 'ems, four grown 'in pots (one entry)— Rev. r. AV. Davidson 1. Window plant (seven enrics)—E. Jones 1, Mts Davidson 2. Window ihnts. three varieties (iour entries)— Mrs ieorge Downio 1, Mrs AV. Boyd 2. . Opes. Begonias, varieties (two entries)—o. E. faish 1 and 2. Begonias, double trad single arieties (one entry)—C. E. Naish 1. New or aro plants (thTee entries)—No award. Table f plants and cut flowers (ono entry)—C. E. Jaish 1. CUT FLOWERS. Amateur. PensternOns (two entries)—R. Jones 1, Mrs ). P. Milligan 2. Marigolds, three African ;hreo entries)— Mrs Milligan 1 and 2. Mariolds, three Frenoh (eight entries)—W. M. Ran 1, Mrs Milligan 2. Carnations, varieties six entries)—A. Anderson 1, A. J. Hawko 2. larnations, setfs (three entries)—A. J. Hawko , Picotees (three entries)—A. Anderson 1, .. J. Hawke 2. Pansies, .three fancy, three how (one entry)— Mrs Milligan 1. Roso (ftvo ntries)—Mrs Butler 1 and 2. Roses, three arieties (two entries)—Mr Milligan 1. >ahlias, three show varieties (three entries)— Irs Milligan 1, James Naughtie 2. Dahlias, iirec cactus (seven entries)—W. S. Pcnnyook 1, Mrs Milligan 2. Verbenas, three arieties (three entries)—W. S. Pennycool; 1, Irs Milligan 2. Phlox drurnmondii, three arieties (eight entries)— Mrs Milligan 1 and , Phlox terennial,. three varieties (three en-ries)-Rev. G. W. Davidson 1, AV. S. Pennyook 2. Aivtirrheminis, threo varieties (five ntries)—Rev. G. AV. Davidson 1 and 2. lilies, two varieties (four entries)— Mrs J. inclair 1, Mrs Milligan 2. Stock, four spikes, iterals removed (live entries)— Mrs Milligan and 2. Asters, three varieties (eight en•ics)—AV. S. Pennycool; 1, Mrs Milligan 2. sters, six varieties (six entries)— Mrs D. T. 'leming 1, Mrs Milligan 2. Hollyhocks, three arieties (one entry)— James Naughtie 1. weet peas, six varieties (eight entries)— Mrs . S. Fleming 1, Rev. G. W. Davidson 2. weet peas. 12 varieties (tour entries)— Mrs . S. Fleming 1, J. AV. AVilson 2. Annuals, 3 varieties (four entries)— Mrs Milligan 1, f M. Allan 2. Collection annuals (four en-cies)-AV. S. Peiuiycook 1, AV. M. Allan 2. 'ollection cut flowers (five entries)—AV. S. 'onnycook 1, Mrs Milligan 2, Mr 3 G. Brook c. Collection hardy border flowers (four ntries)—Rev. G. AV. Davidson 1. A T ases owers (five entries)— Miss P. Hutchins 1, frs C. E. Naish 2. Decorated floral basket ivo entries) —Miss P. Hutchins 1, Mrs G. i T . Davidson 2. Hand bouquet, school girl me entry)— Miss M. Fleming. Lady's dress pray (five entries)— Miss D. Hutchins 1, Mrs r. AV. Davidson 2. Gentleman's buttonhole .1 entries)—Mts C. Giant 1, Miss C. Grant , Shower bouquet (two entries)— Mrs G. AV. lavidson 1, Mrs C. *E. Naish 2. Decorated ible (four entries)— Miss Perry 1, Miss Smith SCHOOL COMPETITION. Collection six varieties of vegetables, grown l a school garden plot (nine entries)—E. rilmour, T. Maker, Harry Mason, and 0. iiidlow (equal) 1, L. M'Neil and Jack Watt C. Clark and James Hughes 3. Open. Decorated lady's hat, in natural flowers bur entries)—G. Bishop 1, Mts G. W. lavidson 2. Dahlias, six cactus, varieties hree entries)—C. E. Naish 1 and 2. Dahlias, ! cactus, varieties (one entry)—C. E. Naish Gladioli, six varieties (one entry)—C. E. aisb 1. Asters, six varieties (two entries)— . E. Naish 1 and 2. Asters, 12 varieties (one ltry)—C. E. Naish 1. Begonia, six double looms, varieties (one entry)—C. E. Naish 1. elargorrium, six zonali blooms, single uieties (one entry)— C.. E. Naish 1. Sweet 3»s, 12 varieties (one entry)—C. E. Naish 1. ollection of cut flowers (one entry)—C E. aish 1. Collection cut flowers. 24 varieties uo entry)—C. E. Naish 1. Hand bouquet mo entry)— Mrs C. E. Naish 1. Lady's cess spray, (two. entries)— Mrs C. E. Ityiaa

, Mts G. W. Davidson 2. Three gentleman' mttonkoles (four entries) —Mis C. E, Nais' and 2. Dinner table (four entries)— Mis C 3. Nadsh 1, Mrs G. W. Davidson 2. FRUIT. Amateur. Dess&rl applies (10 entries) —J. S. Flemiui ~. Miss Tosh 2 and 8. Cooking &pplos (1 mtries)—Mts J. Sinclair 1, J. S. Fleming J r. Olark 3. Pears (two entries)-J. D. Wil ocks 1. Dark plums (nine entries)— Mrs J Sinclair and Mrs Milligan (equal) % Apricot three entries)—J. W. Wilson 1. Mrs J. Crai; !. Tomatoes (three entries)— Mrs S. E. Mit :hell 1. Blackberries (one entry)—J. W iVilson 1. Grapes (four entries)—J. Clark 1 Mrs S. E. -Mitchell 2. Light gooseberrie four entries)—J. D. Willocks 1 and 2. Ret ;ooseberries (two entries)—J, D. Willooks md 2. Collection of gooseberries (one entry -J. D. Willocks. Raspberries (one eutry)r. W. Willocks. Collection of fruit (two eri ■ties)—J. D. Willocks 1 and 2. Ovw. Grapes (one entry)—C. E. Naish 1. Toma toes (one entry)—C. E. Naish. VEGETABLES. Cucumbers (one entry)—J. W. Wilson 1 Vegetable marrow (six entries)—J. D. Wil locks 1 and 2. Table cabbages (eight entries -Mts James Craig 1, J. D. Willocks 2 Siuliflowers (four entries)—J. D. Willocks 1 lames Naughtie 2. Carrots, long variet; five entries)—J. D. Willocks 1 and 2. Carrots short 'variety (six entries)—P. 'Ma-son 1, J. D Willocks 2.. Peas (two entries)—J. D. Wil locks 1, W. M'Elrea 2. Shelled paas (six en tries)—J. D. Willooks 1, J. W. "Wilson. 2 Early potatoes, other than kidney (nine- en tries) —C. E. Naish 1 and 2. Potatoes, sii varieties (soven entries) —C. E. Naish 1 ark 2. Early potatoes, kidney variety (five en tries)—C. E. Naish 1 and 2. Potatoes, 1! i-arioties, named (four entries)—C. E. Naisl 1, J. D. Willocks 2. Rhubard (four entric3)T. D. Willocks 1 and 2. Rhubarb, heavies! [two eiitries)-J. Kinder (lllb) 1, J. D. Wil locks 2. Onions, quality (13 entries)—J. D Willocks 1, P. Mason 2. Onions, heavios! ;fivo entries)- 7 . D. Willocks (7lb) 1, P. Ma?oi: 2. Shallots (five entries)—R. Jones 1 and 2 fellow turnips (two entries)—J. D. Willooks I and 2. White turnips (three entries)—J D. Willocks 1 and 2. Beetroot (nino entries] -J. D. Willocks 1 and 2. Broad beans (twe sntries)—J. D. Willocks 1, James Naughtk 2. Parsley plant (three entries)—J. D. 'Willooks 1 and 2. Parsnips (sis entries)—J. D, Willocks 1, P. Mason 2. Radish (three entries)—J. D. Willocks 1 aud 2. Collection vegetables (two entries)—J. D. Willocks 1, J. W. Wilson 2. FARM PRODUCE. Swede turnips (five entries)—A. Cxrruthers 1, J. D. Willooks 2. Turnips, any other varieties (four entries)—A. Carrutbcrs 1 and 2. DAIRY PRODUCE, ETC. Judges: Misse3 Moir (Balclutha) and Nelson (Lovell's Flat). Fresh butter, plain (one entry)— Mrs R. Tones 1. Butter, powdered (one entry)— Mrs R. Jones 1. Jams, four varieties (two entries)— Mrs Craig 1, Mrs F. Wilsorr 2. Jellies, two varieties (two entries)— Miss F. Wilson 1, Mrs Craig 2. Bottled iruit, three kinds (one entry)— Mrs G. W. Davidson 1. Home-made loaf "(three entries)— Miss Algie 1, Mrs E. Milligan 2. Girdle scones (five entries)— Miss Stevenson 1, Mißs M.Ewen 2. Oven scones (five entries)— Miss Stevenson 1, Miss M'Ewen 2. Oat cakes, plain (three entries)— Miss Stevenson 1, Mrs Craig 2. Fruit cake (four entries)— Mrs Brownlie 1 and 2. Sponge sandwich (two entries)—Mts Brownlic 1, Miss Gwen Bishop 2. ShoTtbread (three entries)— Mrs Craig 1, Miss Gwen 2. Pikelets (two entries)— Mrs Brownlic 1, Miss Webb 2. Cream puffs (ono entry)— Mrs BrowuKe 1. Puff pastry (one entry)— Mrs Brownlie 1. Collection small cakes (one entry)— Mis Brownlie 1. Most points in baking—Mrs Brownlie 1, Miss Stevenson 2. INDUSTRIAL AND FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT. Judges:: Mrs Geo. Clark aud Mrs Field (Kaitangata). Chip wood-carving. Two entries—Miss Alice Wood 1, Mrs Gaines 2, Relief wood-carving. One entry—Mrs Boys 1. Flat wood-carving. Two entries—Miss Wood 1, Mrs Gaines 2Landscape painting,'in oils, Three entries —Miss Hutchins 1, Mrs G. Wv Davidson 2. Flower painting. Two entries Esson 1, Miss Hutchin 2. Animal painting. Three entries—Miss J. Mosley 1 and 2. Fruit painting from Nature. One entryMiss Hutchins 1. Pair hand-knitted sox. One entry—Miss Wood 1. Bed quilt, knitted. One entry—Miss Begg 1. Mountmellic. Two entries—Miss Wood 1 and 2. Ivory work. One entry—Miss Sinclair 1. Shadow work. Ono entry—Lindsay Willocks 1. Teneriffe. Ono entry—Mrs Gaines 1. Huckaback darning. One entry—Miss Wood. Washing table centre. One entry—Mies Wood. Made-up cushion. One entry—Miss C. Dale. Specimen point lace. One entry—Miss W. Stewart. JUVENILE SECTION. Judges: Mrs Q-. Clarke and Mrs Field (Kaitimrata and Mrs Horn (Gore). Map of South Island. Two entries—Maggie Willocks 1. Mary Willocks 2. Freehand drawing, Three entries—E. B,iskop.l, L. Willocks 2. Shaded drawing. Three entries—N. Angus 1 and 2. Plain writing. Two entries—R. Wood 1, C. Dale 2. Plain writing, under 12 vears. One entry— H. Wood 1. Collection birds' eggs. One entry—S. Willocks 1. Plain sewing. Two entries—L. Willocks 1, Mary Willocks 2. . , Plain sewing, under 12 years. Two entries —A. Ludlow 1 and 2. Plain pillowslip, under 12 years. Four entries—A. Ludlow 1, W. Willocks 2. Patchwork mending. One entry—Lindsay Willocks l. Collection of postcards. One entry—Bella Clark. Huckaback darniug. Ono entry—Edna Bishop 1.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13834, 22 February 1907, Page 8

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BALCLUTHA HORTICUL-TURAL SOCIETY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13834, 22 February 1907, Page 8

BALCLUTHA HORTICUL-TURAL SOCIETY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13834, 22 February 1907, Page 8