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Tim annual meeting of the Shipwreck Kolief Sooicty of New Zealand was held in i i, i 11 ® a " ' ast "'Sl't; presort—Messrs J. Roberts, 0.M.14. (in the ohair), CJ. W. S. Chamberlain, J, p. Arnold, J. H. Hosking, J A. Park, F. 0. Bridgeman, \V. A. Moore, J. Beadle, and Captain Strang. Apologies for non-attendance were re, eetved from Mr .Tustico Williams, the Hon, -A. - Millar (Minister of Marine), Mr E. Ct. Allen, M.H.R., and Mr CI. Lawrcnce (.Mayor of Ditnedin). Tho fourth annual report has already been, published. Tho Chairman, in moving the adoption m tho report, referred to tho loss tho society had sustained during the year in tho death of tho Eight Hoii. Mr Seddon. through his death u vacancy had taken place on the executive, and the commiltco had elected the present Prime Minister (the Hon. Sir J. G. "Ward) to tho vacant seat. Ho regretted that littio interest was taken ill tho society's aflairs, especially in tho north. Mr Whitson had made an effort m Wellington to rouse public feeling in their objects, but with littio success. ' He hoped that moro assistance would bo received from tho north in tho future. Ho wished to make reference to the valuable services rendered to the society during the year by the Hon. J. A. Millar and Mr. Aniold,, both of whom had worked, with a will, in tho interests' of the society.— (Applause.) He was sorry that the subscriptions had fallon off during tho year. There was one item, however, that was very encouraging—tlml was tho amount collected from seamen by Mr William Belcher.-(Ap-plause.) Ho hoped that tho movement would not altogether die down owing to Mr Belcher's absence front the colony for ft short period. The fixed deposits had increased during the year from £1200 to £1597 13s 6d.—(Applause.) That showed a fairly satisfactory increase of income. At the same time, he thought they were all freo to admit that tho increase'was small compared with what might be required in expenditure at any time. Fortunately, there had been no great calamity in the colony calling for a largo outlay on tho part o£ tho society, but they never knew when a heavy demand might come. Only during tho last week they had had a. serious occurrence at their own door in tho stranding of tho barque Marguerite Miraband, But. he : understood that tho amount the eocioty would bo called on to lay out in that Vase woidd bo refunded later on by tho l'"rencli authorities. During the your Dr Anson contributed 1 a handsome donation of £30, which, owing to the generous action of tho Shipwrecked Mariners' Society of Londoti hacl_ boon handed over to tho New Zealand Society.

Mr J. H. Hosking seconded (ho motion. Ho referred to tho stranding of tlio French vessel at Akatoro as an incident that proved the value of tho society. The Moiety was at onoo able, without calling on the publio for funds, to corns to tho assistance of theso sailors. Tho incident not only showed tho value of tho society, but it also demonstrated that the society was one whoso efforts were confined to 110 nationality and to no creed — (Applause.) They ought to congratulate themselves perhaps that their funds'had not been called upon to any irr'nt; extent during tho year, but because of the larger balance they were thereby ablo to show, .but because of the proof thereby given that thoro had been no case of great disaster or great destitution occurring in the colony calling upon their resources.—(Applause.) The society existed for the purposo of relieving cases of destitution among those "who go down-to the sea in-ships," but at tho same time they ought* alwaj»'to l)o pleased during any period in> which they were not cailcdi into action.—(Applause.) In connection with tho rcooat inracfent at Akatorc,'ho had notiowf with'pleaauro that the fanners in tho neighbouHiod'had ooma forward willingly and provided -rolic! for the time being of those who had bean thrown on these shores.—(Apptanse.l The society, he thought, ought to recognise tha services tho'fanners had rendered, on Sunday evening.—(Applause.). He <fid not knpwl why the other oontres in the colony did not contribute to tho support of tho society. They professed to poms better harbours than Otngo and to have a. larger ship ping Perhaps it. was because tho society had taken to itself tho name of the New Zealand Society that action had nob been taken in other plaoe3, but ho was sura that if an alteration in name would induce other towns'to forpi similar societies an alteration would be speedily made.—(Applause,) The Union Company's pflicers liatl been exceedingly zealous in supporting tha efforts of the society. It was due largely .to the contributions recoived thvoufih : tho medium of tho TJnjon Company's steamers that the society was ablo to put forward tho good balance sheet it had presented that night.—(Applause.) The thanks of tho society wero especially due to iheso officers for the continued interest tlicy had taken in the society.—(Applause.) He regretted that the Huddart-Parker .line was not as cosmbpalitan in the matter as tho Union Company. It would please him to know that thafc< lino shared tho contributions received on its steamprs between tho two'oolonics.— (Applause.) Tho motion for tho adoption of the report and balance sheet was carried unanimously.

The Central Executive Committee for the ensuing year wero approved as follows: — Patron, his Excellency the Governor, Lord Plunket; vice-patrons—Sir Joseph G. Ward, K.C.M.G., and the Hon. W. Hall-Jones;: president, his Honor Mr Justico Williams; chairman, his Worship the Mayor of Dunedin; vice-chairman, MrC.'W. S. Chaniberlain, Collector of Customs; hon. solicitor, }Ir J. H. Hosking; 11011. treasurer, Mr W. A. Moore; hon. auditor, Mr C. Russell Smith, F.1.A.N.Z.; Central Exeuetive Committee—The officers of the society and tha Hon. J. .A. Millar, Meters J. F. Arnold, M.H.R., U. G. Allen, G-. B. Bullock, T. iiV. Whitaon, J. A. Park, Georga Fenwiek, F. 0. Bridgeman, William Belcher, Captain Beaumont, Captain Strang. On the motion of Mr Hosking, seconded by Mr Bridgeman, tho following motion was unanimously agreed to:—"That tho Shipwreck Relief Society of J!cw Zealand desires' to placo 011 record its acknowledgments to those who so readily and generously offered assistance to tho seamen of tho French ship Marguerite Mirabaud, recently stranded at Akatore, and fecla that those who so assisted thereby showed themselves to bo genuine members of a shipwreck rolicf society, and that a copy of this resolution ho sent to tho Bruco County Council with a, request that tho council will be good enough to communioate tho terms thereof to all those who rendered assistance. The names known to the eooioty so far are ;■ Miss Grant, Mr Donald Waters (farmer), Mr Daniel Seanlan (farmer), Mr Shiels (flaxmillcr), all of Akatore; Mr Gilbert Scott (clerk, Bruce County- Council), and Mt Reid (livery stable toper, Milton)." , A vote of thanks was accorded tho hon. treasurer (Mr Moore) and tho-hon. Auditor (Mr C. Russell Smith). A similar compliment was-.passed' to Mr Roberts for presiding.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13832, 20 February 1907, Page 5

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SHIPWRECK RELIEF SOCIETY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13832, 20 February 1907, Page 5

SHIPWRECK RELIEF SOCIETY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13832, 20 February 1907, Page 5