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Over 40 ratepayers of (ho Boroujfh of Mornmgton attended tho moctjnff cnlkd by tho Mayor (Mr H. ]<}. LoCren) in fha Uiunoil Unambora last to discuss tno quostion of water supply, Mr u. I'cnwick presided. Tho Chairman said he realised, as lin believed every ratepayer present did, Dint Jlornington was suffering very much indeed for tho TiTftiit of an adequate water supply, •no know tlioro worn those in tho ooiniminity who disagreed with tlio proposal,' but | no trusted their numbers were not large, and when the poll was taken on Wednesday week tho vote would show that ft laruo majority had realised that it wa 3 essential that tho borough should have a good supply of water. Unfortunately, tho attendance ■H'Hs los 3 than it would have been on n- fine evening, but oven under favourable woatlior conditions it was diffioult to got an adequato representation of tho ratepayers, and lip thought tho better plan would ho to distribute printed circulars in tho borough in'which tho important questions of tlio relation of a supply to drainage, tho household comfort, and tho danger from firo wore sofc forth, and amongst other considerations tho Chairman mentioned tho j advantage of having an ailetyuato supply to wa-tor gardons, all of which, ho thought, should bo ombodied in tho circular. It was imperative in tho interests uf hcalili anil ordinary pleasure that they should not linger under tho present reproach Unit attached 1o them. Tho Chairman also rondo roferenoo. to tho financial putlook, and said lie djd Jiot think thorn was tno slightest occasion for concern in this respect Tho total indebtedness of llw borough was £57,000, of which £47,000 had been expended in an excellent tramway system, of which tho returns met tho whole of the working oxpenses, paid the interest and sinking fund on tho money borrowed to pnrohnso and reconstruct the main line and build tho Elgin road extension. In conclusion, Mr I'emviok expressed tho hopo that tho ratepayers would take a sensible view of the position, mid that-their votes would ensure (ho carrying of tho proposal. Ho thought his statement, with any additions thought fit by tlio meeting, should be printed, tlio borough divided into sections, and canvassers appointed. Ho hoped tho voto would lie a good one, and that inoro would not be, as in many instances a lamontablo lack of ciyio spirit on tho part of tlio ratepayers on polling day. Mr Bathgato said ho agreed with the oliairinans suggestion, hut ho thought that the point mentioned in the paper regardiV the effect llio want of water had on tho value of property hud not received sufficient prominence in tlio circular. Tho lack of a sohemo certainly depreciated tho vahio oE property and if tho proposal were not oamoil Jlorinngton would bo tho only suburban borough without a supply. H o thought; that if tho ratepayers who wore inclined to gmdgp tho rate- for tho reason that they had individual supplies wero Mvised of tho aspect ho had mentioned tiioy would bo inclined lo change their view?. They could not afford to allow tho borough to stagnate. Mr E. K. Nicolson expressed entire approval _ with tho chairman's suggestion, and fajtt no thought tho remarks anent the tramway question should roocivo full publicity if a, statement wero ciroulatod. :

Mr Muntz said thoro wcro very few who would objeel to a copious supply of water but ho considered that tho council in tho pnst liar! ovfcrlooked thoir opportunity. Pormcrly fcho council had borrowed larpo eama 0! money, and this had hcen consumed and tho borough leit in a state of pauper! wm. ih o mdebtedneas was £59,000, ho thought, and ho was of fho opinion that they should not now go into tho market ! tho ra . tc P a y crs with another iIo.OOO. riien, again, lio wanted <o know prcoiscly how tho borough stood financially, ii i'' 0£ of thQ year ending March, 1906, worn still within tho Council Uliambers. Thcro had been no balance Bliept published, and ho would -not liko to' sec anything done until thoy worn ac.thoroughly with thoir position.. .However, ho considered the chairman's pro- 1 position a favourable|Applausc.) ■ Mr V Oarolin referred to tho possibility Of (mother shoriißo of water in Pnnodin Bucti as that which had' jnst been experienced. How would the boroiißh and other boroughs stand in that event? Them was also the possibility to Tio considered tliat extras might run over and abovo Iho loan. Hn ffllt siiro, Lowevor. that tjm hprough ivould never go ahead until they had water and light. Tho Chairman said the largest part of tJio indebtedness of the Ikkourli was reproductive indebtedness, and notwithstanding the fact that an expensive extension of the tramw Bcrvico had | )C on nude this was justilyinß itsolf, and with increa«ed sotttamont tlio borough must eventually obtain a profit from it. Certain nllcgatioils had beon mmlo against the lino which cortainly had not hcon bomo out duriiiK the three months tho line had been workiii". Tho Chairman referred to Hie adverse criticism that had been cast on (ho members uf Iho present council, which, ho considored entirely out of place. The council had inhentod a bad legacy: that was tho fault Df its predecessors. Ho considered that tho counoil had dojio its <lnty |>y the rate payors, and if it wcro entrusted with Iho carrying out, of a eohomo it would do good sorvico without much risk.—(Adplmise,) As * mattei- of fact, ho (tho speaker) did not lwlieyo the city supply would ho 'inadequalo in future with tho supplementary crooks that wero to l» brought in. Resardiug .thovestimaic, Jlr Ban-, the engineer, had taken groiit euro with this, and a Rood margin had been allowed for extras.

Aftor further discussion, Mr Nicolson moved — ''That a committee be appointed to prepare the circular to contain tho points mentioned, together wjth any other information thought fit."—This was seconded by Or Hopo and carried wianlJllOUSlv.

The follovrine gcntlonien wero appointed to act:—Messrs Fwuvick, Stephens, Williams, Carolin, JlanlK, Nicolson, Slater, Kohinson, Annaiul, Mnltlicws, and ]lathgate.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13831, 19 February 1907, Page 7

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MORNINGTON WATER SUPPLY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13831, 19 February 1907, Page 7

MORNINGTON WATER SUPPLY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13831, 19 February 1907, Page 7