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The chief postmaster at Dunedin (Mj W. St. G. Douglas) informs us that owing to tho departure of tho Sonoma from Sydney having boon delayed for a dn.y tho outward San Francisco mail will not close at Dunedin until Wednesday, wiiilo the supplementary mail will not closo until Thursday.

In connection with the duplication of tho railway lino to Mosgiel, tho foundations and abutments of the bridge over tho Anderson's Bay road are now in hand, and tho retaining walls and abutments for tho bridge over tho Main South road are also under construction. In about n, fortnight tho bridge over King Edward street at Kensington will bo commenced, and tho Novill street bridge, farther south, will also be taken in hand in a. few davs.

It hns boon 'decided by the Defence Department; that Easter camps of instruction will again bo hoi d this year, and officers commanding Volunteer districts ha-vo been instructed accordingly.

A clock is now being installed by Messrs Littlcjolm and Son, of Wellington, into the station tower. It will have throe faeen of 3ft; sin in diameter, the frontal sido of the tower towards tho station not beim' visible to tho public. The clock, which will not strike, will bo lighted at night by electricity. Tho work is expected to bo finished in about 10 dave' time.

Two patients in tho Hospital died during the past week, their names being Alice llarboui and Harry T. Brown. Eighteen patients woro admitted during the week and 13 discharger), the total number remaining being 1 -tlirco moro than »t tho end of 'lio preceding week..

Tho hearing of the gold miners' dispute Yrill bo commenced by tho Arbitration Court at Lawrence at 2 p.m. to-day, and will bo continued at the same, pluce tomorrow. On Wednesday tho court will eit at Roxburgh and Alexandra, commenci"S at tho latter place at 1 p.m. and continuing there on Thursday and Friday. Evidence- will be'taken at Crotmvell on Saturday and Monday, February 4, and Pembroke will bo visited on Wednesday, February 6, tho court remaining there until February 8, after which it will proCecil to Queenstown, whore it will hold sittings on Monday and Tuesday, February 11 a.nd 12. A sitting will he held at liivevton on Thursday, February 14, and Goro will bo visited tho following y.iy. Tho members of the court will then return to Dnncdin.

Mr J. E. March, Superintendent of .Workmen's Homes, left for the north by tho first express on (Saturday morning.

Some motorists appear (o have l>ooll toiaking themselves obnoxious on the Jlain load in the Waihcmo County, and serious accidents have nearly resulted. The matter was discussed at Saturday's meeting of tho Waihcmo County Council, and several members waxed indignant at the indifference of somo motorists when approaching vehicles and in rushing round corners and over cross roads, "fearing (he natives" and "showing oil'," as one councillor remarked. Another councillor said that in somo caws trouble might be avoided if tho motorist would only shut off his "pumping gear." A committee was set up to consider tho by-laws and discuss tho best method of remedying the evil.

Our Oamarii correspondent slates Ikt the conduct of u number of youlhs who journeyed from Oaina-ru to Tiinaru wilh the excursion train on Thursday his been ihe- subject of a good'deal of comment. On tho return journey a number were so much under tho influence of liquor as to make tho carriages in which they were .travelling a perfect pandemonium. Ono or two particularly behaved very offensively. Somcono was responsible for a, carria ,r c window or two being broken. Two members of tho company were detained, by tho polico in I'imaru, and two others were put olf at St. Andrews. Tho conduct of a few docs not, of course, reflect in any degree on tho other 1300 or 1400 who made up the picnic, but to a. number of'passengers it spoilt what would otherwise havo' been a very enjoyable day.

The various portfolios held by the Prime Minister will bo administered as follows during his absence from llio colony: — Cojonial Treasurer, Hon. \V. Hall-Jones; Commerce and Tourists, Hon. J. •M'Gowwi; Advances to Settlers, Hon. J. Carroll; Public Trust and Friendly Societies, Hon. J. A. Millar; Defence, lion. R. M'Nab; Old-ago Pensions, Hon. C. Fowlds; Post and Telegraph, and Electorals, Hon. Br Findlay.

A young man named Edward Charles Pearco was charged Iwforo Mr 11. Y. AViddowson, S.M., -at the City Police Court on Saturday, with having been drunk and at the same lime committing an indecent, act in High street. Mr 11. D. Bedford appeared for the accused, who pleaded "Guilty" to liolii charges. ,Tho accused wns fined 20s, with the option of going to gaol for' 43 hours on the first charge, and was convicted and ordered to coino up for sentence, when called iipon on the second. The accused agreed to ■lake out & prohibition order against himself;

I'he results of tho examination in blackboard drawing under the auspices of the South Kensington Board of Education held an July last aro as follow:—First-class pass, Margaret O. T. Ford; socond-c)si<s passes-Gertrude. K. De Lambert, William Martin, Clara I. IS'cale, and Hose Ure.

TllO following have passed the third and final professional examination for tlie degree of M.B. and Ch. 8., the names l)cing given in alphabetical order: — Richard Bngley, Robert Walter Baron, James .Robert Closs, Alan Green, John Patrick Hasting?, W. 11. C. Patrick, Ivan iVilson, Tutero Wi Rcpa, John Withers.

The work of constructing the- Ilouipapa bection of tlio Catlins railway is being vigorously pushed on (says tile Clutlin Free Press). Mr John Murphy is in charge of ionio 60 men, a. gang of whom are. giving tho final touches io the levelling of the formation preparatory Io tho rails being laid, Two horso teams and thr'no gang*, of men are engaged in forming tlio llouipapa, station yard and tho necessary roadway. Mr Anderson (tho contractor), who ts building tho railway bridge over the •Catlin's River near tho station, has tho work well in hand. He has eight men employed in pile-driving at present.

The surplus labour that will bo thrown on iho market when tne Main Trunk railway is eompleled was brought under the notice of tho Minister of Public Works (the. Hon. W. Hall-Jones), at Raitrimu, on Monday (says tho New Zealand Herald). 'A deputation of the men waited upon the Minister and asked if the Government would havo sot aside soino of tlio land in ■that district; for settlement, aa the works 'drew to a close. Mr nail-Jones replied Hint this question was already being considered by tho Government. As intimated in tho Budget .speech last year, ■the Lands Department was already looking over several blocks of land upon which tho mon could Fcttlo as soon as tho works ,wcro drawing to a completion.

The three-year-old Fon of Mr M'Laren, of Signal Hill, was drowned in a well at Opollo on Saturday. The child was sijim by ils mother in the, kitchen about 11 o'clock m tho morning, and was found by tho father shortly afterwards in an open well underneath a, bench in a greenhouse. Medical assislanoo was obtained, but all efforts io resuscitate tho child wero fruitless. An inquest will bo held.

Tho following statistics regarding the rainfall for tho past week nro supplied by tho Dunedin Drainage and Seworage Poa-rd:— January 25, .040 in; 26, .005 in; — total for the year 1907 to dale, .335 in.

A man named Edward Collins was received into the Hospital on Saturday night sun'ering irom a wound on tlio head which, he stated, ho had received through kins struck by anolher man with a gun. The occurrence is said to havo taken plaeo at North-East Valley.

The usual weekly meeting of tlio Dunfcdin Progressive Society was held last night, Mr D. Macpherson in tho chair. There was a capital attendance. Mr A. R. Barclay delivered an address entitled 1 "Two Land Reformer?, and What Happened to Them." Tlio speaker told ill simplo language the story of tho lnml reforms effected by tho Gracchi and tho ultimate fato of the two brothers. He pointed out that there was a. moral and a lesson to bo drawn from the story by us in New Zealand, which was never to allow unchecked freo trade in tho absolute ownership of State land in this colony. Appreciation of the address was expressed by subsequent speakers. Before concluding tho chairman made announcements as to future meetings and the ensuing , annual mooting. Rather more than a- dozen members of tlio Besses o' th' Darn Band accepted the invitation of Mr F. J. Sullivan to an excursion down the hnrbour and dinner at Port Chalmers yesterday. The bandsmen were accompanied by Messrs J. and N. Tait (general directors of tho Australasian tour), J. 11. lies (general director of the band), and K. I). Graoe. The excursion was made aboard tho twin-screw MaJieno, calls Ixnng made at Broad Bay, Portobello, Port Chalmers, and the Government wharf at tho Heads. At tho latter placo and at Port Chalmers the bandsmen were given plenty o£ timo to do tho eights.

Oh the return of the Maheno at 6 o'clock last evening, after an interesting voyage of eight hours' duration, a large crowd which had assembled at the wharf gave hearty cheers for the "Besses."

Mr Stevenson, F.H.A.S., of Auckland, slates that a partial eelipso of tho moon will occur on tho night of Tuesday, January 29, Iwginniiig at lllir 36min, and, owing to the position of the euu and moon, tho period from the 28th of January until the Olid of tho month will probably form a minor earthquake period. The great volcano of Jlauna Loa at Hawaii, Mr Stevenson thinks, may, about tho time stated, send out a greatly-increased flow of lava, and at Kingston renewed shocks may be expected, though Itess violent in character than those which recently did such serious damage. There was a tolal eclipse- at the tiino tho earthquake-. tool: placo at Kingston. The theory is that when tho sun, moon, and earth in lino, with the earth in tho middle, tho two other Imdies are drawing opposite ways, hence tho liability of an carlhquako taking place about the time of an eclipse.

Two important educational conferences arc lo be held in Wellington next month. On Tuesday, February 5, there will bo a joint conference of Inspectors of Schools and Principals of Training Colleges at tho Parliament. Buildings. Amongst tho questions to bo considered are:—Amendment and rearrangement of matters conlancd in tho regulations for the inspection and examination of schools; conditions of admissions lo free places in secondary schools and district high schools generally; the expediency of continuing the present, issue of departmental tests in English and arithmetic for examinational purposes; the question of school concentration and conveyance of children; and the pupil teacher system. The second conference is that of members of boards of advico and principals of training colleges, lo meet on the lltli prox., to consider any matters of common interest bearing on the control and organisation of training colleges, the conditions of admission ;uid allowances, tho curriculum, and other topics in this connection. At the four training colleges last year tho average attendance of students was follows:—Dunedin, 75; Christ-church, 65; Wellington, 53; Auckland, 28,

Though (ho funeral of Principal Rainy tool; place ;it Boroomlara Cemetery, Melbourne, on December 24, the interment of I lie remains was not completed on the afternoon fixed for the burial. The grave ■was duly prepared, unci tho coffin containing the lx)dy committed lo it with solemn formula, "earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust." But when tho great company of mourners (with tho exception of a chosen few) had dispersed, the coffin was lifted out of tho grave and conveyed to ■ a mortuary establishment' in Melbourne, and subsequently shipped to London. Ifc' was desired to send Principal Rainy's body to Scotland, and the steps taken at tho gravo were required in order to securo its conveyance (o London. The actual interment of tho remains will tako placo early in March.

In our issue of Saturday last ■Mr J. F. Arnold was reported to hare stated, in connection with the Government's appointments k> tho Legislative Council, that it was evident lint tho Government intended to continue the

" lu-tmmial" system. What Mr Arnold said was that the Government intended to continue tho bi-cameral svstem.

It is intimated elsewhere that applications for shares in (lie company of Brown, Ewiii", and Cn. close on Thursday next.

Mollisons' end-of-scasou' ■ sale begins on Thursday, iilst January, and will he continued from day to day for 30 dp.ys only. Huge bargains in all departments.—Mollieous (Ltd.).

Tourists desiring mementos of JTew Zealand will find it to their advantage to inspect tho magnificent se'ection of articles in genuine greenstone displayed at (J. and T. Young's, SS Princes, street.

The claims made for "Lancer" Influenza Cure may seem exceptional, but surely a medicine that will euro influenza in a few doses is also exceptional. "Lancer" Cure is positively phenonicnul; 2s, at all chemists'.—Advi.

The crnze of the city is centred on Dallas and Watt's eutl-of-season sale.—Advt.

Who is I'eter flicx'.'—The most reliable Watchmaker and Jeweller, opposite Coffee Palace, Jloray piace, Dunedin. Oliargv etricilly moderate.—Advt. . .

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13812, 28 January 1907, Page 4

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 13812, 28 January 1907, Page 4

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 13812, 28 January 1907, Page 4