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Daily Times Office, Thursday, Nov. 8. MOXEY AXD TRADE. Buying.—Demand 7s 6d per cent, discount ; 30 days, 12s 6d per cent, discount; 60 days, 17s 6d per cent, discount; 90 days, 25s per cent, discount. Selling.—Demand 10s per cent, premium; 30 days. 5s per cent, premium; 60 days, par; 90 days, par. Telegraphic Transfers to London.—l7s 6d per ocnl. premium, plus cablo charges. Deposits.--Fixed for six months, 2 per cent, per annum; 12 months, Bank of Australasia, 2£ per cent, per annum; other banks, 3 per cent, per annum; 24 months, 3J per cent, per annum. Beyond the fact that the buying rates have advanced 2s 6d per cent, and the selling rates have been reduced to a similar extent, there is no chango in tho local money market. There is a tendency to hardening in tho rato for loans on freehold, tho amount of money offering at 5 per cent, not, being so plentiful as of yOTe. This is largely owing to tho fact that tho Government, through the Post Offico Savings Bank, continues to offer a higher rato of interest on deposits than do tho private) banks doing business in tho colony.

Trade is very quiet and merchants anticipate a shrinkage in their Christinas orders owing to the attractions of tho Christchurch Exhibition. BRKADSTCFF9. There is practically no business doing in the local wheat market, millers only purchasing when forced to go into tho market, and then only upon the smallest, scale. Quotations arc nominal, ranging from 3s Id to 3s 2d (on trucks, northern stations] for mixed milling lines, white in some cases as low as 3s would ho accepted. Very little business is passing in fowl feed, and prices aro unchanged. Good whole fowl feed is quoted from 3s OJd to 3s Id, ex Ptore, while shippers can fill orders, both north and south, at 3s lid to 3s 2d f.0.b., s.i. Thern is no change in tho flour market. Tho New Zealand flounnillers' Association's tariff stands as follows:—Sacks, £9 per ton; -100's, £9 10s; SO's, £9 15s; 25's, £10. The shipping price is £8 10s per ton f.o.b. The market for offal is unaltered. Bran is quoted at £3 15s for local orders, and £3 10s f.o.b. for shipment. Tho price of pollard stands? at £4 per ton, both for local orders and for shipmont. Tho oat market is .duller than over, and buyers arc difficult to discover. Good Garton B's aro quoted in the north at 2s 2d (f.0.b., s.i.), while the Bluff price is 2s Id to 2s lid. In the local market B grado is selling at from 2s to 2s Id ex store. Sales havo been made in tho south at from Is 9d on trucks. Oatmeal is tinohangcd at £11 10s per ton, £12 being obtained for 6mall parcels. Pearl barley is quoted at £14 10s. PRODUCE MARKET. Tile potato market keeps steady, and prices aro well maintained. For prime. Dorwents from £11 to £11 15s per ton is readily obtainable, white medium and inferior are qnoted_at from £8 to £10 10s. Butter is coming forward freely in tho local market, and prices havo eased by fully Id por lb. Farmers' pats aro soiling at from to Bjd, according to quality. Tho price of first grado factory has also declined from |d to Id per lb, and is now quoted ae follows :r—Prints, lljd booked and lljd cash; bulk, Hid., Cheese is slow of sate on account of tho high price ruling. Tho current quotation is from 6jd to 6jd for factory mediums. Owing "to plentiful supplies tho egg market has dropped 2d per dozon, and tho price is now 1 9d. at which rate tho market 6how« signs of weakness. Tho prico for poultry is unaltered, but supplies are slack. Current quotations are as follow:—Hens, .3s 6d to 4s; roosters, 4s 6d to ss; ducks, 5s to 6s: turkeys—hens sd, gobblers 7d to 8d per lb. Tho demand for pigs has again eased. The prico is to 5d ,for baconcrs, and 4Jd for porkers. Bacon is selling at 8d to BJd per lb, and hams at BJd to 9d. Chaff is unchanged, prime oaten sheaf being quoted at £3 15s to £4 per ton. ALE AND BTODT. (Duty: 2s per gallon, or 4s per dozen.) The following prices will be maintained for the undermentioned brands of alo and stout. and... circumstances will these rates be departed' from, and, further, nothing under five cases is to be sold at an in-bond price, and no mixed five-case lots are to be sold at a five-case price;—

Five- Lessor case QuanLots. titles. Read's.ale, quarts 13/0 18/6 Head's ale, pints ~ ~ .. — 8/6 Read's stout, quarts .. .. 13/0 13/3 Read's stout pints — 8/3 Following is the agents' list of prices for other brands, the quotations being for ordinary lots per dozen quarts, all duty paid:—Ale: Porter's Bull Dog, 12s 6d; Foster's, 12s; Tennant's, 12s. Stout: Porter's Bull Dog, 12s to 12s 6d; Burke's, 123 6d to 12s 9d; Johnson's, lis 6d to 12s; Hall's Boar's Head, 12s; Foster's, lie 9di Tennant's, lis 6d to 12a; Tennant's lager beer, 7s 6d for pints and lis 6d for quarts.

BAGGING. (Woolpacks and cornsaeks; Free.) Tho Calcutta market maintains its firmness, and local buyers, despairing of lower prices, are commencing to cporate. During the past week some 1500 hales of oomsacks wcro p!accd-44's at' 7s Ud and 48's at 7s 5Jd c.i.f. and o.

/ CANDLES. (Duty: Manufactured in British dominions, id per lb; foreign candles, per lb.) Burmese decorated candles are quoted at 7|d in 10-box lots, 7jd for five boxes, and 8d for lessor quantities. The current quotation for Burmese candles is 5Jd for 16oz 6's, plain and fluted; and 6|d for self-fitting and carriage, this tariff being subject to the usual discount. The Joca-K manufacturers' tariff lUnds u follows:-Gold Mfdal and Exhibition, sd; Mining and Standard, 6id; Composites (plain and fluted) and Magnet, 5Jd; Ducal Paraffin and Superior Wax Paraffin, sid; Brilliants. s{d: Adamants. sd; Priie Medal, Electrics, and Rockets, 43d. These rates are subject to a sliding scale of discount, according to quantity purchased. Ogafcon's Aberdeen csndles are Belling at 6d to 6id. Price's brands lire selling at the followinj rates:—For iioridon Sperms, 61d to 6Jd (duty paid), and London Wax and Paraffins at 6d to 6i.d. CEMENT. (Duty: Manufactured in British dominions, 2s per barrel; foreign cement, 4b per barrel.) Quotations remain as follow:—Under 20cask lots, 14s 6d; 20 to 99-cask lots, 13s 9d; 100-cask lots and over, 13s. DRIED FRUITS. (Duty: Currants and raisins, Id per lb; figs, nuts, shell almonds, evaporated apples, prunes, and dates, 2d per lb; Jordan almonds, 3d per lb; Sicily almonds free. Tho first of the now season's seeded raisins arrived by the Sonoma. Tho bulk o[ tho shipment was sold to arrive, and for tho balance 6s 9d to 7s is the prico asked. Latest Californian, advices state thatHho market for seeded raisins is very firm owing to crop shortages; ; stocks in San Francisco are already exhausted, and the price is bound to rise.

Tlio Sonoma also brought the first of the new season's prunes, both in half-cases and in cartons. Tho fruit in half-cases is quoted at 5Jd to 6d. No quotations for cartons have yet been made.

Tho first shipment of new season's currants and fins is just to ' hand, ex Otteriscn. The figs arc quoted at 6|d for layers, sid for bags, and 4s for small boxes. Tho new currants are quoted at from 4M to 4Jd in half-cases, and 5s in cartons. Following are tho quotations now being mado for other new fruits to arrive:—Sultanas, average quality, sd: selected fruit, S|<l; cartons, 6?; Elemcs, sid; Malaga muscatels. Is Id; Californian muscatels, 9£d in 511) trays and PJd in 101b trays. New evaporated apnles, to 8d; evaporated peaches, 9£d; evaporated pears. 9d. New canned fruits: Second Standard peaches, 8s 9d; pears, 9s; water pears, 8s; full Standard apricots, 9s 9d to 10s.

(Duty: Dried, pickled, or Halted, 10s per cwt; paste, 20 per cent, ad valorem; potted and preserved—British 2d per lb, foreign 3d per lb.)

New season's herrings aw quoted' as follows:—Fresh, 6s; kiuperod, 7s 6d; in tomato, 7s 3d. Other current quotations are as follow:—Salmon—Best Skeena River Flats lCk tails 9s 3d. and half-flats 6s; Cohoes, Ze. Codfish. sjjd in 21b blocks and sjd in strips. Sardines -Albert quarters. 7s 3d to 7s 6d; Albert halves, 10s 3d to 10s 6d; good quality halves 6s and 6s 6d. and quarters 3s 6d to 4s; smoked Bardinee, 9s for halves and 5s for quarters; white herrings, 21s for 2-100's and 30b to 32s for two-dozens; red herrings, 20a fo- 2-100's. 17b for one-dozeni. Fiodon haddocks and bloaters are quoted at 3s 6d ud 89 6d respectively,

METALS. (Duty: Galvanised iro>i, £2 per ton; fencing wire and barbed wire, free; iron—plain, black sheet, rod, bolt, bar, and plate, not produced in British dominions, 20 per oent. ad valorem.) Another advance of Id per lb has been established in block tin. Lamb and Flag is now quoted at 2s stl and colonial at 2s '4d, being an advanco of Id per lb on. lato raics. Other quotations aro as follows:> Black fencing wire, from £10 to £10 10s. Galvanised fencing wire, from £11 10s to £12 ss. Barbed wire, 14s 6d to 15s 6d; lead sheet, 27s 6d to 28s 9d. Galvanised wire netting, £26 per ton for 36 x 11 x 17 gauge; three-mile lots, £25 10s. Bar Iron, £11 for 10-ton lots, up to £12 for smaller quantities. Shooing bars: 8.8.11. £14 10s, Nothcrton's £13 10s, and ordinary brands £11 10s. Fencing wire: Plain, £10 for 5-ton lots. £10 10s for under one ton. C.C. iron, £22; Orb 10a extra, with usual concessions for 10-ton lots. Steel plates £13 10s, steel angles £13. Galvanised wire, £11 10s to £12, 6 to 8 gauge; galvanised iron, plain, 24s to 2E« 6s—with the usual concession of Is per owt less for lOcwt lots. Pig iron, £5 5s per ton. Tinplates. in short supplv, firm, 178 6d. Iron hoops. £14; tee bars, £13 10s. Pig lead, 223 6d. OILS. (Duty: Kerosene, free; other oilt, 6d pet gallon.) Tim Colonial Oil Company have landed a. small shipment of White Rose kerosene by the s.s. Courtfield. which has been offering at 10Id, ex wharf. Otherwise quotations ex warehouso aro unaltered as follows: Kerosene, Whito Rose 10Jd, Tea Rose B£d; benzine. Is Id to Is 2d; naphtha and motor spirit, Is 4d to Is sd; gasoline, Is lOcl to Is lid; turps, 4s 3d. Tho price of linseed oil has firmed to 3s; 5d for raw and 3s 6d for boiled. Castor oil is quoted at 3s lOd for halT-caees and 4s for drums. Tho Highland Monarch, with a full shipment of oil for all ports, cleared from JCcw York on September 7. Her Dunedin cargo will not be duo until the end of November, or the beginning of December. OILMEN'S STORE 9, ETC. Zebra, stove polish is in short supply. A! consignment is on board the Maori, due in a. few days. Si-carbonate of soda is very scarce, and tho lowest spot price is 13s per ewt. Cream of tartar has mado throe advances recently, representing a total rise. of id per lb. For desiccated cocoanut thecurrent quotation stands:— 4Jd;' half-chests, 4Jd; and quarter-chests, sd. The packet hops, la 6d. Two-in-ono boot polish is quoted at 4s 9d per dozen. Brunncr Monde carbonate of soda is quoted at 12s. Court boot, polish is quoted at 3s 6d for small and 6s 6d for large. Force Food, 25s to 22s 4d. Haricot beans, 225, and English peas 19s. Packet hop 6. 1b 6d New season's hemp seed 24e, new canary seed 28s. Record boot polish, 3s 6d for small and 6s 3d for large; Sadler's mustard, 4s 9d for quarters, 8s 3d for halves, and 16s 6d for lib tins. Patereon's camp coffee, 12s. The following tariff . ha« been fixed for Brown and Poison's and Brown's cornflours:— Brown and Poison's and Brown's maizo. 15 boxes, 2Jd; 5 boxes, 21d; Ito 5 boxes, 3d; Brown and Co.'3 Patent, 3Jd; Brown and Poison's. Indian, 5Jd. Harvest Qaeon corn flour, is selling at 2Jd to 3d. The market is well supplied with all other leading lines, and quotations are as follow:—Tartaric acidpowdered, lssd; crystals, Is sd; Milkmaid, milk, 6s 6d; Colman's starch, sjd to 5Jd;; Ne&ve's food, 10s to 10s 3d: Keiller's mar-malade-lib 7s 6d, 21b 13s 9d; Robertson's Golden Shred marmalade—lib 7a 6d, 21b 13a 6d; Crosse and Blaokwell'e marmalade—lib jars 8s 3d, 2lb jars 14s 6d, lib tins 6s 9d; Lucca oil—C. and 8., 265; Morton's, 245; Day and Martin's blacking, 3s 3d to 3s 6d; Morton's capers, 5s 6d; curry, 5s 6d; salad oil, 5s 6d and 8s 6d; and castor oil, 4s and 6s 6d. Everett's boot paste, 6s 6d te 6.1 9d for large, and 3s 6d to 3s9d for small; Urge size Abbey' boot polish, 5a 9d to 63 3d per dozen; cream of tartar (French, in kegs), lid; Morton's cream of tartar in tin-lined cases, Is OJd; bathbrioka, lg' 9d to 2s; bicarbonate of soda, £11 10« per ton; Quaker oats, 22s 6d; vermicelli and macaroni—Einoldi'a—in lib cartoßs, 4d per lb; cloves, Is 6d; whitinj, 5s 3d. The tariff for Fry's eocoa is as follows:—Homoeopathic, for 10 boxes, Is 3Jd, and for lesser quantities la 4d; concentrated, 3s 2d, and soluble Is 4d. The tariff for Symington's coffee essence is as followe:— Five-case lots 12s 3d, one-ease lote 12s 6d. Woods' peppermint cure, 13s 6d per dozen for small and 22s 6d for large. French beans in tins-lib ss, 21b 8s 9d. Mellor'a B&uce—6 cases 12s, 1 ease 12s 3d, lesser quantities 12s 6d.

BICE.. (Duty: Free.) Reports from Sydney state that, despite an advancing; rico market, an amount of "'cutting" is being indulged in, and quality is being sacrificed to price. Tho local market is firm at £16 10s to £17 per ton.

BAGO AMD TAPIOCA. (Duty: Free.) Sago and tapioca have started to rieo again with a rush, and advices from tho East state that it is impossible to forecast the futuro of tho market. At least oiio thing, however, appears to bo certain— viz., that supplies will ho short for tho next three months. Thero is a groat scarcity in tho local market of sago and tapioca, owing to a delay in shipment from Singapore. A small consignment, duo next weofc, is quoted to arrive at 25s for sago and pearl tapioca, and 26s for flako tapioca. BAIT. (Duty: Free.) We append the selling tariff arranged u between, the wholesale and retail houses for Otago and Southland: — Black Horse Salt. Fine. Coars*. G-ton lots, per ton .... 89/ .. 75/ 1-ton lots, per ton .. .. <85/ .. 76/ Lesier quantities per cwt.. 4/6 .. 4/ Ijiverpool Liverpool Coars» Fine and aii. Pig Coarse. Castlo FiM. Per Ton. Per Ton. 10-ten lots .. .. 60/ .. •„, ~ 70/ 5-ton lots .. .. 62/ 72/ 1-ton lots .. .. 65/ 75/ Per Cwt. Per Cwf. Lesser quantities 3/9 .. .. .. 4/3 Parcels may be made up of mixed ioti. These prices may be reduced by 2> per ton when salt is delivered direct from the wharf, and they include cartage to any point within Dunedin or suburbs. Th» Salt Company has undertaken not to supply any.wholesale firm whioh does not abide by a tariff agreed upon by the majority. It is also understood that the imports of Liverpool salt will be kept within a certain limit, so that proportionate quantities of Liverpool and Adelaide may bo sold in tk» colony. SUGAR. (Duty: id per lb.) Tlio Colonial Sugar Company's tariff stands as follows:—Finest whites (No. 1 and la), £15 7s 6d per ton in bond for fiveton parcels, £15 10s per ton in bond for three-ton parcels, and £20 15s per ton duty paid for smaller quantities; No. 2 is quoted at 10s per ton lower than the above rates— viz., £20 5s per ton, duty paid; and brewers' crystals 10s per ton higher—viz,,. £21 5s per ton, duty paid.

SOAl'. (Duty: Yellow soap, 5s per cwt; faney, aoaps, 25 per cent., ad valorem.) Tlio price of Lover's Divan soap has be«n advanced to 7s 6d for 10-caso lots, and 8s for lessor quantities. The 6ame firm is putting on' the market an oatmeal soap, tjuoted afc 5s 6d for 10-caso lots and 5s 9d for lesser quantities. Thcro lias been no other alteration. Following tlio upward movement irt soap reported in England and Australia, tho local manufacturers have advanced the prico of their soaps by £1 per ton. Tho revised tariff stands as follows:—Laundrine, Elaine, and Blue Mottled, advanced from £22 to £23 per ton; Prize Pole, from £20 to £21; Laundry, from £19 to £20; Tour Crown, from £18 to £19; Threo Heart, from £17 to £18; Throo Crown, from £14 to £15; Household, from £13 to £14; and Victory, from 26s to 27s per cwt. The old sliding scale of discount has also been revised, and the trade terms now stand 5 per cent, discount on two tons and over, and 2£ per cent, cash discount; under two tone, 2\ per cent, cash discount on net Ihreo months' acceptance. Swan floating soap is selling at 14s por box. The prico of Lever's dry soap is lis 6d for 10-box lots and lis 9d for lesser quantities. Lever Brothers' "Vim" lis for singlo cases (three dozen) and 10s 9d for five-caw lots. Lever Bros.' coal tar and glycerinesoap, Ss per box of one. dozen tablets, or at 4s 6d as part of 10 boxes; skin soap at 10s per box of 36 tablets, and "Yo Goodo Brown Windsor" at 9a 6d per box of 72 tablets. SPIRITS. (Duty: Bulk, 16s per gallon; proof, bottled, 16s per gtlloH.) The following prices will bo maintained for the undermentioned brands of spirits, and under no circumstances will these rales be departed from, and, further, nothing under five cases is to bo sold at an in-bond price, and no mixed five-case lots are to be sold at a fiv«-cas» price. Five- Lesser case QuanLots. titles. HenneMj's X brandy .. .. 37/6 67/0 Hennesiy's XXX brandy ■„ 60/0 83/0 Denis Mounio brandy .» .. 33/0 C 2/6 Wolfe's BCfIMJP* a „ «j sui 24/0 M|Q

J.D.K.Z. 2gal Geneva .. .. 10/6 40/0 J.D.K.Z. 3gal Geneva .. .. 11/0 57/G J.D.K.Z. 4gal Geneva .. . IG.'O 75/0 Sir K. Burnett's OUI Tom gin - 50/0 Brandy (nriffs have been arranged as follow':—Soomeranp. 10 cases, 21s; five, cases, 225; lessor quantities, 55s <lnly paid. Bis(|iiit du Bouchc—lo cases. 225; fivo casc3, 22s 6d; one case, 55s duty paid. The following tariff for Otago and Southland, has heen arranged by the supplying firm:— Oilbey's dry gin. 1 casn 45s duty paid, S eases 15s iii kind, and 10 coses 11s in bond Haig and Uaig 3-Star whisky is quoted at 20s for 5-caso lots and 48s lor lesser quantities. Tho whisky tariff Et<inds as follows:—Ten cases, 20s in bond; five cows, ?,ls in bond; and lesser quantities, 50s, duty paid. Tha brands included it) this arrangement, are Dewnr's Special, Usher's 0.V.U., Whito Horse, 8.C.L., Walker's W.W., Gaelic., Old Bmußglfr. and Buchanan's House of Commons. The price of Crawford's whisky now stands: For fire-case 1u15,23s in bond: lesser quantities, 525, duty paid. Watson's No. 10 Old Scotch whisky is quoted at 20s in lots in bond, 21s in 5-ease lots in ■ bond, and 50s for lesser quantities, duty paid. Walker's Red Collar special whiskj is quoted at 55s per case. As an index to market, values we quote tha following agents' list:—Brandies: Jlartell's. 26s to 37s per case. Whiskies: Thorn and Cameron's Old Highland, 7s, to 7b fid per gallon; Brown's 4 Orown/7s to 7s Cd per gallon; Lochiol, 7s 6d per gallon; Ben MaclJhui. 7s per gallon. Case whiskies; Usher's Special Reserve, 22s fid; Sanderroll's. 20s; Dunvillo's, 17s 6d; Burke's, 15s. Genevas: Key—two gallon:) 8s Od. three gallons lis 6d, four pnllons 13s 6d; Oilbey's .schliapns, 15s lo 15s 6d; Lemon Hart's rtim.' 4s to 4s 3d per gallon; Lamb's Imperial mm, 3s Gd to 4s 6-.1 per gallon; Lamb's Golden Rrore rum, 6s to 6s 3d. TEA. (Duty: Free.) An average business is passing in tea, trade tor the most part being confined to tho favourite packet b!nnd3. TOBACCO. (Duty: 3s 6d per lb.) The tariff of the Britisb-Australasian Tobacco Company stands as follows:— Lesser Case Box Quantities. Brand. Lots. Lots. Duly Paid. • Havdock (dart) .. 1/9 1/10 5/41 Hsvelock (aromatic.) 1/11 2/1 5/9 . Mixtnre-2oz, 3/G; 4oz, 3/3. • Mixture-Dark, 3/3. Canary cigarette tobacco—lib cartons, 2/7. Juno tobacco':— 5 cafe.', Is 4d( one ca6e, Is sd; one box, Is 6d: lesser quantities, Is 6Jd. In the future Jnno tobacco will he put lip in ei»ht-to-tlio-pound rods, blocks, and pooket pieces, instead of 7£-ro-lhc-pound as formerly and 4 Ji-to-t he-pound blocks. Tho T. C. Williams's tariff stands a« follows: — One Lesser Caso Box QuanEraud. Lots. Lots, tities. s d n <1 a d ' /ictory (aromatic) -.., 111 2 1 5 9 Diadem 111 2 1 El Noseaa* 111 2 1 CD •Royal Colours 111 2 1 5 9 Golden Eagla ..• .... 1 U 2 1 5 9 Lucy Hinton .. .. •.. 2 1 2 3 511 Ruby 2 G 2 7 G 3 Welcome Nugget .... 2 0 2 7 6 3 Tho T. C. Williams Company "Golden Eagle—Cut Gold Bars"—is quoted at 6s 9d for 2oz tins. A samplo lino of Lambert and Butler's tobacco, light and dark, in 2oz tins, is being put upon this market. It is'quoted at 3s 3d per lb in bond. Current quotations for other brand* are as follow:—Derby, Is 8d to Is 9d; Harlequin, Is 3Jd per caso lols, Is 4Jd for box lots; 5s (duty paid) for lesser quantities. Derby mild ■ tobacco, in 2oz tins, is quoted at Is 9d. First Water—Aromatic. Is 9d to 2s; Triumph (darkl, Is 2d to Is 4d. White Boso tobacco—Case lots, 2a 2d; box lots, 2s 4ri. A new brand of tobacco (the Bed Funnel) is quoted as follows:— Dark Light Blsck. Aromatic. Aromatic. Fivccnsos 1/G 1/7J 1/9J Ono caso .. .. 1/7 1/8 1/10 Lcssct quantities 1/3 1/9 2/ GRAIN,.SEED, AND PRODUCE REPORT. W. K. Hf.ynoi.ds and Co. roport as follows : - The past month has been exceedingly dry; ill (act, tliid is one of tho dries!, springs'wo have experienced for many years past. Stock arc thriving well on account of tho favourable weather. At timo of writing sonio rain has fallen, and has improved the prospects very ranch.

Wheat.—This market is very .dull, autl business passing is small indeed. Jtillera pursue ft cautious policy, only Inlying from hand-to-mouth, securing any odd lines at low values. Sellers on the other Inmd seem quite indifferent about selling at present quotations. Stocks on hand, wo consider, oro in excess of local requirement!!. Quotations: Prime lnn«berricd, .ft, Gd; short-berried. 3s !id; fowl wheal, ils 3d per bushel of GOlb (f.0.b.. sacks weighed in. net cash). Oats.—This market is exceedingly dull, with a tendency in favour of bitj'ers. A fair quantity has been shipped from BUifi to London on consignment, at a low freight, but it is a, littlo difficult to fee how shippers aro going to come, out in face of present ruling London rates. There is but a limited demand from the North Island, and the only thing in our opinion that keepsithc market ironi declining further, is the snrallncss of deliveries from the country. Quotations: A grade, 2s 3d; B grade. 2s 2d; 0 grade, 2s Id por bushel of Kllb (f.0.b.. Facia weighed in. net cash). BaTley.-ifhcrc is practically no stock on hand of good and best limiting outside \vh*i lnnlntera hold for their requirements. Values may be given, nominally, m!—foi best, malting, -Is lid; «ocd malting, 3s Gd to Is (id; milling, ,'ls; feed, 'h 9d per bushel of flOlb (f.0.b,, sacks weighed in, net cash). Seeds.—A good retail demand has been experienced for ryegrass this season, and, S3 a result, stocks are now within small compass. Thirty pound seed is very difficult to procure, and 'up to Is 9;1 has been paid for good samples. Quotations: 28lb. up to Is 4d; 2Glb, up to 4s. Cocksfoot: Local demand has been pood, but on the oilier hand London has drawn but little upon us, which leaves a largo stock still on hand. Seed cost more to ureas than anticipated, and, as a result, some merchants aro still carrying high-priced stocks. Quotations': Bright heavy seed; 20lb, sd; 18lb, 4}tl; lGlb, t.UI. Clovers havo moved away well, but slocks on hand of' white are still very henvy. Alsyko is scarce, and is bringing up to 7f>s per cwt. Chaff.—Supplies are. as usual quite ample for local requirement. l ), but prices preclude any chance- of export. Potatoes.—The season is now far advanced, and before long now potatoes will bo on offer, Stocks of old aro light, and move into consumption steadily. Quotations: For best varieties, 111 to'£ll 10s. Butter.—As reported in our last, all factorieatliave now fixed their outputs for the, coining season, and aro in full swing on their contracts. Favoured by the fino weather ihe milk rupply has been ijood, and tho quantity shipped this year so far is in excess of previous years. Willi a continuation of favourab o weather the shipments this year fire not unlikely to be somewhat heavier than last season. Dairy and milled butter are also beginning to show up. end small shipments aw already on the way 'to London. Cheese.—As with butter, all factories aro now fixed, and are hard at work. So far, of oeurse, shipments hrive been limited, but this month should see deliveries increase considerably. Market n! Home is still very firm, and it would appear, judging from prices given lactone*, that buyers have every confidence in the market for the next six months to conic. Tbero is every reason to believe this' colony's output will he rather above the average ei past seasons. Loaf, on account nt high piices. is not being made, imless ordered. Nominally, we. quote 7d; and medium, G.kf per lb (f.0.b., eases in). Flour'.—There is no change in the market, which keeps steady at £8 10s for 200 V, .49 for.lOO's; and £9 5s lor 50's, per ton of 20001b, Oatmeal—ln sympathy with oats, this market has eased somewhat, and we now quoto .CU 10s for bulk; £13 for 7's; and £11 lOj (or 2a's (short ton), f.0.b.). Bran.—Tho market remains unchanged. To-day's association price is £3 10s (f.0.b.). Pollard.—This market has cased somewhat. The association's price to-day is £1 (f.0.b.).

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13716, 9 November 1906, Page 1 (Supplement)

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COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13716, 9 November 1906, Page 1 (Supplement)

COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13716, 9 November 1906, Page 1 (Supplement)