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MORNINGTON. Tlie regular meeting of the. Mornington Borough Council, held last evening, was attended by the Mayor (Mr H. E. LeCren), Crs Clarke, Anderson, Henderson, M'Carthy, Dickson, and Xicol. COBHESrOSDPXCK. John -Reid and Sons, agents for Thomas Wood, wrote forwarding plan oi a. small allotment, of section 65, block VI, Town district (Leckhamp'ton Court), which hod been sent to registrar, who asked the council's consent. —Referred to Works Committee. Louisa Lambourne wrote stating that, aj she wished to lay out her grounds, she would like to Icnow the level it was intended to lay tho footpath, and the cost of the path, channel, and kerb. The hedge in front of the section w'ould he cut with, tho council's permission, and also any surplus soil and clay removed as she required, a few loads.— Received.

. : ■ REPORIE. The Finance Committee reported tho statement of the accounts as follows:—District fund account No. 1, dr, JHSG2;' tramways revenue account, d_r, £5338 19s led. The committee recommended the payment of. £HlO lis, tramways revenue account and £109 13s Id, district fund account No. 1. It was further recommended: That all rates that have be"couio unrecoverable through the effluxion of time be written off. and also those for the year 1005-6—general rates ill 4s 9d, drainage rates £1 lis 10d —as per lists, being rates remitted and uncolieetablc.—Adopted.

The Tramways Committee reported and recommended on correspondence as follows: From F,, V, Raymond, Invcrctirgill, inquiring for second-hand cars:—That the old trailer be offcred-at £18, f.o.b.,.Dunedin. From Patterson and Barr, quoting £36 10s for the cable, 11,000 ft long.—Accepted. From Town Clerk, Dunedin, in reply, re obstruction of trafficReceived; copy of by-laws to bo sent.' From J. Lotvden, re Richards indicator.—To lie asked to hand it over, as. it was the property of the council. From the Post and Telegraph Department, re erection of telephone and hell circuit for the Elgin road extension, and giving'an estimate of the cost—Referred ' to

chairman to obtain particulars. , From the Clerk'of Awards, Arbitration Court, giving notice of the sitting of the court in the tramways employees' dispute, the .engine-drivers' dispute, and the general labourers' disputeReceived. From H. Crust, offering the corner of his section at the junction of Havclock street.and Elgin road for street-widening purposes for the sum of £10, fenco to be reerected.— Accepted. The various works in connection with the Elgin road extension are almost completed; the new engine has been connected to tho main line, and'is working satisfactorily; . accounts to tho .amount of -111')- lis have been passed 'for payment.— Adopted. '' ' I The .Works Committee reported and recom- j mended on correspondence as follows:—From i J- Stanstield, re Cross street.—Received. From ! "William ,11. Jeffreys, re path to Ikvelock' street, and asking in-accordance with the agreement.— Considerutiori deferred for further particulars. From'G. H. Robinson, declining to pay half cost of footpath in Regent. street owing to a fpptpath beiiig.-.there before.—Payment to 1)0 enforced, there.being evidence that no footpath had' bion constri.' .cd before. From Mary; Walker, ro'fence, rubbish, etc., on St! Ann's road.—Received. From XI. Rcid, re forming")footpath in .Granville terrace.—Referred to foreman to report. From Mrs Bagrio with reference to. the daniage to her fence in Gladstone street'.—Referred to' Drainage Board, i From A. 11. Grinling; asking that tho asphalt footpath and -concrete channel be continued up Clyde street to Elgin ' road.—Work to be carried out if adjoining owners agree to pay half cost. From Thomas Brown, ro Eglinton drainage,—Drainage Board to bo.again asked to take over the liabi'ity. From Mts Sarah Wilkinson, re levels of Bath street, and asking that they bo attended to or her property protected.— Committee to visit and inspect. From M. Gellatcly, ro bad state of Cross street.— To bo attended to at' earliest opportunity. From ,G. E. Withers and four others in .'■"atriek street, MontociMo, ro stato of street.— Foreman to spend £o in improving the footpaths in the best way possible. From R. M'Kinlay, ro drain itt Coirisb'rook.—City Council responsible, it (having excavated the bank. Tho fender of JI/.-.Gougli has been accepted for the supply of lOtoyds (mors or loss) of 2Jin metal. The tenders for carting,not being satisfactory, and Mr Joyce having withdrawn his lender, your committee recommends that fresh tenders bo called for the work. The committee i recommends that Mrs Susaußennie be p»id ' the sum of £\ 2a, being the cost incurred in impairing drain damaged when Rofoberry street was formed; that tho sum of £5 be expended on Robert street; (hat lulrain bo put across tho street from Grenfell's'at a cost of £1 10s; that a crossing be put down in Campbell street; that the foreman attend to the holes in Regent street. .Accounts to-the amount of £50 6j ed passed for payment.—Adopted. Tho Water and Lighting Committee reported:—A reply has been received from tho cilv authorities, offering the water at Gd per lOOOgal, p'.us meter rent, and tho matter is now under consideration. Tho engineer is busy preparing the plans and specifications for tho electric lighting installation. Permission has been granted to U. M'Kinlav to connect to the city water surmly at tho Main South road on tli? ii«un-l conditio™.—The report was ndopted. Tlie Genera! Committee recommended that tin council support the cstablishmrait of scholarships on the lines of the' Rhodes scholarship as a national memorial to late Rieht Hon V...J Seddon. The committee reported in< regaTd to correspondence as follow«:—Frahi A. 11. Giiu'.ivg. re stale of tip in Clyde street.—Tip now o'osfid. From tho Insuoctor of Factories, ro nuisance at Mr Stewart's, in Glen roa<l.—Persons interested S've boon notified to nbtte the nuisance. From the District Health Officer, ro drain at Walter street.—Hao been attended to. From B. Provo, asking permission to drain on to Cooper s'ireet. —Received. From R. B. Limib. with referenco to his drainrigo outlet.—Referred to the Drainage Board. The private tips in Argylo street and C'.ydo street have been closed, and instructions given to 1 ihave the tip in Xeidpath road covered with clay and tho upper portion fenced off. Building grants have been granted as follows:— 11. .MiWicll, Carisbrook; James Davidson, Barrfiold; James Rcdger and Son. Roseberry street. A complaint .from Mrs Brier'v-hai) been referred to the inspector, to forward a copy of the clause of the act referring to hedges to the parties interested.— Adopted.

The Foreman reported as follow.', inter alia:—ln Clyde street 2} chains of concrete channel had been completed and the path formed for that dislance and asphalted. In this same street, at the end of the new channel, about 30ft' of tin pipe drain has been laid, from tho 'north to the south side. In John street the footpath has been RSDhalted for about 10 chains. The formation work for the I extension of this footway is progressing satisAll the gorse had been cut and clenraVoff Walter street and the water tables cleaned out. Gladstone street has been repaired with six loads of metal. The west , end of Clyde avenue ha? been filled up to the lovel of the tram rail at tho new extension terminus. At this point Elgin road has also been rc-graded and the landing at the car «taud asphalted. Mailer street in front of the car shed has been re-graded and metalled to the new rail level.. On the District road about 50ft of 4in pipe drain has lieen put down to tako the drainage from, Lambert's property. In Kelvin street tho tin pipe drain has been completed, the footpath formed and ! parlly asphalted. The widening of Cross street is finished and r.n asphalt track put down from Appold street to Kelvin street. Tramway work.—The floor of the boiler house has been asphalted and top-dressed. The asphalt in tho rope-run has also been tarred and sanded, the floor under the reel put down, and a number of small jobs put through.— .lieceived. Tho Acting Manager reported "on the borough tramways for the mouth of August as follows,:—The main line has worked- very satisfactorily and a regular time tab'ebeen run during tho month. Extension Line —The new rope for this line arrived on the Bth and was run into place on the 9th, and as the car had to be kept off the line for a day or two longer to allow the now paint and varnißh time to harden, the line was opened for traffic on the 11th, and everything has worked satisfactorily for the rest of tho month.— Received. Tho council then went into committee, ST.IaLDA.' The usual fortnightly meeting of tho St. Kilda Borough Council, held last evening, was attended by tho Mayor (Mr W. J. Burk) and Crs Gore',' M'Farlane, Ewing, Mitchell, Cameron, Scanlon, Ashton. Allen, and Watson. BEPORTS. The Works, Lighting, and Tramway Committee recommended that a footpath .bo formed to J. W. Waller's property in Norman by street; that a request from K. Mercer for CO loads of soil from roadline to be replaced with clay or other material bo granted on a deposit of £5 being made, and that soil be taken from roadline on west side of tho bowling green fence; that the matter of procuring a scraper be left over in the meantime; that tho Drainage Board be asked to continue the sewor to the end of Victoria, street and up Victoria road towards' the cast, in order to give drainage to houses in these streets; that tho Drainage Board be written to asking them to lower the pipes at outlet, as' the water was backing up in the ditches in the borough, also to attend to flood-gates, as they do not appear to be working satisfactorily; that permission lie granted to tho A. and P. Society to take sand from Victoria road for the purpose of making a loading bank, the agreement being that the society givo two loads from the park for every load taken from the road by the society; the committee reported that the matter of granting the day men a half-holiday on Saturday after; noons had been left in the bands of tho' inspector to arrange in regard to making up the time during the week; that the inspector had been insructed to attend to footpath in

Noraanbystreet, opposite Mrs Chapman's property,."also "to" form, certain crossings in A'bert street and at Culling Park entrance; that a deputation from the Mothodist Church had waited on the committee with roference to the church trustees giving 25ft of the southeast portion of their laud for a road, in order that Bowen street niay be continued through at its present width to High street; .in return for this the committee recommenSs that ISO loads of sand for filling-in purposes be given in return for.the land.—The report was adopted,-with the excoption of the clause having' reference to the exchange with the Mothotlist- Church trustqes of 25ft of the south-east portion oi their land for 131) loads, of sand .which was. deleted from the report.' The Finance. General,'and Reserves Com-, niitteo'reported that arannU to passed-for, payment as. follow:—District fund accottnt, £118 10s 7d; special loan account. £V2o 13s (id. The cemmittee recommended that a request for rt lamp in High street be left- over ill the meantime.—The report was adopted,, with the exception of the clause having reference to the placing of a,lamp in High street, which was referred buck to the coin-' mittee, - CORRESPONDENCE. , The Clerk of the Peninsula Road Board wrote forwarding copy of minute passed by his board with reference to the by-law concerning the driving of. cattle to and from market. The beard appealed to the St. Kilda Council.asking that the by-law in connection with cattle-driving on market <lay« be not rigidly enforced, as it would be a great hardship to the residents on tho Peninsula.— Received. The Town Clerk. Dunedin. wrote staling thiit Ibo well in the old tramway yards-at Ocoan Beach had been filled in.—Received. An invitation was extended to the council to 'attend the opening service to be conducted at 11 a.m. on Sunday, 23rd inst., in' connection with the new .Methodist Church at Musselburgh.—lt was decided to accept the invitation. .' Frederick .7. Lough, wrote requesting thai tho drain adjoining his property in Eskvale street be piped and filled in.—Received.

Tho Secretory of tho Ocean Beach Domain Board wrote, in reply to a letter from the council ns to tho spread of lupin on the Sandhills at St. Ifrlda, stating that tho board had Vio objection to tho removing any lupin -in its way.—Tho letter was referred to the Reserves Committee.

Tho Secretary, of tho Duncdin Drainage and Scwer-.igo Board wrote stntint; that the matter of reinstatement- of tho footpath on Bay View road hail been referred to the board's engineer to act. With rcferonco to an application' tlirongh the town elerk, St. Kilda, and tho petition of the adjacent residents, that portion of Albert street ditch bo piped, tho Works Committee of the Drainage.Board could not recommend that this work be done, hut had given instructions that special attention bo given to tho cleaning of the ditch. In regard to a request that the open ditch in A'ictoria street bo piped, tho secretary wrote statin?; that tho board did not consider it a mutter for it to deal with, but a matter for the council to attend to.—The lettors were received.. W. G. Browno (Musselburgh) wrote to the council making application for at least temporary relief ,'m Tcgard to his drainage, although admitting that tho Drainage' Board was tho body responsible for the permanent drainage of the borough. There was no outlet for his drainage, and for the disposal of recuse water, etc., and he had to depend on the porous nature of tho ground. AUct every shower ot rain the greater part of tho section was in a more or less flooded. condition.—The letter was held over ponding receipt of a. reply from tho Drainage Board iu regard to drainage matters. A letter was received from the secretary of the new Methodist Church, Musselburgh, stating that ho had been instructed 'by tho trustees of the church to say that tho matter of granting to the council for street purposes a portion off the point of their property at the junction of High street and Queen's drive had been considered by tho trustees, and that permission to transfer would be granted on tho following conditions:—(l) That the footpath already agreed to be placed round the section be gone on with at once. (2) That no charge he made by the council in the event of asphalting being undertaken at a later date. (3) That the council delivers on the section 150 .ijpads of material for filling-in purposes. (lj.'Thatlhe council agrees not to erect a structure of any kind upon the land so given-. It was asked that tho letter have the early attention of tho council in view of tho oarly opening of the church.—Tho letter was referred to tho'Works Committee with power to act.' ~'

. " •. OEKERAt,. I The question of having Culling Park kept open during the daytimo so as to give access to anyoho desirous of entering tho park was referred to tho Keserves Committee/ Tho matter of inspection by the. council's > plumber of water laps in tho borough and other matters in connection therewith .wcro referred .to tho Finance Committee. ■"...' ':■ ■> •'•

An application from tho Fire Brigade for an increase of the council's annual subscription to tho brigade's funds was referred to the Finance Committee..

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Otago Daily Times, Volume 13696, Issue 13696, 12 September 1906, Page 3

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BOROUGH COUNCILS. Otago Daily Times, Volume 13696, Issue 13696, 12 September 1906, Page 3

BOROUGH COUNCILS. Otago Daily Times, Volume 13696, Issue 13696, 12 September 1906, Page 3