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PORT CItAI,M ER S. Turn TUu at Post Chalmers. •flio New Zealand wo»n time at noon, tfalculated for the meridian of longitude, in . 'iimo 11 hours 30 minutes east of Greenwich, will bo signalled onca * week hy a time bull dropping at tlio instant m menu naon. A bluo flag will bo hoisted at the masthead, Port Ohntmers signal station, on tbo forenoon of tlio day whon the time signal ii gireti. PfusEs o* the Moon*. JULT, Full Moon 6 3.58 p.m. LaM- Quarter ]3 9.43 p.m. New Moon „. 22 0.29 a.m. First Quarter 29 7.26 a.m. I'erigco 4 11.0 p.m. Apogee lb midnight. •Sun risw V.52, ;oli 4.31. Till', WEATHER. July 7.—° a.m.: Calm; weather fine, ovcrlast. Noon: Liglileasterly wind; weather overcast. 5 ii.m.: Wind H. \V.; rain. 8 ii.m, Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer 29.2 ?,!) ?5 Thermometer ... 4!) 46 42 .Inly 8.--8 n.m.: Wind S.W.; weather ■ cold, Noon; Wind S.W.; weather line. 5 p.m.: Hri'um; S.W. wind; weather fine. 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Parameter 26 28 29 'i'lieniiimicler ... 36 40 38 HIGH WATER. ■■ July 9— a.m. p.m. At Tsiaroa Heads 4.40 5.4At Port Chalmers 5.20 5.44 At Dunedin 6,5 0,29 ARRIVALS. .Inly 7. Corinna, s.s., 81?. loir. Fender, from New Plymouth. .1. Mills, agcul. ; Moeralii, s.s., 2714 Inns, Worrall, from Sydney via Cool; Klrail. .1. Mills, agent. (Passengers; Misses Scoullar 12), Welch, Nancarrow (2), M'Lean 12), Kilmartin, Watson. Maedonald. Mesiliiines Dayman and child, Crawford, M'Clu«.koy, Kerrow, Seoul. Jar, Nuncarrow. lierrv, Messrs M'Cluskcy, Crawford, Neill, Jeffrie?, lierry, Dogdall, , Jliiyman, Filzway, Captain Bnlicr; anil 2'l lin Iho steerage. July 8. Rosa Casey, s.s„ .81tors, M'Gilvray, from iWaikawa. Tnploy and Co., agents. Invcrcarftill, s.s., 123 tons. Manning, from : y Tnvorcargill. Keith Ramsey, agent. Zcalandia, s.s., 3000 tons, F.iitwlmtlc, .from Sydney, via Auckland. Neill and Co., agents, Passengers: Mrsdn mcs Donnelly, Field and two children, Misses Young, ■!.. Hart, Harrow, Samson (2). Messrs Thord, Caflin, Campbell, Gruor, (iilbert, Edmoiuliptone; ami three in Iho steerago. DEPARTURES. •Tuly 7. Polisrtia, s.s., 749 tons, Limlsny, for West .Coast. J. Mills, agent. July 8. Oawe.strv Grange, "t.s.s., 6591 tons, Tav/or, for tho Fluff. Turnbtill, Martin, and Co., agents, Indralemn, s.s., 6669 lons, Trotter, for ■ tlio Bluff. Swift and Co., atrenls. Moernki, s.s., 2714 lons. Worrall, for Melbourne, via BlulT. J. Mills, agent. Passenders: For Hobart—Mr Frederie. For ,• Melbourne—Rev. Mr and Mrs Taylor, Mr and Mrs Coira, Mrs Duncan, Miss Rayley. Messrs Hayes, Mite.hell (2), Asher. Smitii, ;; ; A. Forsyth, Beillo, Burrow, Selioder, Paton, Neville; and 15 in tlio steerage, JCXPEOTKD ARRIVALS. From Philadelphia.—Dorido, barque, left February 3. From Liverpool.—Brunei, barque, sailed ... May 4. Australia, ship, lefl June !). From Sydney (via Auckland).—Mokoia, '■ 'July 15. From Sydney (via "Wellington).—Monowai, July 14. From Melbourne—Waikarc, date not fixed. From Auckland.—'Talune, July 12. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland).—Zealantlia, July 10. For Sydney (via Cook SI rait).—Talune, July 12. For Melbourne, (via. Bluff).—Monowai, . July 15. »- For Auckland,—Motira, July 13. For New Plymouth.—Corinna, July 9. MOVEMENTS OF OCEANGOING STEAMERS. TO AKSITIt. At Auckland.—Star of Australia, due July 27; Tomoana, lefl, Now York May 25; duo about, August 2. 'Ikirgermasfer Hackmanu, left, New York May 29; due about August 6. Matore, left London May 15; due July 13. Morayshire, left, Loudon May 29. Corinthie, left London. June; lino about July 11. Anton, lefl Liverpool Juno 19. At, Wellington.—l'unpehu, left, Plymouth June 16; due about August 1. At Port Chalmers,—Gowanbnrn, left New York May 25. Devon, sailed April 28. Capo Corsn. left. London June 2; due Dunedin July 21. TO DEPART. From Auckland.—Waiwera, July 7. From Wellington.—Atlipnir. about July 19; Oswestry Grange, about July 18. From Lyttelton.—Papuroa, August, 2. HOIIF.WAIU) BOUND. Bucentaur. lefl, Wolliiisf'on for Vancouver April 26. Star of New Zealand, left Nunier' April 27. Mimiro, left , Bluff May 1. Delphic, left Wellington May 19. llorset, left Wellington May 2?,. lonic, ieft Wellington AUv 25. Kakaia, left Wellington Mav 31. Tongariro, lefl. Wellington, Juno 7. Maori, left. Lyttelton June 32. Drayton Grange, lefl Wellington .Tune 34, Niivarit, left. Auckland June 24. Fifc_shire, left Port Chalmers June 25. Matatua, left Wellington Juno 28. Wliakilane, left, Wellington July 5. Turakina, left Lyttelton July 5. • IMPORTS. Tor Zealandia, from Sydney: 36 piles, 2ft poles, 121 pieces timber, 611 sleepers, 16 cases wine, 25 boxes butler, 19 ca«es su-iulsoup* 6 oils paper, 140 drums carbide of o„ 80 haps 13 cks fittings, 17 tea, 14 l«iles waste paper, 6 sacks hair. 12 boxes prunes, 4- hales skins, 8 bars steel, 6 bales tow, 27 cases stationery, 42 sacks bides, 6 casks tongues, 356 sash weights, 10 oases honey, 12 sicks malt, 500 boxes cltii lies pegs, 69 bales palings, 70 sacks sugar, 1310 lmgs sugar. 68 eases tugar, 52 eases jam, 100 oases fruit, 197 empty casks, 80 cases matches, 5 enslcs pelt., 2 lines potatoes, 86 cases soap. 10 eases .sauce, 12 eases tobacco, p3 eases confectionery; and sundries. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS', AUCKLAND. July 7.-Sailed: Talune, iSv Dnnodin. July B.—Arrived: Manuka, worn Iho south; Mokoia, from Sydney; Henley, from Vancouver; Haupirl,' from Wellington and the East Coast, EAST CAI'E, July B.—Tlio Taluno passed S<mth at. 8.15 a.m. WELLINGTON. July 7.—Sailed: 6 p.m., Wimmora, for .Sydnev. LYTTELTON, July 7.-Arrived: 7.20 a.m., Tainwora, from Dunedin. TIMARU, July 7,-Arrived: 5 a.m., Hippie, from Dunedin. SYDNEY, July 7.—The Victoria, entered the heads at 3 a.m. The barque California has arrived, after a smart, passage of 75 days from Liverpool. Sailed: 3 p.m., Sonoma, for Auckland; 5 p.m., Monowai. for Wellington. ; MELIiOURNK, July B.—Arrived: WarlimoD, from the Bin IF. i THE DIRECT STEAMERS. WELLINGTON, July 7.—Arrived: 10.30 a.m., l'aparoa. from London, via Cape*o\vn and llobari. Passengers: For Lyltel-.lon--Mftssrs R. P. Sednian, R. P. Foley, J. S. llanson, K. G. I'nncs, Mrs Panes. Jlisses Sandall. Tytheridge. Rerrnott; and eight, in the steerage. For Dunedin—Nino in the steerage. Tlu> Ivssi'x, from Wellington, arrived at London *.m Friday. The Rangatira left London on Friday for New Zealand ports. A MISHAP TO THE KINT. WKSTI'ORT, July a The Union Co.'s collier n.s. Kini, bound front Wellington to Greymouth, was picked up about fix miles from Weslport fln Saturday night hy the same company's, s.s. Koonva. and towed up to the roadstead this morning, but owing to the. fre.sli in the river, was left at anchor there. At the time of the mishap a liuje sea was miming, with a hard »nd fnrioiij squalls, and Iho getting of iho lines aboard and the subsequent towage were matters of considerable difficulty, but. were accomplished .successfully. Tlio Corinna. from New Plymouth, arrived aI, Duiio-din at an early hour on .Saturday morning. She eails at 2 p.m. to day for Oamaru. The I'ohm'iia tailed on Saturday afternoon for Weslport and (Ireyinonlli. Tlio Tyser liner Indrnleuia finished 'discharging her cargo foi this port at a late hour on Saturday night, and proceeded to tho Bluff at 3 p.m. yesterday to commence her llwucKiu'd loading.

Tlie Moeraki. from Sydney via Cook Strait, arrived at; bunediu at 5 o'clock on Saturday morning. She experienced a strong NWY. wind ami a Icavy lira in sea on the run across. .She I"ft- Sydney at 11 p.m. (ill the Ist in.-t. iind readied Wellington al. 5 ]).m. mi (!;<■ 4th. and after catling at I..Ylt*'ltoil. arrived as übovo. Th" Moeraki left Dmiedin yesterday morning by Iho early lido for Port, and failed for Melbourne via llic ltlulf at, 3 p.m. Tho Federal-lloiilder-Khiro liner Oswculry Grange finished loading and discharging cargo for this port on Saturday ni^li!. am! proceeded to tin* lilulf at noon yHnday, whore alio will take in more rat go and then steam to Timarti, Lyttellon, and Wellington, lraving Iho Insl-mentioned port on her Homeward voyage on the 19lli in.-t. The Zealandia reached Dunedin at " p.m. yesterday'from Sydney, via Auckland and East Coast ports. She left Sydney on tho 27th insl., Auckland on the 3rd, (Jisbornc on tlio 4til, Napier on tho sih. Wellington on tlio 6tli, and hyttcltou at 6.15 p.m. on tlio 7th insl., arriving ;il llnnedin as above stated. Slio experienced sliong W.X.W, winds and rough scan accompanied by rain squalls throughout tho greater portion of tho voyage, The Union Company ha? received advice that tlio Aparimn arrived at Singapore on Friday -morning, and is discharging coal there. Sho proceeds to I'enang 10-ilsy to land 600,000 ft of '1 i'asmanian timber, ami is duo at, Calcutta on the 23rd insl. filie sails for Nov/ Zealand at the end of the month. Adverse weather, gale.s in the Mediterranean, and light, ir.".!o winds are assigned an tho eaiifce of the :ir,jtraeted voyage of tho Caterina from Marseilles to this port. Tlio voyago oceupi?,.l 153 days, and when it is (stated that 110 to !2(l days is a fair, but not a fast passage, it wili he nmier.'le'M! how much tho litilo baripie was delayed by the causes staled. Although ll;o \v-;«l had somu very rough weather in the Mediterranean, slid arrived in port, with litt'e or no signs of bad weather usage, and the only dainago reported is Iho skiving in of una of her boats and tho smashing of ono of tho deck-houses. The Catciina. is on old friend with a new name, and wos formerly known as tlio Formosa, commanded by Captain M'oodhoiise, and a regular trader in New Zealand waters. She was towed in to Carey's; Bay from the Heads on Friday night, and on Saturday morning was towed up to DuneOir,, where she will diseliargo her cargo for tins port, and will then proceed to Lyttellon and Wellington and put out, tho balance. Tlio Cater in?., is commanded by J. Drago, and left Marseilles on February 3 with a moderate N.N. W. wind, which lasted for two days, then .strong W.N.W. wind with a high son for 21 days, followed by light wiiid'3. She took the N.E. trades in lat, 24 dogN, which were light and gave out on March 30 in lat. 4 deg. N., long. 26deg. W. Crossed Ihe Equator, long. 29deg. W., tho following day. and took tho S.IS. trade.? in lat. Ides;. N. The latter vvero light and very well to (ho westward. Crossed the meridian of Greenwich on May 3 42deg. S.. with a strong northerly breeze, and rounded the Capo of Good Ilopo on Ma.y 12 in lat. 41deg 54min S., when film met heavy westerly gales, witii mountainous sea, causing tho vessel to l:c hovc-to occasionally, l'assed the nieiidian of Cape Leewin on Juno 21, in lat. 44dejr S., still keeping heavy gales from the southward, with very high sea, and passed Iho island of Tasmania on June 26, in lat. 45dcg. 41min S., when the wind veered to tho northward. She made her first landtall tho Snares, oil July 4, had W. and S.W. winds, and passed the Nuggets at daylight on tho 6th. The New Zealand and African Company's steamer Queen Helena was due at Wellington yesterday from Auckland. After discharging at Wellington the vessel is to conio on to Lyttelton and Dunedin. Cable advieo received by the company states that tho steamer Wimbledon is to leave New York tor Now Zealand ports direct, on August 5. Tho New Zealand and African steamer Devon, from Liverpool, which was to leave Sydney for Auckland on the 6th inst., is due at Wellington on the 15th. Tho vessel is bringing 123 passengers for Now Zealand ports, as follows Auckland 33, Wellington 58. Port Chalmers 15, Lyttelton 16, libift' 1. The Morayshire, of tho same line, is bringing 131 passengers from Liverpool for New Zealand ports. Tho Ilinentoa, lias been sheltering at West port. She lias licen unable to work somo of the West Coast stations on account of tho heavy sea. If the weather docs not moderate the vessel v?ill proceed to Wellington, searching on Iho way np for the derclict sighted by the steamer Toroa,

The Auckland Herald of Monday last says;—'• It is reported that Hie Northern Steamship Company is negotiating for the purchase of the business of (lie Manukau Steamship Company, and it is understood that, within the next few days all matters will ho arranged for taking over the business, provided the shareholders of botli companies interested are agreed as io the terms." A letter dated Iho end of February has linen received from Lieutenant Godfred Hansen, 6ocond in command of the Norwegian Arctic expedition on the ship Gjoa. The Gjoa was compelled last autumn by Mm ico conditions to lie up at King Point, at the moulh of the Mackenzie River (Canada), after successfully traversing the North-West Passage to that point. According to the letter, the members of the expedition had stood the winter well. The return of Captain Amundsen, the leader of tho expedition, from u journey to Alaska, was expected. It was hoped that there would l>e open water at the beginning of July, fio that the voyage through Ihe jiehritig could be continued. All was well on board. CARGO BY TllK TURAKINA. The Now Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Tnrakiria, which left Lytlelton on Thursday for London, loaded the following cargo at New Zealand ports:—From Auckland, for London—2 bars hull ion. From Wellington, for London—269 l«l<?3 hemp. From Tim'arti, for London—3lß hides wool, 28 hales skins, 90 bales ilax, 417 casks talloiv, 70 casks premier jus., 2 casks pelts, 4 eases preserved meals, 37 packages sundries, 11,630 carcases milium. 17.356 carcases lamb, 159 boxes kidneys. From Oainaru, for London—ls7 bales wool, 23 casks tallow, 1684 carcases n'.ulton. 2980 carcases lamb. From Dunedin, for London—34B bales wool, 286 bales skins, 61 bales rabbitskins, 485 bales,twine, 1 bale hair, lb casks tallow, 82 hags scheelite, 3 cases plants, 1149 carcases mutton, 1410 carcases lamb; forr Monte Video—l bundle, trees, 18 bales twine, 2 cases ploughs, 18 cases and packages sundries. From the Bluff, for London—l69s crates rabbits, SEO cases preserved meats, 541 bales wool, 36 casks pelts, ]20 casks tallow, 17 ca?'.'s meat extracts. 5 biles sheepskins, 12 hales rabbitskins, 1013 bales llax, 493 bales tow, 4006 carcases mution, 8812 carcases lamb. 53 carcases veal. From Lyttclion, for London—23o2 bales wool, 149 bales skins, 1 bale hair, 253 bales flax, 28 hales tow, 15 bales basils, £o bales skivers. 7 paokages leather, 79 casks casings, 349 casks oleo, 420 casks pelts, 257 casks tallow, 60 casks premier jus.. 25 sacks oats, 448 sacks grass seed, 49 cases corned beef, 36 packages sundries. 26.710 carcases mutton, 42,872 rareases lamb, 438 canftses pork, 1000, pairs legs of mutton, 236 boxes kidneys. 6 cases dried gut; for Monte Video— 115 live sheep, 3 dogs, 150 sacks oats, 50 sacks grass seed, and 1 package.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13640, 9 July 1906, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13640, 9 July 1906, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13640, 9 July 1906, Page 4