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UilJi AUSXitiUjIAiN MAKKJSTS. SYDNEY, January 27. Wheat: Chick, prime. 3s 45(1; milling, 3s Gel. Flour, £7 10s to £8; Manitoban, £14 to £15. Oats: Very firm; Tasmahian prime white, 3s Gd; Algerian heavy milling, 3s 3d to 3s 4d; heavy feeding, 3s 2d; New Zealand Gallons, 3s 6d. Maize. 2s Btl to 2s 104. Bran and pollard, lid. Peas: Blue, 5s 6d. Potatoes: Tasmnnian, £8 to £8 las. Onions, - £8 to £8 10s. Butter, lOld. Cheese, 5Jd to Old, Bacon, 5Jd to 7d. MELBOURNE, Juno 27. "Wheat. 3s 4d. Flour, £7 10s. Oats: Prime Alg-erian milling, 2s lOd; stout feeding, 2s 8d; stout white, 3s. Bailey: Malting, 4s 8d to ■la lOd; Cape. 3s to 3s 3d. Maize, 2s lOtl. Bran and pollard, 10id, Potatoes, £G to £6 10j. Onions, £7 10s. ADELAIDE, June 27. Wheat (steady), 3s 4d. Flour, £7 5s to £7 10s. Bran and pollard, lid. ADDINGTON STOCK MARKET. (Peh United Pkesh Association.) CHIUSTCHURCH, June 27. At the Addington live stock market to-day there wore fairly largo entries of fat sheep, ' cattto, and pigs, and moderate entries of . other classes of stock. Store sheep showed ' an improvement in demand and prices, but fat lambs wore hardly so brisk of sale as tho week before. Fat slioep again sold well, and there was a rise in the price of ewes. l f at pigs sold very well, and best dairy cows were in fairly good demand. There was practically no snje for store cTittle. Storo Sheep.—The yarding of store sheep was made up principally of hoggets and ewes, the latter being mostly aged sorts. There was a. keen demand for all classes, hoggets selling brickly at advanced prices. Fat Lambs.—There wore 3350 fat lambs entered, the bulk being of very moderate quality. Though competition was not so keen, the prices wero well up to the previous week's rates. Best lots made from 17s 6d to 20s, a few extra pens to 23s lid; lighter, 15s to 17s. Fat Sheep.—There was a fairly large yardl ing of fat sheep, but the quality was not so • good as tho previous week, there not being I such a large proportion of balfbred wethers. - There were, however, some prime lines of wethers and ewes offered, and a keen demand waa maintained throughout tho sale, prime ewes showing a considerable improvement in prces. The range of prces was: Prime wethers, 22s to 255; extra, to 235; lighter, 19s to 21s Od; primo ewes, 20s to 235; extra, to 2os 3d; medium, 17s to 19s Gd; aged, 12s to 16s Gd. Fat Cattle.—The entry of fat cattle totalled 218 head of better all-round quality than of late. There was a good demand, and better competition resulted in a general advance of prices. Steers brought from £6 5s to £11 10s; heifers, £5 5s to £9 15s; and cows, £1 ]5s to £9 10s—equal to 22s Gd to 25s for prime and 17s to 22s for inferior to medium per 1001b. Veil calves sold at from 7s Gd to £2 Us. Store and Dairy Cattle—A small mixed entry of store cattle brought low prices, there being practically no demand. The best sorts of dairy cows met with rather better inquiry, sales being made up to £8 ss, Pigs.—There was a large yarding of fat pigs, but few stores, and there was a good sale for baconcrs and porkers at about the previous week's rates. Baconcrs made from 35s to 51s M; extra heavy, to (Ms-equal to 3id to 3Jd per lb; porkers, 22s to 33s—equal to 4d to 4Jd per lb. Stores were dull of sale 3 at low values. 1 WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE t REPORT, e Wednesday, 27, 190 G. s Pat Oittle.—ls3 head were yardod for this a week's requirements, tho majority of which '• wmo very indifferent quality. The salo opened s brisk, with an advanco of fully 10s per head 6 as compared with last week's prices, but " fluctuated considerably all through the salo. 8 Best bullocks brought £9 to £10; a few extra 0 up to £11 12s Cd; good do, £g to £8 15s; medium, ffl to £7 10s; heifers. £G 15s to £3, best cows, £G to £6 10s; good, £5 to £5 10a; light and inferior, £3 5s to £4 10s.— , 9 The National Mortgngt; and Agency Copany ■„ (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr James Gilt! bett (Sutton). 8 head of prime bullocks to £10 , r 15s: Mr W. Kirk (East Taieri), 2 bullocks at 0 £7 15s, 4 heifers to £3 15s: Mr Pv. Mitchell, J 3 bullocks at £4 saj Mr John Kirk (Mosgit*!), ' a heifers at quotations.—Donald Reid and Co. w yarded 45, and sold: For Mr J. T. Gibson S9 (Otokia), 10 bullocks at £11 12s Gd to £8 7s Gd; Mr William Kirk (East Taieri), 3 bnlr) locks at £7 15s, 2 heiTers at £4 7s Gd; Mr J. » H. Stewart (Glenview), 7 bullocks a,t £8 15s to n £7 ss; Mr Walter Blackie (Glasgow Farm), 8 , e bullocks ni 7s Gd "to £7 7a Gd, 4 heifers s>t £4 15s; Mr "William Lindsay (Ailajilon), H bullocks at £8 15.?, 3 ut £0 17s (3d to 4M b 7s Gd; Mr J. Craig (Otokia), 1 bullock at £3 10s; a client, 4 heifers at £4 15s to £4. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of Sew Zealand (Limited) yarded 33, and sold: For Mr J. Elliot (Gartlimyl, Middlemarch), 2 bullocks at £8 2s Gd, 2 do at £"7, 2 do at £8, 2do at, £7 2s Gd; Mr J. S, Shaw (NorthEast Harbour), 1 heifer at £5 as, 1 do at £4; Mr Adam Sounness (Otokia), 1 heifer at £5 ]2s Gd. 1 cow at £G 2s Gd; Mr Ji. Charters g (Ury Park, Mosgiel), 6 bullocks at- £G 2s Gd, >3 G do at £5 7s Gd; Mr William Kirk (East Taieri), 3 bullocks ai £9 2s Gd; Mr Garr Boiling (Dtlliedili), 0 cows at f,i; Mr John 3, Logan (Mosgiel), ) heifer at £4 5?. —Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold for Mr J. H. Mitchell (Slndholme). heifers at fiom £G d. to £t ss. The :\'ew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) yarded and sold for Mr Joseph Crane (Otokia). 2 bullocks at £7 10s, 2 do at £G 2s Gd, 2 do a( £5 17s Gd, 2 do at £5 7s Gd, 2 do at £5 10s, 2 do at £5. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) sold as follows:—For Mv "William Kirk (Mayfie'.d), S bullocks at £8; Mr John Kirk (Mosgiel). 2 heifera at £4 ss. Messrs Dalgelv and Co. (Ltd.) report having yarded and sold: For Mr H. Slee (Station Peak), 4 bullocks to £10 ss. 3 heifers at £o 12s Gd; Mr It. Macmillan 1- (Okoari), 3 bullocks at £7 12s M, 3do at £7 7s Gd, 3 do at £G 10s, 3 do at £G 7s 6d, 3 do at £5 12s Cd, 3 do at £5 ss; Mr Thomas Jones (Greenfield), 2 bullocks at £6 15s, 2 do at £5 s 17s Gd; 'Mr James M'Doull (Mount Stuart), ' 4 hoifers. to £5 7s Gd, 3 bullocks at £o 2s Gd. Storo Cattle.—Tho National Mortgage and Agency Company (Ltd.) sold for Mr Hugh Gambio (Octramj, 25 steers to £3 18s, 7 year3, lings to £2 4s. Stronach, Morris, and Co. 3j (Ltd.) yarded cud sold: For a client, cows at £2 17s Gd to"£2 los: Mr W. Moyuihan (Middlesi march), 1 bull at £5 2s. and cows at £2 10s — The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association _ of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded 42, and sold for Messrs ii. Law. G. Bolting, F. W. Botting. John Mathie'cn. A. Ivolly, W. Townley, Adam Somincss. W. Kirk, James Thomson, J. Gamble, and W. A. Todd, store cattle at from £t 8s to £4 12s Gd. Wright. Steuher.son. and Co. (Ltd.) sold for Messrs W. A. Todd (Mn°'k giel) and John Kirk (Mosgiel"), 8 head at quoi», iations. ij Dairy Cattle.—The Otago Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association of New Zealand (Ltd) yarded - and sold dairy eows fcr Messrs W Townley. r' A. Kelly, J. M-sthiepon, W. Xicholos, and R. : Charters at up to £6 ss. Stronacll, Morris, d a.nd Co. (Ltd.) so'.d: For Mr P. Toomcy (Wai--1 kouaiti). 1 heifer at £5; Mr W, Moynihan ' a (Middlemaroh), 1 cow at £4. Calves.—The Olago Farmers' Co-operaiivo Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded and sold calves fer Messrs M'Leren and F. W. t. Butting at from 2s to £2 2s.—Stronach. Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) sold for Mr J. H. Mitchell (Studholme), calves at 15?.

Fat Sheep.—ls24 penned, mostly medium quality owes ami wethers, with an odd pen of heavy, wall-finished' eivea and wethers! Competition was teen lor best quality, and showed an advaiicc of Is per hejd as compared with latt week. Other sorts were firm at last week's prices.—The National Mortgage and Agency Company (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Mr J. P. Jones (Broomhill), 9 prime ewes at 265, 39 do at 22s 3d. 7 wethers at 24s 9(1, 20 do at 19a 6d, 3 do at 19=, 31 do at 17s; a south client, 43 wethers at 22a 9d, 3G do at 21a 3d, 5 ewes at 259 6d, 28 do at 19s Gd; Mt T. Ersliino (Popotunoa), 11 wethers at 22s Cd, ■10 do at 21s Cd, 39 do at 21s 3d.—Donald R-cid and Co. (t/ld.) yarded 2GO, and sold: For Mr E. Ottrcy (H-eriot), 7 wethers at 24s 9d to 92s 3d, 53 owes at 19s to 17s Cd; Mr G. Dunne (Miltou), Di ewes at 15a to lis 9d; n client, 37 wethers at 183 6d, 53 ewes at 15s 9d; X. Matliewson (Kokonga), 46 wethora at 183 to 14s. The Ot?.go Farmers' Co-operative Association of N«w. Zealand (Limited) penned 300, and sold: For Mr David Peat (Sutton), 33 wethers at 25s 6d, 2G do at 23s 6d; Mr Thos. Hazlett (South Hillond), 39 wethers at 22s 9d, 22 do ai 21s Sd, 29 do at 21s, S3 do at 21a Gd; Mr John Blakely (Gimmerburn), 17 ewss at 12s 9d. 16 do art lis Gd, 29 do at lis; M r Thomas Hedley (Maheno), 33 ewes at 21s, 27 do at 18s 9d.—Tho New Zealand Lojln and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Moxsrs D. and W. J. M'Cready (Kyebiirn), 32 wethers at 21s 6d, 33 do at 18s 3d; Mr P. Kinney (Hyde), 7 wethers at 23s 6d, 5 ewes at 15a; Mr C, B. Rowo (Clinton), 25 ewes at 17s 3d, 31 do at 14s; Mr P. G. Hotrex (Rough Ridge). 18 wethers nt 16s 9d, Cdo ait 15s; a client, 59 wethers at 22s Gd. Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 231, and sold: For Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. (Gladbrook Station), wethers at 23s and ewes at 22s 9d to 19s 3d; Mr John Law (Gimmerburn), wethers ot 18s and ewes at 12s Gd to lis; New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Ciydevale Estarto). ewes at 15s Gd to 13a; Mt R. Logan (Maritanga), wethers at 12s Gd and merino wethers at 12s 9d. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) sold as follows:—For Messrs Armstrong Bros. (Poolbnrn), 5G wolhers at up to Us 3d; Mr R. L. Cross (Waitahuna), 95 wethers at u» to 23s 3d; 'Mr G. Cross (Waitahuna), 29 wethers at 21s 3d; Messrs L. Malhowson and Son (Kokonga). 20 ewes at quotations. Dalgety and Co. (Ltd.) report having penned and sold: For Mr H. Bayly (Green Valley), 20 ewes at 19s Gd. pen wethers at tjls 9d; Mr W. M. Miller (Mayfield, Eweburn)) pen ewes at 21a 9d. 37 ewes at 17s 3d, 21 ewes at 15s; Mr J. Weir (Gimmerburn), 19 wetheTs at 2os; Mr J. Stewart (Waimoana), 3G ewes at 19s Gd; Mr James Robertson (Woodside), 80 ewes to 19a 9d; Mr A. Kinney (Ophir). pen wethers at 17s Gd; Mr D. Morrison (Herbert), 60 ewes to Hs 3d; Mr A. D. Bett (Hi'.lend), 17 ewes at 17s 9d. Fat Lambs.—l 272 penned. There was a jood demand, and prices were much on a par with last week's. Best lamhs, 15s to 17s 6d; extra heavy, up to 19s; good. 13s 3d to 14s Gd. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 137, and sold: For Mr John Deans (liee Stream), 104 at 16s 3d to 13s 9d; Mr J. A. Curie (Riverview), 33 at 15s Gd to Otsigo Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Lid.) ywinod 170, and sold: For 'Mrs Ballingall (Sutton), 26 lambs at 18s 9d, 25 do . at 18s Gd, 15 do at 16s 9d, 4 do at 16s 3d; Mr Mo/es Allison (Ranfurly), 40 lambs at 15s Gd. 28 do at 12s 6d; Mr John Sutherland (River Farm, Al'.anton). 40 lambs at 18s.— Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Messrs Murray, Roberta and Co. (Gladbrook), lmnba at 16s to 15s 3d; Mr R. t Logan (Maritanga), lambs at 14s to lis 9d. Tho New Zealand Loxu and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) yarded and'sold: Fpr lit C. B. Rowe (Clinton), 4 la.uil>3''at 16s; Mr P. Kinney (Hyde), 25 lambs at 17s 9d, 16 d:i at 17? 3d, i3do at 14s 9d; Mr F. G. Harrex (Rough Ridge), 13 lambs at 19s (top pric® today), 17 do at 17s 6d, 7 do at 14s' 3d. i "Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) sold as follows:—For Messrs L. Mathewson and Son i (Kokonga), 40 iambs at up to 17s 9d; Messrs Armstrong Bros. (Poolburn), 73 lanibs at up' ; to 17a 3d; Mr Alexander Gray (Popotunoa), . GG lambs at up to 16s. Dalgety and Co. i (Ltd.) penned 429, and sold: For Mr H. Bayly (Green Valley), 48 lambs at 17s 3d, 9 at lGs; 1 Mr A. Kinney (Ophir), 63 to IGs Gd; Mr P. i Kearney (Ranfurly), 77 to IGs 3d; Mr J. Weir (Gimmerburn), 46 lanibs at 16s; Mr A, D. ' Bolt (ltillend), 53 lambs to 14s Gd; Mr James ■ Mstheson (G'.enfoyle), 133 lambs to 13s. ' Pigs.—93 penned. Prices about the same ' as last week:—Suckers, 7s to 9s; slips, Jls ' 1o 13s Gd; stores, 10s to 22a; porkers, 27a ' to 355; baconers, 39s to 435; heavy baconers, • 45s to 525; choppers, to 70s.—The National 1 Mortgage and Agency Co. (Limited), spld for ' Mr H- Gamble 7 stores to 205.-: —Donald ' Reid and Co. (Limited) yarded and sold: — • For Mr Wui. Brown (Peninsula), 1 at 27s Cd; J Mr \V. Pryde (Mataura), 2at 80s to 20s; Mr C. Milne (Broadaeres), 3 ut 44s Gd; Mr T. ' (lean' (Puliehiki), 2at 12s Gil ; Mrs Menhinick " (Momona), 2 at 455; Mr M.'Steadinan (Pine Hill), 1 at 2Ga; Mrs Dec (Ilenley), 5 at 13s Gd ' to 135.-—Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Limited) penned 21 ' and sold:—For Miss W. ,1. Brown. M. Steadman, ,T. Miller, It. Miller, W. Rogers, and ; clients: Suckers, 7s to 9s; slips, 10s to 13s; l ' stores, 1G? to 02s; porkers, 2Gs lo 345; baconers, 38s to 42s.—Tlie New Zealand Loan • and Mercantile Agency Co. (Limited) yarded 1 and sold:—For Mr Andrew Liddell (Green ' Island), Vat 335, 1 at 29s Gd, 1 at 255.- — : Stronodi, Morris, and Co. (Limited) sold: — ' For Mr Jas. Cleary, pigs at 3bs to "Os; Mr '' J. Oalbrqitli (AVaikonniti), pigs at (Is to 4s. 1 —Weight, Stephenson, and Co. (Limited) ' sold 34 pigs at quotations. Sheepskins.—Large catalogues were offered to the usual buyers on Tuesday. Tho shipj pers were exceptionally keen, and purchased most of (lie befit skins. The ruling prices are etill keeping high. Quotations:— Hulfbreds, l()d to lOld; medium. 9d lo 9Jd; best crossbreds, 9'id to 10id; medium, 9d to 9ld; best merino, 9d to 9£d; medium. fkl to S2d; j best lambskins, 10(1 to IOJd medium, 9d to • 9JA por lb. r Rabbitskins.—Fair-sized catalogues were D submitted to tho utial attendance of buyers i on Monday. The bidding was as'for the pre--7 vioua week—keen for ail varieties of skins. 3 Quotations:—Best winter does, 2id to 22d; 3 do bucks, 19d to 20} d; do winters (mixed), 5 19(1 to 20Jd; autumns, 12d to 15d; summers, t B'd to winter black, 20d to 2'2Jd; mixed black, 12d to 17d per lb. 1 Grain.—Oats; Tlicro are not many lines of i good to prime oats coming forward", so that • those that here have easily found buyers I. at very fair prices. Quotations: Prime t milling, 2s 4d to 2s 41d; gcotl to best feed, - 2s 3d to 2s 4d; inferior to medium, 2s Id to - 2i 2d pc-r bushel (sacks extra). Wheat: There i appears to be no pronounced change either 1 in the value or demand. Prims Bamples seem , to be the most sought after. Quotations: i l'rimo milling, 3s ad to 3s Gd; choice Tuscan, . to 3s 7d; medium to good, 3s 3d to 3s 4d; l best whole fowl wheat, 3s Id to 3s 2d; .medium; 1 broken, and damaged, 2s 8d lo 3s per bushel - (sacks extra). Potatoes—The continued '.onsignments of Victorian potatoes have considerably affected " tile market. Seed lines are still as high as ever, but others are slacker. Quotations: '• Best, Jt'D 10s to £9; medium to good. £8 • 10s !o £9; best seed (Up-to-Dates). ill lo £12; '> medium to good,' £10 to £11 per ton (sacks " in). Chaff.—The market ii still fully stocked, „ the bright oaten sheaf is going off fairly easily, ,) Medium and inferior is more difficult to get !rid of. Quotations: Prims oaten slieaf, £4 2s Gd to £4 ss; choice, £■! 7s Gd; good. £3 las to £4; inferior lo medium, i' 23s to £2 10s per ton (aac'b ejtra].

[The individual reports of stock ogent^ pool, rabbitskin, or grain brokers can be in\ serted in the Daily 'limes and Otfgo WituesJ it special rates.] WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. .. v . Messrs A. Morilzson and Co. report for week ending June 2G:— ' - . Wheat.—We quote now: Trime velvet and Tuscan, from 3s 4d tp 3s Gd; red sorts, Id , less; fowl wheat scarcc at 3s. Oitts: Business dull, wit|i little inquiry. Milling, 2s Gd; B grade, 2s 4d; inferior, 2s to 3d, Potatoes'. Prime, £10 Ills b fU 10s. iChftlf: Australians easier. Murkei firmer. Pribif, £?> 17s Cd; mediimi, £2 153 to inferior, £2 15s; wheaten straw, 37s Gd; oaten, 4'js. > Ryegrass: Fanners' dressed, heevv, lo 3s; light seed, Is 9d to 2s 8d; machined, • (s Gd to 5s Gd pep bushel. Cocksfoot: Farmers' lots, 3Jd to 4jd; machined, 5d lo 51d. Prussian bluo peas, 4s lo 4s.Gd per bushel. Hides: Market continues firm. We 'quota—Prime ox, 6Jd to 7d. Tallow: Wo have an inquiry for extra good mutton (in casks), at 23s to 255. W« quote: Rough fat, clean, 13s Gd to 14s 6d; tallow iu tins, IGs-tp 17s; casks, 17s Gd to 225. Sheepskins: 12s 6d for extra heavy crossbred; sound polts, 9s to 10s. .Rabbitskins: Market firm, with keen ' competition. Snnimei blacks, 20Jd. We have large inquiries. Winter blacks, 19id to 25id; early autumns, 1 ; IGd lo 19d; incoming winters, 18d to 19d; early do, 10\d to 21d; others in proportion Poultry: Local—Hens, 2s 6d to 3s; 3s to 4s; ducke, 3b to 4s; geese, 4s tq Cs] turkeja—hens, 5d per lb; cocks, 7d per Ih (live weight). MARKET REPORT. '' Messrs Thomas Paterson and Co., anctioneers. fruit and general, Droducß agents, . . report for the week ending June 2G:— Appleß.—Market very barely supplied.. Cooking, 7s to 8s 6d; deßsert wanted, 7s to 10s. Tasmanian, 10s Gd to 13s. Oranges:. Six inch, repacked, 5s 6d to Gs; nine inoh, 7s to Bs, in short supply. Lemons: Messina, shorter supply, 22s 6d. Bananas: ltipe, 2jd to 2sd per lb. Tomatoes: Looal, 4d to Gd. Grapes, 8d to Is Gd. . Produce.—Butter: Fresh dairy, 8d to fld; , separator—pats, lOd to lid; bulk, lOd. Pigs, 3Jd; heavy-weights, 3d to 3id. Honey, 3!d to l}d per lb. Beeswax, Is 3d. Poultry in fair supply. Roosters, 2s Gd to 4s; hens, 2s 3d to 2s 9d; ducks, 3s to 4s; turkeys—gobblers, 7d to 8d per lb; hens, 4Jd to sd. Potatoes.—Market easier. Best whites, £10 to flO 10s; Dorwents, £9 10s to £10 10s; interior, £5 to f7 10a; Up-to.Da,t® seed, £11 to £11 10s. Onions: Wanted. Canterbury, £7 to £8. Cabbagos, Is 3d to.2s 6d per aack; cauliflowers, 2s 6d to 3s Cd. Horsehair, la 4d to Is Gd per lb. Note—Country orders for Bmall lots of fruit must bo accompanied with remittance.' Cas» lots only. WHAT MR JOHN" STEVENS, . THINKS OF RHEUMO. Mr John Stovons, ot Bulls, the member for Manawatu, has a high opinion of Rhf.umo. Read what he writes:—"l had a severe attack of rheumatism, and was advised to try llHEtmo. I did so, with moat satisfactory results. After taking two bottles it practically cured me. I have no hesitation in saying that your Temedy is the best. I have used." Try Rheouo yourself. If given a fair trial it will quickly cure rheumatism, gout, sciatica, lumbago, ■ and kindred diseases, All chemists and storekeepers sell it at 2s 6d and 4s 6d a , bottle.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13631, 28 June 1906, Page 9

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WEEKLY MARKET REPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13631, 28 June 1906, Page 9

WEEKLY MARKET REPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13631, 28 June 1906, Page 9