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(Fbou Our Own Coms?osT>m.)


i'lic twentieth annual show of the Southland Fanciers' Club was comrnenccd to-day in tho Zealandiu Hall with record entries, ili'o number kins over 100 more than last year, Poultry am responsible for 476 flxhibifs, pigeons for 206, pels foE'49 and ■logs for 99—making, a. total of §30. Tho jhow is, without doubt, Iho best the socicty lias held, and the hall is taxoil to its ullcr* inost capacity to comfortably display all 4ho exhibits and leave room for tho public, who visited Iho placs in large numbers to-day. Mr J. llsiudo (Sydney) is judge of, all classes. Mr J. M'Kci'char's iin|»rted bcotcb greys annexed tho honours in their uass, and wcro greatly admired. At. an ■■(interval- during tho evejiinj; trick dogs went through some iierfa.mances, and appeared to take tho public fancy greatly, as also did an amateurs' plucking competition; wliieli compared sadly with tiiat. given by Mr Burke, flu; Government export, from Dunedin. 'J'he society this .year, at a cost, of i)I7G, has gone in for its own pens, but. so numerous were the c-ntries tfiat some extra pons had to be 'hired from Dunedin. The society has an "Wellcnt lion, secretary in Mr 11. JJny; and the management, is to be congratulated 011 the v.'ay the show was carried out. l'igcons and pets will ho judged tomorrow. The takings at- ilio door during it ho day amounted to £60.'which is highly Mtisfactoiv, The Lornn Farm's display of trussed poultry, etc., was again a splendid one. Tho best birds in the show are Itlio brown Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks. iWyandottes, and Orpington's. Tim special prize for tho best Leghorn goes to a lien lielonging to W. \V. Hobcn'son, ami tho South Island championship for Plymouth Rocks goes to A. -M. Irving with a hen iiaving specially good barring and ground colour. In Wyandotte?, li. J. Ross exhibits a specially-well marked silver hen, which takes the special prize for the ljoiit, bird in Iho show. _ P. O. Sinclair's winning pullet is a very fine bird, free from ticking, and pood in breast. The class in which she won contained seven or ciyhf high-class pllcls. The same owner's vl'innim; golden hen is also a bird tliut would be'hard to Jicat in any company. The special prize for black Orpingtons fell Uy. Mr T. .N'ash's 'cock bird, which is woluktrful in colour, short in stock, and good in type. The ■Rev. A. 31itchell is well to the front in fluffs, w'tli some wally high-class birds of the _ true bull' Orpington type. .1. Stewart's first-prize cockerel is sound in colour all over, very ;:<xxl in type, rind is about the best buff yet shown in New Kealand- Ducks were .not numerous, but it he are speciaflv pood, notably ■Mouat.'s winning duel;. In dogs, F. .Mayliews C'annonbail, which won in tho ;<reyItound section, is a dot' of except lonal quality, as also is M.r ■Sutton's winning puppy. Retrievers were good, Mr J. .). AVard's Master Parala liaving a splendid head and body points, but slightly out of coat. Collies are not w good as. last year, although the winners were good specimens, in cocker spaniels Mr R. A. .Bagsbaw'fi Lynford Jiow is a line anitinl. Irish. tcrrici-K were fair, and in llto fox <erriers ■!. W. Thompson's winning wiir are tho best tho judge has seen in the niolony. Mr cxliiliiloil two iehoico pugs. The following is the prize list:— „ ' rOUMTtY.

Girae.—Black-red cock (one entry)— Mrs IBerry J; black-red hen (two entries)—J. L. Printz 1, Y. Lynch 2; black-red cockerel, dubbed or lindubbed (three entries)—'W. J. IWhito 1. J- L. Printz 2; black-rcil hen or ipuilot—W. .T. Whito l. Indian Game.—Cock (otic entry)—J. A. Frederic 1; heif (ono entry)-J. L. Printz I; cockerel (one entry)—J. L. Printz 1; pullet (one entry)—J. h. Printz 1. Game Bantam.—Block-red cock or cockerel (three entries)—J. liindsay 1, J. Campbell 2, ;i). M'Kcnzic 3; black-rcd. ben or pullet'(five entries)—P. J. Lindsay 1, J. Campbell 2, D. M'l£<iuzio 3; pile lien, or pullet (two entries)— J. Campbell 1 and 2; duokwing hen or pullet (one entry)—J. Campbell 1. Garno (not Bantam).—Hen or pullet—M. Campbell 1. Hamburg.—Golden ptincillcd cock (one tntry)—J. Campbell 1; golden pencilled hen (two ontries)—J. Campbell 1 and 2; golden pencilled cockerel (two efntrics)—J. Campbell 1 »n<l 3; golden pencilled pullet (three entries) —J. Campbell 1, 2, and 3; silver-pencilled cock (two entries)—J. Campbell 1 and 2; nilver-spragled hen (two entries)—J. Campbell 1 and 2; Bilvcr-spmgled cockerel (two entries)—J. .Campbell 1 and 2j silver-spangled pullet (thieo entries)—J. Campbell 1, 2, and 8.

Spanish.—Black cock or cockerel (two (utrifisK-G. Kidd 1, J. Campbell 2; black lien or pullet (three entries)—J. Campbell 1 and 3, G. Kidd 8. Minorca.—lslack cock (two entries)—D. 11. Tweedie 1. W. S. Andrews 2; black hen (five entries)—C. H. Cunningham 1 and special, <T. Syndall 2, E. Clcnt 3; black cockerel (five entries)—J. Clopp 1, J. Weir 2, ,T. Faitt 3; black pullet (nine entries)—C. 21. Cunningham 1 and 2, B. J. Faitt 3.

Ajjdalusinn.—Hen (four entries)—J. Campbell and 2; cockerel (two entries)—,!. CampMl 1 and 2; pullet (one entry)—A. J. Cofrley I.'

Leghorn.—'White cock (four entries)—,T. Campbell 1, 11. l'rintz 2, I'. C. Sinclair 3: ■whito hen (seven entries)—J. Stevens 1 and 2, H. Printz 3; white cockerel (nine entries) —J. Campholl 1, T. Meadows 2, 0. C. Lano 8; 1 whito pullet (11 entries)—G. C. Lano 1 Bud 2, 1\ Meadows 3; brown cock (three entries)—J. Stevens 1, A. G. Lennic 2, W. V. Rolortson 3; brown hen (one entry)— *\\\ W. Robertson 1 and special; brown cockerel (four entries) —W. W. ttohertson 1, S. and 3; brown pullet (three entries)—\V. W. Robertson 1. 2. and 3; any other variety cock or cockerel (four entries)—li. W. Mitchell 1 and 3, P. .)ack 2; any other variety 3ien of pullet (four entries)—r. .Tack ], A. ftY. Mitchell 2, C. Dt-ilev 3.

Polish.—White-crested cook or cockerel (two entries)—A. Millar 1; white-crested hen or pullet (three entries)—A. Millar 1.

Dorking.—Silver cock or cockerel (two entries)—Dr Hodgkftison ] and 2; silver hen or pullet (six entries)— Mrs .1. Waugh 1, Mrs Ton Tunzleman 2. Dr Hodgkiiison !i.

Houdan.—Cock or cockerel (three entries)— H.' M'Quillan 1, 2, and hen or pullet (threo entries)—ll. M'Quillan 1, 2, nnd 3. Plymouth ltock (South Island Championship).—Bluo cocl; (seven entries)—T. C. l ? ox I, A. M. Irving 2, T. R. Carroll 3; blue lien (seven entries)—A. M. Irving 1 and champion, (J, D, M'Kerehar 2, T. It. Carroll 3; Wuo cockerel (livo entrios)—T. (}. Cox 1 and !1, A. M. Irving 2; blue .pullet (five entries)— <r. D, M'Kerehar 1 and 2, A. M. Irving 3; white cock or cockerel (two entries)— Alexandra Poultry Co. 1 and 2; white hen or pullet (two entries)— Alexandra Poultry Co. 1 and 2.

Scotch Grey.—Cock er cockerel (two entries) —J, M'Kerchai' 1, Dr Hodgkinson 2; hen or pullet (three entries)—J. M'Kerehar 1 and 2, l)r Hodgkinson 3.

Wyandotte.—Silver cock (four entries)—.!. Stevens 1, I?. Wilson 2, Dr Truly King 3; silver hen (live entries)—li. J. lioss 1 and npeeial, W. G. King 2. P. C. Sinclair 3; silver cockerel (eight entries)—K. J. Ross 1, Double Bros. 2 ;uid 3; silver pullet (13 onirics)—P. C. Sinclair 1, J. Stevens 2, Doublo lire?. 3; golden cock (four entries)— Doublo Bros. 1, J. Campbell 2, A. Kerr 3; golden lien (four ci.*lries) —P. C. Sinclair 1. A. Kerr 2, Doublo Bros. 3; golden cockerel (two entries)—]3r Tritbv lung 1, A, Kerr 2; golden pullet (four mfricsMY. (1. King 1, tA. Iverr ii and whit* cock (four eutries)— !H. Peters 1. 11. Bell 2. F. Xusli l\; while lien (six entries) —G, Aitcheson 1, J, Campbell 2, F. Nash 3: white cockerel (nine -it-tries)— El. li. Philp 1. It. Peters 2. 0. Aitcheson 3; white pallet (13 entries)—lT. Peters 1 and special. J. Campbell 2, F. Nash partridge cock (two entries)—K. Roberts 1. G. R. Joyce 2; partridge hen (three entries) • -h. Roberts 1. 0. li. Joyce 2 and 3; ipartridge cockerel (six entries)—J. Itunter 1 «ud Bpecial, 11. Roberts 2, ,1. Gorman 3; ipartridgc pallet (seven entries) —11. Huberts 3, W. G. King 2, (r, it. Joyce 3. Orpington.—Black cock (live entries)—F. Is'ash 1 and special, J. Stewart 2; black lieu (seven entries)—l'. Jack 1, James Stewart 2, li, Dav 8; black cockerel (livu entries)—K. Day I,'W. Brash 2, T. Nash 3; black pullet (six entries)—J. Stewart 1. It. Day 2, V,'. Brazil 3; butf cock (six entries;—Hev. A. Mitchell 1, V. it. Pickford 2, J. Stewart 3; buff lieu (six entries)—ttev. A. Mitchell 1 and special, James Stewart 2. A. F. Clark 3; butt cockerel (nine entries)—J. Stewart 1. V. 8. Andrews 11, l!o,v. A. Mitchell II; buff pullet (eight entries)—ltev. A. Mitchell 1, James Stowart 2 and 3; white hen ov pullet (three entries)—ll. Walton 1 and 3, I'. Jack 2.

Langslnuis.— n-k (two entries)— Double Brothers 1 and l 2; black hen (threo entries)— Double Brothers 1 and 2, 11. Gill 3; Hack cockerel (two entries)—ll. Gill 1, Br _ruby Kill" 2; black pullet (two entries)— Dr Trilby King 1, H. Gill 2.

Breeding pen of two hens and ono cock (any heavy breed), l'our entries—W. 11. Pickford 1. James Stewart 2 and 3.

■Formers' Classes.—Heavy breed, ceelt or cockerel, any variety (four cntriesl-T. King 1, .T. Gorman 2. A. M. Irting '.1; heavy breed, km or pullet, any variety (four entries)-!. King 1, A. M. Irving 2; light breed, cock or cockerel, any Variety (two entries)—E. Clent 3,, A. M. Irving 2; light breed, lien or pullet, any variety (lour entries)—l2. Clent 1 and l», Mm Berry 2.

Amateurs' Classes.—Heavy breed, cock or cockerel, any variety (seven entries)—L. Alstreiler 1 and special and ,1. A. Mills 2; heavy breed, hen or pullet, any variety (six entries-)—L. Alsweiler 1, 1". Gorinski 2 and H; light breed, cock or cockerel, any variety Alwiiltr 1 stai sjjetijl, AV,

Mtuddck 2,1\ Meadows .1; light breed, lien or pullet, any variety (two entries)—Ji. G tannic 1, Thomas Meadows 2.

Ladies' Classes.—Any variety cock er cockcrcl (four entries)— Mrs .1. .Stewart 1, Mis \V. W. llobertson 2, Mts W, If, Pickford !t; any variety lien or pullet (four entries)— Mis W. \Y. Hoberlson 1, Mrs j. Stcwait 2, Mrs C. I)onblo :i.

Selling Classes.—Heavy breed, cock oi cockerel (eleven cntiiesl—J. Stewart 1 and 2, K. .AVilson .1; heavy breed, hen or pullet (eleven entries)—.!. Stewart 1, Double liros. 2, \Y. 31. Pickford light breed, any other variety, not game,cock or cockerel (six entries) —W, jr. llobeitson 1. I!. 3. Faitt 2, C. IICunningham ■'!; light breed, any other variety, hen or pullet (two entries)—W. 11, Robertson 1, J. Stevens 2. ■ Dozen hen eggs, white (one entry)—,T. A. Mills 1; dozen hen eggs (one entry)~J. A. Mills 1..

Ducks.—Aylsbury drake (on» entry)—. 7. Mouat 1; Aylesbury duck (one entry)—.T. Mouat 1; Pel;in drake (four entries)—J. Mouat 1 and 2, AV. K. Pop'c .1; Pekin duck (fivo entries)—J. Jfonat 1 and 2, P., Greer ,1; I.onen drake (one entry)—J. Mouat 1; Pcnen duck (one entry)-,!. Mouat I; Indian Runner drako (six entries)—ll. Doy 1, C. Rlilien 2, P. Trcbble ; fndian Runner duelc (fivo entries) —C. Mien 1, ,1. Mouat 2, Lome I 1 arm '!; buff Orpington drake (six r-nlriea)— H. Holland 1 and 2, 0. Puhen .'I; buff Orpington duck (six entries)—W. A. Cowan 1 and n, C. rutheti 2. DOGS, Greyhounds.—Dog, op?n class (four entries) -V. Mayhew 1, C. Blackburn 2, 11. Policy 3; bitch, open class (three entriesl—W. Sutton I, lirsndtord and freweek 2, G-. Ihinlop dog or bitch, under 12 months (four entries)— \Y. Sutton 1, A. tlolbraith 2, A. Officer S. Setter, Gordon.—Dog, open (two entries)— H. Piobertson 1, O. IbcDonald 2; hitch, open (one entry)— William Shand 1. Retrievers.—Black curly-coaled dog, opsn (four entries)—J, ,T, Ward 1 and special, It, (lashley 2, U. Alexander D; black curlycoated dog or bitch, under 12 months (one. entry)— W. "Wills ]; i-.ny other variety, dog or bitchy open (two entries)—L, Padgett 1. Col lies.--Rough-coaled dog, open (ihro ft entries)—A, Begg 1, (I. I. Moffett 2, Miss AVilson ; rough-coated dog, local class (seven entries)—ft. I. Mollett 1. J. Milne 2, J. Sullivan !]; rough-coated dog, novice class (cirlit entries)—A, Bcgg 1, O, Kidd 2, J. Milne rough-coated bitch, Qpen (two entries)—A. Bcgg 1 and special, .1. Milne 2; rough-cop.ted bitch, local (two entries)—J. Milne 1, O. Kidd 2; rough-coated bitch, novice (one entry)— A. Bcgg 1; rough-coated bitch, under 12 months (one enlry)-A. Begg 1; rough-coated dog or bitch, limit class (four entries)-—A. Begg l and 2, G. Kidd 3; any variety, brace class (one entry)—A. Begg 1. Spanit'ls.—lrish water dag, open (tour entries)—P, C. Challis 1 and special, J. Mouat 2, C. C'uinnel 3;, bitch, open (three entries)—G. Kelly 1, Master 11. Steven 2; dog or bitch, under 12 mouths (two entries)—J, li, Viekery I, CI. Kelly 2; cocker, black dug, opfin (three cutrios)—R. A. Br.gsh.'w 1 and special and .'J; A, 13. Htiggitl 2: Muck bitch, open (three entries)—O. M'Millan 1, K, A. 1)^.sliaw 2; black dcij or bitch, under 12 months (fire entries)—K. a. Basslmtv I, G. M-.Miihui C. K. ?>] coL-kor, otbe-r than War;;, <lo» or bitch, upon (two entries) —P. A. -loyn'i I, Miss K. Davis 2: any other variety, dc# or bitch (one entry)—Viekerv 1.

Trisli Terriers.— open (acven fntviep)— "VV. Henderson 1, \V. AVilsou ?. C. 11. Cole II; bitch, open (two cntrM~C. li Cole 1.

Fox Terriers.—Smooth, dog. open (three entries)—J. W. Thompson 1, F. Hoiiseiauder 2, Muster T. It. Watson 3; smooth, do?, iccai (two entries)—L. K. Fraser 1, Master'T. M. Watson 2; smooth, dog, under 12 months (ihreo entries)—K. J. Cilmour 1, L. H. Fraser 2, T. Wntson 3; smooth, dog, novice (two entries)—R. J. Gilnmnr 1, Master T. M. Wetson 2; smooth. bitch, open (two entries) — J. W. Thomwon 1 nnd special, E, Wjs;er 2; smooth, bitch, local (one «ntry)-T,. 1!. Wntson 2; smooth, dog, under 12 months (three entries)—s. W. Thompson ]. K. Webster 3, J. A. Predric 3; smooth, bitch, novice (two entries)—J. AV. Thompson 1, E. Webster 2; wire-haired dog, open (one entry) —E. Webster 1; anv varietv, brace class (two ontries) —J. W, Thompson 1, E. Webster

Scotch Terriers.—Do? or bitch, open (one entry)—A. Head 1.

Skve Terriers—Dog or bitch, open (two .entries)—W, Fordo 1, Miss H. Wills 2. Bulldogs.—Dog, open (tlircs entries)—K. Brown 1, W. J. Spence 2. J. Yickery 3; bitch, onen (two entres)—T. Vickery 1, Mrs A. li. ifoidoT Q; dog or bitch, under 12 months (cno entry)—J. Vickery 1.

Pugs.—Dog, open (four entries)— Mrs D. M'Farlane 1, Mrs W. F. Inder 2. G. A. Wlienller 3; bitch, open (two entries)-Mrs D. M'Farlane 1, G. A. Whealler 2; or bitch, tuider 12 months (one entrv)—Mri W. F. Inder 1.

Blnck-and-tan Terriers.—Dog or bitch, open (ono entry)—J. Yickery 1.

Poodles.—Dog or bitch, open (ono entry)— Miss A. Dunlop; children's class, any variety (two entries)— Miss Dunlop und Hiss Ryder equal; selling class, dog or bitch (one entry)—G. Kidd 1.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13631, 28 June 1906, Page 8

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SOUTHLAND FANCIERS SHOW. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13631, 28 June 1906, Page 8

SOUTHLAND FANCIERS SHOW. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13631, 28 June 1906, Page 8