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PORT CHALMERS. Tivit Bui. at Port Chat.iubb. The New Zealand mean linn at noon, enleul.ited for the meridian of longitude, in limo II hot'r* 20 minutes oast of Greenwich, will bo signalled once a week by a 1 lino ball dropping at the imtint of moan noon. A blue flag will !>» nuisted at the masthead, Port Chalmers liijiul station, nn the forenoon of th« tlay niisn the time signal is given. Phasm m the Moon. JVKK. Full 7 8.4?, a.m. I/jsfc Qua-rter H 7.4 a.m. New Jlnon ?.2 10.36 a.m. First Quarter ,50 1.49 a.m. Perip>» 6 5.0 p.m. Apogee lit 10.0 a.m, Sun rises 7.54, f«t< 4.26. TIIH WEATHER. June 27. -8 a.m.: Wind N.E.; wcalhftr fine. Xoou : Wind N.E.; wpatlu'r fino to ovorcast. 5 p.m.: Calm; weather ovi'rcasl. 8 B.ra. Noon. 5 p.m. llaroniptcr 29.5 29.4 29.4 'Thermometer ... 40. 46 43 FOR ROAST.—Mr Panlin advised at 11 o'clock last ovi/ning"Sf|iially lo a. gab;, N.W, lo S.W. wimls, and heavy rain lhowers, changing to snow." WEATHER REPORTS. (Prs Uxnr.n Press Association.) WELLINGTON, June 27. The following are the weather reports at S Manuk.iu lie,ids.—Wind N., strong; bar. ther. 58; glnomy; bar. smooth. New Plyin.-mlb.—Wind N.K., fresh; bar. 29.53, tlicr. 50; drizzlin?; sea, rough. C'asllepoint.—Wiuil N., breeze; bar. 29.56, llier. 51; overcast; sea, moderate. Wellington.-Wind N., fri'sh; bar. 29.50, ther. 48; plnoiny. Weslport.—Wind N.. moderalo gale; liar. 29.40, ther. 52; rain; sea heavy. Ktiiltniira.—Wind N.U., breeze; bar.29.31, ther. 53; gloomy. Bluff.—Calm; bar. 29.28, ther. 46; lij;ht showers. Westerly gales with rain are to be expected fn mosl. parts of the colony, with u falling baromelcr.—R. A. Edwin. lIIGII WATER. June 28-- a.m. p.m. At Taiaroa Heads 6.38 7.3 'Al Port Chalmers 7.18 7.43 At Dimodin 8.3 8.28 ARRIVALS. "IVairuna, 5.5... 2530 tons, Rulter, from Newcastle, via Lyttelton and coastal ports. J. Mills, itgeni. '• Monowai, s.s., 2126 tons, Morrisby, from Melbourne, via, Ilobart and the UlulT. J. Mills agent. Passengers; Misses Corcoran, Thomas, Mesdnmes Dalmores. M'Donalil and child. Carter, Sinclair. Starkio and child, Liiinboru and child. Jack, Ilorbert, MesKr.s Dalninrcr s . Jl'Donald, Carter, Jack. fituvkic, Lainlxnu, Terry, ILcibcit; anil 16 in tlm steerage. DEPASTURES. Dalcairnie, ship. 1699 tons, Llewellyn, for Wellington. Nisill and Co,, agents. Hell Flower, kolch, 98 tons, Harris, for iWliaugarei. Muster, agent. ICXI'ECTBD Alt RIVALS. From Philadelphia.—Doride, barque, left February 15. From Liverpool.—Brunei, barque, sailed May 4. Australia, ship, left Juno 3. From Marsnille3. — Citorina, barque, tailed February 7. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Manuka, July 1. From Sydney (via "Wellington).—Warrimoo, June 30. From Melbourne.—Wimmorn July 4. From Auckland.—Talune, Juno 28. niO.IKCTKD DKPAKTHUKS. For Sydney (via Auckland).—Manuka, July 3. For Sydney (via Cool; Strait). —Monowai, Dnnn 28. For Melbourne (via Bluff).—'Warriinoo, July 1. For Auckland.—'Talune, June. 29. For West Coast,—Koonya, Juno 23. Yor New Plymouth.—Cnrinna, July 9. MOVEMENTS OF OCKAK GOINU STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. At Auckland.—Queen Helena, left New York Msroli 31; due about June 30. Rlar of Austrnliii., due July 27; Totnoana, left New York May 25; iluo about August L DurKormasloi' Ilack'.tnann, left Now York May 29; due about August 6. Matoro, loft Lniulon May i 5..; duo July 13. Wakiimii, left, Liverpool May 15; duo (bout. July 2. Morayshiito, left London Alay 29. At Wellington.—Paparoa, left Plymouth May 19; due about July 7. Cnrinthic, left London June 1; duo about. July 17. Ruai'hn, left Plymouth Juno 10;' due about August 1. At Port Chalmers.—Kierion Grange, left New York March 20. Oswestry Uronge, lntt, Liverpool April 4; due about July 4. Itulralema, left New York April 14; arrived Auckland Juno 25, fiowanbuin, left New York May 25. Devon, sailed April 28. Capo Cor.-o, loft London Juno liii*?. IT tie 1, due alKint. .tnne 28. Karamea, due about June 29. 1 to dkpast. From Auckland.—Wniwera, July 7. From Wellington.—Athenie, about, July 19; ilatatua, about Juno 26; Oswestry (Iruiige, about. July 18. From Lytt»<llon.—Tufakina, July 5; Paparoa, August. 2. wmmnD ltonNn. Porlhshire, left Wellington April 23. Bueentaiir. left, Wellington for Vancouver April 26. Slar of New Zealand, left Napier April 27. Mimiro, left Bluff Mav 1. Delnhie. left Wellington Ma>19. Dorset, left 'Wellington May 22. lonie, left Wellington Mav 25. Raltain. left Wellington Mav 31. Tongariro. left Wollintf.'on, Juno 7, Jfoori, left Lyltnllou Juno 12. Niwaru. left Auckland June 24. FifeMlil'f, loft I'ol't Cll'.ilmoM June 25. ftHlPl'lXf; TKLHGIIAMK. AUCKLAND, Juno 27. -A rrived: 11.M.5. Pioneer, from Wellington; Tendlo Hill, I barquentine, fioei Ni«vciistl.o. LAST CAPE, JutMi 27,-- Tlio Waiwera passed north al 1.15 p.m., and tlio Tarewera pp?w| iiorlh at 3.35 p.m. WELLINGTON, June 27.--Arrived: 5.20 p.m., Whakafane, from Napier. -- Arrived; 2,30 p.m.. Wrirrimoo. from Sydney. Passengers: I'V Ijyttelton--Misses Stringer, Cox, Jones. Miadame.i Quane, Matsou, Monk. Orawford, Jointfton, Messrs lliillis. Cilmoee. Quane. JlatBon, Monck, Wilson, Price, Johnston; and 11 in the steerage. For Dunodin-Miss Burns, Mrs Hall. Messrs Hull, Coutts, M'lnt.vre; and 10' in the slonragt;. Sailed: Mararo.i, for Lvlteltou. Passcnem: Misses Li'Peh, Osborne, Gilehrist, Charlton, Holland. Hobday, Mcsdatues Rule, Cook, Tosswill. Henderson, Ilillas, Fanhurst, Charlton, Jenkins, Muicock, Messrs Humphries. Jenkins, Packer, Ilooper, Cameron. Yoruni). George, Rule, Macintosh, Malcolm, llarns, Cook, Wigpins, Patterson, King, Armstrong, Ilydc, Brown, Flemming. GREYMOI'TII. June 26.--Arrived: 11.30 p.m., Puknki, from Duneilin. LYTTIILTON. Juno 27. -Roiled: 1.10 p.m., Talune, for Dunedin. Passenger: Miss Heck. OAMAIUJ, June 27.—Arrived: Storm, from Dunedin. INYEHCAItGILL, June 27.—Arrived: 4.30 p.m.. Rimu, from Dunedin. SYDNEY, June 27.—Sailed: Zealandia, 5t 2,20 p.m., for Wellington; Queen Helena, for New Zealand. MKLBOUHNM. June 27.—Sailed: W'imJiiera, for the Bluff.

The following is a summary of carfto laden at l'ort ('halmer.' by the 'i'lirakina:— 605 bales woo], 286 bales sheepskins, 61 bales rabbit chilis. 603 bales twine, 1 bale horsehair. 62 sacks ore, 7218 carcases mutton mill lamb. Thi! Turiikina, which sailed from Fori on Tuesday nfternoon, look Ihc following cargo from Part Chalmer.*!:—sos bales wool, 288 do sheepskin*, 61 do rabbitskins, "i2lB carcases mutton and lamb*, 59 casks tallow, 82 pk«;s tcheelite, 1 bundle horsehair. 503 bundles twine, 2 cases sundries. The Cnion Company's big collier Waimna arrived from Oamaru yesterday looming about 9 o'clock. After discharging her coal cargo she proceeds to l'ort Chalmers, where she will lay up for about a fortnight for dookiiift and overhaul. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's steamer Karamea. whose arrival may be looked for any day now, makes Duuedin her first pnri of call this trip, having on board about 1600 torn of cargo for this port In all probability flip will (liachai'Kfl at tne Victoria wharf, "and afterwards proceeds to Lyttolton. The ketch Hell Flower wis towed down the harbour last evening by the Plucky, mid tailed for Wliangarei. The Tallinn left I,vtlello» a t 1.30 p.m. yesterday, ami is expected to arrive at Dunedm about 8 a.m. to-day. She sails licni'P at. 3 p.m. to-morrow for Auckland, via Lytteltoii and tin? usual ports. The Koonva steamed.down io l'ort yesterday afternoon, and iva» floated into'the graving dock at 3.30 o'clock. The'ship Dalcairnie was towed out to e«> at noon yesterday by the tugs l'luckv and Jvopiitiu, and aft/>r shaking out lie'r canvas squared away for Wellington,

Tim Tysor liner Indragliiri completed Ilio discliii rrfo of lier ears'o (or this" port ( yesterday, and sails at 9 a.m. 10-tla/ f°r Sydney. Thn ollicn of )lie Now Shipping Company received ralilo advice yesterday lliat a iiew cargo steamer, now beiiij; built by llie 1 Jennys, at Dumbarton, had l>een Miceessfnlly launched._ The new vessel lias been christened Orari. aftcr tlm well-known sailing clipper of (hat name, and will lie engaged to supplement I lie present line Heel: now 1 radiny to this colony. 'l'lie Orari is ;d>o»t iln: same sizu as the' Kaikoura. A peculiar coineideuee in conned ion with I Ito vo.vapri'« of llio Lulls'. Rookh, wliieli arrived at. ilobarl. on June tO. is lliat sun sailed from London on Afarcli 13. crossed the equator on llie 13ili of f);e folio wing month, the iiHM'idian of the Oa|V of Good Hope on May 13, and readied llv" Soutlu west Cape of Tasmania, on June i.3- l n complelo (lie story, she carries a, trow of 13. ' . . Eleven obsolete cruisers and liattlesn>',n s weeded out from the British navy wot" sold by auction at Devomiort Dockyard ill Hay last. 'J'ho following priccs were realised Superb, £19,060; Iron Dnlte. £15.100; Amnliion. £11,600; Kingarooma, £8500; Brisk. £6200; Pheasant, £2900; Widgeon, £3325; lU'dpole, £3325; Pigeon, £3500; Peacock. £3125; Salamander, £3200, The total amount realised v.'.« £79,675.. The vessels were sold without any obligation on the part, oft ho purchaser to break them up or restrictions as to taking them abroad. Leaving Sydney Heads on Wednesday, 13tli inst., at 3.i5 sun., with the barque Klizabevh Oraln-m in luw, the Melbourne Mleamsliip Company'.* tuj; Rater, by arriving in llobsouV liav at 9.12 a.m. on Jimo 1 fj, ],1If.1f. up a towag-n record 1.<.-h?£<'ii tlio rii.nlM that bus never been hitherto even approached. Tim barque is to l;o converted into a coal lighter after a jareer of 40 years at ;ea, during which period, it is claimed, slw never cost her owners a forthfhj! through aecidi'iil, and rciMiiied intOi'Csl; oiie-hnmhwliokl in htr resnihir voyages !ltIween Now Zealand ports and Australia. Speaking of tho L-atqii«'s oxiwriomn down coast, her master Gtutcd that splendid weather had provaili'd throughout. "Though wo have 850 tons of coal on board," he added, "we never likd to use tli-f pumps once, ft was (piitn a pleasure trin for us, 10 all (old, Sincn leaving SydiK.v our average ha» been aboi:t <'iglifc knots, and tho tug that can exceed that must be a. marvel." Tho Elizabeth Graham was anchored off Port Melbourne. Tho Shaw-Savill liner Alhenie is expected to leavo L.vttdlon to-day for Timaru. llcr arrival at the latter port is being awaited, with unusual interest, inasmuch as t,hi> Atlicnio is Iho largest ve-v.el that, lias ever berthed within the Timaru breakwater. Less than half a lifetime back shipping communication with Timaru wa6 maintained by surf boats plying between the shore and vessels anchored in tho own roadstead. At tho p'ressnt time 12,000-ton liners can find berthafio within an artificial harbour, which luw proved of incalculable vuluo lo tho town and surrounding district, and the people of Timaru have every reason to feel gratified on tho occasion of a v.isit to their harbour, of a vfssel of such dimensions as Iho Athcnic. From Timan: cho goes to Uislxjrne, Lytlelton, and Wellington io load cargo, and sails finally from the latter port on July 19. Tho light recently erected on Tasman Island bv tho Holwrt Marine Board is giving much satisfaction, and tho masters of ships trading to tho port are continually speaking in lirai-c of it. Car-tain MaxwellBrown, of ilio steamer Everton Grange, which arrived at Ilobart on Juno 20 from Sydney, informed a representative of tho Mercury that lie picked tin I lie light, at a distanco of 43 miles. It was, he added, badly wanted in that locality, and was a [ great boon. This is tho greatest distance at. which tlio Tasman Island licflit has been seen. It is only supposed to be picked nn 3ft miles off in a mean state of the atmosphere. Tito Monowai arrived early yesterday morning, ami was berthed at the cross wlifttf about. 8 o'clock. She left Melbourne at. 4 p.m. on the 20th; reached Ilobart. on i the 22nd. and left at. 5 p.m. on tho snins [dnv; made tho Bluff at. 8.30 a.m. on tho 26th, and sailed for Dunedin at. 4 p.m. Sho experienced light winds with smooth seas from Ilabtiri lo Melbourne, and thenco strong B.W. gales, with heavy b'&ni sea, till arrival at the Bluff. Included in her cargo aro IraiHiipmenls pv Orient. Liw'"n, Britannia, and Queen A'exnn<lra. Hie Monowai noes down to Port at 8 a.m. to-day. and fails at. 3 p.m. for Sydney, via Coolc Strait. Captain C. F. Heriinan resigned from tlm command "T lh-? Sonoma on her last visit to San Fraroise-v. his place beinr token bv Captain J. If. Trask. 'ate chief officer of the Sierra. Mr .T. ,T. Koujhan. lit') eltief oflleer of the Sonoma. Ims transferred to the Sierra, bis position on the' former vessel being *nVn bv Mr J. 11. Dawson, Mr A. 11. L'tfe. chief engineer of tho Sonoma, has resigned. Tlio onlr oflicer left- of t.ho°e on ftie S*noma ?inoe slw Insl loiirliH A"fikltiMil nrevinus lo tliis trip is the purser. Mr G. A, Hudson. STAFF CIIAN'GKS IN T THE NW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S I'TjlCliT. In consequence of the illness of Captain Mayoss, retorted recently, quite a number of changes are announced to take l-'ace amongst tho commanders in the New Zealand Shipping Company's service. Captain .laggard, late of'the Paparoa, is to i take command of the Ttviapclm; Captain Clifford, late of the Kaikoura, transfers to the, Paparoa; Captnin M'Kollar transfers! from Knipara. to the Kaikoura.; n.nd Captain Cornwall, late chic' oflicer of (ho Itiiapelm, and who look the Papanni Home. Inst trip, has been appointed to the (-omnia lid of tho Kainnra.. Captain Weslon. who took ilie Pipapoliu Home on her last voyage, resumes commuud of the Papanui.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13631, 28 June 1906, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13631, 28 June 1906, Page 6

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13631, 28 June 1906, Page 6