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(PORT CHALMERS. . Tim B.m, at Port Chamiies. The Now Zealand mean time tt.noon, calculated for the meridian of longitude, in lime 11 hows 30 minutea oast of Greenwich, will be signalled onco a week by a time ball dropping at the instant at mean noon. A blue flag will be hoisted at the misthead, Port Chalmers -signal station, on the forenoon of the (j"?*"'"" 1 'he time signal it given. Phases or m Moon. MAT. First. Quarter 2 6.37 a.m. Full Moon 9 1.40 a.m. Last Quarter ... ... ... 15 , 6.33 p.m. New Moon 23 7.31 a.m. First Quarter ... 31 5.54 p.m. perigee 9 7.0 p.m. Apogee 23 3.0 p.m. Sun rises 7.17, nets 4.52. TIIE WEATHER. May 5.-8 a.m.: Wind S.E.; cold to showery. Noon: Wind S.E.; cold; overWit. 5 p.m.: Wind S.E., light; weather clearing to One. 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer 30.2 30.15 30.1 Thermometer ... 40 42 45 May 6.-8 a..m: Wind N.E.; weather ahowory to fair. Noon: Wind N.E.; weather gloomy. 5 p.m.: Wind N.E.; weather thick and rainy. 8 a.m. Noon, 5 p.m. Barometer ... ... 30.15 30.1 30.0 Thermometer .42 46 48 ■FORECAST:.—Mr Paitlin advised at 9.45 o'clock last night, as follows:— "Squally N.E. to N.W. winds, and heavy, rain showers." HIGH WATER. May 7— a.m. p.m. 'At Taiaroa Heads ... ... 1.14 1.37 At Port Chaln;prs ... ... 1.54 2.17 At Dunedin 2.35 3.2 ARRIVALS. May 5. Monovfai, b.s. , 2136 tons, Morrisby, .from Sydney via Cook Strait. J. Mills, agent. Passengers: Intercolonial— Miss Mickloson, Mrs Forbes, Messrs Guthrie, Mason, Hoycock. Pratt. Coastal—Missea Hameron, Wix, .Frawloy, Adtish, Mia Mallard, Messrs Smith, Wakoham, Edwards, Beale, Collins, Wildo, Captain M'Dougall, Captain Rolls, Masters Salmina (2), TJlfich; and eight in tho steerage. • ■ May 6. Manuka, t.s.s., 2784 tons, Phillips,'from Sydney via Auckland. .1. Mills, agent. Passengers: Misses Robertson, Ganott, Manson. Oakdon, Fleming, Johnsen, SamEon, Waller, Mcsdamcs Sliortt and two children, Bentham, Provo, Roid, Fybus, Messrs Chambers, Bentham, Brown, J oil arisen, Slow, Jeffooat, Brown, Reid, Foxton, Balkjrd, Millar, Pacoy, Stoeker, Soarle; and six in tho steerage. . : liipplo s.s, 174 tons, Allsopp, from northern ports, l'aploy and Co., agonls. Rimu, s.s., 143 tons, Marks, from Stewart Island. Ramsay, agent. Ipvereargtll, s.s.; 123 tons, Hanning, from Oiimprii. Keith Ramsay, agent. DEPARTURE. May 6. Monowai, s.s., 2136 tons, Morrisby, for Melbourno, via Bluff. J. " Mills, agent. I Passengors: For Hobart—Mrs Brown. For ' Mellwiirnc—Misa Molfatt. EXL'ECTKD ARRIVALS. From New York.—Huol, brig, sailed Jlarph 29. From Liverpool—Cassius, ship, sailed December 23; arrived Wellington, May 3. Dalcaimie, ship, sailed February 20. Brunei, ihjp, sailed May 4. From Marseilles. — Caterina, barque, tailed February 7. From Sydney (via Auckland).~Zealaiidia, May 13. From Melbourne.—Warrimoo, May 8. From Auckland.—Tarawera, May 10. . I'jUWKCTKD DEPARTURES. For Calcutta.—Aparima, -May 28. ' Ifar Svdney (via Auckland).—Manuka, May 8. For Sydney (via Cook Strait).—Warrimoo, M»y 10. , Fpr Melbourno (via Bluff).—Wimmera, May 13. For Auckland.—Tarawera, May 11. For West Coast.-r-Poherua, May 10. For New Plymouth,—Cortina, May 14. ' MOVEMENTS OF, ODISAN-GOING "STUAMEUB. TO ABSIVS. At Auckland—Niwaru, left London March 24; duo May 30. Quoen Helena, left New York March 31. Matatua, left London April 5; due May 18. A( Wellington.—Tongariro, left Liverpool March 25; due May 0. Waiwera, left London April 5; due May 25. Turakina, loft London April 20; due Juno 4. Athonie, left. London, May 4, At Port Chalmers.—Whakatape, due May 30. Ardgowan. left New York February 16 j duo May 22. Tongariro, due May 20. TO DEPART. From Wellington.—Delphic, May 12. Dorset, May 20. lonic, May 24. Rimuiaka, May iO. Tongariro, May 31. From Lyttelton.—Rakaia, May 12. HOUBWABD BOUND. Pakelia, left Wellington March 27. Ayrshire, left Picton for Bristol March 28. Corintjiic, loft Wellington March 30. Papanui, left Lytteljon April 2. Ruapehu, left Wellington April 12. Maniari, loft Wellington April 19. Wainute, left Wellington April 21. Perthshire, left Wellington April 23. Gothic, left Wellington, April 26. BucenUur, left Wellington for Vancouver April 26. Star of New Zealand, left Napier April 27. Kiimara, left Auckland April 28.. Essex, loft Wellington April 30. Mimiro, left, Bluff, May-1. IMPORTS. Per Manuka, from Sydney: 3325 eases fruit 18 cases iron, 62 boxes butter, 20 cases soap, 27 cases, 9 barrels, 11 drums oil, 24 cases tea, 24 lioxes sultanas, 25 cases jam, 36 cpils wire, 15 eases matches, 32 bales paper, 96 sacks onions, 144 sacks tongues, 100 liags lime, 122 saok» barley, 121 sapks hides, 6 bales skins, 14 sacks bottles, 10 kegs grease, 8 casks tongues, 40 bags sugar, 170 empty hogsheads,, and a quantity of sundries. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, May.—Soiled: l'arawera, for tho £outh. Passenger for Dunedin: -Mr Probert. EASi' OAPE, May 6.—The Tarawera passed south at 7.40 a.m., and tho Wanakn, passed north at 8.45 a.m. WANGANUI, May s.—Sailed: 7.35 p.m., Storm, for Dunedin. WELLINGTON, May 5.-Arrived: 11.35 0.m., Indradevi, from Napier.—Sailed; 4.20 p.m., Wnikaro, for Sydney. May 'Arrived: 6.30 a.m., Rakaia, from Lyttelton. Sho put. in on her way to Waitara.—• Sailed: 8.15 a.m., Rakaia. for AVaitara. LYTTELTON, 1 May 5.-Arrivod: 6.35 a.m., "Rtluno, from Dunedin, 'fIMARU, May 6.—Arrived: 11 a.m., •Dorset, from tho Bluff. OAMAftIJ, .-'May 4.—Arrived: 11 p.m., ffaiori, from Dunedin SYDNEY, May s.—Arrived: Elizabeth Gmham, from Kaipara. Sailed: 2.p.m., Wimmera. for Wellington. NEWCASTLE, May s.—Sailed: Whangape, for Picton. MELBOURNE. May b.-Arrived: Moeraki, from tho Bluff. GOODE ISLAND, May 5.-The Aparima passed south. LIVERPOOL. May 4.—Sailed: Brunei, for Wellington and Dunedin. ' THE DIRECT STEAMERS'. LONDON, May 4.—Sailed: Aflienic, for Wellington. Tho Invercargill arrived early yesterday morning, in ballast, from Ojmaru. loading transhipment, ex Delphio and Dorsot, at Port Chalmers, she copies up to Dunedin to complete loading, and sails far Invereargill to-morrow. Tho Wairuna, with 5000 tons of coal from Newcastle, is duo hero on Thursday from Lyttleton, where sho will discharge 3000 tons, tho'remainder being-for Timaru and Dunedin. Tho Delphio was unable io complete loading cargo on Saturday night, nothwithstanding the strenuous efforts made to accomplish, that object. It is expected tli&t sho will finish loading this morning, and is to sail at noon to-day for the Bluff. The Plucky towed« hulk Thomas anil Henry clown to l'prt Clralmers on Bjturd<vy morning. Her cargo consisted of 850 bales wool, 650 bags grass seed, and 50 cases tallow for the Delphic. Tho t.s.s. Manuka arrived from Sydney, ■via Auckland and East Coast ports at noon yesterdav. She loft Sydney at 4 p.m. on March 25, and arrived at Auckland at 5 a.m. 011 the 29th; having exporionced light northerly winds, with moderate seas and fine weather, on tlin trip across. Sho left Auckland at 5 p.m. 011 May 1, called at Gisbourne, Napier, Wellington, and Lyttelton, leaving tho lattor port at 5 p.m. on the sth ir-st.. and arrived as above. Light, variable winds, with smooth seas, and occasional prevailed on tho passage down tho naiKt

The Rimu arrived yesterday from Paterson's Inlet and Half-moon Bay with a. full cargo of sawn timber.

Tho U.S.S. Company's linw Monowai arrived on .Saturday from Sydney, via Cook Strait, and sailed again yesterday afternoon at 2 p.m. for Melbourne, via tho Bluff and Holiart.

, Tho New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Tongario is expected to arrive, at Port Chalmers on the 20th inst. to load cargo for London.

The necessity for a lighthouse at Capo Brett, or the immedialo neighbourhood, was affirmed by a motion moved by Mr C. C. Dacre at last meeting of the Auckland Harbour Hoard. lie staled that tho light dues paid by vessels trading between Auckland and the North Cape amounted to something liko £11,000 a year, and yet there woro only three lighthouses along that, coast. .

Tho Hon. W. Ilall-Jones, Minister of Publio Works, haß (says the Timaru Post) redeemed his promise to provide a first-class light at the Jack's Point Light l house. The new light has arrived, and Mr Scott, of tho Marine Department, has come to Timaru to placo it in position. It is a 10-second occulting flashlight. Its cost run into several hundred pounds, and it will tako some considerable timo to erect, it.

Tho, imports into Niuo for tho year ended 31st March last amounted to about £5700, of which New Zealand contributed ovor £4000. Tho exports for tho samo period amounted to £9500 odd, nearly £4000 worth coming to this colony.


COMPANY. The following are tho movements of the steamers of the S.S. and A. Co.:—

Delphic.—Will sail from Wellington for London, 12th May.

lonic,—Will sail for London from Wellington, 24th May.

Maori.—Will sail from Auokland for London 20th May. Matatua.—Left London 3rd April for Auckland and Wellington, due Auckland 18t|i May. Will sail from Wellington 21st June.

Waiwera.—Left Capetown 30th April for Wellington Lyttelton, due Wellington 25th May. Will sail from tho colony for London end June. ,

Athenic.—Sailed from London 3rd May for Wellington and Lyttelton, due Wellington 19th June. Will sail for London I9lh July.

Corinthic.—Left Rio 241h April, due London 12th May. Sails 31st May for Wellington and Lyttelton, due 17th July. Will sail from Wellington 16th August. Karamea.—\rrived London 30th March. Will -sail early in May for Dunedin and Lytfcolton, duo Dunedin about 25th Juno. Tokomaru.—Arrived London 27th April. Aotos.—Arrived London 29th April. Palcelm.—Left Monte yideo for London 24th April, duo London 16th May. Rangatira.— Arrived London 25th February, MamarL—Left Wellington for London 18th April, dno; London 31st May. Gotljic.—Lnft Wellington for London 26Hi April, di|o London 7th .Tune. Will sail again for Wellington 28th Juno, duo 30th July., Kumnrn.—ljfft Auckland for London 28tli April, dtio London 12th Juno. * INGENIOUS DIVING APPARATUS. A demonstration of tho Livingstone apparatus for working under water was given on Tuesday afternoon, in tho South-Wcst India Dock, from the deck of the sailing' shi|) Lauriston. This invention is primarily designed for uso at sea or in port, in the event of it being necessary to do anything under wator to the bottom of a vessel. Briefly, the invention may bo described as a long water-tight canvas cylinder, fitted with strong canvas arms, and having a Square of glass inserted to cnablo the operator to see the work ho is engaged upon, Tho divor is lowered over tho ship's side, insido tho cyolindcr, and the apparatus is then kept against tho sido of the ship by guys, and also by a lino passing tinder tho keel. Tools can bo handed down to him by a lino, and as tho canvas tube is strengthened by means of stout wooden retains its cylindrical shape when undor water, thus allowing tho worker to speak to' tlioso on deck. There are, of coprso, other 'uses to whioh the apparatus coujd be put, such as enabling a man to go down and clear a vessel's propeller which had got fonlod by a hawser, or tho plugging, of a rjvet'holo which was causing a slight, leak. It is conceivable, also, that tho invention would he of scrvico wliero a vessel, having lost or damaged her propeller, is obliged to make an attempt to effect repairs when at sea and some distanco from port It may bo stated that apparatus .of this tyno has already been most successfully employed on two wooden sailing ships which wore leaking whilst at


The annual general meeting of tho Royal National Lifeboat Institution was hold on March 21 at the Royal United Servioo Institution, Whitehall. London. The ohair was occupied by the Right Hon. Lord Twacdmouth, First Lord of the Admiralty. ' ' The annual report stated that the Committee of Management had eamestlv endeavoured during the past year to secure and maintain the highest possible efficiency in tho sorvieo of tho Royal National Lifeboat Iqstjtution. The motor lifeboat, the experiments in connection with which were specially mentioned in the institution's last annual report, was sent in May to Tynemouth; where sho now was. So satisfied woro tlie committee with the result of its first efforts to introduce motor power as an auxiliary into tha institution's life-saving scryioo that it had decided to extend its employment, and with that object in view it pad ipado the fullest inquiry, hoping to obtain such an ongipe or engines as might provo the most suitable for instpjlin? in lifeboals. In ordet to tn=t tho capabilities of tlioso engines which in its opinion seemed to. bo the best for the purnoso, it fitted in tho first instance three lifeboats with throe different -engines, and was experimenting with tlioni. During the year 1005 14 pulling and sailing lifeboats were built and placed at various stations 011 t)ie coast, after copsijlfjitioii with the several coxswains and oreivs for yyhoso use they were provided. Al the end of the your the institution's fleet comprised 277 pulling and ■tailing lifeboats, opo motor lifeboat, four steam lifeboats—2B2in all,—and one steam t,ug. Throughout tho year the lifeboats were launched 1440 times for nxorci&o or qervice, and tho j oln 1 number of lives for tho saving of which tlio instjlut- : on granted rewards vn> 1905. was 551); of these 397 were Wee] by lifeboats, and 153 by shore-boats <>nd ot-hnr means, in addition lo \yhieh the lifeboat crows wore instrumental in saving 27 vessels and lioats. Tho oommittee had for the so torn] consecutive year thankfully lo report tho important- fad- that, notwithstanding the largo number of lifcbnafnion who_ went out in the lifeboats in 1905 on servico in- dangerous weather, not a map lost his life -when on life-saving dut-v. The rewards Iwstowed by tho institution in 1905 included five silver medals and oi]o clasp, 13 binocular glasses, six anoroid barometers, 21 votes of thanks inscribed on vellum and framed, 11 certificatee; of service framed. £9850 9 * 9(1 in money grants, including pensions, gratuities, and compensation for personal injuries or loss sustained in the service. It was with extreme satisfaction the committee was jiblo lo report that during tho past year definite steps wore taken bv the government lo nroyide some of the light:vessels 011 the east and southeast coasts with wireless telegraphy. The total anjoujit received by the Committee of Management in 1905 in subscriptions, donations, dividends, etc.. and including the Itiiiklsopio siim of £17,527 4s Id imivcc] from the Lifeboat Saturday Fund, was £77,120 4s 4d. Thn legacies received amounted lo £36,886 19s sd. of which £17,805 12s V| was fr.r specified purposes and specia) mists. The total expenditure jn 1905 wif £85,298 0s lid.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13586, 7 May 1906, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13586, 7 May 1906, Page 6

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13586, 7 May 1906, Page 6