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PUBLIC NOTICES. ANSWERS TO IHIPIES? Every new development in medical science is received with some show of interest by the general public, { but seldom has a new preparation excited the curiosity and interest of everyone to such a decree as has ! DR. SHELDON'S DIGESTIVE TABULES. 'So many letters and inquiries are addressed to the I I Proprietors of this preparation, asking for information as to the nature and effects of these Tabules, that it S has been found impossible to answer them all as fully as the subject demands, therefore they have decided ] that the most frequent questions be publicly answered, so that all who are interested may read and. profit ' by the information given concerning I DR. SHELDON'S DIGESTIVE TABULES. j I QUESTION—What are Dr. SHELDON'S DIGESTIVE QUESTION.-Are they a tonic? I I TABULES? 1 I ANSWER.-These TABULES are a combination which represent all j S the natural juices of digestion as they exist in-a healthy stomach Zn. neives! P ' PP """"" I combined with tonic and reconstructive properties, QUESTION.—How do they act? QUESTION.—Is it necessary to diet when taking these Tabules? ANSWER—They digest what you eat, thus doing the work of the ANSWER.—No. Eat all your appetite calls for. It takes all kinds stomach, and enabling that organ to rest, recuperate, and ooc ' 1° su PPb' numerous demands of the body. Dr. become strong and healthy. SHELDON'S DIGESTIVE TABULES digest every form of | • wholesome food, such as meat, eggs, bread, and potatoes, and * 1 QUESTION. —Are thev cathartic in their action ? I ' s ' s reason they so quickly build up, strengthen, and H 1 ' invigorate dyspeptic men. women, and children. s ; ANSWER—No. Cathartics only irritate the stomach, and act | | entirely upon the bowels, whereas in Indigestion and Dyspepsia QUESTION.—Are they good for children and invalids r | the stomach is the sole trouble. If the food is properly I | digested the bowels will act of their own accord. ANSWER.—Certainly. Even the most delicate take them with 1 I _ . marked benefit, as they cohtain no strong irritating drugs, \ | QUESTION. —For what diseases are these Tabules intended? cathartics, nor any harmful ingredients, I ANSWER.—For INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, HEARTiJURff," nil conn m r (Ut , ~ UI „ ! [( and all STOMACH TROUBLES. QUESTION—Can you prove that these Tabules actually digest j I the food ? j 1 QUESTION.— Will these Tabules Cure Heart Trouble? avcwt?i> v -i »l- t , f , j gj AJNbVVEK.—You can easily prove this for yourself by putting some I ANSWER.—ReaI Organic Heart Disease is incurable, but not one f °° d inl °, a gla ? s jar w !j. h one ° f ?' a !? ulcs f d sufficicnt I I ease in a hundred is organic. The action of the heart and ™ rm and you w,ll see the food digested in just the I stomach is controlled by the same great nerves, the Sympathetic me V,a ' as digestive fluids of the stomach would do it. f I ancj Pneumogastric, and when the stomach properly fails to jj | digest the food, gases are formed which distend that organ, QUESTION.—Who is the originator of these Tabules? | causing pressure on the heart and kings which results in | palpitation, irregularity, and shortness of breath. This often ANSWER.—Dr. E. M. SHELDON, graduate of the University City ' | ' r S ani^ heart trouble in Ac end, but Dr. SHELDON'S of New York and Bellevue, an eminent physician now pr'actisII DIGESTIVE TABULES cure the cause and prevent such a ing his profession in the State of Illinois, United States | result. America. I | r , TABULES are sold everywhere at 2s. Gd. for a tin containing 80 TABULES. Buy a tin, eat a good square meal, and then take the I IABULtS according .to directions, and note the result. You will forget all about it if vou are not careful, for there will be NO PAIN or | disturbance, and the food will be DIGESTED just as it used to be when your STOMACH was WELL and STRONG. Furthermore, your I stomach will soon be restored again, if you keep on taking them, just as thousands upon thousands of other stomachs have been bv the sole and | exclusive use of j Dr. SIELBiI'S EffiESTM TABBIES. | LI? UNABLE TO PROCURE LOCALLY WILL BE POSTED ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, 2s. 6d.. or SIX BOXES for !3s. 6d. BY THE I SHELDON DRUG COMPANY, 15 O'CONNELL STREET, SYDNEY. J

NATUKE IS EVER AND ALWAYS the CURATIVE, /Mk %». the LIFE SUSTAINER. The natural element in our Hill READ Wies, Electricity, fights disease and always conquers \.\i Brail it. Tliat power in our systems is mostly weakened and IB i| @||Bk impaired. The greater the loss of Electricity from the if Uii iyli. ?J °dy the greater the weakness, pain, disease, and ner* j vous disorganisation tliit affects every being, It is at once oovious that ( * j||ll if any person can get back what has been lost pain and weakness snust V—v THEY WILL CONVINCE YOU sa PP eai '' Everyone knows, or should know, that it is the loss of the AI electric nerve force from the body that is the forerunner of most ailments. vi\l j/MP|& jlj If anyone is strong and vigorous, if the Liver and Ividneys are in a sound Fun information about this Wol '^' n o conditioii, and the blood. pure and uncontatainated by uri< world-wide rZyis'cliMned acld or othei ' there is sufficient Electricity in the body, but if. in our Illustrated Free Books, 011 " ie other liau(1 > lliat condition does not exist, Electricity is necessary, which will b: sent Free, and im( l no one can hope to be in good health and strength without it. It ' MAX Jifff! postage paid, to any address on strengthen every weak part, It will revitalise and build up the jmy receipt of a postcard or letter, nervous system, and assure an active working condition to the Liver and ||f \ f||| Everyone should have these Kidneys. When used as directed it will banish all the pains of Rheuma- m Valuable Books, for therein lies ism, Indigestion, Sciatica, Lumbago, or painful stiff or Swollen Joints, whether j the secret of how to retain perfect chronic or not, ]3y aid of the Attachments the current is supplied to any part of the j health, and, if you have lost it, { )oC |y or ]j m }} S ffhere there may be a weakness. How many are there who suffer from t how to regam health, strength, a dull, aching pain in the small of the back over the kidneys which if neglected, turns $ and vitality. Tliey contain illus- , • j n m i , ' • 1 H fL „, , to more serious troubles, Io such people- i trations of the Belts, and how they 1 1 1 are applied to any part of the k weakness or pain in addition, a ' I ■ great many photos and names of j those who have been cured in this _ . | country are given. They also ii- [s a g l,eat benefactor. It is the only means of restoring strength and vitality, and lustrate our principal business alleviating pain, and does not everyone desire to be rid of pain and suffering. Don't | premises throughout the world, go oh from day to day listless aud careless of life, Don tgo on dragging your legs Those who are ailing should read about like a wooden man. Cast aside that slow pokey way, and say, "I will be these books. They are interesting strong. It is the strong man, the .man of energy, the man whose mind is alert who and instructive. They cost noth- succeeds nowadays. Why not be as good as any other man. It lays in your power. ! ing. Send for them. Our For we cast make you so. If you have tried drugs ■without effect get Electricity into ! CONSULTING ROOMS Y ou yen won't regret it. By aid of the great appliance we have put it into the bodies of thousands of people, who are healthier and happier people to-day. They are open daily from y OU w h&t Electricity has done for them. Nothing has ever given such 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. speedy and genuine relief to the afflicted. And we invite all those who can The many Wonderfnl Cures is sufficient proof. Write for them. '! § possibly do so to call and let us * ———— — - ——■ explain the working of this won- Mr. ROBERT HEWITT, of Caversham, Dunedin, Nov. MR. ALEX. MEIKLE, of Livingstone, Otago, January 28th, 1905, after years of suffering, writes:—Dear Sirs,—ln 7th, 1906, writes Dear Sirs,—l must apologise to you for not j derful appliance, how it is applied answer to your letter of recent date, just to hand, inquiring as to writing sooner, but better late than never. Well, I must state I and regulated whereby so manv m y health ' In "P l *' il gives me much P leasure to state that 1 that lam overjoyed with myself now, at regaining my health, ' ' feel a different man altogether since wearing your Belt, which I and your appliance has exceeded my most sanguine expectations, 3 wonderful cures are made. reckon is the best Belt made. Since wearing the appliance I because it has done all you claimed for it, and that it has entirely feel more inclined to mix up with society—to take an interest in cured me of all my troubles, and it has made a better man of me Tf o'j'nir frff atjvtpf life and in what is going on around me. I can now do a hard day's than ever I was before. My troubles and pains have left me as \ amng, rutis Aimus and feel q U | te f afterwards; all that dull feeling has if by magic, and I have no despondent feelings now—my heart, j and all information • will be sup- entirely left me; I sleep well at flight, and awaken in the which was very weak, is now strong and palpitation or >v, 1 n morning as fresh as a daisy, and all through the use of your intermittent actions, and my joints, which were very stiff and ) plied absolutely FREE OF Belt, which I cannot praise too much. In conclusion, I wish to painful, are now supple and free from pain. You can make use j CHARGE. tender your Company my heartfelt thanks for your kindness of this testimonial in any way you choose, as it might benefit some ! and advice since wearing your Belt, and I sincerely wish that poor sufferer, as I have no hesitation in recommending any \ your Company may long be in existence for the cure of suffering sufferer to you. Thanking you with all my heart for the wonderful | humanity. cure you have effected in my case, and wish you every success. j 54E WILLIS STREET, IELUHGTON. ?

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13579, 28 April 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13579, 28 April 1906, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13579, 28 April 1906, Page 3