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[Secretaries of clubs are reminded thai fixtures must be in not later than 8.50 on Thursday evening to ensure publication is I- riday s issue.] Rugby. First Grade. Zingari-Richinond v. Kaikorai, at Bishops-court.—Zingari-Richmond: Thompson, Keddmgton, Arthur Low, C. Stewart. Bolt, Barr, Collie, Brown, Watt, Millar, Abbott, Low, Sweeney, Rice, Marctt. Kaikorai: Smith, Dobson, Booth, Armit, Johnstone, Strau", Coulter, Bryant, M'lnlvre, 'Morrison, Thomson, M'Donald. Armit, F. Cubitt, Porteous; emergencies—M'Hardy and Shanks. Pirates v. Alliambra, at Caiisbrook.Wyinks, Wilson, Fairbairn, Govan, G. Nicolson, Lonias, L. do Lautour. Whitson, Scott, Dcnniston, Sibbald, Hutchison, Fenwick, Thomson, Wilkinson. Alliambra,: Harrhy, J. M'Kewcn, Bennct, Slatterv, Kin", M'Leod, Knowles, D. M'Kewcn, Williams, Johnston, Mitchell, Given (captain), Miles, M'Kenzie, Hurridge; emergency, If. Johnston. Union v. Dunediu, on the North Ground.— Union: Brown, Litllejohn, J. Bond, Doorwood, Simpson, M'Lennan, Kcllan, Manley Mackenzie, AVoods, Drydcn, Robertson MCarthy, Stirling, J. Thomson; emer-gencies-H. Bond and Lawlor. Dunedin' Kelly, Tcesdale, Cook. Watson, M'Phail, Turnbull, Clarke, Reid,,Fitzpatrick, 11. Paton, R. Paton, Sloan, Martin, Rapson, AVhclan captain).

Southern v. Pert Chalmers, on the Caledonian Ground.—Southern: Fulh.iton, Harley, Stanley, Kindlcy, Harley, Eckhoid, Ingram, Casey, M'Ewen, Houston', Leydcn, Sheehan, Edwards. Kerr, Chambers; cmcrgencios—Rees, Goodman, Hall. Port Chalmers: Docherty (2), Colthorpe, Ward, Stepper, Mooney, Ferguson. Hay, Connor, Hunter, Dunnel, Percy, MTlierson, Clark; emergency, A. Salter. Second Grade. Southern v. Dunediu, on Talinna Park No. 2.—Southern: W. Shirley, J. flees, M'Cready, J. Ogg, A. Hill, J. Smith. A. Smith, W. Russell, J. Burke, A. Goodman, W. Hall A Tillysliort, J. M'Kwen, S. Campbell, J. Smith. Dunediu: Sizemorc, Goilan, Bond, Walters Morrison, Morgan, W. Mason, Burton, Pop? pclwell, Waters, Brown, Dunne. Milne, Crisi), M'Taggart. ■- " L

Pirates v. Alliambra, at Opoho.—Pirates: Marshall, Nicolson (2), J. Coventry, Brown, A. de Lautour, Milburn, Bennett, Duncan, Fea, Ilutton, Logan, Frascr, Ross, Taltoys. Alliambra: M'Kenzie, AValker, Marsden (captain), Cowie, Fitr.patrick, Garvcy, Dryden, Connell, Rice, Johnston, Nelson, Rush, Miller, Isaacs, Shepherd; emergencies—Bannatyne, Ferguson, D. Dry. Kaikorai v. Taicri Rovers, at Mosgiel.— Kaikorai: Nicolson, F. Johnson, M'Hardy, Porteous, Don, Williams, AV. Johnson, AVilson, T. _ Cubitt, Spence, Clements, Shanks, Mackenzie, .Muir, Morrison; emergency, Mullcr. Taieri Rovers: Smcaton, Tumbnll, Gilligan, Thomson, Gibson, Anderson, Stewart, Barnes, Brockie, J. Thomson, M'Faddcn, J. Thomson, D. Smith, J. Smith, Cuthill; emergencies, T. Smeaton and Styles. Kaikorai leave by the 1.15 p.m. train. Zingari-Richmond .v. AVest Taieri, at Outram.—Zingari-Richmond: Duncan, Turnbull. M'Lean, Hunter, Drew. Fletcher, Davis, Collins, Tumbnll, Healcy, Abbott, Campbell, Galland, Graham. AVest Taieri: AVilson, Bathgate (3), Littlejohn, Hcenan, Snow, Sutherland, Christie, Reid, Little (2). Leask, Wright, Fleming; emergencie—Ncill, Low, Christie, Little. Zingari-Richmond leave by the 1.15 p.m. train. , Union v. University, at 'Minna ParkUnion: Little, Thomas, 11. Bond, AVyse, D. Reid, Hanley, Grant, Sutton. Armour, Turner. Lawlor, Hills, Fraser, M'Millnn, Townsend; reserves, Burke, Daubney. Union meet at Mans* strest at 2.15 p.m Port Chalmers v. liavensbourne, at Port Chalmers.—Port ChaWiers- Craig, Thomson, Kujsoll, Gray, GorMh, Graham, Hutton, Salter (•>), Moir, King. AVhite, ■riiomson, Mathcsou, Smith; emergencies, Hill, Ruddy. Third Grade. Union v. Zingari-Richmond, at Mont«eil!o. Ur.ion: A. Thomson, Al'lnto3h, Davis. Burke, Buthie, Williams, B. Stewart, Clarke, Fogarty, Dougherty, R. Thomson, Stevens, Taylor, Shepherd, Daubnev; emergencies, J. Jcnes, Hart. Zingari-Richmond: White, Smith. Lofran, Paton, Clarke, Beisscll, Hood, Guthrie, O'Driscoll, Tiirnhul!. Nicol!, Galland, Young, Sutherland, M'Farlauc, Thorn. Union meet at Manse street at 2.15 p.m. sharp.

Southern v. Pirates, on Forburv No. ].— Southern: A. Leckie, Larking, C. Barlow, G. Collie, Smart. Hutching, E. Eckhoid, G. Edwards, H. Leilli, M. Kennelly. Mitchell, Charles Brown, Mahoney, Himburg; reserves. L. Irvine, P. Smith. Pirates: Scoullar, Rcid, Cameron. Nicol, A. Logan, Glendininc. AV. King. Davis. J. Scott, AVilson, AVren, Black, .0. Cumpbell, Hay, C. Shaw; emergencies— T. Irvine. R. W. Scott, de Lwtonr. Pirates meet at Jfcnse street at 2.15 n.m. sharu. Taieri Rovers v. High School, on Fo"rb:iry I\o. il.—Taieri Rovers: 0. S:ott. AV. Styles; C. Scott, J. M'Lachlan. AV. Mcharry,' A. Kennedy, J. Rankin, T. Smeaton, Nelson, E Freeman. F. Styles. D. MacLeod, C. Young, J Edmia'on, E. AVilson; emergencies, R. Ecimiston. R. Algie. High Schcol: Calder, Lann-rnnn (2), S. Paterson, Kcid, Smart, Dallas, Barton, A. Littlejohn, Budd. Fmdlay, E. Edie, Mahonev, Dodds; emergency, do Lautour.

Kaikorai v. Port Chalmers, on the Asvlum Gioun-1-Kaikorai: .Weill, Eves. Morn'sm, Aitcheson, AVilliamson. Spiers,' Duff, Freeman, Stokes. M'Laren, Bamberrv, May. Midler Moir, A r . Freeman; cmergen'cv, AVaby. Dnnedi i v. Ravenshounie, on Forburv No 2.-Dune'lir, : Walmsley, M'Cracken. B.'Ro«f Owen. Smith, P. Robertson. D. AVat«.-n Crosbie. Moodie, M'Donald, Morgan, Malouev', Swan, Stevens, J. Mason. Alliambra v. University, on Forburv No 4. Alnambra. G. Thomson, AV. Burnett Andrews. Larkins, Hill (cantain), T. IVarty iayton, Airge, Garvov, Douglas, M'MurtriSlill, AVilliamc. MToagall, Bryant. The Alhambra will meet at the Post Office at 2.15 p.m.

Fourth Grade. Ivaikorai v. Dunediu A, on Forburs No 5lvaikorei: S. Jonl-ins, Gwynne. H. Bevau, 11. Ml lav J. Davidson. G. M'Donald, Borclam, G. l'erry, N. Morrison, A. Perrv, M'Auliffe, Bums, Hey, Scott, AVaby; emergenciecv -i" 1 "; Al Gr(; g ot . v - J- Hcudsrsoiu W fJierrih. L Perry Dunedin: B. Knox, Co.ston, Pullar, Walmsley, G. Stcwavf. \ Lyriio, Hanson, AV. Stewart, Cameron. Dow" land. Kaikorai meet at the Post Office at 2.3 a p.m.

High School v. Union, on Forbury No. 0High School: Ryan. P. Stewart,. Kin-, BrinsS: A, '?' ,s ; ?. Robertson, de Lautour, H E(iie, Macfarkne Knight, S. B. Paterson. Connor. AA M Thompson, AV. Robertsonen urgency, W. Stewart, Union: Miuko B<w ( n" 1 / itly ' F ' ' ToMS ' Irorl '™»- Lcwcott, Hart, Eimnson, Mason. Ponton, Watk,„s, Shaw, J. Jones, M'Carthv; eS gences-C ayton, Halford, Admore. Union m«t at Manse street at 2.15 sham. P;a } .-Por Chalmers: AVatson (3). Chisholm, Gray Montgomery, Cook, Montgomery Mln osh, Love (2), Smaill \i\ Dodds. M'Leaii Smith; emergencies - Willmott. Chisholm; Angus. Alliambra: Campbell (2), AValker tain), Jams, F o?ar ty, Hannagan, Ottaway Admore, Frame. Isaacs, Harden, M'Quillau Kenme, Gray, Harwood, AVatson. The Alliambra, will leave by the 2.30 p.m. train. Angari-Richmnnd v. Southern, on Forburv No. 7.-Zingari-Richniond: Plum. Fellow (") !'™«' P° lTCk - Anderson (2), Roberts, M Bride, Phelan, Morrison, M'Donald, Fenry Lryant, Jarvis. Southern: F. Drake, Hod", son L Irvine. H. Aitken, a. oas , J. Hickev. -T. Smith. AV, Douglas. S. Hodgson, AV. Boreham, AV. Carson, F. Loades, P. Smith T Spence, AY. Routledge, D. Burke: w ' T ' r ' e .vnolds, A. Rennie, W. M'Corkindale. D. Murray. Dunedin E v. Ravensbournc, at Havens-bourne.-Dnnedin: J. AA'angh, Glass. Lod»e, T. Brown, Scnnllar. King, Goudie, Allen Falconer, Gallagher, AV. A. Brown, Mackenzie Lear, P.eid, emergencics-Jl'Carthy, Haynes. Dunedin leave by the 2.30 train.

Association, i First Grade. < Southern v. AVakari, at Cullin? Parity ' Southern: Brady, M'Hulchon. Spong, Lamoie i Ashton, Peterson, M'Dona.ld (2), Paterson,' * Batting. Stephens; emergencies-Jenkins' i MKittonck. Wakari: Freeman, M'Nish, I Knowles, Wilson, Favquharson, Gilroy, Armit ' Ussher, M'Millan, Clyde, Morrison. ' i Green Island v. Hoalyn, on the Asylum Ground.—Green Island: A. Love. J. Barne* D. Pastier. W. Martin, J. Grant, A. Berry, T. Marshall, J. Falconer. J[. Carney, T. Ander son, C. Morland. Roslvn: M'Leod, Newman, "■ Dow, Bannerraan. M'fiillivray, Birrell, Clarke, • Lambert, Edwards. Booklass, Angell; emer- < gencics-Ward, Brickell, ! . Northern v. Batislion, on the Northern oround.—Northern: Jack, Harrison, Morrison, : Sinclair, Sharp, Kilgour, Irvine, Timlin, i Anchor, Chadwick, Jones; emergencies—Pat- i terson, Mills. [ Mornington v. Kaitangata, at Mornington.— Mornington: D. Baird, W. Brown. S. Youno, . G. Hickey, V. Middle-mass, H. Grcnfell, D. Baillic, A. M'lntyte. R. Jack, D. Stalker. J. j Baillie; emergencies—T. Shaw, I?. Renfrew. ! Second Grade. Northern v. Maori Hill, on the Clear.— Northern: Simpson (2), Oston, Shopherd, Leckie, Robertson, Irvine, Ford, Evans, Drake,

Stewatt. Maori Hill: C. Bennett, 11. Aspinall, J. Cameron, J. Barnes, 0. Bcebv, T. Reynolds li. Barnes, H. Eighy, A. Reid, R. Aspinall, A. . Smith. Mornington A v. Roslyn, on the Tramsbeds Ground—Mornington: H. Grey, It. Notuian, T. Shaw, V.- Harrington, J. Nicolson, E. Harrington, (I. Notnian. R. Ronfrcw, A. Gardner, W. Nelson, James Robertson; emergency, D. Scott,. Roslyn: Ncill, Gilmour, Briekcll, Logie, Ward, P. Muir, Green, Mathison, Stark, Jopp, P. Aitcheson; emergencies— Duncan, Banneimmi, Wakari v. Mornington B, on the Oval, at 3.30 p.m.—Wakari: Tiirnbull. S. Webster, T. Wright, Hosie, Morrison,- Wilkinson, Burke, Roberts, S, Wilson, Holdcn, Ovens. Mornington: 11. Brooke, T. Henderson, 11. lla.ll, B. Hall, H. Stednian, E. S. Smith, J. H»ig, P. Allen, H, Kilroy, D. Scott, J Johnstone, ■ emergency, F Rivers. ' Southern v. Ravensbourne, at Montccillo.— Southern: Broonifield. Alexander, M'Ketterick, larking, Ritchie, Harris, Jenkins, Ross, Denniston, Fleming, T. Neilson; emergency, M'Donald. Ravensbonrne: Crawley. Cairncy, Chisholm, Waken, Donaldson, Shanks, ; Jack, Connor, Cray, Gale, Page; emergency, Portman. Riivensbourne will leave by the 1.35 . p.m. train. Third Grade.

Mornington C v. Wakari, on the Asylum Ground, at 2 p.m.—Mornington: Kelly, iiawc, Abcrcronibic, Upton. Scolt, Paine, Uaig, Rivers, G. Harvey. T. Harvey, Smith; emergencies, J. Wallace and J. Miller. Wakari: Winders, Gregory, Webster, Edwards, Stevenson, Chapman, Ness, Duncan, Deans, Cook, Partridge, Millar.

Northern A v. Southern A, at Green Island.—Northern: Finder, Frew, Sinclair, Urcn, Clarke, Ford', Laing, Robertson, Biggs, Thomson, Brown; emergency, Anderson. Southern: Offen, Hall, Eodden, Low, Marshall, Caddie, Fiddis, M'Kettcrick, Austen, Ncilsou, Ncwlands; emergency, M'Lauchlan. Northern meet at tho railway station at 2 p.m.

Northern B v. Maori Hill, on the Xorthern Ground, at 2 p.m.—Northern: Maclaren (2), Casey, Adams, Clarke, Fraser. Woodrow, Hanson, Anderson, Palmer, Brunclell; emergency, Smith, Sim? Stevens. Otto. Maori Hill: Smith, Johnson, M'Lcnnan, W. Beeby, Murphy, Reynolds, Adamson, Day, C. Beeby, Reynolds, Goode.

Southern B v. Green Island, at Green Island.—Southern: Fisher, Harrison (2), M'Cay, Scott, M'Beatli, Barrow, Harland, Gray, Jeffs, M'Leod; emergencies—M'lntyro and Bain. Green Island: M'Gec, Miller, M'Gee, Smith, Perrin, Owen, Taylor, Scruple, Sloan, Wilson, Black.

Northern C v. Roslyn, at Unity.—Northern: Smith, Doarsly, Kennedy (2). Hogg, Allen (2), Parker, Broad, Galland, Guy. Roslyn; Joimstone, Banncrinann, Duncan, Carey, Gordon, Hoberts, Lear, M'Farlane, Ai'Leod, Ferry, Aitehoson.

Mornington D v. Rangers, on the Oval, at 2 p.m.—Mornington: 'Warrington, Hall, Upton, Watson, Prontice, Henderson, Edwards, Holclerness, Conroy, Martin, Sparrow; emergencies—Doughertv, "Watson, and Martin. Hangers: Tily, Birehall, Webster (2), Burt, Jamieson, Newall (2), Mi'.burn, Bardsley, Purdie; emergency, Larkins.

Mornington E v. Ravensboume, at Ravensbourne. — Mornington: Dougherty, Taylor, Gawnc, Hoberts, Tennet, J. Thomson, Hairy Thompson, Chr.dwell. Hall, Haig, Mason; emergencies—Ellis, Thompson, Nicol, Bohra. Ravonsbournc: Cameron, Goodwin, Page, Connor, Harrison, Logie, Goodwin, C. Connor, M'Callmn, Porlnian; emergency Dalgloish. Mornington proceed by tlie 2.30, trail), meeting at Mornington at 1.55,

BOWLING. Port Chalmers v. St. Clair, on St. Clair Creen.—Port Chalmers: A. Walker. A. Thomson, J. Mathews, J. Gray (s); J. Aitken, W. Sutton, A. '•■. Hillicr, J, M'Liuchlau (s); C. Inverarity, J. Cameron, J. Cook, N. Murray (s); emergencies—Ripley and Grimsey. St. Clair: F. H. Jones, C. Chapman, IV..R. Peddington. ,T. H. Hancock (s); S. F. Sherwood, J. B. Waters, W. J. Love, L. Pope (s); L. Joel, A. Hicks, R. Duncan, D. S. Jolly (s); emergencies—C, Dunham and M. Tynan. North-East Valley v. Green Island, at Green Island.-North-East Valley: J. Abbott, W. Prvor, R. Kidd, H. Wilson (s); F. Wright, J. J. M'Laren, A. Robertson, G. F. Booth (s); P. Gray, H. Thompson, J. Spencer, G. Dunn (s); J. B. Frame, J. Longworth. W. R. Cook, D. Murray (s); emergencies. G. E. Bennett and R. Smith. Green Island: J. Dempster, D. M'Donald, J. Lindsay, J. Aitcheson (s); A. Kane, A. Govan, W. Smellie, D. Walters, sen. (s); W. Templcton, Rev. J. Kilpatrick, J. Blair, D. Buchanan (s); P. M'Leim, J. Kcnyon, W. Johnston,, A. Young (b). North-East Valley will leave by the 1.15 p.m. train. Enncdiii v. Caledonian, on Dunedin Green. Dunedin; A. M'Diarmid, D. Russell, James Hunter, John Thomson (s); J. Small, J. White, W. M'Laron, P. Miller (a); R, M. Marks, W. J. Croft, J. Johnson, J. Gilmour (s) On Caledonian Green: J. Spratt, W. Watson, T. Ncill. C. Fvnmore (s); T. Morris, D. Wallace, J. F. Peake, A. Gillies (s); W. Ciwio, A. Findlav, W. H. Smith, J. C. Short (s).

St, Kilda. v. Taieri, on St. Kilda, Green.— St. Kilda: D. Macfartanc, A. Downing. C. S, Spsnl, C. J. Liggins (s); W. B. Graham, C. Matthews. W. T. Carroll. G. P. Mollison (s); 13. W. Merrv, J. M'Curdv, W. Jacobin, T. R. Irvine (a); J. Brew, J. B. Dick, H. M. Ewing, J. White (s); J. E. Allen, E. K. Broad, D. C. Cameron, jnn.. J. D. Cameron (s): reserves—A. Sioncham, H. Howes, W. If. Uiddell.

Cavershani v. Caledonian, on the Caledonian Groen.—Caledonian: A. Waugh, C. F. Gieenslnde R. M'Robic J. Cowio (s); F. Folcv .T. Jvorth G. Caastiek, B. Collett (»)• M. Conghlan J. B. Xorris, J. Dee, C. E. Konst (s): H. M. Henderson, Ij, Warsaw, J. Smeaton, J. Ogg (s).

HARRIERS. The Y.M.C.A. _ Harriers will run, as the guests ot ifieir president (Mr Roberi Chisholm), from Ros3 street, Raslyn, at 3 p.m. The Southern B.C. Harriers will run "from the Rev. R, Mackie's residence, St. Kilda. As this is the opening rim, all members and intending members arc requested to attend. The Caversham Harriers will' open their season with a tun from the residence of their president (Mr T. K. Sidey, M.H.R.), Baxterholme, Caversham. A skrt will bo made at 2.30 p.m. . The Dunedin Anglican Harriers will run from the eld Council Chambers. Caverslutm. at 3 p.m. sharp. Members will meet 'he 2.31 p.m. Cavcrsha-n car. HOCKEY. The members of Dunedin Gymnastic Club will hold a practice at Forbury Park, at v.'lu'ch intending members arc invited to attend. The Y.M.C.A. Club will meet for practice at Forbury at 9.30 p.m. A full attendance of members and intending members is reqi rated.

The following team? have been selected to play in tho opening gams of the Dunedin Club:—Blue: Stewart, Birch, O'Beirne, Hooper. Howdon, G. Ferguson, Sise, Hobbs, Duncan, Siyehe, Fcmvick, and Perston. Red: | Tapley. Purchos, Easlhcr, Boyd, Gard'ner Dr Ritchie. Roberts, Salmond, Jones, Ruddock, Shennan, and W. Ritchie. Intending numbers are invited to join in the game. The following teams from tho Otago Club will bold a practice at Forbury:— No. 1 team (white): J. T. Pr.iin. B. Ackrovd Powell, J. A. Park, A. Robertson, J. W. Cowie, Js". Moore, C. Jarnian, B. Sparrow, 0. V. Davics, H. Kitt, A. Tomlinson, D. G. Monat, W. D. Miller. Xo. 2 team (colour?)* E. D. Grace, P. W. Sseiyc. J. Mcore. W. W. Crawford, A. Uslicrwcod, J. C. K. Sibba'd W Dempster, B. G. Midglev, L. W. Spencer" P. Milbnm. C. W. Yates, R. Scelvc, M. Shand. Referee, Mr W. Maclean,

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Otago Daily Times, 27 April 1906, Page 8

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TO-MORROW'S FIXTURES. Otago Daily Times, 27 April 1906, Page 8

TO-MORROW'S FIXTURES. Otago Daily Times, 27 April 1906, Page 8