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■—r*c ' '■■■. UNION STREET. The report of the Union Street School Ccmmillee, to he presented to the annual meeting of householders, contnius the following clauses:— \ ) Two alterations have been elTected in tho teaching staff during the year.. In Juno last Mr E. Davis, teacher of Standard V, resigned, and his place, was filled by the appointment of Mr F. Heatley, M.A., and in Standard I, which, since Miss Tucker left, has been under charge of relieving teachers. The Education Board has kindly granted us an extra permanent assistant, and Miss Graham has br'eii appointed, aud conies .to us with a splendid record. The committee once more has pleasure in testifying to the earnest and zealous manner with which the ordinary duties of tho school are conducted by our respected headmaster (Mr A. Stewart),.the matron (Miss M'Millan), and other members of our-staff. The average, attendance of the school is not what it should he, the principal cause being no doubt the number of families leaving our district.. The buildings excellent repair, and the grounds jn splendid order, being curofuliy looked after by our janitor, Mr Little. One very necessary work which the present committee would strongly recommend ;lhc incoming committee' to take in hand at onco is tho erection of shelter sheds fc-r the children's use during wet. weather. ct the present time . they have to crowd into the corridors, which is anything but satisfactory; tho committee's suggestion, being that nchelter shed bo erected' front the ond.ot ihe hall up to the garden fence. Mr Duncan 'Wrightis still carrying on the Bible class with his usual earnestness, and has given the conimitteo a very satisfactory report for ,thc past year, (ho average attendance for boys being 161. The annual picnic, alter being -postponed through bad weather, was held at Warrington, when everything went off with plenty o! vim, one and all enjoying themselves thoroughly. The thanks of the committee are due to-several kind friends who materially helped to.make the onling enjoyable to the children by giving donations of toys and lollies. Wc started the year with a credit balance ot £3-1 18s. 4(1. The receipts for the year amounted to £230 os 4ci, iwd tho expenditure Mid 124. 7d. leaving a credit balance of JSfla Ss Id. At the annual break-up the committee were fortunate in bavin" the assistance of tile Rev. W. Howitson, 'fi.A'.'. Mr Jtis. Allen, M.H.R., Mr A. R, Barciay/Mit.R,, and our old friend Mr 6. C. Israel, who' all addressed the . parents and children in a very happy strain, and assisted (ho committee in the distribution of prizes to various standards. The old boys' dux prize this year lias been gained by two brothersDenis slid Leonard Ivory.—who were .practically equal in both head master's and inspector's examinations. Thc'commilleo wishes publicly to thank the,many generous donors of prizes, and for their continued liberality. .fIItBEX ISLAND. The iollcwing are the principal clauses in the Orcou Isiand b'ihool. Committee's remiit: — During the year the meeting? of the committee were well attended, and all did their utmost to further the interests of the school. In lbs enrly part of the year Messrs W. decides and J. Graham resigned, and Messrs K, Hill and H. Berry were appointed io tho .vacancies. Many necessary improvements were made to the s'.thool grounds—gravel was laid down in preparation for asphalting, and two borders of (lowering shrubs were planted. The committee regards with pleasure the interest shown by the children in beautifying the grounds, and trust that their efforts will not relax. Tho school attendance improved during the year, tho average being 399.--while (he roll for Hi? fame tima \vs,?' 3-21, thi;s giving a ]>crc<mtagc of attendance of 93. The school passed a very satisfactory examination, and ilic inspectors, ill their report, spoke most favourably of tho management and conduct of tlici school. The committee, at the first meeting after tho examination, conveyed, through the bead master, io the stafi its high appreciation of the good work done and its gratification that tho reputation of the school was so well maintjiued.

The school lost tho servicer of Miss Cuttle and Mr Martin, who had served {heir coutso of .pupil teaching when they were becoming useful, and the substitution of young and inexperienced lada must, to a certain extent, affeot the status of 'the school. Your committee think that such a system might well be abolis'h'cd.

11l tho past it was cu.Uom.ary to award quarterly medals and annual attendance prizes. This yc/air the committee tried the experiment of abolishing them, and it will ret with the incoming committee to say whether tho same are to be continued or not. The -committee is indebted to the Hon. A. Lee Siw'.h for a donation of sgs as prizes 1n be given to those children not necessarily clover. b\;.t v.Cio honestly persevered throughout the year, and your committee desire to cxnresa its thanks for the geucrous gift. During the winter the young men and women of the district conducted very successful gymnastic, classes, and it is to'be hoped that these will be continued, s.s much good must result from such a healthy form of recreation. The Rev. J. Kilpntrick conducted weekly Bible classes, from 9 a.m. till 9.30 a.m.. which were exceedingly well attended, and the committee .(rusts that, the parents Will e.usure their success by giving them their cordial support.

At the beginning nf the year the committee had under its consideration (lis installing o! Mr Simill's heating apparatus. It is wall known that tho present system is..very defective, bui tne expense of iiilrodue'iiig'a. fresh one was ;o great that your committee were reluciAiitly compelled to relinquish it. It fe hoped that an early opportunely will he' taken to nistal a mew system that will give a ntiiform temperature hie* enough to make work plraprnt to the children. Your committee agnin desires to express Us gratitude to Messrs W. Benfell (librarian) and J. Lindsay (assistant librarian), who have so untiringly attended ) 0 their dutie«. It is Pleasing to know their efforts to increase th, membership have been so sucee«sful \t the mine time the committee feel surprised that more „f the public 3 „ noJ ot «ucn n cheap rate of membership. the cade-'.? were inspected by Colonel Love, day. who exrres-cd sati-fetion with the anpcarancc of the boys and the irannerin which flw acquitted themselves. The committee also note with pleasure that * suporfimiiifjtion scheme for teachers l, a , been passed and accenled by the ball; of the cache's, Parent rf. 11010 tllß , t lhe Hon cf the educational authorities has b." M drawn to the improved seating accommodation «'« in America and Germany, and in some ot the schools in Hie North Maud. The-retiring committee trusts tint ere lon* thess suggested improvements will be found in all our schoois, and. also that the parents will show, by a largo littendaucc' at the annual mseting of householders, their appreciation ol tho offorts tklicn b 7 f. no committee, head raster, and *loff to further tile interests of the school and Hie children.

ANDERSON'S BAY. Tho annual report of the Anderson's Bav octal Committee states: — The total receipts for the year were £137 Ss and the trial expenditure &l Its 6d. leaving i-credit balance of £4513s Cd. bill when all liabilities on existing contracts had'been met (hewould absorb (lie balance in hand. There hn* been several changes in the staff of the school during the year. Miss M'Kenzie bavin- resigned, Hiss Gunii was appointed in° her Piace. Tho schoal having qualified for another certificated •teacher, Miss Hopcratt was appointed second assistant, nerassftatin" tho transfer cf Miss Koacvier to 'Port Chalmers School, tmpirc Day and Trafalgar Day were fittingly observed. The attendance had been very satisfactory, despite the fact that the Musselburgh School was opened (luring this year. Hie committee was glad to be a,b!e to report that the opening of tho latter school did not affect the attendance of the Bay School, none having left the Anderson's Bay district. The health oi the scholars had been excellent during the year. The committee were at a lots to find money to carry out certain woTks which were urgently required: it bat! . drawn on the householders so frequently; that it feri ashamed to amvcacu thorn again. It was resolved, however, to hold a jumble auolion sale, which turned on' a financial success, the net proceeds bein" 142, and Avith the subsidy from the Edition Board tiiiis enabled the Works Committee to carry out the following works:— Repair*' to asphalt, metalling a portion of playground, also erecting a substantial fence Oft high round the. boys' playground, erecting newgates at tho ; school entrance, repairing and laying new drains. The committee aporoaehed tho Education Board respecting tho advisability of increasing the water storage of the school, and the board generously met the committee's wish by. erecting a concrete tank on the usual terms, which had proved very Eerviceable.

KAITANGATA. Tho following arc the principal clauses in the report of the Kailsngafa School Committee:— "It Sarjeant ogain_ acted ca frea-surer, biu found- he- had to reiinqmfh the position o.' secretary! • As no-other member of committee could see- his way to take the position, applications were called, an"d Mt Fred Oarson was appointed, at a, s?.lary of fa ss. The commititee is pleased to say this, appointment has given great satisfaction. During the year Messrs Morrison and Barclay retire*? from the committee, "the former by resignation, the latter by removing from the'district "olh of these' gentlemen had been old a,r' valued, members of committee, arid their retirement is a-.distinct loss to the district. The annual crar/iiiation by the board's inspectors rhowed thij the cohopi wan' in excellent condition. 'Iho committee waa pleased to note the faA that James Renton. a pppil of the rchool, trained' by Mr C. E. Smith, was awarded a. scholarship, ttuia adding another to Mr C. R. SmMh's already high record

of scholarship-holders. Edwin Shaw, a former pupil of the school under Mr Moir, was offered a position in the civil service, lie having passed the necessary examination. The committee hopes that this beginning wi * bo, the means of stirring up other pupils of;tho school to secure scholarships and civil service appointments. The committer is pleased to note that a much greater use is being made of the gymnasium by the pupils. The classes have been fitted ui> regardless of expense by the department, an' plasses are now in full swing. -The head master conducts tho woodwork class, whilst the cookery room is under the oharge of Mis* Robertson. The committee, recognising that tho playing ground was quite .unsuite-tl for its purpose, decided to level it. This has been done.'»'. a cost of £49 17s Gd, half of which cost was paid by the board. The committee is under great- obligation to Mr D. P. Clements, who gave his services as engineer in this important nraitcr. The ground has since been sown down in grass, and slum'* form a playing ground second to none in Olago. and eminently well fitted for cricket, football, etc.,- while at the samo time forming a first-class parade ground for the cadets. The question of heating the school wt3 exhaustively considered by the committee, tho present system being quite inadequate. M•Smaill's system of healing was approved if by the committee. Tho question- of heating .tho school is one that the incoming conipiittcc might take up. Evening continuation classes were carried on by the conimitlco's managers during the year with very disappointing results. Trafalgar Day was duly celebrated, patriotic speeches being rlelivcic' to tiie pupils by members of committee. The oommitteo is 1o sec that the cadet' movement, is being festered in the school. Thccadets are well drilled, and make a bravp show a! church parades and field days with' (!io battalion. Tho committee again has to thank Mr James Allen, M.H.R.. and the pub'ic generally for its generoiu help in providiu;; prizes. The committee notes with pleasure that the average, attendance was slated a.t the annual break-up of the schcol to have been the best on record. Mr James Harnwn is carrying out his duties as janitor to the entire satisfaction of the committee. A credit balance of £38 13s 10(1 is in hand for tho incoming committee's operations. The retiring committee would suggest to its successors the necessity [or removing the large trees round the old dwelling-house, 'it would also suggest that a picket fence be creeled roiw 1 the Technical S'ohcol, and (hat the groin.* round the Technical School should he put in order to form gardens th--t might be looked after by the school children. PALMERSTOK. The principal clauses in the report of the Palmcrston District .ugh School Committee are as follow: — The committee started with a balance of £11 3s 2d, and now has a balance in hand that points to a very satisfactory state ot affairs as far as flic financial aspent is concerned. The staffing of the sclionl has. practically speaking, become disorganised, as, with the exception of the head master, there is quite a rev.- lot of teachers. First. Mr Grant left, and Mr Harrison, who is doing splendid work, took his duties. Owing to the now regulations, Miss M'Gregor was compelled to leave, and Miss Sinclair was appointed to the new position of secondary assistant, but she again resigned, having been appointed to a better position in the "Wellington Training College, and Miss Cox was appointed, taking up her duties on May 1. The position of mistress of the school is to be filled by Miss Heckler, who takes up her new duties on May I, and. in her, tho committee thinks, a very able teacher has'been secured. Miss dimming has also resigned, owing to securing- a better nppoiutmciit. Taking even-thing into consideration, the results of "the examinations, both primary and secondary, were excellent, the results of the secondary especially being gratifying to both committee and teachers. The attendance of Jhe school is worthy of a word or two, as ;lt the present time there arc 218 on tho roll, the largest number that tho school has bad for about 10 years. This makes the new regulation which compels the committee to do without pupil teachers a very peculiar one, especially in connection with the infant room, there being 71 pupils there—a number quite beyond the capabilities of any one teacher. As the position is a. very serious one, and will, no doubt, affect other schools more or less, tho committee, brought the matter before the Education Board, with the recommendation that it should bring it under the notice of the Education Department; but np to the present no reply has been received. During the year a part of the school glebe had been picked out, fenced, and p'.nughed for a school garden, and flic committee is in hopes of getting a. subsidy from the board in connection .with the expenses incurred. Mr Dean was, through ill-health, compelled to resign as secretary and as a member of the committee,, and the attention of the householders is drawn to the good work done by him and by the Rev. J. R. Clark, who _ also, owing to his removal from the district, was compelled to resign. Being so near the end of the year, it was thought unnecessary to fill these two vacancies. On the whole, the commutes considers that it had in every respect a very successful year, and hopes that its successors will do all in their power I" "osier tho existing good feeding toward the head matter and hi« now staff, thus enabling all to work amicably for the general welfare and advancement of the school and I'sliict,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13568, 16 April 1906, Page 10

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SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13568, 16 April 1906, Page 10

SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13568, 16 April 1906, Page 10