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1 CHAMPIONSHIP MEETING. OTAGO WINS THE SHIELD. Tho seventeenth annual championship a miotic meeting under tlio auspices of tho New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association was hold at the Carisbrook Ground on March 3. The weather was gloriously for the occasion, and the attendance was large, between 3000 and 4000 approximately. From the outset it was evident that there would lie a keen contest for the championship shield between Canterbury and Otago districts, Wellington and Auckland having too few representatives present to hav-e an}-rea-sonable chance of the coveted honour. Tho points for the shield scored by the respective provinces were:— O'tago. 62; Canterbury, 57; Auckland, 22; and Wellington, 9. In tho 15 championship events counting for tho shield Otago secured five firsts, eight seconds, and eight thirds; Caiilcrlniry, six firsls, five seconds, and six thirds; Auckland, throe firsts, one second, and one third; and Wellington, one first and one second. Of the 74 competitors entered, Olago was credited with 48, Canterbury with 19. Wellington with 4, and Auckland with 3. The shield was won last year by Canterbury, with Wellington second. Some very good performances were put up in the various events, and the standard was frequently beaten. Compelition was keen, and some spirited finishes were witnessed. .The hero of the sprint events was F. E. Drake, of Canterbury, who won all three (ICO Yards, 220 Yards, and 440 Yards Flat), and his finish with Murk in the 440 Yards, in which the Otago man ran all but a dead heat with him, was worth a pilgimago to witness. In the middle-distance events H. G. Burk realised expectations by winning without difficulty in tho Half-mile and Mile events, and recording oxcollcnt time in both, and being just over a second oft' his own record in tho latter. As was anticipated, O. P. Keddell. of Oaniaru, proved easily ablo to outdistance his rivals in the Lout' 'lump, unci two of his jumps measured 23ft ljin and 23ft 3in respectively, the last within 4gin of Roseingiavo's Australasian amateur record. Keddell has mado tho 21ft 6in thai stood so long for the New Zealand record look somewhat inglorious. Keddell also won the 120 Yards Hurdles Championship. Amiended arc detailed results: — 100 YARDS FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP. Present champion, A, F. Duffey, America. World's amateur record, 9 11-oseo, A. I''. Dulfey, lfJtii English amateur record, 9 J-oscc, A. F. Dulfey, 1901. Australasian and New Zealand, amateur record, 9 !-sscc, J. 11. Ilcmpton, February, 1892; W. T. Macpherson, February, 1891. Standard, 101-ssec.

F. E. Drake (Canterbury) .. ..1 0. P. Kctlilell (Otago) 2 A. Hoaro (Otago) 3 Also started: J. 11. Worgan (Canterbury). From a good stajt the field raced in line to balfway, whore Ivcddell to show clear. Within 20 yards o( the tape Drake cam?, with a fiying sprint, beating Keddell by u yard; the. (lamam representative in turn heading off lloarc, who finished third. Time, 10 3-sscc. 2-20 YARDS FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP. Present champion, F. E. Drake, P.A.B. and A.O. World's amateur record, 21 l-Ssec, B. F Wefers, IK)6. English amateur locord, 21, C. G. Wood, 1887. Australasian amateur record, 22 l-ssec, S. Rowley, 1892. New Zealand amateur record, 22 3-ssec, L. B. Webster, March, 1903. Standard, 23 4-sscc. Final. F. E. Drake (Canterbury) 1 J. 11. Worgan (Canterbury) ~ .. 2 A. Hoaro (Otago) 3 Also started: S. F. Bass (Otago). From a good start Worgan got a big break, and showed clear of the field, which lie led to the top turn into the straight. Hoarc was coming strongly on the. inside, with Drake lying third and Bass last. Onco in the straight Drake wade his run, catching and passing Worgan in front of the stand, and finishing with a great burst of speed about a yard io the good. Worgan beat Hoare by a yard foT second place. Time, 23sec. HO lARDS FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP. Present champion, G. A. Widmcr, N.S.W. World's amateur record, M. W. Long, America, 47sec, 1900. English amateur record, JSlsec, 11. Tindall, 1889; E. C. Bredin, 1S!)5. Australasian amateur record, 50 l-ssee, W. T. Macpherson, 1893. N.Z. amateur record, 50 2-ssec. W. T. Macpherson, February, 1891; L. 13. Webster, March, 1903. Standard, 52see. P. E. Drake (Canterbury) ... .. .. 1 H. G. Burk (Otago) .. ... .. .. 2 J. 11. Worgan (Canterbury) .. ..3 Also started: C. L. Smith, 8. W. Brown, A. Hoafe, T. A. Milroy (Otago), W. A. Gunn (Canterbury), J. J. Nagle (Wellington). From a good start Nagle (of Wellington) showed the way at a cracking pace round the back stretch, where the cracks, Drake, Burk, and Worgan, were moving up into places. Burk, who was lying fifth at the back turn, commenced to extend himself, and at the turn into the straight was in the lead, with Drake and Worgan hot on his heels. Once in the straight Drake challenged Burk. Then ensued a desperate race to the tape, the Canterbury crack gaining the verdict by bare inches. Worgan was third; .the remainder of the field finishing in a bunch. Time, 52 2-ssec.

HALF-MILE FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP. Present champion, G. A. Wheatley, Victoria. World's amateur record, Imin 53 2-sscc, C. 11. Kilpatrick, 1895. English amateur record, limn 51 3-ssec, F. J. Cross, Oxford, 1888. Australasian amateur record, lmin 56 4-ssec. G. A. Wheatley, Sydney, 1905. New Zealand amateur record, lmin 58 l-ssec, H. G. Burk, 1905. Standard, 2min 2sec. H. G. Burk (Otago) 1 H. S. Murray (Canterbury) .. ..2 W. H. C. Patrick (Otago) .. ... 3 Burk led for the first round, setting the pace a fair one. Murray ran a stride behind Burk, while Patrick was a similar distance behind the Canterbury representative. At the bell for the home run Burk was still leading, but passing the players' pavilion Murray spurted, aid went to the front. Going round the top turn Burk. who had not extended himself, now moved out. and. passing Murray, entered the straight with a lead of three yards, which was increased to eight yards when the tape was reached. Patrick finished third, about six yards behind Murray. Time, lmin 59 1-Jsec. ONE-MILE FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP.

Present champion, H. G-. Burk. D.A.A.C. Worid's amateur record. tain 15 3-ssec, J. Conner!, America. Eng'.ish amateur record, tain 1C 4-ssec, J. Bmks, 1902. Australasian amateur record, tain 25scc, J. Dalrrmple, 1891. New Zealand amateur record, tain 27 2-ssec, H. G. Bnik, D.A.A.C, 1903. Standard, tain 32sec. H. G. Burk (Otago) 1 J. H. Prenderville (Wellington) .. 2 ]). Neiligen (Canterbury) 3 Also started: S. W. Moore (Canterbury), S. Pvoid (Otajo), and P. Mace (Otago).

The competitors kept well together till the last lap. which Burk entered upon closely followed by Prenderville, iteid, v»lio had been running well hitherto, dropping back slightly. The Wellington man made the pace fust, and halfway round the last lap led Burk by a yard. The Otago man then asserted himself, and drew away without difficulty, crossing the tape, amid cheers, with e, lead of about

20 yards from Prenderville, with Nelligen, who had come up the straight strongly, a close third, and Reid a good fourth. Time, imin 28 3-osec. Prenderville also beat the standard in tain 31 3-ssec.

THREE-MILES FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP. Present champion, A. A. Shrubb, England. English and world'fl amateur record, 14rain 17 8-ssec, A. Shrubb, 1903. Australasian and New Zealand • amateur record, Umin 43soc, W. F. Simpson, December, 1901. Standard, 15min 30sec. J. H. Prenderville (Wellington) ~ 1 H. C. Murray (Otago) 2 G. S. Sharp (Otago) .. 3 Also competed: T. Harrison (Otago), H. G. Burk (Otago), D. Nelligen (Canterbury), and S. W. Moore (Canterbury).

Burk, Harrison, and Nelligen retired at vnrious 9tagcs of tiie race. Murray set the pace, which was fast, and Prenderville attached himself to the Otago man, about a yard behind, these two occupying first and second positions at an unaltered distance up to the last lap. Prenderville headed Murray by a yard on entering the last- lap, and, spurting halfway round, drew away from the Otago man without difficulty, and finished strongly with a lead of 20 yards or more and well within standard time. Murray finished a good second, and Sharp third not far behind, while Moore also finished in good fettle fourth. Time, 15min 13 3-6 sec. ONE-MILE WALK CHAMPIONSHIP. Present chammon. P. 11. Stubberfieid (P.A.8.A.C.). World's Australasian and New Zealand amateur record, Grain 27 2-osec, F. H. Creamer (A.A.C. and C.C.), November, 1897. English amateur record, limin 33 3-oscc, W. Sturgess, 18S6. Standard, 7min. A. Crichton (Otago) 1 A. E. M. Rowland (Canterbury) .. 2 P. 11. Stubberfieid (Canterbury) .. 3

Also started: J. G. Gow, F. B. Morrison (Otago), R. Twvneham (Canterbury), R. J. Fitzgerald (Wellington). Crichton walked away in the lead, closely followed by Rowland and Stubberfieid. Before half tho journe) had been covered this trio had walked away from the rest of the field. At tho bsl3 for the last lap Crichton was a yard ahead of Stubberfieid, who in turn was a similar distance- in front of Rowland. Passing the players' pavilion Stubberfieid spurted and went to the front, maintaining the load to the top turn, when Rowland assumed command, Stubberfieid dropping back to third place. Entering tho straight Crichton spurted, drew level with Rowiand, the pair fighting out a desperate finish to the tape, which Crichton breasted, all out, just in front of the Canterbury representative-. Stubberfieid finished third, about 10 yards away; the remainder of tho'field distanced. Time, Gmin 37 l-ssec. THREE-MILE WALK CHAMPIONSHIP. Present champion, F. Ross (W.A.A.C). World's amateur rccard, 21min 9 l-sscc, F. Murray, 18S3. English amateur record, Slmiit Usee, AV. J. Sturgess. 1S!)7. Australasian amateur record, 21min 3G l-sscc, A. Barrett, 1897. New Zealand amateur record, 21min 37sec, D. Wilson, November, 1897. Standard, 23min 20sec. P. H Stubberfieid (Canterbury) ~ 1 A. Crichton (Otago) .. 2 R. Twvnehan (Canterbury) .. ...3 Also started: A. E. M. Rowland (Canterbury), I!. J. Fitzgerald (Wellington), J. G. Gow (Otago), and 1?. B. Morrison (Otago).

Rowland began well, and led for some time, but got a stitch and slackened his pace, finally retiring. The other competitors, except the placed men, also retired. Slubbcrficld finished a rather easy winner with s lead of nearly a quarter of a lap from Criohlon, who showed more, signs of distress than the Canterbury man. who made Iho pace hot, and camo well within the standard.

130 IARDS HURDLES CHAMPIONSHIP. Present champion, T. Craig, AV.A.A.C. World's amateur record, 15 1-osec, A. Kracnzlein, IS'3B, America, on cinders; 15 3-ssec on glass, 1901. English amateur rc- , cord, 15 3-oscc, A. Kracnzlein, 1901. Australasian and New Zealand amateur remord, G. W. Smith. A.A.A. and C.C., 15 4-ssec, 1901. Standard 16 3-sscc. Final. G. P. Keddell (Otago) 1 11. S. Murrav (Canterbury) ~ .. 2 W. J. O'Kane (Otago) 3 A. Ilalligan also started.

A very fino race resulted. O'Kane enme rapidly to the front and at the half-distance was leading by two or throe yards, and r.ppcared ablo to win till he lost his stride, and Keddell jumped into tho lead. A' very fine finished resulted between Murray and Keddell, the two clearing the last hurdle together, and tho Oaniaru man just winning on the sprint. Time, 17sec.

440 YARDS HURDLES CHAMPIONSHIP. Present champion, T. Craig, W.A.A.C. World's and Australasian amateur record, m?K, G. W. Smith (N.Z.), 1901. New Zealand amateur record, 58 4-sscc, A. 11. Holder, )R97. Standard Gtec.

11. S. Murrav (Canterbury) .. ~ 1 W. J. O'Kane (Otago) 2 T. Ruddock (Otago) ?, Also started: H. S, Williams (Canterbury). A. Halligan (Otago). From a good start Ruddock led over the first hurdle, followed by O'Kane, who was just ahead of Murray, with the rest of Iho field in the rear. Passing the old tenuis court liuddoek, who was taking his hurdles in good style, took the wrong side of the flag and had to double back. This cost hira a yard or two and allowed O'Kane and Murray to pass him. Entering the straight O'Kane still had a slight lead of Murray, hut. the Canterbury representative was rapidiy overhauling the Otago man, and did so at the last hurdle, beating O'Kane in the sprint to the taps; Ruddockwas third, the. rest of tlhe field nowhere. Time, Gl 2-osec.

LONG JUMP CHAMPIONSHIP. Present champion M. M. Roseingrave P.A.8.A.C.). English and world's amateur record 2-lft lljin. P. O'Connor, Irish olmmpion, 1901. Australasian amateur record, '23ft 7lm, M. Rosingrave, 1596. New Zealand amateur record, 2! ft Gin, J. Ryan (H.8.A.A.0.), February, 1895. Standard, 20ft Gin.

G. P. Keddell (Otago), 23ft lXiu .. .. 1 A. Macdonald (Canterbury), 20ft Bin ~ 2 D. A. (Otagol.'lOft 2iu .. .. 3 Also eompoted: C. C. Laurie (Auckland), F. 11. Francis (Canterbury), A. Hatligan, and E. A. Shand (Otago). All interest centred in Keddell. the young athleto from Ommm, who, in his firat jump, olea-rcd 23ft ljin, immediately asserting his claim to champion, the other competitors failing to get within 2ft of hinii In an exhibition jump Keddell cleared 23ft Sin. HIGH JUMP CHAMPIONSHIP. Prosent champion, M. M. Roseiugravo (P.A.B. and A.C.). World's amateur record, 6ft 5 5-Bin, M. Sweeney (America), 1895. English amateur record. 6ft 4Jiu, P. H. Leahy, IS9S. Australasian amateur record, sft lljin, J. English, 18D7. New Zealand amateur record, aft OJin, R. Brownlce (D.A.A.C), February. 1899. Standard, sft 7in. C. C. Launo (Auckland). sft Gin .. .. 1 G. P. Keddell (Otago), sft siu 2 H. G. Rains (Canterbury), sft 4in .. .. 3 POLE JUMP CHAMPIONSHIP. Present champion, J. M'Lachlan, D.A.A.C. World's amateur record, 12ft 1 l-3in. X. Dole, 199-1. English amateur record, lift 9in, R. Dickinson, 1891. Australasian and New Zealand amateur record, lift Jin, Hori Ereura. A.A.A. & C.C., February, 1597. Standard 10ft. C. C. Laurie (Auckland), 9ft lOin.. 1 J. M'Lachlan (Otago), 9ft 9in .. ..2 G. M. Gunn (Canterbury), 9ft Bin.. 3 Also competed: D. M. West (Canterbury) 9ft 2m, G. H. Davis (Canterbury) 9ft 2in, and T. R. Overton (Otago) Sft loin.

M'Lachlan and Gunn failed at 9ft Sin doing 9ft fiin. but subsequently both did better in the jump-off, the Otago man winning second place with an excellent effort. Laurie took an e:;tra jump cr two to attack the 10ft standard, but was not successful. PUTTING lOlb WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. Present champion. W. O.' Bradley, P.A.B. & A.C. World's amateur record, 48ft Tin, If. W. Rose, 1901 English amateur re- ' cord, 4Gft sSiu, D. Horgaii, 1894. Australasian amateur record, lift 3in, W. O'Reilly, 1902. New Zealand amateur record, 40ft 3in, R. G. Rains, 1900. Standard 3Sft Gin. R. G. Rains (Canterbury). 38ft 2in 1 T. Brydonc (Otago). 35ft llin .. 2 T. A. O'Grady (Auckland), 35ft 4in 3 Also competed: D. A. M'Farlane (Otago), J. Casey (Otago), and P. M'Ncill (Canterbury). Rains took an extra put to beat the standard, which he did easily, throwing 39ft SJivi. THROWING 161b HAMMER CHAMPIONSHIP. (From 9ft circle; length of hammer and handle, 4ft.) Present champion, S. Baird. P.A.B. and A.C. World amateur record. 164 ft Gin, J. Flanagan, America. 1693. English amateur record, 163 ft 4in, J. Flanagan. 1900. Australasian amateur record, 151 ft lin, W. O'Keilly. 1902. New Zealand amateur record, 136 ft 4£in, W. Madill, A.A.A. and C.C., 1900. Standard, 130 ft. T. A- O'Gradv (Auckland), 103 ft Sin .. .. 1 J. Wallace (Auckland), 101 ft 9in 2 J. M'Lachlan (Otago). 90ft Biin 3 Also competed: R. Martin. T. Brydonc, W. P. Ormond (Otago), and P. M'Ncill (Canterbury). The competition in this event was keen, but the standard of the performances was very low. INTERPROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP RELAY RACE. About one mile. Teams of four (representing a centre. Each man to run one lap. Canterbury (Drake, Williams, Murray, Worgan) 1 Otago No. 2 (M'Oackcn, Hamann, Patrick, Bass) 2 Otago No. 3 (Turvey, M'Corkindsle, Campbell, Brown) 3

At an inquest held at Mercer (Auckland) on March 2 on the body of Catherine Robertson, a married woman, who was found drowned in the Waikato River, tho «»iiL~nco showed that she. wag of intcnipcrii* bibifa. Ah open verdict was returned;

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 13545, 19 March 1906, Page 3 (Supplement)

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N.Z. AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13545, 19 March 1906, Page 3 (Supplement)

N.Z. AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13545, 19 March 1906, Page 3 (Supplement)