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POUT CHALMERS. Time Bam. at Port Chalmisrb. The New Zealand mean time at noon, ralculafd for the meridian of longitude, in time 11 hoi"s SO minutei east of Greenwich, will be signalled once a week by a time ball dropping at the instant of mean noon. A liliio Hag will i ;a hoisted at the masthead, Port Chalmers signal station,'on tho forenoon of the day when the time signal is piten. Tiiasrs o? tiie Moon, march.

Sim rise.-, 6.13, pels 6.20. THE WEATHER. March 17.--? a.m.: Wind S.E.; weather cloudy. Noon: Wind 8.K.; weather fine, fi ii.Hi. : Wind S.K.; weather fine. 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer ... -. 30.4(2 30.44 30.46 3'hrnnoiin'ter ... W 62 70 March 18.—8 a.m.: Wind S.W.; weather p'oiuly. Noon: Wind S.W., weather dull. 5 p.m.. Wind S.W.; weather fair. 8 a.m. Xoon. 5 T.'.m. Barometer 30.44 30.46 30.46 Tbrrnioinetp. ... 50 64 66 HIGH WATER. Jlarch 19- a.m. p.m. At Taiaroa Heads 9.19 10.2 At Port Chalmers 9.59 10.42 At Dimedin .. 10.44 11.27

ARRIVALS. March 17. Warrimoo, s.s., 20/6 tons, M'Betli, from Sydn-ey. via Cook Strait. .1. Mills, agent. Passengers: Misses Forsyth, Stone, .lones, Bruce, ".Morton, Griffiths, Peek, Rea, Waterbouse, Holmes, HefTcrman, Schmitz, Mcsdames Rutherford. Hides. Bell, llray and two infants, Marsden, Aikin, Childs, HorIcr, Archibald and infant. Collier and two children, Dr Spring, Messrs Anderson, Ward, Todd, Miller, Hickson, Noycs, Vogel, Cnmmings. llolloway, Meredith, Lockhead, Rutherford. Thompson, Bastings, Fraser, Murdoch. Hall, Downic, Dow. Atkin, Horlcr, Archibald. Waite, Russell, SummerTilie. Hon. Mr 8011, and 31 in the steerage. March 13. Zealandia. g.s.. 1735 tons. Entwisle, from Sydney, via Auckland. Noill and Co., nffcut". Ra-sengers: Mesdames Scrivener, Reynolds, Davis, Fraser, Nelson, Freeliai'rn, Messrs Moore, Ryan, M'.Millan, Free, bairn, Bruce, and six in the 6tecrage. DEPARTURES. March 17. Waipori, s.s.. 1229 tons. Hutching*, for fWestport. J. Mills, agent. March 18.

Comma, s.s., 812 ton-, Holford, for Nevt Plymouth anil Onehunga, via way ports. .7.'Mills, auciit. Warrimoo, s.s.. 2076 lons. M'Beth, for Melbourne, via tho Bluff and Hobart. J. Mills, agent. Passengers: Tor tho Bluff— Mr Scott. Or TcM. For Holsirt—Mrs Ilullnn. For Melbourne—Mioses Chandler, Smith, Cunningham. Mc=damcs Rawlin?. Ainsworth, Messrs Hlrd. Chandler, Colemall. Hales, liawlins. Ainsworth, Horn (2), M'Naught, and Dr .Smith; and eight in tho Bteorago. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From Liverpool.—Pharos, ship, sailed Octol«r 30 (arrived Wellington Fcbruary 27). Cassins, ship, sailed December 24. From Marseilles. — Catorina, barque, Bailed February 7.

From Maiden Island.—Onyx, barque. From Svdney (via, Auckland).—Mokoia March' 25.'

From Svdnev (via Cook Strait).—Moeraki, March 2*.

From Melbourne.—Wimmera. March 21. From Onohunga.—Corinna, March JO. From Auckland.—Tclune, March 22.

projected departures. For Sydney (via Anoldandl.-Zcalantlia, March 20.

For Sydney (via Cook Strait).—Wimmera, Ufiiel" 2?, For Melbourne.—Moeraki, March 25. For Unehunga.—Coriiina April 1. For Auckland.-Tsliinc, March 23. For West Coast—Pcheriia, March 22. MOVEMENTS OF OCEANGOING STEAMERS. TO AEXITR. At Auckland.—Essex, left Liverpool January H: <l" e March 13. Mamari left Liverpool January 24; due March 11. Mimiro, left, London January 28; duo March 31. Star of New Zealand, left New York January 26; due March 30, Kumara.. left London February 3; due March S3. Dorset, left Liverpool February 11; due April 12. Ardgowan, left New York February 16; due April 20. Delphic, left London February 17; due April 8. Indvadwi, left London February 18: due April 22. Pakaia. left, London' March 3: due April 24.

At Wellington-Gothic, left Plymouth February 10; due March 27. Rhmifaka, left London February 24; due April 10.

Af Porl Chalmers.—Waimalo. left. London February 4; <hw March 26. Maori, loft London Ma rob b; due April 25. TO DEPART. From Wellinston.—Ayrshire. March 2.2. Corinthio. March 29. I'eilhsliive, April 10. Huapelm. April 12. From Lyllolton—Paparoa. March 29. HOMF.WAKD BOUND.

\Vnl;:i!!ni. loft Wellington January 30. Morayshire, left. Timaru, January 50. \Yli!il<iitaiio, left Auckland January 31. Malatua. left Wellinyton February 3. Karamoa. left- Auckland February T. Kaikmira. left Lyttoltou February 15. Tural;ina. left Wollimrfon Fehruarv 15. Marere. jeft Wellington February 15. 'Somerset, leftAuckland February 27. Athenic, left Ar-(khiml March 1. Tokomaru. left Auckland Marel. 1. Kaipara. left Wellington MaHi T. Aoiea. left Lrttelton March 3. Capo Coro. left 'Vfellinfftoii March 10. I'aparoa. left Wellington March 15.

IMPORTS. Per Warriiuoo. from Sydney: 181 oasss fruit. I?, hags melons. 40 do shale. 122 do entiles. 30 (h"-1.-- ten. 100 drums sheep dip. 251 pigs' heads, transhipments ex Gruntala. Monua. Marloo. Ruapeliu.

Per Zealandia. from Sydney: 144 fleept-rs. 14 sinh'rs. 116 poles, 199 pes iim-b-r. 360 bag- lime, 65 bales sacks, 105

sacks hides, b bales skills. 71 loese skins. 36 casks soap, 15 rases wine. 5 cases stout. 3 cases paint. 43 bale s waste paper. 4 casks oil. 10 cases pa-te. 2 case? bacon. 25 cases, 2120 hags. 100 sacks sugar. 4 cases gal. iron, 44 cases jams and sauce. 45 cases matches. 27 eases tea. 423 empty casks. 56 oases meals. 15 cases tobacco. 9 bales leather, 264 hairs onion*. 15 bags melons. 76V case;; fruit. trMiship'ments. ex s.s. llnapehn, and quantity or post holes and sundries.

SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND. March IS. —Arrive*]: Jfannka. from the south; Kama, from TYcstpor!: Olive, barque, from Maiden Island. Sailed: Matnari. for Wellington ; llaupiri. for east coa-t ports and Wei. lington. KAS'i CAPE. .March 18.-The Talune, passed eouth at 8.20 a.m.. an<l the Papanui passed north at 11.15 a.m. AVELLIXfiTOX. March 17.-Arrived: 6.15 a.m.. Monowai. from Lyltelton. Sailed; 3.10 p.m., Monowai. for Sydney; 4 p.m., Ruanehn. for Lvttclion. March 18.—Arrived: 12.30 p.m., Waikare. from Lytlelton.

LYTTELTON. March 17.—Arrived: 9.15 a.m.. Waikare. from Dunedin.—-March 13—Arrived: 6.35 a.m.. Ayrshire, from Timaru.

TIMARU. March 17.-Railed: 8 a.m.. Ayrshire, for Lyttellon. March 13.— Sailed: 8.20 a.m.. Pakeha. for Oamaru. OAMARU. March 18.—Arrived: in roadstead at 1 p m.. Pakeha. from Timaru. IXVKRCARGILL. March 17.-Arrive<]: 7 a.m., Invercargill. from Dunedin. Sailed: b p.m.. Invereargill, for Dunedin. via AVaikawa.

NEWCASTLE. March 17.-Arrive'': Konpsbvrd. from Kaipara. Palled: On the 16th. Adelbardt ami Defiance, for Auckland.

SYDNEY. March 17. —Sailocl: 2.30 p.m., Moeraki. for Wellington.

MELBOURNE. March 17.-Arrived Maheno, from the Bluff.

WRECK AT MALDEN ISLAND. AUCKLAND, March 18,-The barque Alma, was wrecked at Maiden Island on February 1. The vessel hod arrived from Tivttellon, and had put out part of her ballast and took in about 150 tons of Ruann for Launceston. A gale came on from the north-west. The vessel dragged her ■anchors, and touched on flic reef with her stern. The crew took to the l>oatfi ami landed on the island. The vesr-el shortly afterwards went down. The crew lost everything, and came to Auckland on Satur. day in the barque Olive.

The s.s. Waipori left Port Cltalmfra on Saturday afternoon for Weetport direct. The Corinna sailed at '5 n.m. yesterday for New Plymouth and Onehunga, via the usual way porta,.

The Zealandia, from Sydney, via Auckland and the usual east coast ports, arrived at Dunedin at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. She experienced fine clear weather, with a moderate sea, throughout the pussage. She sails at 1 p.m. to-morrow for Sydney, via Auckland.

The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamship Ruapehu is expected to arrive at Port Chalmers on Wednesday next to load for London.

Mr dames Basire, who for the last two years and three months has filled the position of chief engineer of the Union Strain Ship Company's steamship Mararoa, has been appointed to a similar position in the company's turbine steamer Loongano, in the Melbourne-Laoncoston trade, and 1.-ft yesterday in the Warrimoo to join the Loongana. Mr Basire. who has now been some years in the company's service, commenced his career as filth engineer of tho Mararoa, and has oassed through every grade from that, to chief in the same vessel. He takes with him the warm congratulations of a numerous circle of friends on his appointment to so fine a vessel as the Loongana.

The Union Steam Ship Company's sleam6hip Warrimoo, Captain W. M'lieth. with 86 passengers and cargo for this port from Sydney, via Cook Strait, arrived at- Fort Chalmers at 6 a.m. on Saturday, and after embarking a- quantity of mining machinery proceeded to Dunedin. The Warrimoo left tjie Union Company's wharf at Sydney at 2 p.m. on the 10th but., had light northerly winds with fine weather during the passage across, and arrived at Wellington at il a.m., on the 14th hut.: left again at 4 p.m. on the 15lh, had fine weather, and arrived at Lyttelton at 5 a.m. on the 161 li inst.: left that port at 2 ji.m. same a.y, had light- northerly winds with smooth seas alonp the coast, and arrived at headquarters on Saturday morning. She left the George street niev, Fori Chalmers, yesterday afternoon for Melbourne, via. the Bluff and Ilobart.

The following vessels have arrived at Hip port during the past woel;:-Hawea.s.s., 1114 tons; Advance, scow. 33; Waipori, s.s., 1229; Koonva, s.s.. 663; Monowai. s.s., 2137; Waikare, s.s.. 1901; Invcrcargill, s.s., 123; Corinna. s.s., 812; Warrimoo, s.s.. 2076; Zealanclia, s.s., 1735;— total, 11,826 tons. The following are the departures for the same period :—Pakelin. s.s.. 4331 tons; Invcrcargill. s.s.. 123; Hawea. s.s.. 1114; Manuka, s.s.. 2754; Eunice, schooner, 171: Koonva, s.s.. 663: Monowai. s.s., 2137; Invcrcargill, s.s.. 123; Waikare. s.s., 1901; Warrimoo, s.s.. 2076; Corinna. s.s.. 812; Waipori. s.s.. 1229;— total. 17.464 tons. Tho Howard Smith Company (Limited), in conjunction with the Commonwealth coal-distributing business, has contracted with Sir Raylton Dixon and Co. (Limited) to build a' sieel collier of a carrying capacity of 4500 tons. This vessel will have very large hatches, holds entirely free from obstruction, and will be absolutely selftrimming. These features, together with a large number of winches, will enable her to 1» worked at a minimum cost with maximum despatch. This vessel has been named Period, and will probably replace one of the smaller colliers—the Age. Era. or Time—or enable the larger ones—the Boveric. Aeon, and Century—to bo available for over-sen service.

The Briti<h four-masted barque Aneonn, 2570 tons register (Captain bobbins), which recently left Taeoi.ia for the United Kingdom, was one of the fleet of British vessels which remained in the Sound so long disengaged during tho depression in freights. Ifer owners are members of a combination of owners in Kngland who determined lo allow their vessels to remain idle while grain freights "/ere low in preference to utilising their fine craft, in the lumber or other trades. The Ancona has been on the Pound since October 15, 1904. and ber present, freight, favourable though it be. will in no wise pay the bills contracted during her long term of voluntary inactivity. However, this will be overcome by the fact that the combination is said to nool all its earnings, the chartered vessels helping to pay the oxnenscs of those which hold out for high Fiiegbts.

Pi-jt Qnarlor «. 3 8.50 p.m. 1'uil Uoon 11 7-*7 f.m. Quarter - ... 17 11.27 p.m. New M'xm 23 11.30 a.m. ,\po"«'[ 1 8.0 u.m. J'r-ri!t,. P .. ... 12 4.0 p.m. Apnpp.. 20 3.30 p.m.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13545, 19 March 1906, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13545, 19 March 1906, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13545, 19 March 1906, Page 4