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The ordinary monthly meeting of tlio Otago Land Board was held yesterday; present— Messrs ]). Banon (Conmiisaoiie- of Crown Lands), "W. Dallas, J. Tough, and G-. Livingstone. John M'Lcod a.ppiied for an occupation under " The ?Jming Districts Land Occupation Act, 18!)!, over GO acres of unsurveyed land at the foot of Long Gully Tarras district. 'the warden forwarded a report.—Held over pending receipt of ranger's report.

The board was requested to fix the rental for wction 34, b'orl; IV, Wa-k-iield district, granted to A de Bettoncor undei occupation lease.—Kent to bo Gtl per acre.

Banger O'Neill reported oil the application l-v li. G. Cotton for a lease ;n rorpetuify over an area of about 150 acres on tin.' west of section 29, b'.ock IV, Waipori distiict —Application declined.

Bangor O'Neill reported on the application by James Ivirk for a lease in perpetuity over about 10 acres in the south-west corner of icction 30, block VIII, Catlin's district.— Granted under clause lit oi the Land Act, subject to survey being made by applicant and plan du'.y approved.

K. .T. Vernon applied for a license to occupy Run Ko. ©111, Wiliiteoomb— License granted; rent 'Ma per annum.

L. Murray, lessee of section 9, block VIII, T'okarahi Estate, wrote with reference to the damage done to his 'Section by the overflowing of tho Awamoko Creek.—Referred to Mr G. Livingstone to inquire and report. 'fhs board was requested to fix Iho capital value for section 2, block XV, Tarras dis'iriot, granted to William White under Icaso in perpetuity.—Fixed at 20s per acre.

George Matheson applied for ?, >ase ovor an area of iihout 1200 r,crc3, part of Rim Xo. 494, on the north of his freehold sections 30 and 11, block IX, Tuapeka East district.—Application declined.

John Dun lop -wrote objecting to section 49, block VI, Rankleburn district, being included in tho license recently granted to Charles Al'Govorn over land in the said block.—Scction referred to not to bo included m Mr Jl'G oveni's license.

John M'Kay .applied for a. license to occupy the AVedderDurn town reserve.—License to bo granted to Air M'Xa.v over portion of the township eti,st <if C,ilder istreet; rent 10s per annum; subject to fencing being paid for by applicant; W. Messant's license over the balance of the township to be renewed.

Tho officer commanding the Otago Mdlitaiy District applied for a renews'! of tlio license over the foreshore opposito sectionr 41, 42, 43, 51. ant? 53, bloefl IV, Oamaru district, as a rifle range.

R. D. Grant wrote asking that section 3S, block IX, Strath-Taieri' district, at present held under yearly license by Mrs Jane Brown, bo opened to public competition.—Section to b: opened for selection when the present tciUr porary license expires; capita! value to lie fixed and improvements assessed.

.Tohfii G, Morgan applied for' n license to occupy section 20. block XVI. town, of R-an-fi.rly. Letters from the Otago Central Saleyards Company and Alexandei Smith, jun., objecting to the granting of the application wer.i received—Application declined.

Jaboz Burton (on behalf of 31. M'Miillin, I. Burton. Andrew, and J. G. Gil-' mour) lvro'o stating that they were agreeable to the sections they held under licen'-e in the town of Roxburgh being offered for sale by auction burdened with valuation for improvements.- Referred to the warden for report. Raneer M'Dougall forwarded an application from 'David Jl'Lennan for a, licence to cut 20 fords of firewood in Kidd's Bush, Hawea Lake. —Granted.

The Vincent, Clutha, and Wai'.icmo County Councils forwarded statements of proposed expenditure of -'thirds" and "fourths" for Period April 1 to August 5. 1503, and Clutha County for January .1 to March 31 1905.— Apnrorej. '

Brrclrick and Clialraer, on behalf of John Fleming;, applied to Purchase section 52. Block I. Cromwell district.—Referred to Ranger Mackenzie for report. Brodrick" and Cho'mer applied, on behalf oi ,Tohrt Jameson, to purchase an area of about 10 acres near the homestead, Xortliburii Station, block V. Wakefield district'.— The Warden reported-Granted, subject to survey; capital value. 15s per acre. John Burns applied for an occupation lease under "The Mining Districts Land Occupation Act. IS!) I." over section 7G. block T, Kitschy district.—The Warden forwarded a report.—Granted; rent, Gd per acre, Andrew F. Shanks applied for rural land on lease in perpetuity, faction ]2, block YI, Kurow district.—Approved. The following applications for leave to transfer leases or'licenses were approved:— 0.1. 225, section 47. block VI, Tiper Hill .district, David B. Cameron to Robert' 31. ■\Vcod; 0.1. ]"2, section 7.1, block YTII, Leaning Bock district, John Daley to James Xieper; 0.1. 15, fection 90, block IX, Jfaruwonua district. Donald Kennedy (half interest in lease) to Samuel Baxter; l.i.p. 502, allotment 4, Puketanu Estate, James Cochrane to Alexander M'Donald; v.h. 27, section GC," block IV. Sutton district, executors of Humphrey Moyniban (deceaseds to Humohrcy Sfoynihan; l.i.p. 515 ex. section 2\ block IX, Blackstone district. Caleb Dun=ey to Peter Jenkins; 1.i.p." (M 5, Fergus" G.' ' Irvine to Robert'Alex. Jl'Dowell, section 66, block IT! Ardgowan Estate; James West to Fergus G. Irvine,'section 82, block 11, Ardjjowan Estale. Other applications were dealt witb as iollow:!

L.i.p. 13G1, section 53, block I, Upper Taierj district; Margaret J. Mulholland to John O'Neill, jiiti.—deferred to ranger for report L.i.p. S2I, allotments 11, 12, and 14, Macrc. wlienua Estate, John Wood to Bessie C Clark.—Held over for further information. An application by Chas. M'Erlano to purehaso section 14, block V, Maniototo district, at "present' held on perpetual lease, was approved, subject to the Minister's consent being given. The board was requested to determine as to whether tho following small grazing runs, tjio leases over which expire at tho end of February, 1907, bo again let as small grazing runsSection 1, block IX, Swinbnrn district, John Freeland; section 3, block XIVj Swiuburn district, Isabella Ereeland; section 15, block X, Strath-Taieri district. R. H. Hunter-'^Veston; section 3. block XIII, Strath-Taieri district. Mary P. Thompson; section 1, block XV, Maniototo district, Richard Ilastie: section 3. block' XV, Maniototo district, John B. Coram; section 1, block IV. Silver Peak "district, Beatrice Gibson; factions 1. 5. block I. Jfenthorn district, Duncan M'Phce; section 7, block I, and section 2, block V, Xcnihorn district, James Elliott; section 13. block 11, and section block VI, Nenthorn district, Margaret Elliott.—Held over for report. Win. Dawson applied for a. license to cut pests, stakes, and rails on section 11, block XIII, MAeraki district.—Held over for report from ranger. Ranger p'Xeil! reported on (lie application by James Davidson, kssce of small grazin<* in 214 d. Tiger Hill district, to be allmved to fence in portion, about ICO acres, of tlio Elacirs Commonage, with bis run .in order to get a -gooil fencing line.—lunger's report adopted; Mr Davidson to be allowed 'to occupy and fence on (lie line agreed to between the Commonage Trustees and himself, and under conditions mentioned in tha rafger'a report.

Ranger O'Neill reported on section 2S, block VIII, Collins district, and forwarded valuation of the improvements on the secticn.—Section to be opened for application at a. capital value of ]0s per acre, burdened with valuation for improvements, ill 15s. Hanger O'Neill reported on section 3S. block X, Glenomarn district, and forwarded valuation of the improvements on the section. Section to be opened for application at a capital vaiuo of 10s per acre, burdened with valuation for improvements. £10.!.

Ranger O'Neill reported on section 39, block X, Glenomarn district, and forwarded valuation of the ' improvements on the section.—Section to be opened for application at a cnuitM value of 10s per j-.cre. burdened with valuation for improvements, £20 Ms. The board was requested to fix the rental for section "0. block IT. Ivawaiau district, granted to John Ritchie under occupation ieasc.— Kent to be Od per acre.'

Hngn J. Cieland applied for a grazing licensis over sections 170. 177. 179 to IS3. and nar't of tailings reserve town of Komako.—Held over for a month.

Jolin Harris applied for fiii> issue nf a certificate of lide for section 10. block VI. Catlins district, the neressarv improvements ]iaviiifj now been effected thereon.—Title to bo issued. John Sharp applied for a license for grazing purports over about 100 acres Jyiiig between his sod ion 43. block VI. Itankleburn district, and the TiJackcleugb Creek.—Banger O'Neill' forwarded report.—Liceliso granted at rent of lfls per annum.

. Thomas Lowe applied for a license over the isiand,in the Clutha Biver opposite section 7. bloc\ XIII. Chitha district. —Ranger O'Neill forwarded a report.—Licenso.granted; rent 5s per annum.

Ibnger O'Neill reported on the application by ]). Jl'Donald for a license to occupy section 47, block IV, and section 7, block XII, Mount Hyde district.—License granted, rent 15s per annum.

i Banger Atkinson reported on the applications by Charles Bedford and E, ,T. Abbott for iicense to occupy section M, Maercwhenua Estate.—License granted to C. Bedford; rent fl Ms Cd.

V T). Stewart and Son, on behalf of George Whitteker, applied for an occupation-with-l'iglifrof-ptirclinsc license over five acres in the north-west corner of section 14, block VIII, Tautukii district—To be informed that' tiio hoard is unable to give a better title until a survey has been cfleeted.

The Clutha County Council wrote, asking if, in the event of the road running through sections 4 and 5, block IV, Woodland district, being closed, the board would agree to the accrued land fund (£29 10s 7d) being transferred to Ruler's Saddle road.—Hanger O'Neill forwarded a report.—To lie informed that as Messrs Wright and fiibb, the owners of the adjoining land object to the closing of the road referred to the board cannot agree to tlio land Juwl being expended oil aiiy other rond. Catherine Walsh applied to have sections 12. 13, 14. 17, and 18. block- XV. Makareao .Estate, at- present held under tour leases, grouped into one holding.—No power to grant request.

liaiiger Atkinson reported on the application by Michael Joyce for a license to occupy section 5, block VIII. town of Moeraki.— License granted; rent. 10s per annum. Hanger O'Neill reported! on the application by Thomas Gateley for a license to occupy the unsold sections in blocks 111 and IV, town of Hyde, and on the application of A. C. Gray to have them offered for sale—Unsold sections in township of Hydo to be offered for sale; suburban land at upset, of £10 per acre, town sections at £5 each.

Application' to purchase land held under perpetual lease:—Perpetual leases 705 a.nd 705, Christian A. Hillo. sections 7 and 8, block X, Kurow district.—The Warden forwarded a, report.—Granted, subject to approval of the Minister.

E. Clement, renewed his application for a license to occupy section a, h'.ock XIII, Pomaliaka Downs Estate.—Five settlers on the estate wrote objecting to the granting of the application.—lll view of opposition raised by petitioners, it was decided to decline the' application.

Application to transfer interest in perpeiual leases—Robert Tapp, jun., to Alexander Syrnc, section SG. block IV, and section 00, block 11. Catlins district—Transfer to he approved when the necessary forms have been produced.

A memorandum was received from the Under-sceretary for Lands advising tho withdrawal from sale by his Excellency tho Governor of section 47, block VII, and scction 5. block XI. Rock and Pillar d'istrict, tlio warden having reported adversely on tlio proposal to open the said sections 011 lease in perpetuity, such report being subsequent to that received from tile warden ill February last, which was favourable to tho leasing of the land in question, and upon which the board based its recommendation.—lt was resolved that, in view of the position now taken by the Warden, the 'land be offered under pastoral license at an upset rental of £G 103 per annum; term, 14s; valuation for improvements. £20 Is Cd.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13449, 24 November 1905, Page 9

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OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13449, 24 November 1905, Page 9

OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13449, 24 November 1905, Page 9