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PROPERTIES FOR SALE.AND TO LET. j},: ;M. \. >F;;E A & .-. C 0., AUCTIONEERS,-LAND, ESTATE,; 1 AND. COMMISSION AGENTS, VALUATORS, Etc, .'■-. ' ;■'.'■ 28 KA«DTRAT STREET, :DUNEDIN.) ' " - Five-roomed RESIDENCJSjV Helena, street, South Duneiin; nice situation; -widest street m tho borough (running from Cargill road to the Macandrew Road School); £370. Four-roomed RESIDKNOK, Kaikorai; new and up-to-date.; high-pressure; hot and cold; plunge and shower'-bath; built-in wardrobes, chiffonier, etc.; bow window, verandah, onthouscs, etc.;.Rinost-compact little property; £4GO. Six-roomed RESIDENCE, .Ncwihgton, Roslyu; new.and up fc> date; large section; highpressure boiler; hot and cold-water"; plunge and shower bafh; all modern conveni. ences; £625. ■ '••.'•■ ■'■ Eighl-Toomed RESIDENCE, Moniington, -with qiiarter-acre section j large hall, bay window, portico; lift ceilings; £600. Five-roomed RESIDENCE, Arthur street, ilornington; good-sized £ection; £330; can he pm-chased on a very easy, rental system. ' rive-roomed RESIDISKUiS, Buchanan street, Mornington; section 120 x 150 links; £130. BUILDING SlTES—Koslyn, Belleknowcs, .North-East Valley, Mornington, and other . Suburbs. . ' ■ . " NORTH DUNEDIN. ROADS are now in course ol formation in this Desirable Subdivision in the vicinity of both Botanical Gardens, close to George street bridge electric trsm stopping place; sunny position. Intending, buyers should lose no time in choosing their atw. Terms to suit. Telephone 1469. & CO. ' Telephone 1469. (Eattblishod 1883),' . ' 10 DOWLING STEEET, DUNEDIN. HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, SHAREBROKERS ■ AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. HOUSE, LAND, and ESTATE.BUSINESS now under the Supervision ana Management of Mr LEONAED HAGGITT. . Clients and Patrons will find Mr Haggitt Up-to-dats in all matters connected with thp Eusiness. £675 (City, King "street!— Six-roomed HOUSE; bathroom, washhouse, otc; ground 44 x 1(15; splendid section; ideal'property, End cheap. CITY (Russell street; £«5).-Two HOUSES; 5 and-3 rooms; washhouse, etc.; J-acre; houses well let; good investment and cheap. CITY (George etreoi).—£l3o purchases Shelves, Fittings, «lc, of draper's shop; great bargain. " CITY (Opposite TJmvorsity).-Splcndia Investment PROPERTY, showing 11 per cent, clear profit j Brick Houses. Full particulars on application to us. ANDERSON'S BAY (Tainui road).-Six-roomed HOUSE (New); bathroom (h. and c. water), washhouso (tubs and copper), etc.; full 1-acrc; comfortable home; terms arranged to suit genuine buyer. ■ • ST. KILDA (£190).-Nice J-acre SECTION; freehold; close to tram, good locality. ST. KILDA (£520).-Up-to-date HOUSE of 5 rooms; new; bathroom (h. and c. water); modern conveniences; good section; nice neighbourhood. NORTH-EAST VALLEY (f400).-Hve-roomed HOUSE (New); bathroom, pantry, washhouse (tubs and copper), fowl run and houses; four sections (J-acro in all). Ideal properly, and worthy of inspection. FOE SALE, GAS CHIMNEYS of every description, from 3s a dozen. Also a number of COLOURED GLOBES at very reasonable prices. Call and inspect for yourself without delay. - TO LET. CITY (Central Position).—Nine-roomed HOUSE; bathroom (h. and c. water); every possible convenience ;'charming view; sunny spot; near Girls' High School. We have £10,000 for IMMEDIATE LOAN on Good FREEHOLD SECURITY at Lowest Current Rate of Interest. JOHN REID k SONS, CORNER BOND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS, ESTATE AGENTB VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS, SHAREBROKESS, SURVEYORS. Leases, Mortgages, and Transfers Prepared. PROPERTIES I'OR SALE: KURI BUSH.-Ten Acres FREEHOLD, with 8-roomed HOUSE; must be sold. Price, £160; a great opportunity RATANUI.-Bi-ACRE FARM, 2J raita irom factory, 4 miles from railway; school .'.cross tho road; 60 ceres in grass, balance bush; good house of 6 rooms, scullery, and dairy; nil well finished; stable, byre, pigsty, etc.; occupation with right of purchnse'; annual rent, £2 15s Ed; capital value, us im acre. Price for all improvements, only £210, and at this price it is a gift. Call or send for particulars, 'I FARM.—We have a very nice Farm of 00 ACJIES For Sale; handy to creamery, church, school, and post office, and within hours' driy-s of Duncdiu. Good buildings. Land in good heart, well fenced and divided. Full particulars on application. PURAKANUI.-Ten-romncd HOUSE and about 47 acres Land, alongside Railway Station. Will sell H'ouso ami Three Acres or the Land ■in -Paddocks of 20 and 21 Acres. Very cheap lot. Send lor particulars, FIFTY ACRES LAND, nearly all cleared; stable and "-roomed hut; five miles from Water of Leith Bridge. This MUST HE SOLD during tho next week or two, so inquire at once. TORT CHALMEES.-A Beautiful BUILDING SITE, just oft Georjo street; slightly elevated section, with magnificent view. An early sale is necessary, so this desirable freehold will go cheap. Full particulars on application. FARM.—Wo have for Sale a real good little Farm of about 40 acres on Main road, 17 niiles from Dunedin; in four pjddocbs; all in grass; good garden; buildings comprise 3-roomcd House, barn, byre, piggery, etc.; about half a mils from Tost Office, three-quarters of a milo from Church and School, and tlires miles from Creamery; a rare chiiuce; £100 deposit, balance on mortgage. WAITAKI BRIDGE.-SIi'JTION 14 and IS, Biccl; VIII, Township of Waitaki Bridge; OJ acr3s; all Hat land; water by sinking 32ft. For prompt : sale. T CITY.—Four Rooms and scullery, No. 651 Russell street; 13s week. Eight Rooms T O and all conveniences, in Leith street; £80 pra-snuum. EGLINTON—Nine Rooms, O new house; thoroughly up to date; most charming view and elite locality; £75 a L year. ICAIKORAI (Near Tram Terminus)— Four Rooms and scullery, glasshouse, L E etc.; J-acre. OCEAN BEACH—Modem House of fivo largo rooms; washhouse; hot E T water, etc., etc.; a nice place: 18s Gil week. Gl HIGH STREET—Residence of eight T rooms, lately occupied by Dr Smith; rent £120 a year; in'perfect order. ROSLYN —Six Rooms, in Bruce street; 16s week. HORNINGTON—Six Rooms, in "James T place; newly done up; only 13s week. Also, Seven Rooms, in Elgin roact; largo sec- m O tian; £50 year. St, CLAIR—Two lovely 7-roomed Houses and one of Eight Rooms; O all modern conveniences; rente £12, £52 and £52 a year. ABBOTSFOKD—SixL roomed Cottage, only Cs Cd week. SOUTH DUNEDIN (Near Brunswick street)- L E Fivo Rooms; washhouse, stable, buggy shed, bathroom, fixed tubs, etc.; Ms week, E' T GEORGE STREET—Nice Shop and six living rooms, near Hanover street; 30s T week. OFFICES in Bank of Australasia Buildings, and elsewhere. Two Large ROOMS in Criterion Buildings,-Moray place; 235. week. Near FREDERICK STU-KBT.—Six Roams; bathroom, washbeuso (with copper and tubs); 18s Cd week. • SOLUTION OF RENT PROBLEM.-CALL on JOHN REID & SONS N aud BUY a HOUSE. Small Deposit accepted, and balance can be paid off as rent, N. PATBiBBON, Stmvs?oß»nd "$ • Civil Enoi- «£ NBSRQ P A V r, , 1> S. PATEItSON, O • X A i £ * EIMHCS AOEMf STAGED CHAMBERS, # fJ^J 73 Pamela Swusn, Q +A . LAW AND FINANOB AGSSflji, HCSHSED SHRV.BYORS, X ARE OFFERING FOB IMMEDIATE SALE THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES — CASTUS STREET.-Very Fair VILLA RKSiDBNCE of 0 good rooms, with all up-to-date modern conveniences; freehold section; good valuo; £700. ROSLYN (Close Michie strost),-Artractive HOUSE of six lar»o rooms,' built on a concwto foundation; bathroom, gas fire 3in all tho rooms; bay window and verandah• well drained; }-acrc section; good garden; fine view; real bargain; for immediate sale;"' £725. ON RISE (Close ,Cnnongate).-E!cceptionally well-built RESIDENCE of seven roomsbathroom, scullery; hot and cold water tlmraghcmt; gts: electric- bells; cupboards and wardrobes built in; concrete foundations; bay window; fine view; for absolute sale; £875. BOARDING-HOUSE BUSINESS (City).-Freehold, Goodwill, and Furniture of a nin»roonicd Boarding-house, doing a good business;- exceptional onportunity for a pnshin" person. * " 3 HOSLYW (Adjoining Town Bell).—Four ver- choice BUILDIKG SITES- unsurpassed for view and sun;, bargains. HAWTHORN AVENUE (Mor'niugton).-About 10 BUILDING ALLOTMENTS- nearly i-aei-es; great chance; prices item £15 to £100 each. CUMBERLAND STREET (in Best Part).-Superior RESIDENCE of 8 rooms, with every' ««£?S , modom convenience; bay windows, etc.; freehold section; good value—£97s. MORNINGTON (Close Tram).-Several Fine BUILDING SITES; »n,all deposit CITI (North End,' On RiseJ.-Choicc'VlLLA, 5 rooms; bathroom, scullery, outhouses etc., 2 box windows; eighth-acre section; garden; oßer wanted. ' SOUTH END.-Good'HOUSE, 5 rooms; bay window and verandah; copper and tubs etc.; f;ood freehold section; term?,- £320. ROSLYN (Bisliopscourt).-FIVE ROOMS and J-acre, at JES3O. Also, SIX ROOMS at £635. And si Fine SECTION for Sale at £130. • TO LET. KING STREET-Shop and good Five Rooms, Ms. ROSLYN (City ro»d)-Shop irad Fiia Rooms, with conveniences, 15s. MORNINGTON-Six Rooms, all conveniences; one JM»f !and. MORNINGTON-Fivo Rooms (bath, scullery, otc), 12s Cd. BELLEKbOwES (close tram)-Very Superior House, G largo rooms, every possible conveni- ™«- bwutiful situation. CITY-Four Rooms; bath, scullery, copper, and tubs;

SIEVWRIGH-T BROS. & GENER.VL AUCTIOKEERS AND FARM AGENTS, U HIGH STREET, DUNEDIN. WANT to SELL your FARM ssncl us particulars.' Wa can offer: TjUIRFAX (Southland).-A Very Fine PROPERTY, containi< ARMS. A ing 535 acres (70 acres rich flat and balance rolling downs); FARMS. mostly in young grass. The whole in splendid heart. ' AdjoinFARMS. ing the Railway. DWELLING of 8 rooms; beautifully situa--I'AftMS. tcu ana surrounded by orchard and native bush. Barn, byre, FARMS, stable, Eheds, huts, piggeries,.sheep yards and dip. The Bu'ildFARMS. ings are In iirsl-diss order. The Land grows very heavy crops \FARMS. of oats, wheat, turnips, etc., and portion will grow linseed. FAHIiS. At present carrying 500 breeßing Ewes and SO head of Cattle. FaIIMS. An undoubted bargain at £5 7s 6d per acre. -b A Kilo. . * FARMS. ' T IMJ2HJLLS (Scuthland).-Another Magnificent PROFARMS. JU PEBTY of 600 acres, with Dwelling (8 rooms) stable, barn, FARMS, etc.; best property in Southland :it the money.' Price, £10 FARMS. 15» per.acre; or subdivide into two farms of 230 and 371 acres FARMS.- respectively. FARMS. ■ . ■ FARMS. <r.A ACRES of ths absolutely Finest DAIRYING LAND FABMS. lit within miles of Dunedin, togetlier with a, modern Villa. FARMS; KESIDENCE of night rooms; bath (hot and cola water); FARMS. byre (large), with hay loft and conciete floor and foundations; FARMS. stables, cartshed; concrete cooling wells for milk cans. The FARMS. above buildings have only been erected within the last 12 FAIIMS. months. Two large conservatories, fully stocked. Mill; run FAIIMS. with a turnover 0f. £ 50 per month. Situation within Iwo FARMS. miles of an electric tram terminus. FARMS. FARM'S. FARM of 222 acres; well FARMS. ii fenced and subdivi3cd; 6-rooraed Dwelling, and all necesFARJCS. buildings; a great bargain at £6 per acre. FARMS. ■ FAKMS. /\AMAKU DISTRICT (1J miles from Kgapara).-3« ACRES, FARMS. \s subdivided into six paddocks; 100 acres rich flit; 6-room»d FARMS. Dwelling; byre, stable, and nil necessary farm buildFAKJIS. ings; one mile from dairy factory;; railway siding adjoins. A i'AKMS.- magnificent property at a reasonable price—viz., £14 10s per FAIIMS. acre; fSOO to iIOOO in cash, and the balance on easy terms FARMS. at '5 per cent.' interest. FARMS. '■.■■■•. FARMS. TTf AJMATGKU FLAT (Southland).-A very fine FARM of A'AKALS. u. -481 acres, situated close to school, factory, and railway; FARMS. 9-rdoms4-Dwelling; byre (concrete -floor), 7-stalled '.stable, FAHMS. workshop, dairy, etc., implement sheds, and all necessary FAItMS. farm buildings. This Property is one that can be highly FARMS. recommended. Tne Waimatuku Flat is laiown throughout FARMS. Southland to be most fertile. Price, £14 per acre. FARMS. '.;-•- '•-■'•■ FARMS. r\OTHAIi£—^THREB-QUARTER-ACRE ana good 5-Toomed FARMS. \J Dwelling.' Offered for imir.ediate sale at £200. WANTED, THEATRICAL MANAGERS fTUIiS First Utility of frequent and regular and Others to know that the Otago JL advertising consists in,this: There is at Daily Times undertakes the-POSTING of all times* laTge class of persons, botli in counWOODCOTS (any size),.STREAMERS, POS-. try and town, who.haye no fixed place? for TEES.'and every description :of. Printing in the purchase of certain necessary articles,' »nd the inoit prominent positipos in tke CH7 on are ready to be bayed and drawn toward!, say the shortest notice. ,7-;. ' r . .'• *.'•- ■ particular place which is earnestly brought SilDl) ing any. person-Taking Stockofi Hoxburgh; Berkley, ' />TAGO WITNESS.-New Stories, a- i»rg, S. 'Wwd, aan»ger. ■ ■ -./■. - :-..• 2! KJ Amount of Reidm- Jlatfer. Pric» 6d.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13374, 29 August 1905, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13374, 29 August 1905, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13374, 29 August 1905, Page 8