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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. gOMB PRESS OPINIONS OP THEORIFFEL LEAD SLUICING COMPANY (LTD.). Lake County Press, 18th Hay-, 1905:—"As-tho Company hisisecured all the Claims and. Water, Rights the public have liowian opportunity o! investing "their capital in a property which.has leen proved to be- exceedingly• ■■ ■■ "'. - Alexandra Herald, 17th May, 1905:—"Tho Criffel Lead ia known far and wide tor ils auriferous deposits, and it should prove one of the best mining investments ever offered to the public. As the Company has some splendid Water Rights its success -is practically assured.'' _ ' Cromwell' Argus, 15th May. 1905:—"Having secured splendid Water Bights and with capital to develop the property, the Company should have a. good thin»." Lake Wakatipu Mail, 19th May, 1905.—"1t is without doubt the. jest mining investment ever offered to the public, and investors may rest assured that the % Company has » bright future before it." ■ . Dated tho 10th day of June, 1905, ' , Piled Willi the Registrar of Joint Stock-Companies on the 12th day ot June, 1503. PROSPECTUS : Of . THE CRIFFEL LEAD SLUICING CO. (LIMITED). (To be Incorporated under "The Companies Act, 1903.") CAPITAL „ .. jgoo^ In 9000 SHARES of £1 BACH DIVIDED AS FOLLOWS: 1500 Shares oi £1 each fully paid up to bo allotted to the Vendor. 5500-Contributing Shares of £1 each offered to the public (to provide a working capital as well as % fund to carry out the necessary works, and the purchase of the Claims and Water Rights set out in the Prospectus), on the following terms—namely:—2s per Share on Application, 2s per Share on Allotment, and tho balance in Calls ot 2s per Share at intervals of not less than one mouth. 2000 Shares of £1 each to be held ill reserve. / nooo The Vendor is Frank Percy Hntton, of Dunedin, Agent. The price to be paid the Vendor is £2-100—viz,, 1500 Shares and £900 ilf cash, The entire cash payjnent. in addition to a very large proportion. of paid-up Shares, is payable hv the Vendor to tho present owners of the claim and water races for actual value received in the shape of water rights, claims, etc. The minimum subscription on which the? Directors mav proceed to allotment is 4000 shares. Directors:' ' The Subscribers to the Memorandum of Association shall net as Directors until the First General or Statutory .Meeting of Shareholders, when permanent Directors will lie appointed. Solicitors: \ Messrs ADAMS BROS., Exchange Court, Princes street, Dmtdin. Bankers:: j THE BANK OP AUSTRALASIA, Diliiediii. Broker: EDWARD- TRYTHAJjL, 1 Boild street, Dunedin. Ihe Company is being formed to acquire'all the rights and titles of the Vendor to his claims, milling privileges, water races, water rights, and other belongings thereto situated at Criffel, Cardrona, with a view to amalgamate them, and with the water, 26 heads (embracing the whole of the rights in the neighbourhood available for working the Criffel l-'ace Lead), to work the deposit on a far more extensive scale than it has ever been worked before, by open-face sluicing, the cheapest, most effective, and easiest way of all known means of working alluvial ground on a large scale. _ properties held by the Venaor comprise some 44 acres (more or less), in five claims, with the rights to 20 Government heads ot water, together with the thre& races belonging thereto. These races extend about 14 miles; the longest- being , about six miles. It -is intended, however, to use only one of the races, about three and a-lialf miles in length, which can easily be enlarged to carry the whole ofthe water necessary. The.Criffel Pace lead or deposit is somewhat similar to the New Chum lead at E.IOII- - inasnmoli sis it is of tho same formation, high up on the side of tho lu'll, and is easily liaced for many miles. Many millions of money were got out o£ the New Chum Lead. Gold Returns.—Magnificent returns ot gold have been got from the small claims working the Criffel lead with tiny supplies of water. Messrs Robertson Brothers (2) struck it. on the flat, and got £12,000 in a little over a year's working. Torrie Brothers took out ntai the snmo amount, as did also Jones's party. The New Zealand Government Mining Report, for 1893 gives it as £40,000. When it is considered that in the working of the ground, without bottoming, nino pennyweights of gold per cubic vard were actually won by Culliu Brothers, tho future possibilities of working the ground as suggested are beyond even the most sceptical; suffice it to say thai Mr Miller in his report states tint's share 111 this proposed Company is, in his opinion, equal to at least 10 I-lartlev and Riley shares' before that company's dredgb struck their rich ground. He also states'that by tailing the lowest return of gold actually got—namely, 19 grains per cubic vard—and deducting seven grains from that-, leaving only 12 grains per yard, you Lave at loast 15,0000z of gold per annum of 40 weeks only. (It may, and probably will, exceed that fourfold.) Seeing that two grains per cubic yard pays handsomely in open-face sluicing, the return liere shown means large dividends to the shareholders. The late Hon. A. J. Cadmaii,'. Minister of Mines, in his Mines Statement to the House of Representatives in 1894, said in reference to this lead: "Very rich ground was found in Cardrona Plat in the early days, and it was traced into deep ground, where there was a. considerable quantity of water to contend with, and here the lead was lost. No one has been able to find it since, but many of the old residents are still in hopes of picking it up again. Last year some new ground was opened in the face of the range at Criffel on a line o£ quartz drift, which is likely to prove a rich discovery. Tile same run of ground extends along Criffel Face to the foot ot Mount Barker." Again, in 1595, he said " tho most recent new discovery made is in the face of Criffel Range, where the gold is got in a verv old deposit, and in similar drift to the rich auriferous wash found 0- few years ago in Robertson Brothers' claim-on the flat." Mr A. M'&ay,- Government Geologist, in the°samoMining Statement for 1594, states: "A line-of deeply involved gold-bearing strata runs alon® tile uiiddlo part o£ Criffel Faeo from Mount Barker to opposite the Cardrona Township. °This line appears to be auriferous throughout, as it is lieiug workod at Mount Barker," and has been proved auriferous in the middle part, and again being worked ' opposite Cardrona Township. As yet too little work has been tlono to show that a great discovery has been made." & On (lie-discovery of the Criffel Lead on the hillside claims were pegged out and many water rights applied for, the several parlies working, it with the tiny streams of water at their command got a lot of gold, and but for an accident in getting their claim smothered by the hillside above them sliding down and covering their works (through the water from their dams percolating to the clay, and so starting the slide), the general public would never have had the chance of getting .this rich property brought before their notice, and it is only after lengthy and tedious efforts that at last this has been successfully negotiated. It is not surprising therefore to know the claimholders are taking up a coiisiderab!e°immber of the contributing shares (tho cash paid them mostly being returned to tho Company by this way). The noted Criffel lead ranks as one of the richest strikes of gold ever discovered and the public taking these shares will find it tho most lucrative investment ever offered to them, as substantial dividends are assured for very many years, With a small Company like the one suggested, having the control or all the available water to work this stupendous rich deposit, which extends for 12 miles, is over four chains wide and of considerable depth, fhero is no question of the permanence of tho Company,' as it can extend its area whenever it pleaes until tho whole 12 miles have been acquired and sluiced away. Moreover, the claims (with a well constructed county 'drav road runmn» close by) are so situated that nothing can interfere with the workings for nine months out of the 12. Frost only for about three months during the winter, if severe, may -stop the v.-orks [or tiiat period. No machinery or other appliances subject to breakdown or such wear and tear as to requiro frequent- replacement enter into the working of the claim There are no conflicting inte«ost9 to threaten complications or litigation of any land, the Cardrona Valley having been, declared open for the deposition oi tailings. The'head of the water supply (2000 ft) and the fall of the tailings (COOft) offers so wide a margin for ail reasonable requirements that no trouble of any kind can arise through tho inefficiency of either consequently the working expenses are reduced to the lowest minimum. 1 ' Extracts from reports on the claims, water rights, etc., with suggestions as to the working Ihe same with probable cost, etc., and which emphasise the richness of tho ground and llieir valueas an investment by P. Smith, E-q., M.A.1.M.E., and John A. Miller practical miner and late mining reporter to tho Otago Daily Times, form part of this Prospectus. The originals with plans can be seen at the "office of the Broker, Edward Trythall, No. 1 Bond street, Dunedin. A Contract dated the Sth day of June, 1905, Las been entered into between Mr F P Hutton, of Dunedin, Agent, and Charles Edwin Davey, of Dunedin, Solicitor, at Trustee for the Company, whereby tho suid Mr Hutton■ agrees to sell to tho Company the whole ot his interest in the said claims, water raw, and rights, as set out in the Memorandum of Association.

A Copy of the proposed Memorandum of Association of the Company with the names addresses, and descriptions of the siguatorieg thereto, and the number of shares subscribed for by them respectively are shown in an anneameiit of this Prospectus. The number of shares fixed by the Articles of Association. as the for Directors is 50, and they also provide that the remuneration of the Directors is to "iw by the Company in General Meeting. nsetl Hie Articles of Association authorise payment, of a- commission of p er cent for subscribing or agreeing to subscribe, or procuring or agreeing to procure subscriptions for . shares in the Compauv. The expense; of flotation to be home by ihe Company, including a commission of £5 per centum as brokerage to the Broker 011 all subscriptions for shares in tho Compauv which includes overridim commission. The amount of .preliminary expenses in excess of (hp said commission in estimated- not to exceed £100. Applications, for shares should be made on the accompanying form and sent to the Broker as soon as possible, together with the amount pavabl'e 011 application Where no allotment is made the application money will be returned;'and where the number of shared allotted is less than the number applied for tho surplus will be credited the rcsnectivn parties m reduction of the amount pava-blo by thera on allotment. No application will be entertained or acted upon unless the amount, payable on annii. cation has been paid. * . The proposed Memorandum and Articles of Association, Contracts, and other m»r t be seen at Hie office of the Broker, Edward Trythall,-No. 1 Bond street, JOunedfJ business hours. , ' 'a Schedule op I'roperties Transferable to the Company ox llf.gistkvhov A, R. P. D. O'Learv and party .. .. 26 0 101 1n to i W. Anderson and parly 10 0 0 110l 10 He I ?^,^ aler - and -4th Cullin Brothers 3 0 0/. •. .. 'Water race. ,T. E. Scurr and P. Dooley .. .'. 2 0 0 2 Heads Water, Srd Right .. Water rice Chas. Fleming and Edmund Court- 0 "aier race. ,le y •• ■•••'• 200 11 Heads Water, 2nd right .. Water rate Thos. Clyde and 11. M. Young .. .. 3 Heads Water, Ist Ki£lit .. Water race! <13 0 10 2G Heads of Water. . A large number of shares having already been applied for in. this*best of all Minin» Companies it is important that investors in order to Secure their interests should «end in their applications without, delay as the share list will close immediately the'small number of shares remaining -are applied for. Prospectuses and application forms can be obtained from the Broker Edward Trvtha 11 1 Bond street, Dunedin. > . ««,

Luminous paint, champion bath; ENAMEL, Scheelite Red and Oxide and Minium ROOF PAINT. j 12jn SMITH & SMITH (LTD,). WAGHORN'S GREAT BANKRUPT SALE. Last Week. GREAT Slaughtering to already Slaughtered Prices. Everything ' Further 'Seduced for Last "Week of Sale. OKLY—White Lead, 24s WAGHORN'S ONLY—Genuine Linseed Oil, 2s Gd gallon. > * OXLY-Erusbware HalfW AG HORN'S ONLY—Paperbangings less than Half-price.. W A(tHORN'S ONLY—Picture Mouldings for carrying away. 31mv CLOGS! CLOGS I CLOGS!—WooI-lined, Gs.Gd;' Long or Short Leggings.—Simon Brothers,. George street. 3jti SF. ABURN, Importer of Wall Papers, • Sign' Writer, Painter, Glazier, Paperltanger, etc.—ls7 Princes street. , OTAGO BIBLE WAREHOUSE; lioyai Arcade, Dunedin.—-The' Windsor Fountain Peii, with 14-carat gold nib, 7s 6d; very good. BOXED Stationery (Plain and Fancy), Note Paper and Envelopes (suit everybody), Writing Pads, Letfccrettes, .. .. BIBLES, Hymn Books, Texts,, and Birthday Book's and Cards, Sunday School Cards and'.Tickefe.-GEO. DERBYSHIRE. jtßTANTED—Persons,Furnishing sea BufLTt . ialo Suites,- '.Sideboards, Toilets, Duchesses; beat, value city,—Brunjjcll's, .191 .George street. - " jnju,

: T '.U STR US S ' : P A-1 NTS. 1 J -' Mixed Ready for Use. - ■ The Best in the World. Wjn SMITH & SMITH (LTD.). SiiICOND-HAND PIANOS- at Reduced Prices; easy terms,—The London. ERASS Instruments (Wosey and Co.) at Reduced Prices; Violin, Bow; and Case, 25s 30s, 50s, to £12 lOs.-The London. in Case, complete, 455, 555, 05s; V Plated, from 90s.— I THIS LONDON 2" ' Ge( "° e street - ' . ~l3my MISS ABURN. — Most Reliable Dressmaker, Tailor-made Costumes;'charges moderate.—34 St. Andrew'street. 210 -eBION BROTHERS, George street.Kj i-ry our Famous " Beehive Boots." One i w three years' wear. 3 j u "OEMOVED to lls George street Special ' v IC uT . lor , New Blouses . Millinery; : Styles in Coats, Caricnles, Skirts, Furs TJNDERCLOTHING, Corsets, Umbrellas H °ai'«y. Belts, Laces, Flowers, t eathera.-11. E. Beveridge, 118 George street. •pAPERHANGING, House .Painting, DeA corating, Sign Writine, Graining, Kalsomining; workmanship guaranteed.—David Robertson, C 8 Stuart, street. Telephone 1703. TWINKLE, Twinkle Little Star! . Fivepointed Stars 6ver change iii colour. See the Red, Blue, and Gold; EED Star Tea is Is id the lb, Blue Star is Cd, Gold Stat Is 10d. Try them. rE Best Eighteen-pemiy Tea procurable is undoubtedly BLUE STAR. Ask for Blue Star Ten. 1 INSIST upon having none other than BLUE! STAR TEA; best .value possible; all S'ocers!. ' *,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13307, 12 June 1905, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13307, 12 June 1905, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13307, 12 June 1905, Page 6