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''incidents," may be to secure a greater uniformity of practice on the part of the principal Powers in regard to points that are not at .present the subject of any rules of general application.

A telegram lias been received by Mr J. I*. Noblo Anderson, the Drainago Board's engineer, from tho secretary to' tho Marine Department, intimating that tile Government lias approved of tho proposed outlot for tlio sewago at Anderson's Reef, as shown on tho plans submitted by Mr Anderson, and tlmt tho Ordor-in-Couneil is being prepared for the Governor's signature.

Tho Stratford correspondent of the Taranaki Herald says:—"An extraordinary rumour is . current in tho town that tils resignations of two exalted poivonages in tho Ministry arq in his Excellency's hands— tho one on account of a sudden relapse in health, and tho other as a preliminary to accepting tho High Cominissionership."

Wo understand that at an early dato application will bo made on behalf of tlio official liquidator of the Colonial Bank of New Zealand (Limited) for an order dissolving tho bank. This will he tho closing fsceno of this somewhat celebrated liquidation.

Ail important matter was brought beforo Mr Justice Williams yesterday morning. Mr A. C. Hanlon applied to his Honor to make absolute a rule nisi granted for habeas corpus in respect of Elizabeth Johnston,.who was lately convicted at Duncdin of sly grogselling and fined £50 on each of two cliargcs. Mr Hanlon grounded his application on tho fact that the warrants wore informal, inasmuch as the provisions of section 100 of "Tho Justice of the Peace Act, 1862," having rcferoneo to cumulative sentences, had not been complied with. . Mr J. F. M. Fraser, Crown solicitor, appeared to show cause against the application. His Honor granted tho order, holding that- the statutory powers conferred on justices had not been complied with and that the warrants were bad. The point is only of interest because tho practice invariably has been in Duncdin lo follow the course adopted ill tlio present instance. Tlio net result is that Elizabeth Johnston, instead of serving' two months' imprisonment, serves ono month, and that .period having expired she has been set at I liberty.

A ease will bo hoard in the Lawrence court next month which is of some interest to Haxmill-ownois. The point at issue is whether or not flax may ho out on Crown land held under pastoral lease without a license. being issued by tlio Waste 'Lands Board. r

At yesterday's meeting of tlio Presbyterian Synod the Ilcv. I)r Nisbot moved ail important motion—namely. "That a committee be set up to report on the, feasibility of utilising the trust funds at present devoted to assisting congregations to build and repair churches and' mansss for tlio purpose of establishing Presbyterian girls' colleges, and that until lira report be dealt with' no fresh grants be made from the funds involved." Tho motion met with considerable opposition!" and had considerably changed its form when it at last ©merged from th« discussion it provoked. Tho reference to girls' colleges was omitted and tho motion made more general in its terms, and in the amended form, as printed in another column, was carried by. 28 votes to 19.

excitement was occasioned yesterday morning, when tho prisoners to be charged before tho City Police Court woro being conducted to the court buildings from tlio police cells, by a prisoner named Hart, charged with forgery, who suddenly mado a dash for liberty. Constable Marshall, the court orderly, who \Vas in charge of tho prisoners, hurried the other accused into tho cell at the court and gavo chase, succeeding in recapturing Hart after a smart run as far as Dutliio's stables in Cumberland street.

Tho ordinary meeting of tho Otago Benevolent Trustees, held yesterday afternoon, was s attcndad by Messrs I>. M. Clark (chairman), W. T. Talboys, R. Wilson, and A. E. Tapper. The >Secrctnry reported that two inmates of the institution—Mary Quinlan and John At'twoll, aged respectively 75 years—had died since last meeting, ,and that four inmates had left. The expenditure for March was reported to be £340 15s 3d, or an average of 6s 2Jd per ltead for 248 inmates. I'a.rcels of clothing wero acknowledged witlr thanks from Mr T. K. Sidey, M.11.R., fish from Messrs Hick and Farrell, and '60 loaves from tlio Naval Volunteers. Accounts amounting to £103 10s 2d wore passed for payment.

Our AVaikouaiti correspondent writes:— " A -couple of black swans Tiavo built a ndst in the upper portion of the lagoon, on which tho female bird has been sitting for about- a, week. This is rather unusual ( at this time of tho year, and is causing some interest here. The mitlo bird is very attentive, and gets very excited if anyone-goes near the nest." .

Tho Mataura Ensign says:—"A- publio m-eoting under tho auspices o! the Waikaka Railway League was held on Saturday night, to tako definite action in regard to tho proposals made by Mr W. Fraser, for forming a company to raise money for tho purpose of securing the immediate construction of tho Gore-Waikaka, railway. Ml D.' M'JTenzie presided, and there were 10 others present Mr l'Varer's schcmo was discussed at length and heartily approved. Messrs D. Lamb, J. lirosnan, and W; M'Giil were appointed to canvass the district foi sharesfor the purpose of floating a loan for the.New Zealand Government,'tho proceeds of which loan are to be applied solely to the construction of the railway from Gora to Waikaka, and in the ovent-of the saio' iompauy boing formed the persons signing the .canvassing lists agree to take up the number, of; shares set against their respective names.'lt was resolved that every 'shareholder be acquainted with tho fact that £10 would be the extent of his liability upon each share. ■ The meeting rccommcndcd that tho railway should - bo constructed under publio contract." "

An Assyrian named Dibbo was arrested yesterday oil a chargo .of having obtained 10s by means of a false-pretence. In. connection with tho Churches of-Christ. Conference being held We special Gospel services arc being conducted in the Tabernacle, Great King street. Sir W. D. Little, of Invereargill, who is' leading the services, is a preacher of considerable force and clearness. Ho leaves Duncdin to-morrow.

Messrs Park, Reynolds, and Co. will hold a salo of furniture, etc., at Belleknowes on Tuesday, May 2,-and they will hold a similar'sale at Port Chalmers on \Vedne3day, May 3. A. notice to ratepayers in tho "Waikouaili County appears ill our advertising columns. _ The inaugural address oJ ihe University Debasing Society's session will bo given by the Sev. Br Kisbet in t'ho chemistry lccturo room bis evening. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association rill hold a sale of'horses, etc., at their in Saturday next. Apjilicalions are invited for the position of 'eciurcr in economics, history, anil commercial jeography at the Auckland University. The South Canterbury Education Board invites applications for three vacancies 5 for teachers. -

Messrs Dalgety. and Co. will hold a sale of stcck and implements at Balclutha, to-morrow. On Monday, May 1, they will sell sheep and turnips at Palmerston. Messrs Donald Heid and Co. will sell the goodwill of the lease of a small grazing run, situated at the upper end of "Whito Sow Valley, al Waipiata on Saturday, May G. The National Mortgage and Agency Company will hold a sale of slioep at Clinton on Tnursday, May 4, and they will sell bullocks at the same place on Thursday, Hay 11. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company will hold a sale of bullocks at Bumside on Wednesday, May 3. Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co, will told a sale,of horses, etc.,'at their saleyards 011 Sp.tiirdny nest. j. lie National Mortgage and Agency Company (in conjunction with Messrs Stomach, Morris, ami Co.) will Fell at Invercargill on Saturday, 3lay IS, the "Waiarikiki Estate, situated near Matanrn. A iargc number of the public who are stiM interested in the Home Land will no doubt find much to attract .them in the Rev. A. J. Wade's lecture to-night, when he will tell some oxi:cric/ices of his travels in the Old Country. The Maori Girls' Sclicol, for which a collection will be made, also appeals to those v/lio havt: the the welfare of our Native 2 ace at heart. "What promises to bet an exceedingly interesting lni&Monary meeting wil! be held in the Chora! Uall this evening. The chair will be taken in* the Kev. Dr Watson, who 13 a missionary entlmm?t. The principal speaker will b? the Rr*. ,L W\ Burton, of the Hindustani Mission in Fiji, who will give an account of -lis work amongst .the Indians. Mr Burton liar, evented a most favourable impression **r.*rever he ins spoken. ..He leaves the beaten •'r.-k of missionary speakers, and holds the attention of his audience throughout, wii". lie prsist-cfl hv Nizam-un-Din, a Hindoo who ;vi!i both speak and stn<; •Inst opened. 75 dozen gouts' lined kid g oves in p!I sizes. Special price, 2s lid per rt Molifconß. (Ltd.).—Advi. \Ycc;\?' Great Peppermint Cure, for coughs and reikis, never fails. Is 6d.—Advt. It i-: ni'r.our?;! that the best-dressed ladies in Duncdin an those who buy their dresses and hat? from Dallas and Watt's, GO and 62 Gcorse jtvoel.—Advt. Pending the erection upon their old site of new and specially-planned dental rooms, the Messrs Myers now occupy temporary premises a few doors lower down in the Octagon.—Advt. Uhderwesr that wears, and where to get it at reasonable prico?.—Taylor's City Hatoncum, Rattray street—Advt. Laidlaw and Gray offer special reductions on shop-soiled crnet3, butter dishes, and other elcctro-plate. Sale closes April 30.—Advt. It's curious how some pcovde will persist in remaining bald-headed. Mrs M'lntosli's Ilair Penewer will produce a growth, wherein the hair roots are alive.—Advt. Lover* of the artistic are invited to inspect ft beautiful showing of new designs in silvermounted brushes, mirrors, etc., al Messrs G. md T. Y.mng's, 8S Princes street.—Advt. Specialty,—Ladies' hair dresseti for weddings, photos, etc.: also shampooing, massageing. maninure, etc.—Hendy's Hairdressing Rooms, 101 Princcs street.—Advt. Who is Peter Dick?— The most reliable Watchmaker and Jeweller, opposite Coitee Palace. Moray place, Dunediu. Charges strictly moderate,-Advt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13268, 27 April 1905, Page 6

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 13268, 27 April 1905, Page 6

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 13268, 27 April 1905, Page 6