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Y/ater has been selling in Foxton at a penny a bucket.' Harvest is now general in the Roxburgh district, and the crops'oro well up to the average.- • The Ashburton police made a second raid on the premises of a resident on Tuesday morning. but scoured no liquor. Brown-Ewing's Sale is now on. Wonderful reductions in high-class goods; everything dependable.... "While making a run in a cricket match at Daunevirke on Wednosday, Brabazoi:, a Noreewood man, fell and broke his collarbone, • . According to the Observor a meeting is to be held shortly 111 Carterton to invite Dr Findlay to contest the seat. "There are men sweeping tho streets of Ohristchuwh who are worth thousands of pounds." Mr S..P. And roup remarked at a meeting of ilio Heatheoto Valley. School on Tuesday-evening. If you were offered 21 shillings for a pound the chances are you would take it. Wo aro offering 30s worth of goods for that amount, and commend them for sterling value.—A. Clieyne and C 0.,. Summor Sale, Mosgiel and Lawrence.... A bull belonging to a Norsewood settler gored to death a mare belonging to another settler which was running in the same paddock. It was' starting on another horse wheh frightened off. Word was received in Timaru on Monday that Miss Bonnham, the famous Alpine climber, will attempt an ascent of Mount Cook tliis week. Miss Bonnham walked from Jtyrlie to the Hermitage, and speaks of the scenory en route as'very fino. A Masterton hotelkeepcr. who appeared as a witness at the Police Court- on Monday morning, stated that _ ho had turned an accused off his premises " 200 times, if once " during the past six months. He characterised the man as an habitual drunkard. • Several paddocks of oats near Ashburton have threshed out over 35 bushels to the acre. Threshing from the slbok is now in active progress in tho "Wakanui and' Seafifld districts. . Mr E. St. C.' llaydo;i, who left- Christclm'roh tyy the Manuka on."Wednesday to' join the Papanui in "Wellington for the Argentine,; is taking with him three purebred Berkshire pigs—two boars and a sow— from the herds of Mr Wills, of. Ashburton, and {he .Canterbury Agricultural College/.: Recently the Timaru Borough . Council collected ,i record amount for ono i day in rates—£666. During the pa«t three weeks the council has received £2(00 in rates, and the overdraft is row reduced to £4700.

i Sir A. L. D. Frascr, M.H.R. for' Napier, j lias 'beeri retained by tlio Xgiitiniuknvft ' t trib© in Iho investigation of tlio ownership ot the Maungatautare Block by a lioyul . Commission which sits at Cumbvidgo wirly in "April. . A well-made, porfeel-fittiiig suit at a reasonable price is what every'business innii; requires. Av'o are prepared to meet overy clothing requirement-for every man. A special purchase of Mosgiel tweeds enables ■.us to oiler a first-class suit, made to measure, cut •by our lirst-chiss cuttcr, for 50s—a marvel of value. Summer Hale.—Tlio Mutual Sto'iftS, Limited, Princes street, Duncoin... - With his victories at tlio recent CliristI church midsunuiier meeting Sir Ueorgo Clifford lias now won more than 150 races :on the Now Zealand turf. Last week was ; the hat- time lie had had a quartet of wins !in ono day. All the winning horses were . bred on his own property. Sir Georgo Clifford first attended a race mooting when he was 10 years of age. A private letter from England received by-a Cliristchurch resident states that Mr T. V. Hodgson, who was a member of tlio scientific stuff on tlio Discovery's Antarctio expedition, has accented an appointment \ in the Plymouth Teelujical School. Tlio Tuap'eka Times hears on very good authority that 'lie values of tlio sections on the Greenfield Estate run fiom 2s 6d to 6s. Discussing llieio with a gentleman who is well acquainted with every inch of Greenfield, and has _ hat) a lifetime experience, the Times is given to understand they aro very favourable to a successful settlement; of tho estate. The Hon. JoniM Carroll arrived at Gisborne on Saturday last, and is lo mako an extended stay in'the district. During hia stay in l.lie north lie will journey ovorlnncl to Opotiki, to be present at tho unveiling of a monument to the children of a- Nativo settlement who were drowned somo lime ago. ■ Plumbing, under the influence of science has licoomn "sanitary engineering." The Scrauton School course in this subjcct is thoroughly abreast of the times. Outline of eourso on application to Bray Bros., Agricultural Hull. Dunedin.... In an address at Rotonm tho Bishop of AVaiapu gave a brief resume of the history' of Christianity among tho Maoris. Ho cnl.led attention to tlio fact that last Christmas Day was the ninetieth anniversary ; of the first- Christian sermon to tile Maori. tlio Rev. Samjol Marsden having first preached to tho Maoris, on Christmas Day, WW. Two boys who were scorching on bicycles in Timarti on Tuesday evening came "into violent collision, with the result that one sustained a dislocated finger, while tho other had an arm lacerated. Both machines were wrecked. The collision was caused'by ono boy, who -was on his wrong side, cutting across the road suddenly, ' According lo the Oamani Mail the dairying industry is .progressing very satisfactorily in North Otago. In and around Hampden tlio farmers are milking about 1000 cows, and 1500 gallons of milk are treated at tho creamery daily, the return of cream being 150 gallons, Fourteen cans of cream are being sent away from Maheno daily, Some of tho settlers are said to lie receiving oheques for amounts varying up to £60 per month. Royal Enfield, New Hudson, Royal Speedwell Cycles, British made by first-class Eng- ' lish manufacturers.—\V. A. Scott, " Speedwoll Cycle Works, 155 George street.... "What is described by Kopu, a well-known Maori chief, as a shark nearly 20ft in length and 2ft in depth, attacked his horse while crossing Ohiwa on Sunday last. Kopu struck the brute .with an oar and he decamped in a hurry.—East Coast Guardian. An interesting triple wedding took placo at Christ Church, Nowhavcn, England, on Christmas Eve, the three brides being tlio second, third, and -fourth daughters of Mr and Mrs John Everest, of Now Barn Farm. The fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth daughters of Mr and Mrs Everest wero bridesmaids lo their elder sisters. Tho brides wero dressed precisely alike, and were given away by their oldest brother. Tho marriages were the first to take place in tho church, since tho liccnso for marriages was obtained. A reader gives the Southern Standard a, treatment of diphtheria which he claims to be an infallible euro. The euro is ordinary brewer's yeast, the child to ho given a ' teaspoontul every 10 minutes or as often as it can swallow it, the throat and chest to bo well rubbed with the yeast also. It is stated that in the Nelson district 23 out of 24- boys belonging to a- school in which diphtheria appeared were treated by the simple ycasfc cure, and all recovered. The twenty-fourth was treated in tho orthodox manner, and succumbed Dairy farmers who require aerators and tinsmith's work can have same carried out at A, and T. Burt's (Limited), Dunedin. Agents for Do Laval cream separators,' Wade's patent skylight.... Reports from Akaroa state that the unseasonable weather this season has destroyed almost tho whole of the fruit crop on tlio peninsula. There are no stone fruits worth' mentioning, and the pears aro almost nonexistent. There is a fair crop of walnuts, but outside these there has not been such a bad season for fruit for years. Somewhat similar accounts come from other-districts in Canterbury. Captain Bradsliaw. general manager of the Arafura Pastoral Company, Port Darwin. slated in the course of an interview that the company liad 3000 head of cattlo on its property, which some two years ago was tho homo of aborigines and buffaloes. He anticipates that the timo is'not far distant when it will be necessary to erect freezing and preserving works in order to utilise the surplus stock. • ."The boys of the present generation liavo a much better time than boys did in my day," remarked the Mayor of Gisbornc at tile council meeting when the question of a vote to assist Ihe technical classes was under consideration. " I served seven years at my trade, and at the end of that term, when" 21 years of age, I was only getting 9s 6d a week, and was then making furniture equal to anything I liavo ever made. Nowadays the Legislature provides for a boy to have a certain wage and a yearly increase in bis wages whether ho deserves it or not. As boys are well paid they ought to be able to contribute something towards tho instruction given at technical schools." T. Ross. Sale of new goods commences to-morrow; everything in the shop reduced, but specially we commend you to our blouses, costume's, skirts, corsets, sunshades, umbrellas, gloves, stockings, laces, ribbons, collars, veilings, handkerchiefs, and everything in our freshly imported stock; all goods marked down to, in many instances, less than half-price. Write for bill giving full information.—T. Ross, direct importer, 130 Princes street, Dunedin.... An episode in the early history of Wellington is revived by tho pulling down of an old building at tho rear of the Defence Stores', Buckle street, which- is being removed to provide a site for a residence fo>' the Chief Defence Storekeeper (Mr J. O'Sullivan). This old building was erected about 1844 or 1845, and the men engaged on it, who were working 10 hours a day,, struck for an eight-hours' day. Their demands were rcsistwl for some two or three weeks, bus eventually the authorities gavo way, and conceded their demands —the first mgtanco on rccord of the recognition of tho eight hours principle in Wellington. When the afternoon express on Saturday •was passing the Invercargill Cemetory a young lady named Miss Annie Shopherd, who was returning from a visit to Waimea, Plains, was seen to leave the carriage she had ken occupying, and, after standing'on the platform for a few moment?, fall off. A trolly was promptly despatched from Invercaigill to tho scene, and the young lady, who was still lyine at the p'.acc where she fell, was conveyed to tho Southland Hospital, where it' was discovered that, apart from the shock sustained, her injuries wero fortunately confined to a few minor bruises. Tho lady was seized with a fainting fit as a result of being overcome by tho heat. THE DEALER KXOWS ITS VALUE. | A merchant ajways aims to please his customers, and when lje finds that an article has genuine merit, he never hesitates to recommend it, Mr M. Links, a storekeeper at. Carcoar, N.S.W., says:-"I never fail to. recommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhcea Remedy, because I know it is good." You make no mistake when yoiu buy this medicine. Dealers all over tho country will tell you tho same thing. It has been in constant use for 35 years, and is 1 undoubtedly the safest and best medicine | on the market for pain in the stomach, diarrhoea, and dysentery. For sale by nil dealers.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13210, 17 February 1905, Page 8

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OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13210, 17 February 1905, Page 8

OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13210, 17 February 1905, Page 8