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Tho molitlily. meeting-of the Dunedin Hospital Trustees was'held yesterday; present—Messrs P. Miller (chairman), W. Wills, .1. Grcon, ,f. M. Brown, A. Tapper, M. Sinclair, S. ;S. Myers, and T. Mackenzie, M.H.R. . ■ '

le Tho House Committee reported that satis?r factory ar'rangomcnts Imd been made with ii- tho Seacliff Asylum for a supply of fresh ie and preserved eggs. The X ray apparatus it had been -received, the total cost, exclusive st of freight,' being. £116,13s Id. Several o ''.donations of fish had been received from !c Seacliff Asylum; aiid donations of magais zincs, etc., from Mrs Will (Clyde street) i- tint] Mr Ailcii.—the report was adopted. ii The Finance Committee reported that s. salaries and accounts amounting to £639 16s w 7d tdr January were recommended for pa.VO mont; that receipts for the month it amounted to £121 14s, gd, made up a*' o follows:—In-patients,. £106 16s 6d; donai3 tions, £5 Is; out-patients, £3 6s; voluntary contribution, £4 12s 6d, etc. The commity tee recommended that, application bo mode to the Hospital Board for the usual monthly contribution of £500.-Adoptcd. Messrs W. Fels and I. S. dc Beer, the executors of the will of the. late Mr Bendix Hallcnstein, wrote as follows;—"Wc beg to inform you that tho late Mr Bendix Hallcnstein has left to the trustees of the Dunedin Hospital the sum of £500, free of |f tetate duty, for which we shall have the Ij pleasure of sending, you a cheque after the J wdl'hos been nroved. We may slate that 0 the late Mr . Hallcnstein expressed a desire t j that- the legacy should be applied to a buildr mg fund to improve the accommodation for s hospital patients, and wo shall be glad to „ have your assurance that the testator's , wishes will be given effect to."—Mr Brown: ' I suppose the' amount will be' ear-marked 3. for that purposof-Tho Chairman:' Yes—it was resolved to receive the letter and . acknowledge the donation with thanks, the j ijnonoy. with its subsidy, to be set asido for B purpose named. ,j _ Mr Waller Ritldcll wrote stating that, on q behalf of Mrs Ruklell, himself, and the y lumber? of his family, be wished to express' ' their appreciation of the kindness, care, and attention of J)r ffotop, house surgeon, and J the nurses who attended Ins son Waller in j his last illness. Jt was pleasiilg to know , that the Hospital had a 6taff so efficient, as it had been their experience to meet.—The j Chairman said that Mr Riddell had also sent a donation of four ginVas to the Hospital.— The letter was received. 1 Dr Buck, assistant' house-surgeon, wrote asking to be relieved from duty for the last fortnight Of his year's service to enable him to take up-other work—After diaciission it was resolved that- t-he application bo agreed' to, provided suitable arrangements could ho mado for his leaving. The Registrar, Otaeo University, wrote to J tho effect that_ the University Council was : now in a position to appoint olinical tutors j mentioned in the report on the Medical L School' issued about tlireo years ago. The necessity for these appointments was fully ' explained at that time to the triistees at ii [ conference between "them and the council. 1 The council proposed to make these two ' appointments in tim 6 for tho ensuing winter . session beginning iii May, ~ahd. the.' writer ! concluded by detailinc; iho' duties of the ; tutorships, and. asked for information as to | what arrangements could lie mado with regard to hours of. instruction and use of 1 clinical material. In respect to the surgical tutorship, the bulk ot tho work would consist- _in giving instruction in bahdagin?, ; fippliration of splints, and other surgical appliances, and'would he in tho main carried out at the University, but .to some extent the wards of the Hospital would bo required. As to the me'-dical tiikifship, most of this work would bo carried out at- the HospitaJ, but- to a large extent in tjift testing rooms and clinical laboratory, while other tilings could only bo taneht from tho living subject in Iho wards, The funds out of which the University had lieen enabled to provide salaries for the proposed teachers ; had,been specially provided by tho Goverii- ! mcnt.—The Ohairmnn stated that as it was ■ now a considerable time since these tutorships bad come before the trustees the i conditions -had been somewhat lost sight of. The host thing the trtistefs could do would be to refer the matter to their own medical staff for report-, and to give 110 indication yet that the trustees were prepared to adopt or support tho suggestions of tho lcttoh— This was agreed to. . Tho following committees were elected:— House Committee—Messrs Miller, Green, Brown, and Wills; Finance Committee— Messrs Miller, Myers, Thomson, and Sinclair; Visiting Committee—all the members of tho board. ,

Blood Turning to Water. Mrs Rcyer tie Moel, of Peabody street, Bellnore, praises Dr Morse's Indian Boot Pills. Her recovery, after doctors had failed, was almost a miracle.

Mrs de MocVs letter is as follows: — "For, some, years I. Jiavd suffered with bad health,.anil during the last 12 months my strength seemed to fail me altogether. At times I became dizzy ami lost the use of my legs; and liaye befen almost wholly cW ' lined to iuy home. I dared not go far from home for fear of not. being able to get back. In December last my skin became blotchy, and pimples appeared all over my body-." I weiit to the Pri'nce Alfred Hospi- i tal, and the doctor gave mo some medicine, | which, however, did not do me any good. < I made about 12 visits to the hospital, ex- i tending-over a period of two months; but 1 1 did not seem to get better, arid I was in : despair. The doctor said my blood was out ' of order, and was like water, causing my ' flesh to.become.puffed and swollen. Early ' iii March, a neighbour advised ine to* try i Dr Morse's Indian Boot Pills, which was a t splendid medicine for purifying and enrich- ! irig-the bloodj mid rm the following day my ' husband purchased a bottle. After.a couple ( of days my appetite improved, so I decided ' to Miwyere'witli'lhe pills, and took them J as directed; lii the course of three wfceks ] I found a Avoiidtrful: intpioVenieiib in my j health. I seemed to gain strength daily, t The - pimples had disappeared, a'iid as'l I gained strength the dizziness which'l used v to experience entirely left me. To-day J. J feel a new woman, and am enjoviiig the best of health. I still take yoiir'Pifis on ' alternate days, and "recommend them to c everyone. The neighboui-s can all testify n to my condition three.months ago, and are c surprised at. the wonderful curative'pro- i perties of .Dr Morse's Indian -Boot Pills. c ' : l'ou are at, liberty "to use this letter in any * wajr you may decide so. that those who aro f ( suffering as I; did may take heart and know e that your Pills will-do them good.—Katk h de Moel;" Thesc .are wofds thiit should ti carry >;elgbt' with all'women suffering as c Mrs do' Moel did. Anyone doubting the 0 correctness, of- this statement can write her v at her; address, Peabody street, Belmore, '! near Sydney,rand she will .furnisli them ij With any .'.information tliev lrihy want in p refcrenco' tO' ljeiv fiatveliotts rfcoVefy. after doctors lidd failed to do her the'slightest " goad. Dr Morse's. Indian Root Pills make weak women strong and sick women well, pi -they get, at: iha cause as no other..remedy c ' does,, healing '.inflammation, urviiig debilitating drains, cleanenlg -the stomach, drivin® tc all impurities out of the r .blood, and assist w ihg in tlie assimilation and digestion of food ?i, by ..'keeping -the. Liver and Kidneys in i a propel m oi Ling ordci. ff:

at _ Consideration of applications for the posi* ol tions of senior ahd junior house-surgeons Id was deferred to. A special meeting to bo held . on Monday afternoon.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13209, 16 February 1905, Page 2

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HOSPITAL TRUSTEES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13209, 16 February 1905, Page 2

HOSPITAL TRUSTEES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13209, 16 February 1905, Page 2