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PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. J 0 H N ft E l D & SON S, '• CORNER BOND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS. ' • , ESTATE AGENTS, . : VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS,' SHAREBROKERS; SURVEYORS, Leases, Mortgages, and Transfers Prepaid. HAVE'FOR SALE AS UNDER:— 3-41. THIRTEEN ROOMS, George street 3-32 G. TO WIND ,UP AN ESTATE.—SpIen- urt'oiit""' 1 ful! ACRE beautifully did little .FARM of 26 acres, with useful Buildings; will be sold cheap; situate 3-_49. —UP- TO - DATE North-Ea3t Valley; .a rare chance, ,and , HOUSE of 8 rooms; J-acre of laud. only a few minutes' walk from electric 3-232. OAMARU.—2 New HOUSES, 6 and 7 cars. Also, • a comfortable 4-roomed rooms, in Hull street; every convenience; HOUSE, with J-acre land, in the Valley; }-acre each; magnificent view. Six-roomed for absolute sale; 1 RESIDENCE, in Wharf street: J-acre.' 3-334. NORTH END \o minutes from Gardens). 3-94. LOYELL'S FLAT.—Splendid FARM —New HOUSE of G.rooms, scullery, bath- .of 230 acres, in four paddocks, with 4room, •washhouse'", etc.; h. and c. water;. roomed House, stable, barn, and shed; very cheap. Exceptionally easy terms. low price; well worth inspection. . 3-172.' About 150 .ACRES within 11 miles of Duncdin, good House, stable, barn, T «,„ dairy, byre, etc.; .convenient to railway, school, mid dairy Cards i,o view from us, Furnished (Leith street), Six ROOMS; all 3-327. RAVENSBOURNE.-Lovcly HOUSE conveniences; garden, etc.; use of linen, of 7 looms; bathroom, etc., etc.; wator ( T ° let tor th -' ee months; to good tenant, laid on; grand view; large orchard; ' 25s'week. grounds beautifully laid out and planted; SIX ROOMS, City road, Roslyn; all conveni--1 acre; a nice residence for a business ences; rent, 16s. man. iVery'cheap; ■ Six ROOMS, City, on hill; every.convenience. 3-240. GoocH Country BUSINESS (bookseller, ST. CLAIR.-Two HOUSES, 8 and G rooms; stationer, etc., combined) in go-ahead rcnt i 20s aud 153 Mcountry town, Full particulars from us. HIGH STREET.—Eight-roomed HOUSE; 3-320. MUSSELBURGH:-A very nice 4-. Buit ~¥ leaical ev «y convenience roomed COTTAGE, with scullery and possible. washhouse (fixed copper and tubs), fowl CITY.—Six-roomed HOUSE; wnshlionse (fixed run, etc.'; large section; £375. ' copper and tubs), scullery, bathroom, etc.; •3-287. OAMARU.-For Sale, Charming RESI- 178 weel! ' DENCE of 0 rooms/ stable, buggy house MAITLAND STREET.—Furnished 11 Rooms, ■chaff and harness room, cow byre, etc.•' ' kitchen, bath, pantries; li. and c, water; orchard; .9 acre's land; 1J miles from Post telephone; garden, etc. , Office; a bargain. Furnished HOUSE, in Lees street, of 7 rooms, 3-23 D. KEW.—FIVE ROOMS.and all conveni- from end of January for about 12 ences; J-acrc; delightful vie<v; must sell. months. 3-270. GLENOAuiRU DISTRICT.—247 acres MORNINGTON.-G ROOMS, in James place, heavily timbered; about 30 acres cleared' cllea P rcnt > ,le!lr tram terminus. burned, and sown to grass; 2-rooincd w.b! FARM to LEASE, at Riversdale, 314 acres; Cottage, and also shed 10 x 8. £30.' 3-28 G. CLINTON.—46 Acres Splendid LAND, FACTORY.—Four Rooms, suitable for fncwell fenced; £175; also good sledge hut, £8. Tory; will be altered to suit tenant. 3-301. SUNNYDALE.—A Number of Splendid DUNEDIN.—Several Central OFFICES. SECTIONS for immediate Sale. OTOKIA.-STORE and DWELLING. S ' 0 O- T T *" G~IX • (Established 1888), <o DOWMNG STREET, DUNEDIN. HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, SHAREIiIiOEEES AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, IIOUSb, kAND, BUSINESS now under the Supervision and Management of Mr LEONARD HAGGITI Clients and Patrons will find Mr Ilaggitt Up-to-dato m all matters connected with the Business. CIIY (Nortli End).—Six-roomed HOUSE; bathroom (hot ; and-cold water); conveniences; ground, 30ft by OCft; faithfully built. CITY {Duudas street). Six-roomed HOUSE; bathroom, washhouse, etc.; a very cheap proCITY (Maclaggan street; £315).—Fivc-roomcd HOUSE, brick; washhouse, etc.; central position. CITY (Dundas street).-Six-roomed HOUSE and THREE SECTIONS, freehold; good investment ; r ,great bargain. MUSSELBURGH (High street; £sGs).—Six-roomed HOUSE; bathroom, washhouse, tubs, aim copper; fruit and flower garden; great bargain. MUSSELBURGH [Eskvale street; £575). —Six-roomed HOUSE, new; bathroom (hot and » washhouse (tubs and copper); large section; an ideal property. ANDERSON S BAY (£l7B).—Choice BUILDING SECTION; all ready to build on; above road level; well filled in. ANDERSONS BAY. Eight-roomed Piastersd HOUSE, newly built; modern conveniriAirSrlnir acro section; only £250 cash required; balance easy terms, lengthy period. CAVERSHAM (Syduey street).—£4ls Purchases Two 4-roomed HOUSES;' well let; over early application necessary. ftOTwu.CGTON (£l2o).—Good, Up-to-date LAUNDRY BUSINESS; splendid chance energetic person. ABBOTSFORD.—Seven-roomed HOUSE; lh Acres Land; stable, coachhouse, cowbyro; vinery, tomato houres; five minutes from Railway Station. 'T 0 *"- MIR AMS BliO S, . TE^ WNE HOUSE, LAND; ESTATE, AND FINANOIAL AGENTS. JOEL'S BUILDIN&S, CRAWFORD STREET. Property Representative: Mr GERAT.D P. MIRAMS. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. ClTY.—Eight-roomed Two-storeyed HOUSE (new); bathroom, hot and cold water right through the placc, tiled hearths and grates, elcctrio bells, etc.; a modern house; very central. OTAGO CENTRAL.—FARM, about 000 acres, sheep-grazing country; mostly fenced 'and subdivided; G miies of wire netting; will carry 1000 sheep; G5 acros crop and large orchard; 4-ioomed House; splendid water supply, etc. Full particulars on application. RAVENSBOURNK.—Four-roomed Brick HOUSE; scullery, copper boiler, etc.: section 6G x 132; near town hall. Pricc, £250. ' ST. DAVID STREET.— HOUSE; bath, washhouse; nice section, and splendid view. Price, £450. ' . CARISBROOK.—Six-roomed Modern HOUSE; li.-and c. water; tubs built-in, etc.- about 3-acre section; corporation leasehold; rent. £4 per annum. Price, £525. ' SOUTH DUNEDIN;—Six-roomed HOUSE (nearly new); bathroom, and all conveniences; asphalt paths; nice section. Price, £550. * OTAGO CENTRAL.—First-class DISPENSARY and CHEMIST'S TRADE, togothcr with a Ncwsvendor's and Bookselling Business; large Shop and 8-roomed House attachedstock valued »t £200; a good opening. Price, £500 for the whole concern. , ' AN! li,'3iU\ T 'S BAY.—Splendid Building SITE excavated ready for buildimr- fenced and large brick well sunk. Price, £130. . • ' TO LE'j' (Queen street).—Seven-roomed HOUSE; ho'; and cold water and all conveniences--24s per week. ■ ■ ■ ' CLIENTS CAN OBTAIN FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IP REQUIRED. Otago Representatives for Bald win and Rayward, Patent Agents. Telephone 137 G. WAISIT Eli & CO., Telephone 1376. AUCTIONEERS, HOUSE, LAI\D, and ESTATE AGENTS, FURNITURE WARE HOUSEMEN, TO THOSE WHO WISH TO BECOME THEIR OWN LANDLORDS AND OTHERS CEASE PAYING RENT. If you wish to know how to.accomplish:the above, CALL AT OUR OFFICE, HIGH STREET, ROSLYN, and wo will explain tho wholo matter in TWO MINUTES. OUR TIME IS YOUR TIME. . u BROUGHTON STREET—.A ICice 4-roomcd COTTAGE; £375, terms. KAIKORAI (near tram).—A Comfortable 4-roomed DWELLING;, scullery and washhousein splendid order; cheap at £276. s ' i ■' KAIKORAI (near tram).—A Modern, ''Up-to-date, 5-roomedHOUSE; bath, washhouse etc. • section well laid-out; asphalt paths; rare bargain; owner leaving. ' We have a RESTAURANT and STORE opposite tlie Roslyn Woollen Mills, containing 11 rooms. A splendid opportunity for., step ping into a good business; early applications necessary. We have also (near the Roslyn Mills, and fronting Main road) a Comfortable 4-roomed COTTAGE, with conveniences, with a large, cheerful section; rare opportunity. ROSLYN (near car).—A New, Modern, 5-roomed RESIDENCE; every convenience; fine hrge, sunny section; three bay windows; well worth inspection. We have a number of EXCELLENT BUILDING SITES in ■ different parts of the above district from £80 to £3000. Call at our Office and we will give you full particulars as to price and area. We prepare plans and specifications and give an estimate for houses completed, and TAKE ALL RESPONSIBILITIES FROM OUR CLIENTS. CSLL AND INSPECT OUR LARGE SHOW ROOMS. E. L. MACAS SE Y' &T . ■ HOUSE and LAND AGENTS, HOTEL BROKERS?, ACCOUNTANTS, Etc., STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, WATEg STREET, Agents Jor the Intercolonial Land and Mercantile Agency Co., with 32 Branches throughout New Zealand. Information supplied gratis re Property in auy part of the Colony. Correspondence invited. Write or Call for tho Property Gazette, published monthly. ' • Post free to any address. Au-Up-to-date .Institution. • The following is a Short List of some of our TOWN PROPERTIES:— GLENAVEN.—We have some Cheap Places in this favourite and handy locality. GLENROY.—A few Choice SECTIONS left, from £10 to £100. Buyers of Sections can be financed to build. CITY—Four Rooms, Grange street; £390. Fivo Rooms, Howe street; £450. Six Rooms, Leith street; £500. Six Rooms, Castlo street, best part; modern conveniences; £700! . Leith strcot, with two frontages, 8 Rooms (single storey); everything in perfect order; very handy to the University; and the .price is right; come and see us about it. . MUSSELBURGH (we aro rr.ways to the front in this favourite locality).—Six ROOMS, High street; must be sold; a rare chance; £520; owner leaving. Queen's Drive—Seven ROOMS; bath (hot and cold water); and up-to-date grounds, nicely laid out; £GOO. Several -1 and 6-roomcd HOUSES; £330 to £500. Consult us before purchasing. TO LET.—A number of HOUSES in Town and Suburbs, both Furnished and Unfurnished. WANTED.—LEASEHOLD FARMS, 50 to 300 acres. \ ALBION CHAMBERS, / 41 DOWLING STREET (Cutting). y\' < Ky FINANCIAL ES wJ ishcJ — ATE AGENTB. o ■■ v \ &■/ agents.. . ACCOUNTANTS and LICENSED LAND BROKERS. WE HAVE FOR SALE: Locality. Description. Price. FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT.—Five Detached HOUSES, from four NEAR to seven rooms; well let to good tenants; in good locality; . never £1450 CITY. ( empty; over, half-acre of land; excellent spec.; could be easily cut up and obtain ready sale. . Modern 6-roomed — RESIDENCE; bay windows, portico; sunny corner ROSLYN. section; very fino view; bathroom; h.p. boiler;' ail conveniences- £580 clieap property; near tram. , , ' SOUTH OFF CARGILL ROAD.—Very Superior 7-roomed RESIDENCE; 11 bath" DUNEDIN. room; h.p v boiler;'tubs; wide lobby; two square windows; concretc £010 foundations;,all kauri lining'and floors; good section. CITY. Good 4-roomed COTTAGE washhouse, etc.; elfr vatc-d_sectitm; very cheap. £»gg MORNING- Superior. G-roomd RESIDENCE; b'athroom~h.p. boilcrj gas; ~fancy TON. windows;'lovely view; sunny; near train. D ' fjoo .ROSLYN. New 6-roomed HOUSE; bathroom arid high pressure, two bay windows ■ and porch; j-acre. ' . . • ' '£650 ~ ~ A; CHANCE for anyonejkliinltirig of Settling^North?" 4358 ACRES FREENORTH _ HOLD, Stratford Colpy, Taranaki; 'land sure to increase in value. ' ISLAND. - , For Sale in one bloc For in subdivisions as per plan, which can be" • seen ; at our office. Further particulars. on application. ANDERSON New RESIDENCE of 0 rooms (bathroom, etc.), with 1J acres of land" BAY. : • ;stable; fine fruit garden; a splendid property; beautifully situated- ■ . for Sale on account of owner leaving Dnnpdin; cheap to prompt buyer. First-class Modern RESIDENCE; 7~rooms, baywiiidows,"bathroom," oas"" CITY.; etc.; all conveniences; very sunny situation; nice outlook; within £1000 « penny section; handy walking distance of centre; very best locality. Superior' RESIDENCE; containing 8 , room's; very attractive appear- - MUSSEL- ,ahce;"all modern conveniences; bathroom, scullery, washhouse, ctc.* £790 BURGH. bay, conrreto piles, outside walls tongued' and grooved; well- ; finished property; sunny; lftrge section. LOWER'YORK PLACE.—RESIDENCE, containing 7 rooms, veran- - ' CITY. dah, bay window; good section; very valuable site. Well let' to '£650 good tenant. , - MUSSELBURGH.—Attractive Modern Residence (off Drive),- 6 roomsevery;., convenience. .PRINCES' STREET.—Room; cheap rent ' TO LET. MORAY PLACE.-Rooms; cheap. MORNINGTON. - Five Rooms. : "ST.-:DAVID STREET.—Good House, opposite, University, ' • ROSLYN,—G Rooms; cheap. ■..

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13208, 15 February 1905, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13208, 15 February 1905, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13208, 15 February 1905, Page 8