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The ,thirty-third annual meeting of i above, order was opened at the Choral H at 10.30 yesterday morning, the followi officers being- present :-Bfo. J, Whitak District Chief Ruler; 'Bro. Hon. F. Fraser, District Secretary;"*Bro. S. F; Sh wood, District 'Deputy ,Rulor;-BrO.. Fathors, District Superintendent of Juven Bfrnchw; Bro. W...Stead, Past Distr thief Ruler. Tho following repfesentnth were also in attendance:—Bros. J.'T. Ras W. J. Gaudiii; S. Youman, R. Forgusc and. J. Goer, Wellington; A. Hurso Napier; H. Jclljiuah,' Blo'iilieim;' S. Georo Sandon; E. HI Crowdis, J. M. Calder, ai : H. Gay, Nelson; J.'T. White, B. Clat and P. Hopkins, New. Plymouth'; R. Ft rant,-W. R. Cole, and W. H. Uttley Du edin; R. W. Taylor, A. M. Saunders, ai F. Robson, .Ohristchureh) J, H. Kissell, ' J. Wcsn'ey, and H. Cooper, Inveroargil A. Olsen, Norsewood; R. C. Groom .Ormondvilloj.M. Sowery, Woodvillo; F. \ Temple and J; P; Cdmpton, Masterton; ] T. King, Carterton;,F. M'Phorson arid ( Wilkins,. Wakefield; F. R. Bould, Johnsoi yilte; E. A. Rosevear (proxy), Kaikom North; J: S. Munro, Palmorston Nortli M. G. Nasniith, Gisborna; 11. D. F. Jamc Hawcra; W. 0. Sayors, , Pnhiatua; I -M'Lachlan, Brightwa(cr;.S. Whifliam, Slra ford; J.'-R... Sutherland, Inglowood; Jaine3, Levin; F. Orassley, Cardiff; V, Jonness, Potono; P.D.O.R. J. Stallwortli and D.O.R. J. : Ewan, Auckland. Fonw: ..brunches: Sis, J..Youman, Wellington; Si A. Calder, Nelson; Sis. B. M. Smith, Inve cargill; Sis. IV Snniorvol!, Gishorne. Bro. JI. Nasniith (Gisboriio) was appointc reporter to the press." Bro. Hopkins (Nc Plymouth) wis elected as minulc sccretarj Bro. DoWland was ap|iointed Levito for tli session, and Bro. Fclming- Guardian. A deputation from the Auckland distric was introduced by Bro. T. Fathers, D.S.J.B ■Bros. Stallworthy nhd Ewan comprising th deputation. Tho District Chief Ruler we! coined tho deputation, and hoped that it visit would tend towards the unity of th two districts. In a, happy speech the District Chic Ruler welcomed the brethren, and'hopei tho meeting would bo of much benefit. H was renew oldacquamtanws.'an. to meet new faces. While he was thu pleased, ho. regretted that.many of tlios. who had in times past sat at the round tablo wore with the members no moro, II referred to the late Bro. Palmer, of Christ church, and to the late Bro. Clark, of Dim edin. Siekncss prevented other member from being present. Dealing with tho busi ncss paper. Bro. Whitaker thought tin mates to bo pniisidcret] therein.would no require much deliberation, Tho most im portant item to be considered was the ones Hon of amalgamation with the Aucklam district—a matter which he hoped wou'u receive consideration from the members it a manner benefiting Rccbabifes. He con eluded bv doping the stay of the rcproscnta tives in Duncdin would bo a pleasant one. DISTIIICT OFFICERS' RSrORT. The district officers' report was then reat as follows:— We arc pleased lo report as follows:—Sine; tho last general district meeting held in Christchurch, 1903, anew tent has beeu.established at Petono, to be lmowii. as the Star of Pctont No. 62. T hero are now in connection with this district.B4 tents-30.male tents and four female tents—with a membership of 1651. Of this number, 1552 are financial and 93 honorarj members—an increase of 100 since last meeting' As to the funds entrusted to your officers, wo have to report that the sum of £320 has been paid ,?rom the funeral fund on the death of six brothers, four, brothers' wives, and one sister.. From the sick pay guarantee. fund the sum of £50 has been advanced U> the Brightwater Tent, and a small sum for rates on land, tlio property of tho ' district at Waipawa. There has been no calls .on the benevolent fund. There has been £5 sick pay from tbc juvenilo fund. The total-credit to the foregoing .funds are:. £7255 0s 2d, funeral; £20C 16s, contingent; £1459 13s Bd, tent sick pay guarantee fund;.#2ll ISs 7d, bcnovplent fund; £91 2s 5d.. juvenile tents' funds; making a total in all, .£9231 10s.. The returns furnished bv the tents show a total of £21,037 13s Od to the sick 'funds, £551 ISs to the contingent funds; total to these two fmidSj £24,649 lis 6d. By adding this sum to the district funds we get the grand total of £33.89 i 7s 4d.. This gives an increase of £2814'.Gs 9d since the last report. Leaving out the funeral; funds, this sum, divided amongst tho members pro rata; would be £21 h Bd, being Jess than that giveu on the previous- occasion. -The increase' to the district binds is £9GS Is 9d; the increase.!o the tent funds, £1850 os; making the total increase £2824 0 3 9d. ■ - ' The sickness experience shows a total of 1681 weeks 3 days, giving a proportion of ono iveek and an hour to each member. Since the last diatrjol general meeting the tents have been visited by the official visitors. Their reports have been printed and circulated with the business papers; also report of tho delesates from this, district to the Auckland district re suggested amalgamation. We regret that the quinquennial valuation af the district has not been received, but it is 3xpeoted to bo forthcoming in a few days, The business to be brought before you is of jonsiderable importance, and wo trust your decisions will result in good for the district and for the progress of the order in New Zealand. W, Stead,. Past District Chief Ruler. J. Whitaker, Distriot Chief Ruler. ■■ S. P. Shebwood, District Deputy Ruler. I'. H. Fbaser, District Secretary. On- tho proposition of Bro. Youman, the report was received and adopted after lengthy discussion. ■ . The balance sheet,. which was -very satisfactory., was read and adopted. JUVENILE IiBAKCHES. The report of tho superintendent of juvcii!o branches was then presented. It stated that _good : men and women had not been wanting who were prepared to devote time ind energy to the development and success Df the juvenile work. From the returns the branches showing tho largest number initiated ..were•.-Irifereargill, 27; Christ--ihurch, 23; Duncdin (three tents),, 23; Wakefield, 13; Nelson, 12. As the superintendents bad not given the names of members introducing the above candidates, it iras impossible to naino tho winner of the ;old. modal, which was for the brother or sister introducing the greatest number of :iew members during 1903 and MM. Wclington during the past, year had established i juvenile branch. The membership showed i substantial increase. -At the last district Tieeting the juvenile membership stood at S10; the present membership was 352. Phe number transferred was 42, with funds imounting to £291-4s 3d. An interesting liscUssion followed the report, 'which was dtimately adopted. It was,resolvod that Bros. Wesney, Tayor, CJaudin, and Calder be tho Levies Comnittcc. ... . ,i Bros. Taylor, Kissell, Farrant, Groom, tfasinith, and Fathers were appointed a rommittee to consider proposed juvenile :ent rules. The council adjourned for lunch at 12.1S J.m., • -GENERAL. On the council reassembling at 2 p.m., ho question of laws for females was irought forward, and the following comnittoo appointed to consider same and reiort:—Sisters , Youman, Calder, Smith, iomervoll, and Bros. Frascr, Fathers, and Sherwood.. Greetings. from Bros. Johnston (Wellingon),.. Maysoti (Napier), ■ and Coles (Christilmrch) woro received and warmly ncknowodgwl... . ' -A.'letter conveying best wishes from tho Independent Order of Oddfellows, M.U., if the Ofago District, was received, extendng to tho council a fraternal welcome to Duncdin.

The secretary of tto Now Zealand. AI- -' liancowrote in rcfofonco to tho .proposed visit to New Zealand of this Rev. L. M. •Isitfc and lite Harrison Leo. It was resolved that the matter bo left to tho representatives present; .: Correspondence was received in oonncotidn with tho ahialpmation with the Now ' .Zealand Central District of tho two tents in tile colony—the Crusader (Lyttelton) and Star of Hopo (Hokitika—which were at present under tho jurisdiction of the Albert District (South Australia). It wastha. ttho matter bo allowed' to remain in abeyance for the present! " ' Reports of tlicir visits to. (ho various' tents wcro given by tha District Visitors (Bros. Gaudin, Bennett, Sherwood, and Staid), in which they dealt with the keep: ing of tho various tent.books and the-invest-ment of-funds. The reports wcro considered very satisfactory, and after some discussion 1 wore adopted. A recommendation was received from ' tho Wellington Tent to ect up a oommitteo to consider the question of increasing the , funeral contributions, but ' was ■finally.,. thrown out. '■ Hearty greetings ' and congratulation*' were reeoivod from N tho Grandmaster of thu • THE AMALGAMATION ofjESTIONV Bro. J. AVhitaker, D.C.R., and Bro. T. Fathers D.S.J.B the deputation appointed at tho last council meoting to visit the Now ■ Zealand district ro proposed amalgamation with the New Zealand Central District, pro- ' sented their report, in whioh thoy stated:-' Tho Auckland district has within the last . year completely revised its general laws,"and I in domg 60 hag m „ hi io put i[g , tnbutions upon such a basis as will b'.nco ' [t m a solvent position. The difference bctweon its and the New Zealand Central's is very marked, und will need careful considera-' (mil.and revision by both bodies should our. visit be productive of anialganiAtibn, but both - your deputation anct tho brethren in Auckland Felt that it would bo impolitic to accept anv ' scalo of charges which could not bo regarded bs safe and capablo of performing the obli-a-'" lions contracted for. In revising the'scale " if contributions, we should recommend that any new scale should apply only to members joining after the same became accepted by the two districts, and that members initiated prior to the alteration of the law should bo permitted to continue at Uie old rates of payment. It was also recommended that the colony bs divided into at least threo districts, Biich districts to have all Uie powers at present enjoyed by them of electing their own district officers, and looking after their own • finances, .but that a high movable conferenco should bo ejected out of tho representatives appointed by these districts-to transact all business connected with the amendment and alteration of general laws, and soelc the more rapid growth of the order in our colony, i'lio suggested division of the colony might bo upon this or similar'basis:—Auckland No. 1 District.—Auckland as at present constituted, together with Gisbomo on the East Co.i3t, md the province of Taranaki. This practically places the wholo of the tents within a day's reach of tho district office. Central So.- 2 Diatrict.—From Napier to Wellington via tho . Wairarapa.; from Wellington to Waugauui via' Manawatu and Pnlmerston North; (rom Wellington to Nelson and Blenheim. This district would also have the advantage of being within easy access of its headquarters. Southern No. 3 District.—From Christchurch to Inver-L-argill.—Whilst containing the fewest tents, Iho many rising townships between these places- and the comparatively easy communication between them would warrant us in hoping that vigorous efforts would bo made to establish, many new, tents along 1 the lino of railway. The election of representatives to the first high movable conferenco was dealt, ' with, and after much discussion it was thought that, for the first conference at any rate, an equal iiujnber of delegates nbould bo elected by each district, and then a proper • basis of membership lie fixed upon. •Bro. WKitakor, District Chief Ruler--urged favourable consideration of tho matter. Bro. Stallworthy,. Past District Chief Ruler of the New Zealand District, spolo at length, pointing out the strength that would follow the union of the two districts. • Bro. J. Ewan, D.C.R., also of tho Auckland District, was in favour of the proposal, ' Bros. Sutherland, Stead, Goer, and Jellyman also spoke in favour, though the latter • objected to raising th.e contributions to the lovol of tho Auckland District. Bro. Wesney (Invcrcargill) moved a motion affirming the desirability of amalg.imation, which Bro. T. Fathers seconded in ' an able speech, and, after discussion, tha motion was carried. , A further motion was then proposed by Bro. Wesney as follows:—"That a subcommittee, consisting of Bros. Eraser Whitaker, Wesney,' Fathers, St' c man, Caldcr, and Colo,. be anpointed to confer .with Bros. Stallworthy arid Ewan Tor the purpose of arranging a' basis of union, and submit same to tliis council meeting." TUB RUMS. Bro. Nasmilh, on behalf of the Gisborne Tent, moved to have the word *' benefits ' struck out in Rule .17 to allow of honorary members .being counted in the representation of th"e tent. Ho stated that at the present time honorary members wero allowed to hold office in a tent, to participate in the election of a representative, to represent a tent, and. to hold office in the District.. Each tent was allowed a representative for every 50 members or portion of 50, and ns the rule at present was that tho 50 members shall be benefit members rim honorary members were thus' debarred from wing counted in tho reprcsentation.-Tho motion was lost. The council adjourned at 5 p.m. till 9.30 on Thursday morning. EVENINOMEETINGS. _ Last evening meetings of the Primroso (juvenile) and Hope of Duncdin (adult) ■ Tonts _ wero hold, at. which tho District Council representatives were present. A' tho juvenile tent meeting tho Superintendent of Juvenile Branches (Bro. Fathers) gave a very interesting and instructive address to the young idea on the emblem and aims of the ordor, urging thorn to hold fast to their pledge of abstinence. Bro. ' Goer (Wellington) also spoke in a similar strain. At tho meeting of the adult tent, held afterwards, on request, the District Chief Ruler (Bro. Whitaker) presided. . During the meeting a denization from the . Duncdin District Lodge, Independent < of Good Templars, was introduced. Through their Grand Secretary (Bro. D. Cameron), . they presented an address, welcoming the Rochabite officers and representatives to Dunedin. On behalf of the Reehabitcs Bro. tho Hon. J7. H. Eraser, District Secretary, ■ reciprocated the sentiments expressed, »nd wished all prosperity to Good Templa'ry. ; Bro. Wesney (Invercnrgill), also replied in somewhat similar terms. An- excellent ' speech was also given during the evening by Bro. Stallworthy, Past District Chief Ruler of the New Zealand District (Auckland). At the close of tho meeting refreshments were freely partaken of and muok appreciated, and a very successful meeting • terminated by tho singing of the National Anthem. To-day the representatives will hold a picnio on the Taioti River, the train leaving it 7.45 a.m., while on Thursday night-tho site again on Thurcday'-a banquettakes place.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13208, 15 February 1905, Page 2

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INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RECHABITES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13208, 15 February 1905, Page 2

INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RECHABITES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13208, 15 February 1905, Page 2