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: — ' — : -r- : ' FORT rJHAIiMEIis. • , Tim Bui, it PbitT CHiiitßßß. ■Th* Netir Zealand inein tiirie kt lio'o •iltillalcd fot tlie meridian of loiigitllllo, tifis 11 lidilrs 30 ihiiivtes feast of Grceiiwit! rrill be signalled puce a week lij it iiKie b't driinbitii; til Hie itr«' mean noon; Jk. iiltie flag ifilt b* hoisted At the mii Mad, I'brt station, ori tl 'ofenbbii of the clay when the timS signal {iWri. ~,•• l'il isi:s of the Mu'ox. FEBKUART. , . New ilbon ' ... 4 10.36 p.i - Fiht Quarter 13 5.30 a.i . Full Moon .;, ... 20 6.20 a.i LSH (Junrlcr 26 9.5+ p.. Ahbgee ... ... i 9 7.30 i.r Perigee 21 11.0 a.i Siih rises 5.28. sots 7.16. 'THE WEATHFdI. February 14.—8 Wind. N.E.;. we ' ilref 'cloudy. Nooil: Wind N.E.; weatii. dull. 5 ".ill.: WimLO.! weather dull. 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.h Baronieter ; -30.22 30.20 30.11 rhnrhitiihpter ... 00 62 68 FORECAST.-Jtr Paulin telephoned i 10.15 last.evening: " E.N.E. to N.W. wini «hd electrical rain showers." WEATHER REPORTS.. (Peii UsiTKn .Press Associifibx.j ; . WELLINGTON; February 14. Tli© following arc ille weather- reports a '5 p.lil.:— , Manukau Heads.— Wind S.W., breeze bar. 30.08. I her. 69; fine; bar smooth. New Plymoutli.-Wiiid W.S.W., light bar. 29.96, tlier. 63; fine; sea moderate. 'Casllopblnt.—Wind N.E., breeze; bai 29.94,'Hier. 67; fine; sea heavy. Wellington.—Wind N.E., breeze; bai 29.90,.ther. 63: fine. Kaikoura.—Wind N.E., light; bar. 29.9! th'cr. 65: fine; sea slight, swell. | lilulr.-Wind E„ light; bar. 29.95, lliei 61; steady rain. .Moderate to strong easterly winds: gin? Jittle jiioyement: titles good; ftn moderate -R. .A. Edwix. HIGH WATER. February 15— a.m; At Taiaroa Heads 10.8 105 . At. Port Chalmers... 10.48 IL3 At Diincdi'n 11.34 _ ARRIVALS: Onyx, barque, .406 ions, Duncan, Iron Port Esperaiice. 11. Guthrie, agent. . Invereargill, s.s., 123 tons, Gillies, fron Tirilaru. K. Ramsay, agent. Koonya, s.s.. 663 tons, Stewart, fron Oahiaru. J. Milk, aiyent, DEPARTURES. Psycho, H.M.8., 2135 tons, eight guns Dommandcr Footc, for LYttleton. ' Challenger, iI.M.S., 5800 tons, 10 giiiis Captain F. O. C. Tudor, for Lytteltoh. Maori, s.s., 4155 tons, Chudley, R.N.R for .London, via the Bluff. National Mort gage and Agency Company, agents. Invereargill, s.s., 123 tons, Gillies, to: lilvercargill. K. Ramsay, agent. Manuka, s.s.. 2784 tons, Phillips, for Sy'd •ley, via Auckland. ,T. Mills, agent. Pas scligcrs: Tor Lyltelton—Misses Wybar Robertson, _ Corbet*, Mooney, Mesdamu Jenkins, Risdon, Brown, Nicholson, Mi Lilly. For Wellington-Misses Clark, Auld Cowic, Mesdames M'Lcod, Wallace, Piatt's Knox, Cark. Babington and child, Genera Babington, Messrs M'Leod, Rowlands, Ward Roberts, Robertson, Rhode«, Hankhoff Stewart, Clark. For Nanier—Misses Auld Cargill, ilrs Buchanan, Mr Gray. For Gis bOrhe-Dr and Mrs Hyde- For AucklandMisses Stephens, Cochrane, M'Neil, Mes dames Huttbi'i, Masters; Messrs Masters Howe, Aberc'rbiribie, Master Stephens; anc 10 in the steerage. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From New York.—Anna, ship, sailed 0» tober 31. From Liverpool.—lnvergarry, barque, letl December 2. From Marseilles.—Andaman, barque, sailed November 21. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Zeaiariuia, February 19. From Sydney (via Wellington).—Wftikare, February 18. From Melbourne.—Moeraki, February 14. From Port Esperaiice.—Onyx, barque; Bailed February 4. From Auckland.—Tolune, February 16. From Nelson and Now Plymouth.— Corinna, February 18. From Greymouth.—Kooiiya, February 15. PROJECTED DEPARTtffiES. Sydney, (via Auckland).-Zealandia, ■February 21. For Sydney (via Cook Strait).—Moeraki, February 16. For Melbourne.—Waikare, February 19. For Auckland.—Talune, February 17. lor Ni-lsnn and New Flymouth.-Corimia, February 20 For (ireymoutli.—Koonya, February 16. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN-GOING , STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. At Auckland.—Buteshire, left New York November 28: due March 3. Oaktmin, left New York December 9; due February 12. Star of Ireland. left New York December 13; due February 15. Fifeshire, left London December 15: di.e February 17. Somerset, left Liverpool December 23; due February 25. Iridradevi, left London December 27; tine March 1. Rakaia, left London Jaiitiafy 7; due about February 24. .Whakataite, left London January 12; due March 18. Star of New Zealand, left New York Jahwtry 11: due March 10. Pakeha, left London February 11; dun March 31. At Wellington. — Rimutaka, left Ply. lndtith December 31; diie February 15. Delphic, left London January 10; due February 25. Athenie, left . London January M; duo February 27. Tdujrarird, .oft Plymouth January 28; due March 14. At, Lyttelton.—Kuniara, left London February 11; due March 27. At Port Chalniers.-Moravsliirc, left New lork December 20; due February 24 Rangalira, now at Auckland; diie here about February 22. Fazilka.'frbn'l Oalctlttii, now at Wellington; due here February 28. -. to nwAwr. From Auckland.—Essex, Jfarch 4. From W»!lington.—l'ananui, February 16 Drayton Grange, about February 24. 'Kaipara, Febniary 28. Morayshire, Fehniary 2d lonic March 2. Rimutaka, March i 6. Jlaniari, March 8. From Port Chalmers.—Raugatira, February 28. From the Bluff.—Maori, February 16. HIIMKWMIII Ht'llNll. Oswestry Grange, loft Timaru Noveinber 25. Ayrshire, left Wellington December 16. Tokomaru, loft the Bluff December 30. Gothic, left Wellington Jifliuary 5. Waimatc. left Wellington Janu»ry 6: Waiwera, left Wellington January 10. Niwaru, left Wellington Januan- 10. Ruapehu, left Wellington January 17.' Suffolk; left Wellington January 20. Karaniea, left Wellington January 29. Tomoana, left >\ elbngton. January 30. Kaikoura, left Wellington February 1. Perthshire, left -Vuckland February 2. Malatua, loft Wellington February 3. Aotea, left. Auckland February

-*- _ SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, February 14. - Sailed: Kcalaiftlia, for the south. Passengers for Duilbdin: Mr Heinemann, Mosdames Drearer and Pctrie. CAPE MARIA VAN DIKMEN, February 14.-Tl>e Wcstralia passed west at 8.20 a.m. EAST CAPE, February W.-Tlio Fazilka passed south at 2.25 p.m. WELLINGTON, February M.-SaiN: Rotbm'aha'na, for Lytteiton. Passengers: Mis*Cs Alderslcv, Blow, Dennisloii, Davey, West, 'Leach, Mummcrv, Mesdames Linde'rgrecn • and four children, Rc.vitt, Harris, Bernard, .Tone.?, Dunstan, Trofofsor M'Millan, Brown, Messrs liihdergre'en, Rahbell, Foy, Baner, Brown, Bradev. Buss* Bews, M'Arthur.. Hiillehetoln (2). Lawry. Woodhouse, Hill, Johns, Gurney, Hiiiiic," Trcgson, M'Keiizie.and Ross. WESTPORT, February 14.-Arrived: 10.15 a.m., KaTtiona, from Port Chalmers. AKAROA. February 14.—Arrived: 9.20 a.m., H.M.S, Euryalus, from Otago Heads. OAMARU, February- 14.—Sailed: 5.15 p.m.. Koonya. for Dunedin. BLUFF, February 14.-Arrived: 9.50' *.m., . Rakanoa, from Newcastle.; —Arrived : 9.15 a.m., Moeraki, from Melbourne, via Hobart. Passengers for Dimedih: Messrs Hdisfail, Lee,, Blow,-Mac-Tier, Jennings, Bird. Stevenson, Sternberfr, Noyes (2), Isaacs, Walteham, Moylo, Hudson, Cox, Swanell, Steele, Brown (2); Grange. ' S.viiioiis, M'Arthur. Captain iScott Harden, Sir Thomas Fikgerald and valet. Mcsdames Goddard.. Ridgway. Jennings anti'ihrcc children, Cooper; Stevenson, Wakeham. Mbylo, Allmitt, Steele, Straehan. Docker and two children, Misses Swnvhe, Cooper, Allmitt, Brown; Graham (2), Haines, ami Fitzgerald;' and 33 in the steerage. Sailed: 6.15, Moeraki, for Diinedih. —- ; H.M.S. Fhcehe rati out to sea yesterday br'shot and. shell practice. ,' The' Manuka sailed from Port Chalmers •esterday afternoon for Sydney, via Auckland. * '■" H.M.S, cruiser Psyche, Commander Foqtc, 1.N., left Deborah Bay yesterday morning '« Lyttleton and Akaroa. . .•

' * HiM.S. ikgshif) 'of "ViSe-adiniHil Sir Atthlii' 1). FiiiShiwfe,' CoriiHiatiaei'-iii-Ghiof of the Australasian squadron, left . Qtagb Heids shortly after 9 p.m. on Monday, Tor Lyttletoii atid Akaroa. The Kco'nya arrived late last night from Oamaru. I , The . coastal steamer Itivcrcargill arrived ' yestcrdky niorriihg from TiinaHi, ailJ loaded j for. Invcrcargill, leaving again in the after- . flood. . 'llie Moeraki, from Mollionrno, via Hoi '$"*■' Milford So.und, ami the Bluff,, is due » iiioriliiig hlknit 9 o'clock, and" her voyage to Sydney to-morrow afternoo'il,'leaving I'ort Chalmers oil the arrival of the 2.30 train. The , &Vs'i!i, and Albion Company's , ftealiiship Maori left the Bow on pier, Port , Chitlriiere, yiisferday forenoon for Lbiidon, . via Jilulf Harbour. She. took tlio following ' "'is poHi— I Three thmisaiid two . lirtiidre'd and. seventy-six lales wool, 27 do sliecjiskihs, 241 do' flax, and 20 bags selieelife. .'i'lio .local agents for the Sllaw, Savi'l. • " and Albion Company advice that , tne ; ?teamoi- Mamari.hSs been fixed to sail Jjxtm Wellington on March 8 for London. The Mamari will arrive llouie in time to catch the London wool sales commencing oil May t n.M. second-class cruiser Challenger left i the/ocean steamers' wharf, Port Chalmers, I'i /cckrdo.y for Lvtteltoii ah"J Akaroa. During her few days' stay nt Port Chalmers sli'e has lieen a centre of attraction; arid visited by hundreds of persons, V'ho were cordially welcomed. The ship's company of the Challenger are an extremely fine body of young men, whose dcriieanour while in harbour reflected credit oil the service to which they belong. The Tyser Company's steamship Star of Sctotland, which arrived off Otago lleaiis on Monday evening and anchored, eaii:e ln '° port j-esterday forenoon, and was berthed at the ocean steamers' wharf, vacated bv H.M.S. Challenger. The Star :iV Scotland is almost a counterpart of the Star of New Zealand, and ha? a steaming power of 12 knots an hour. She commenced discharging, cargo immediately after m'akirg fast at the wharf. Shortly after leaving the Eiiryiiius at the Heads on Monday everting, on his return to Port Chalmers Captain Spericc observed a stray pigeon on board". The birdj which was nitleli exhausted, was caught, and found to have a ring round its leg. Captain Speiice will give the bird to any, person proving its ownership. ,MSssrsH._Guthrie and Co.'s barque Onyx arrived yesterday morning with a cr,rgo of 2io,oooft of timber, posts, and palings from Port iEsperance, and was bathed at the , llattray street wharf. Captain Duncan reports leaving Port Esperance at midday on the 4th inst,, niirl passing the Bluff about 4 a.m. on the 12th. Fresh westerly whuts were experienced 'till entering Foveaux Strait, liglit variables, principally from the N.E., succeeding. The brigantine Rotuma, with a timber cargo for Oamaru, left Pert. Esperance two days before the Onyx, The New Zealand a'rtd African Stca.iv ship Company advises that the steamer Drayton Grange is due at Port Chalmers to-morrow to commence loading for South Africa and Wist of England. From Fort Chalmers the Drayton Grange will proceed to Timaru, Lyttelton, and it has now bestl decided that, the vessel will load at Pibton before visiting Wellington. She is to sail from Wellington about the 24th inst. for Adelaide diul Fremantle, en route to South Airiban ports and West- of England. A new idea for the attachment of boat;' rudders has just been patented by Captain R. M. Heddle. of the ■hip Loch Rannoeh, at present in the A T ietoria deck, West Melbourne. The invention applies equaiiv to two-eii'ded boats arid those with a square stern. The attachment consists of a strong gtih-irietal tube or slot affixed to the stem of the boat from ton to bottom, inst- where tho gudgeons of a boat are usually placed. Working freely in this tube or slot is a gudgeon-bar, which slides up and down, and to this the redder is permanently attached. Tlio sliding has a hanrlie, which is irra-ipetl when shipning the r.mdcr end the bar, when entered at the top of the l ;slot, Is let go. Tho "\vliole arrangement, rudder and all. is then in gear, and there is none of that fumbling or trouble so common when endeavouring to get the rudder pintle ih the lower "udgeon. Tiv apparatus is as easilvsnd offectivelv worked in the roughest seawav as in water, and can be manipulated in the dark as well as in the dayli«rht.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13208, 15 February 1905, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13208, 15 February 1905, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13208, 15 February 1905, Page 4