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PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. JOHN JJ EI D & SON S, CORNER BOND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS. ' ESTATE AGENTS, ~.-;/; VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS. SHAREBROKERS, SURVEYORS, Leasw, Mortjages, and Transfers Prepared. HAVE FOR SALE AS UNDER:- 3-41. THIRTEEN ROOMS, George street UAVi lUtt SAJjr, aa uHJAua and fuU beautifully 8-326. TO WIND UP AN ESTATE.-Splen- l»id out.' ' '.• did little FARM of 2G acres, with useful Buildings; will be sold cheap; situate 8 ™mf-Tj r ;m?'i D ' North-Enst Valley; a rare chance, and HOUSE of 8 iponis, J-acre of land, only a few minutes' walk from electric 3-232. OAMABU.-2 New HOUSES, G and 7 cars. Also, a comfortable 4-roomed rooms,-hi Hull street; every convenience: HOUSE' 'with J-acre land, in the Valley; }-acre each; magnificent view. Sfs-roomeu for absolnte sale. : RESIDENCE, in Wharf street: i-acre. 3-334. NORTH END (5 minutes from Gardens). 3-94. LOVELL'S FLAT.—Splendid FARM —New HOUSE of 6 rooms, scullery, bath- of 230 acres, in four paddocks, with 4room washhouse, etc.; 'h. and c. water; loomed House, stable, barn, and shed; very 'cheap. Exceptionally easy terms. low price; well worth inspection. 3-172. About ISO ACRES, within 11 milos of • . — Duncdin, good House, stable, barn, _„ _„ dairy, byre, etc.; convenient to railway, - Wjischool, anil dairy. Cards to view froth us. Fnrnished (Leilh street), Six ROOMS; all » nrv t>iirn-\ToT>nTTT>j.TTi t-,.«i« Trnrre-p conveniences; garden, etc.; use of linen. ™V^S°S^A* 0 S To.let for to! months; to good tenant, laid on; grand view; large orchard; ,"^?'„; „., ,„ , grounds beautifully laid out and planted; SIX ROOMS, City road, Roslyn; all conveni--1 acre; a nice residence for a business ences i rent > 16a ' man. Very cheap. Six BOOHS, City, on hill; every convenience. 3-240. Good Country- BUSINESS (bookseller, ST - CLAIR.-Two HOUSES, 8 and G rooms; stationer, etc.. combined) in go-ahead rout, 20s and 15s Od. country town. Full particulars from us. HIGH STREET.-Eight-roomed HOUSE; 5-320. MUSSELBURGH.I-A very nice 4- suit medical.- man; every convenience . roomed COTTAGE, with scullery and mm S° SS ' 1(!t , CTriTT „ washhoqse (fixed copper and tubs), fowl CITY.-Six-roomed HOUSE; washhouse (fixed run, etc.; large section; £375. CO PP« r """I tubs), scullery, bathroom, etc.; 3-287. OAMARU.-For Sale, Charming RESI- 17s r we *' „„„„„„ ~ , DBNCE of 9 rooms, stable, buggy house, MAITLAND STREET-Furnishedll Rooms, chaff and harness room, cow byre, etc.; lu : tchen < bath, pantnes; h. and c. water; orchard; 9 acres land; 1J miles from Post telephone; garden, etc. Office; a bargain. Furnished HOUSE, in Lees street, of 7 rooms, 3-293. KEW.—FIVE ROOMS and all conveni- to Let from end of January for about 12 ences; J-acre; delightful view; must sell. months. 3-270. GLENOIuaRU DISTRICT.-247 acres MORNINGTON.-6 ROOMS, in James place. heavily timbered; about 30 acres cleared, chea P «nt; near tram tomnnus. burned, and sown to grass; 2-roomed w.E. FAIiM to LEASE, at RiversdaJo, 3H acres; Cottage, and a-lso shed 10 x 8. £30. 3-286. CLINTON.—I 6 Acres Splendid LAND, FACTORY.—Four Rooms, suitable for facwell fenced; £175; also good sledge hut, £8. ' or y> will be altered to suit tenant. 3-301. SUNNYDALE.-A-Number of Splendid DUNEDIN.—Several Central OFFICES.. SECTIONS for immediate Sale. OTOKIA STORE and DWELLING. J U ' O T T & . w Vi . (Established 1888), 40 DOWMNG STREET, DUNEDIN HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, SHAREBROKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. ■?°?i E ' busine SS now under the Supervision and Management of Mr LEONARD HAGGITT Clients and Patrons will find Mr Haggitt Up-to-date in all matters connected with the Business. CITY (North End).-Six-rooined HOUSE; bathroom (hot and cold water); conveniences; ground, 30ft by 96ft; faithfully built. CITY (Dundas strcct).-Six-roomed HOUSE; bathroom, washhouse, etc.; a very cheap proUflrtv. jlaggan street; £315).—Five-roomed HOUS I. CITY (Dundas strect).-Six-roomed HOUSE and THREE SECTIONS, freehold; good inMUSSELBURGH (High street; £5G5).-Six-roomed HOUSE; bathroom, washhouse, tubs, and copper; fruit and flower garden; great bargain MUSSELBUBGH -(Eskvalo' street; f576).-Sfeioomcd HOUSE, now; bathroom (hot and cold water), washhouso (tubs and copper) ; largo section; an Heal property. ANDERSON'S BAY (£178).-Choice BUILDING SECTION; all ready to build on; above road level; woll filled in. • . ANDERSON'S BAY.-Eight-roomed Piaßtcred HOUSE, newly built; modern conveniences; full J-acro section; only £250 cash required; balance easy terms, lengthy period CAVERSHAM (Sydney street).—£lls Purchases Two 4-roomed HOUSES; woll let; over J-acrc; early application necessary. SOSIvEsTGTON (£120).-Good, Up-to-date LAUNDRY BUSINESS; splencjid chance energetic person. ABBOTSFORD.-Sevcn-roonicd HOUSE; 71 Acres Land; stable, coachhouse, cowbyre; vinery, tomato houses; five minutes from Railway Station. rE " E M TRAMS JB R 0 S., TEI S ONE . HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. JOEL'S BUILDINGS, CRAWFORD STREET, Proparty RepresentaUve: Mr GERALD Fl MIRAMS. PROPERTIES FOE SALE. ClTY.—Eight-roomed Two-storeyed HOUSE (new); bathroom, hot and cold water right through tho place, tiled hearths and grates, electric bells, etc.; a modern house; very central. OTAGO CENTRAL-FARM, about 000 acres, sheep-grazing country; mostly fenced and subdivided; fi miles of wiro netting; will carry 1000 sheep; C 5 acres crop aud large orchard; 4-toomed House; splendid water supply, etc. Full particulars on application. RAVENSBOURNE.-Four-roomcd Brick HOUSE; scullery, copper boiler, etc.; section G6 x 132; near town hall. Trice, £250. ST. DAVID STREET.-Six-roomed HOUSE; bath, washhouse; nice section, and splendid view. Price, £450. CARISBROOK.—Six-roomed Modern HOUSE; h. and c. water; tubs built-in, etc.; about J-acre section; corporation leasehold; rent, £4 per annum. Price, £525. SOUTH DUNEDIN.-Six-roomed HOUSE (nearly new); bathroom, and all conveniences; asphalt paths; nice section. Price, £550. OTAGO CENTRAL.-First-class DISPENSARY and CHEMIST'S TRADE, together with a Newsvendor's and Bookselling Business; large Shop and 8-rooined House attached; stock valued at £200; a good opening. Price, £300 for the whole concern. AJMfiiKSON'S BAY.—Splendid Building SITE excavated ready for building; fenced, and large brick woll sunk. Price, £130. TO LET (Queen street).—Scvcn-roomcd HOUSE; hoi and cold water and all conveniences; 21s per week. ■ : CLIENTS CAN OBTAIN FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IF REQUIRED. Otago Representatives for Baldwin and R»yward, Patent Agonts. D. M. E E ' A & C 0., AUCTIONEERS, LAND, ESTATE, AND COMMISSION AGENTS, VALUATORS, Eto, 28 RATTRAY STREET, DUNEDIN. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. Thirteen-roomed RESIDENCE, with three-quarters of an acre of ground; beautiful situation; close to city and electric tram; plantation, orchard, garden, stablo. An ideal Gentleman's Residence. • Also, New and Up-to-date 5-roomed RESIDENCE; box windows, verandah round two sides; Jarge and well-lighted rooms, wide hall running right through house, register grate in even' room, Shacklock range in kitchen, built-in cupboards; scullery (with benches and Bhelvcs and water laid on over sink), washhoufie(built-in tubs, copper, and bath; water laid on to each), large porch, 1500-gallon brick and cement cistern, c —"-~ '—" ' n lighted workshop (with stout bench and shelves), large eel , t large rooms if required); }-acre Section, with fruit tree« and vegetable garden; lays well to the sun all day long; splendid view; sheltered side by lnrge macrocarpa, nedge; just off the flat and overlooking and within five minutes of Bumside Rnihvoy Station. For considerations, terms, and further particulars apply D. M. FEA & CO., RATTRAY STREET. N. PATERS OS, ■%. S. P A T £ STAFFORD OHAUBIOUS,' 73-PniNCES-StnEEr, S- S. PATERSON, >. Fisancb4qsiit <i aniJ'lrtND $ Broker, KEER. M'ttllNCES-StnEEr, Q +A • LAND AND -FIUMCE AGENTS, LICENSED SURVEYORS, Jj Have FOR PROPERTIES:- j CITY (with choice situstionj.-lsxccplioaally well-built Two-aiorey RESIDENCE of 8 rooms; bay windows and porticos; with every possiblo up-to-date convcnicnco; gas, connected with sewer, etc.; concrete base and slate roof, asphalt paths; fruit and flower garden; workshop; large section. For private sale. Cards to view on application. CITY (North End, on rise).—Superior RESIDENCE of 8 rooms; bathroom, scullery, h. and c. water throughout; washhouse (copper and tubs built in); nice freehold section; with two entrances, and commanding a fine view. ss DWELLING, in perfect order, of 5 rooms; bathrc r and tubs; asphalt paths; a good Properly; £450. CRT (Hanover street).—Good HOUSE of 4 rooms; scnllery, waehhouse, copper and tubs; large section; garden; asphalt paths, £-130. ROSfcYN (Bellevue street).—Clioice VILLA of 7 rooms; two bay windows and portico front; h. and c. water to bath, shower, basin, and sink. A really good aud almost new House; nice sunny section, and handy to car. Price, £725. BELLEKNOWES (Roslyn end).-Six-roomed HOUSE, with bathroom and other conveniences; three bay windows; full i-acre section; garden and live hedges. This is a comfortable, sunny, well sheltered home, and decidedly cheap at the price, £520, ROSLYN.—New and Attractive HOUSE of 7 rooms; very well finished and everything up to date; large section; sunny, and fine view; £1050. FARM.—Very Rich Dairy Farm, Palmerston District; nearly 200 acres, all in tip-top order; good buildings; clqso to school and creamery. Full particulars on application. FARM (Waiwera).—9oo acres, adjoining railway; good buildings; price, only £6 per acre. A real good investment, as prices here will rise. MAORI HILL (in best parts).-Sonio Splendid BUILDING SITES at low prices. ■■ ST. IffliDA.-Well-bui!t 5-roomcd DWELLING; scullery,, bath, and other conveniences; 2 sections; laid out in garden; good value; £380. We havo several Superior Suburban and City PROPERTIES ranging from £6000 downwards. Particulars supplied on personal application only. TO LET. - Arthur street—Seven Rooms, modem; 23s 6d. George street—Two Rooms, suit dressmakers. Roslyn—Seven Rooms, modern; 255. Kaikorai—i Superior Five Rooms; 15s. City—Furnished Residence, 8 rooms. . ■ JOHN TOICUS k CO., LAND, ESTATE, INSURANCE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. 5 and 6 Exchange Court, 96 Princes street. - FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. SECTIONS in the Township of Clifton. This is one of the sunniest townships in tho ■ neighbourhood of Dunedin, and commands ». lovely view of the harbour and NorthEast Valley. Abo, SECTIONS in tho Township of St. James's Park, North-East Valley. Sunny aspect, dose to school and Presbyterian Church: Easy terms can be arranged. For SALE, Superior 5-roomea HOUSE; scullery and pantry; h.p. boiler; electric bells and gas; large worashop, with fireplace, and lighted with gas; close to Government "Workshops. TO LET. Five-roomed HOUSE, St. Clair, near Baths. ALBERT STREET.—Six-roomed HOUSE; bath '(hot water). That Desirable RESIDENCE, Cliffs road, St. Clair, bow occupied by P. Kahlenberg, Esq., close to Baths. Ten-roomed HOUSE, facing Town Belt, Roslyn. OTAGO DAILY TIMES AND WITNESS JOB PRINTING DEPARTiIENT."Job Printing of every description done with Despatch and at. the Lowest Current Kates. CRICKET Boots, Boating Shoes, Running . Shoes, Tennis Shoes; prices right,—Visit Simon Brothers, George street. llf ■ O N-E Y. ■■ „ T O LEND W- In any Sums, on Freehold Securities, MONDY, SIM, & STEPHENS, f Solicitors, 323 Prinws street. If 0 H E Y TO LEND. The DUNEDIN SAVINGS BANK «• prepared to LEND MONEY on Freehold Sccnrily at Lows-' " ' ■"-*— FRED. SMITH, 15n Manager. npHE PERPETUAL' TRUSTEES, ESTATE, i. i AND AGENCJ COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED) hos MONEY to LEND on Freehold Security At Current Rates. WALTER HISLOP, Manager. On FREEHOLD SECURITY ■ At Lowest Current Rites, with Easy Terms .. ■■■ . of Repayment.. SIEVWRIGHT & JAMES, Solicitors. 14 High street. 7ju mBU.ST MONET TO LEND JL On : Freehold Security or Municipal Debentures at Current Rates. Tho TRUSTEES, EXECUTORS, & AGENfcY COMPANY OF N.Z. (LTD), Corner iWater street and Bond street 250 W, LAURENCE SIMPSON, Manager; If A lowest current rates of iflterest.—ADAMS BEOS;, Boticitozfl, Exchwge Court,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13207, 14 February 1905, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13207, 14 February 1905, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13207, 14 February 1905, Page 8