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Officials'.—President, Mr S. Jacobs; superintendent/' Mr A. De?; referee, Dr Roberts. Judges: Running —Dr Stanleyßatohelor,: Messrs 11. Macintosh, A. Courtis, and R. J. Korrin; walking—Mr Ji B. Halt; field events— Mwns P. S. K. Macasscy, A. G. Melville, and J. J, Kingston. Standard judges and .timekeepers—Messrs P. : Brf.dy'and W. Bennett; timekeepers—Messrs ',F. J.' Towusend,, tW. Mtisker, and J. Nelson; liandicapper and •'starter, Mr W. M'Dnnald; cycling hsndicapper, Mr S. D. Minn; telegraph board—Messrs IS. J.' Jackson, 13. Y. Gibb, and R. W. Brickell ; laptakers, Messrs E. Anderson and G. M'Millan; marksman, MrH. Macintosh; derks of course' —Messrs G. Nelson, V. S. Jacobs, and Maclean; press steward, Mr A. Marryatt; hon. secrets-rv, Mr A. Hoare; assistant hon. secretary, Mr W. L, M'Ciirdy. " j , Tho weather for the Dunedin Amateur Athletic Club's twertieth annual meeting, held ,at the Caledonian Ground on Saturday afternoon was perfect from a spectator's point of view, though a fresh north-easterly breeze was no doubt 'detrimental to the establishing of very fast times in some, of the events. Tho fino weather, however, did not attract a great ooncourse to the meeting, the-attendance being from 1500 to 2000 at most. Those present witnessed a capital afternoon's racing and some fine finishes were seen, especially in tho running events, the handicapping in these being exceedingly well judged. In tho principal race of the day, the 220 yds Championship of .Otago and Southland,• Hartland of Christchurcii and Fraser of North Otago divided the honours after a great race, and other visiting runners —Gunn of Timaru'-and Dimsey of Ashburton—acquitted themselves with' more than credit for the events for which they were entered. In tho Mile Flat Handicap G. Burl; put up a fine performance, beating standard time, and Gunn also ran a fine race in this event. Burl: earned a very hearty round of applause for achieving what looked like an impossible task in the last lap. The cycling events wero interesting, rendered the more so by the presence of the Arust Brothers. Everything considered, the meeting may be said to have been a highly successful one. and the officials concerned, who all worked hard to that, end, deserve oredit for excellent management. Betting, one is informed, was the "reason whj' two or tlire clamorous individuals found themselves ordered off the ground. Punctuality was an order of the day, and the long programme of events was through shortly after 5 o'clock. Mr Marryatt. Ihe press steward, was an official of indispensable value in that capacity. The Mornington Brass Band played enjoyable selection during | the afternoon:— Results of the racing are as follotra:— 120 YARDS PUT MAIDEN. Prizes: Trophies, fl 5s and 10s. First two in heats to start, in final. Standard, 12 4-ssec. First heat: M. M'Lennan 1. 11. Paton 2 Also competed: J. M'Kewen, V. r . Willett and 0. W. Brown. M'Kewen led for halt the distance nearly, when M'Lennan drew ahead, and Paton came in m easv second, about "ft behind the winner. Time, 14 l-sscc. ' Second heat: H. M'Leod ]. D. Bauchop 2 Also started: IT. Thomson, C. Brsgg, and J. JPCrackcn. Bauchop led well at the start, but M'Leod ran very strongly, and won without difficulty by a couple of yards. Time. 14 2-sscc,' Final. H. M'Leod . i H. Paton \\ 2 M. M'Lchnan ;. 3 Also started: D. Bauchop. M'Lennan ran well into the lead from tho start, hut was caught by Jl'Lecd at the half distance, Paton then also coming to the front, M'Leod won fairly easily by over a yard, Paton and M'Lennan finishing very closely together. Time 14 l-ssec. ' 100 YABDS FLAT HANDICAP. Prizes: Trophies value £2 and £1. Standard, 10 2-ssec. First heat: ,T. T. Hamomi, \yd. 1; J. M'Kewen, 7yds, 2. Also started: A'Hoarc scr, W. Rndkin 4yds, 13.- A. Shand 7vds, J. M Cracken 7,', yds. M'Kewen led most of the way, when Hammond came to the front with a fine dash and won by a little over a yard, Hoaro being beaten by M'Kewen for second place. Time, 11 l-ssec. Second Ileal: J. W. Price, 7vds, 1; P H Hartland, scr, 2. Also started:" A. C. Paiiner lyd, J. Jlooney 2Jvds, H. M'Leod 41yds, iuid It. Leslie 7). yds. Won by a couple of yards after a capital race. Time, llsec. Third heat: AV. J. O'Knne, syd, 1- H M'Lennan, SJyds, 2. Also competed: G. Nicolson lyd. H. M'Corfcindale 3yds, W. T. Parata GJyds, D. M'Farlano 7}yds, and D. Bauchop '6yds. Won by a yard' and a-half after a good race. Time, 11 l-sscc. Final. P. H. Ifnrtland, scr i J. W. Price, 7vds o J. T. Hamann, lyd 3 Also competed: J. M'Kewen 7vds, W. J. O'Kane lyd. and M. M'Lennan siyd's. With a liberal handicap Price appeared to have things all his own way, and had a good lead till near tile finish, when Hartland, the Canterbury champion, camo away witb a splendid sprint' arcd beat him on the tape by a foot, Hamann being third, about two yards away. Time 10 4-ssec. ' ONE-MILE WALK HANDICAP. PrizeTrophy valued at £1 10s. Standard, 7min 7sec. R. E. Brown, scr .. ~ ~ %1 j F. B. Morrison, 95yds 2 Also started: A. E. Rowlands 125 yds and H, E. Webb 150 yds. Brown caught his field in tfco second lap, and on entering the last lap Rowlands was leading, with Brown next and the others close behind. Brown shot ahoad oil entering the back stretch, and took a lead of 20 yards, eventually winning easily by nearly that distance. Rowlands and Morrison had a good race for second place, in which the pace proved too hot for the former, and he dropped out, as did Webb. Time, 7min 32sec. ONErMTLE BICYCLE HANDICAP. Prizes£4 10s, fl 10s, and £1. J. Cameron, 130 yds „ i J. Arnst, 10yds M o H. Christie, 100 yds 3 Also started: B, Arnst scr, A. P. Fleming 100 yds, T. B. Christie 120ydB, W. Dowio 150 yds J. H, Kcid 170 yds, E. Schiender 180 yds, H. G. Chnstio 180 yds. Beid led into the third lap, half round which the Arnsts had caught the rearmost men of the field. Several of the starters dropped out when the last lap was entered on, Cameron here holding a good lead from the second man, which lie increased, eventually winning easily by about 20 yards, J. Arnst just beating Christie for second place by half a wheel. Time, 2min 13 4-ssec. ONE-MILE. FLAT HANDICAP. PrizesTrophic 3 valued at £2 and fl. Standard, 4min 3Gsec. H. G-. Eurk, scr i G. M. Gunn, 70yds ~ 2 A. Melville, 55yds 3 Also started: H. Murray 40yds, T. Harrison 55yds, H. Leyden 80yds, P. Romeril . P ™ Mace US ? I,S . H. Thomson 115 yds, A. Thomson lloyds, T. Smith 135 yds, F. M. Reid • 145 yds, D. Melvrlle 70yds. Mace led into tho third lap, with n. Thomson and Smith close up, and the reßt of the field together about 20 yards behind, and Burlc about the same distance behind again. A. Melville led info the kst lap. with Mace and. Thomson, Burk being still well in the rear, and apparently with little chance of overtaking his men. Thomson and Melville raccd round together, and well ahead in the last lap, and Bnrk sprinting finely, caught the leaders on trirning into the straight, and assumed the lead, being challenged, however, here by Gunn, and a gTeat race ensued to the finish, in which the I Timaru man was beaten by about a foot. Melville finished about 15 yards away, third.

Burk's fine performance was loudly applauded, and he-beat the standard time. Time, 4min 35 2-ssec, . ; - , ■ - 220 YARDS: : FLAT'HANDICAP. Prizes: ' Trophies, rained, at' £2 and '£1. Standard, 23 3-sscc,. . '). . . First heat:: J. M'Cracken, 14yds, 1; H. . It'Corkindile,. Oytti, ' 2.'; Also started- H. •! M'Leid'.Syds, M. M'Lennan 10yds, and G. W. Brown 13yds. Won by a couple.'cf feet; the others ail very close together: Tima. 25 l-Ssec. . Second heat: .J. jW. Price, 12yds, 1; T. Milroy, svds, 2. Alsof started: J. --T. Hamann W. Radkin 9yds, . and ' R. Leslie 16yds. Won by a couple of yards, after a very good racc. Time, 24 2-ssec. Third heat: D. Bauchop, 14yds, 1;' A. C. Palmer, 3yds, 2. Also started: J. Mooney syds, T. Paterson 12yds, H. BV.Titehener 12yds, and E. B. Fraser scratch.' .Won by about a yard,' the rest being.weil up. IWer. the limit lffitn, could not get' through the others on Hearing the finish or he would probably have secured a place. Time, 25 2-ssec. - . , Final Heat. J. W. Price, 12yds .. ~ .. .. 1 T* Milroy, sy<U ' •• 2 H. M'Corkindale, Gyds 3 All qualified started. Price never lost the lead, and, though losing ground at tho finish, won a capital rzee by a couple of feet; tho second and third men being very close together. yirne, 24 4-ssec. TWO-MILE BICYCLE HANDICAP. Prizes: £3, £1 10s, and £1. J. Arnst, 20yds 1 R. Arnst, scratch 2 " J, .Cameron, 220 yds 3 Also started: A. P. Fleming IGOyds, H. Christie 170 yds, T. B. Christie 210 yds, W. Dowie 230 yds, J. H. Raid 310 yds, G. Schneider 320 yds, and H. G.-'Christie 330 yds. Reid early assumed the lead, and held it for a considerable time, and with four laps traversed the Arnstß had overtaken the bulk of the field. With three laps to go Cameron assumed the lead with Reid close behind, and /the Arnsts a. few yards behind him. The race from this on developed info a contest between these four, the others all dropping out. Cameron led into the last lap, followed ctosely by 11. Arnst, J. Arnst, and Reid in tlmt ; order. Half way round R. Arnst took the lead, and after a gocd race to the finish between 'he three placed men J. Arnst won by a wheel from R. Arnst, with Cameron a good third. Reid rode a plucky race, but retired in the last 50 yards. Time, 4nnn 59 2-ssee, HIGH JUMP. Prizes: Trophies, valued at £1 and 10s. Standard, sft sin. J. IPLachlan (scr), sft Sin .. .. 1 M. M'Lennan (lin), sft Jin .. .. 2 A. Halligan (lin), 4ft lOin .. .. 3 Also competed: W. H. Patrick lin, 11. E. Webb 2in, and-W. T. Parata 3in. 220 YARDS CHAMPIONSHIP OF OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND. First prize, gold medal; second prize, gold' medal. D.A.A.C. standard, 23 3-osec. Otago Centre standard, 23sec.i First heat: A. Hoare (D.A.A.C) 1, E. B. Fraser (North Otago C.C.C.) 2. Also started: G. Nicholson (D.A.A.C.). Won easily by five yavds. Time, 25 2-osec. Second heat: p. H, Ilartland (Pioneer A.A. and C. (T.ub) 1, W. J. O'Kane (DA.A.C. and University) 2. Also started: J. T. Hamann (D.A.A.C.). A great race from the starting post to the tape. The men swept away together, a,nd a blanket could have covered all three at tho tape. O'Kane and Hartland fought'out a, great finish, the Christ-church rcpresenative gainiug the verdict by bare inches. Time 25scc, Final. Hartland, Canterbury t Fraser, Oamaru t Hoare, Otago 3 Also started: O'Kano (Otago), Harlhuid nad . the good fortune to draw the inside Tunning, -with Fraser lying next, and O'Kane and Hoare on the outside. The men were chaffing at their marks, and Hartland, in his anxiety to get away, broke before the pistol fire, and was put back a yard byway of penalty. Hoare got the worst of a good start. Fraser was the first- to show out, and led nearly all the way, with Hartland close to his side. About 40 yards from home Hartland drew levol with the Oamaru representative, and a determinedly fought- raco saw the two men fall over the tape together in a, dead heat. Hoare was coming through at the finish, but he could lioli make up the ground lost a.t. tlstart, and finished two yards away. Time, 25sec. 120 YARDS HURDLES HANDICAP. Over 10 flights, 3ft Gin high. Prizes: Trophies, value £2 and £1. Standard, 17sec. First heat. M'Namee, scr, 1; O'Kane lOvds behind scratch, 2. Also started: A. Halligaa 4yds behind and W. T. Parata 2yds behind. Won bv two yards. Time, 21scc, Second heat: J. M'Laohlan, 2yds behind scratch. 1; R. ,T. Danaey/Oyds behind sera boh, 2. Al6o started, M. M'Lennan. Won by five yards. Time, 20sec. Final. Dans.ey, 9yds behind 1 J. 2yds behind ~ ~ 2 Al! qualified started. From a good start M'Lachian showed tho way, with Dansey in close pursuit. M'Xamee, who was in the rear, dropped out at the'fifth hurdle, leaving the raco to be fought out between M'Lachian and Danscy. When three-parts of tho distance had been covered Danscy was a good deal behind his opponent. M'L-achlan appeared to have the wee won when ho clouted tho ninth hurdle, bringing it down. This threw him out of his stride, and Dansey. going through, won by about three yards. Time, 20sec. MLF-MILE WALK. Prize: Trophy, value £1 10s. Standard, 3min 30scc. T. B. Morrison, 50yds 1 R. J3. Brown, scr " 2 A. E. Rowlands, Gsyds 3 Also started: P. itomeril 65vds. The scratch, man caught his field in tho first round and led well into (be straight, where Morrison challenged him, and just beat Brown on the tape; third man 10 yards away. Time, 3min 25sec. Brown, off scratch, must have got inside the standard, for ho was beaten by bare inchos only, . TWO-MILE FLAT HANDICAP. Prizes: Trophies, value £2 103 and £1 ss, Standard, lOmin. 11. Thompson, 235 yds 1 F. Mace, 205 yds 2 A. E. Bonnin, 390 yds 3 Also started: H. G. Burlt scr, H, Murray G3yds, A. Melville 05yds, T. Harrison 95yds, M. Dawson 150 yds, For the first wile the competitors ran in tho order of their handicaps, with Thompson running nicely in tho lead. Burk ran determinedly, but his efforts in the half and the mile had taken too much out of him, and at the sixth lap he dropped out. Mace afld Thompson led alternately a few yards ahead of Bonnin, with tho rest of the field' tailing behind in Indian file. When the bell rang for the last lap Mace led Thompson by a couple of yards, with Bonnin a few yards in the iear, behind whom again was Dawson and Murray in that order. Going round the bottom turn Thompson sprinted, and, passing Mace in the straight, won % 10 yards; with ißonnin, 12 yards away, third. Time, lOmin ISscc. 440 YARDS LADIES' BRACELET. Standard, 53sec. R. J. Dansey, 13yds .. .. ~ ~ 1 T. Patcrson, 22yds 2 W. Rudkin, 10yds .. 3 Also started: Leslie 25yds, A. Campbell 17yds, W. Patrick 13yds, J. Jlooney 12yds J. T. Hamann Byds, C. Bragg 25yds, H. Paton 19yds, 11. M'Leod 18yds, G. Nicolson 13yds, T. Milroy 11yds, A. Hoare scr, and E. B. Fraser scr. From a capital start the big field broke away in the order of their handicaps. Leslie, the limit man, lead to the top turn, where Paterson came to the front, and, increasing the gap, was three yards ahead of a bunched field, which the back-markers could not get through. Paterson was still leading when the straight was reached, but about 40 yards from home Dansey moved up alongside, and a determined race home between tho pair saw the Ashburton representative clip tfie tape by bare inches from the University man; Rudkin was a good third. Time, 54sec. LONG JUMP. Prizes: Trophies, value £1 ■ and 10s. Standard. 20ft Gin. H. F. Titchener (2ft), 20ft 3Jin .. 1 A. C. Palmer (scr), 20ft 3in\. .. 2 E. A: Shand (2ft Gin). 20ft OJin .. 3 Also competed: A. Halligon Ift, ,T. M'Lachian Ift 6in, D. M'Farlane lit Gin, W. T. Parata 2ft, R. J. Dansey scr, M'Namee 2ft 6in. Palmer's jump of 20ft 3in off scratch is a good performance. \ PUTTING THE IGlb SHOT (Handicap). Prize: Trophy, value £1. Standard, 37ft. D. H'Farlane (scr), 35ft 7;in .. ~ 1 J. Casey (scr), 34ft 9>.in " 2 H. E. Webb (3ft 6in), _ 32 lOjin .. 3 Also competed: J. M'Lachian 2ft and H. Paton 3ft. The puts of M'Farlane and: Casey off scratch are very fine performances. 1 220 YARDS .FLAT HANDICAP (Duuedin \/ Amateur Boating Club). Prizes: Trophies, valued £1 5s and 10s. A. Rice, 11yds ~ ~ 1 D. Gollan, Gyds .. ~ „ ~ 2 H. Paton, scr: ~ .. 3 Also started: ; R. Thomson, J. Wilson, J. \V. Shankland. L. Prideaux, W. Trewern, A. Walmslej-, and J. O'Sullivnn. Won by a yard after a good race. Time, 2G 2-ssec. TEAMS' RELAY RACE, One mile. Teams of four men, each to run one lap. Prizes: Medals. Civil. Service Amateur Athletic Club (Titchener, Brown, Campbell, and Paratft), 60yds .. .. J1 University Team (O'Kane; Patrick, Palmer, and Milroy), scr 2 Also competed: Duncdin Amateur Athletic Club (Hoare, Hamann, Mooney, and AT Corkin dale) scr, Port Chalmers .Football Club (Walker, Kelly, Moody, and Bauchop)' 95yds, and Duiedin Amatenr Boating Club (Gollan, Rice, Trewem, and' 'Wilson) 100 yds." A good raoe for the finish'was seen between Parata and Palmer,bnt the former was never caught, aud finished with some yards to spare. Time, 3min 22sec. . . . 220 YARDS: SCHOOLS' RAOE. Prizes: Medals,—D. Burke 1, A. Switalli 2. There were no'other starters! ■ OFFICIALS' RAOE, 100 yards.-A. Dey and R. EjnseU dead hgit for.first plgse,.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13206, 13 February 1905, Page 3

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D.A.A.C. SPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13206, 13 February 1905, Page 3

D.A.A.C. SPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13206, 13 February 1905, Page 3